Exemple #1
    def pre_start(self, executable, env, args, cwd, resolve):
        executable, env, new_args, cwd = super(TankCommandDelegate, self).pre_start(executable, env, args, cwd, resolve)
        # and the second argument must be the tank install root ... lets make it happy
        if len(new_args) > 2 and not os.path.isabs(new_args[1]):
            install_root = Path(new_args[0]).dirname().dirname().dirname()
            assert install_root.basename() == 'install', "Expected first argument '%s' to be tank_cmd.py right in the install root" % new_args[0]
            new_args.insert(1, install_root.dirname())
        # end handle install root

        last_arg = new_args[-1]
        if not last_arg.startswith(self.tank_pc_arg):
            # we assume to be in the right spot, but a check can't hurt until
            # we are able to do more ourselves
            actual_executable = self._actual_executable()
            base = actual_executable.dirname()
            assert (base / 'tank').exists(), "Currently '%s' must be right next to the 'tank' executable" % executable
            new_args.append(str(self.tank_pc_arg + base))
        # end setup context

        # Process Arguments ##
        if len(new_args) > 6 and new_args[3].startswith(self.launch_prefix):
            # now we could go crazy and try to find asset paths in order to provide context to bprocess
            # We could also use the shotgun context in some way, to feed data to our own asset management
            # However, for now using the project itself should just be fine, but this is certainly 
            # to be improved

            # Additinally, what we really want is to start any supported program, and enforce tank support by
            # fixing up delegates. For that, we will create a new process controller, which uses our Application 
            # instance, and the delegate that it defined so far.
            # However, we are currently unable to truly provide the information we have to a new process controller, 
            # unless it's communicated via the context.

            # It should be one of ours (e.g. TankEngineDelegate derivative) if there is tank support, which 
            # requires proper configuration.
            # For that to work, we will override the entire start procedure, as in pre-start we can't and should not
            # swap in the entire delegate
            def set_overrides(schema, value):
                value.host_app_name = new_args[3][len(self.launch_prefix):]
                value.entity_type = new_args[4]
                value.entity_id = int(new_args[5])
            # end overrides setter

            # This call will also push the context onto the stack, nothing more to be done here
        #end handle particular command mode

        return (executable, env, new_args, cwd)
Exemple #2
class RsyncOperation(Operation):

    """An operation which allows to safely copy a source file or directory to a
    given destination file or directory.
    The location of the rsync-program is currently taken assumed.
    @note only works on linux (even though theoretically, rsync might exist on windows"""

    __slots__ = ("_source_path",

    # -------------------------
    # @name Constants
    # @{

    NUM_FILES = "Number of files transferred: "
    TRANSFERRED_BYTES = "Total file size: "

    # -- End Constants -- @}

    # -------------------------
    # @name Configuration
    # @{

    name = "rsync"
    description = "Synchronize directory structures or copy files"

    re_is_path = re.compile(r"^/?[\w\-]+(?:/[\w\-\.]+)*$")
    re_progress = re.compile(r"(?P<bytes>\d+)\s+(?P<percent>\d+)%\s+(?P<bandwidth>\d+\.\d+\w+/\w)\s+.*")

    rsync_path = "/usr/bin/rsync"
    rm_path = "/bin/rm"

    # -- End Configuration -- @}

    def __init__(self, transaction, source, destination, move=False, max_bandwidth_kb=0):
        """initialize an rsync operation with a source and destination path.
        If move is True, the source will be deleted after a successful rsync operation.
        An operation is successful if there were no error lines in stderr of the process, and if
        If the maximum bandwidth is greater 0, the rsync operation will be using no more than the given
        bandwidth in kilobytes.
        the return code was 0."""
        super(RsyncOperation, self).__init__(transaction)

        if os.name != "posix":
            raise AssertionError("This module only works on posix systems")
        # END handle posix

        self._source_path = Path(source).expandvars()
        self._destination_path = self._actual_destination_path = Path(destination).expandvars()
        self._destination_existed = self._destination_path.exists()
        # rsync creates at max one parent directory if it does not exist. It will alays put
        # directories into other directories, unless you specify a / in the end of source.
        # In case of files, it will always put them into existing directories, or rename them to the given
        # name
        if ((self._source_path.isdir() and not self._source_path.tolinuxpath().endswith('/')) or
                (self._source_path.isfile() and not self._destination_existed or self._destination_path.isdir())):
            self._actual_destination_path = self._destination_path / self._source_path.basename() + "/"
            # / as we have to assure it copies the contents of the directory in case of undo
        # END assure destination
        self._actual_destination_existed = self._actual_destination_path.exists()
        self._move_mode = move
        self._max_bandwidth_kb = max_bandwidth_kb

        self._current_path = None
        self._total_num_files_transferred = 0
        self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._process = None

    def _reset_current_state(self):
        """Reset the current values that will be counted in the following invokation"""
        self._start_time = 0
        self._num_files_transferred = 0
        self._transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._seen_progress_for_current_file = False
        self._current_bandwidth = None
        self._last_time_left_s = None

    def _set_current_file(self, path):
        """set the path of the file being currently transferred, adjust state"""
        # if there is progress for the previous file, we count it
        # This will make us miss the last file, but its okay ...
        if self._seen_progress_for_current_file:
            self._num_files_transferred += 1
            self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes += self._transferred_filesize_bytes

            self._transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
            self._seen_progress_for_current_file = False
        # END handle count
        self._current_path = path

    def _handle_progress_match(self, match):
        """Check the match regex and adjust our state"""
        self._current_bandwidth = match.group("bandwidth")
        self._transferred_filesize_bytes = int(match.group("bytes"))

    def _update_progress(self, gather_mode=False):
        """Use our state to produce a progresss
        @param gather_mode in gather mode, we will just present a count up"""
        self._seen_progress_for_current_file = True
        prog = self._progress()

        if gather_mode:
            prog.set(self._num_files_transferred, message="Gathering Files ... %i" % self._num_files_transferred)
            # remaining bytes
            remaining_mbytes = (
                self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes - self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes) / 1024 ** 2
            time_taken = max(1, time.time() - self._start_time)
            time_left_s = self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes / \
                max(1, (self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes / time_taken))

            # remaining time
            suffix = "second"
            divisor = 1
            if time_left_s >= 60.0:
                divisor = 60
                suffix = "minute"
            # END handle suffix
            if time_left_s > 1:
                suffix += "s"
            # END handle plural

            if self._last_time_left_s is not None:
                time_left_s = (time_left_s + self._last_time_left_s) / 2.0      # soften jumps a bit
            # END average values

            msg = "Transferring %s at %s - %i files left, done in about %i %s" % (
                self._current_path, self._current_bandwidth, self._total_num_files_transferred - self._num_files_transferred, int(time_left_s / divisor), suffix)
            prog.set(self._num_files_transferred, message=msg)
            self._last_time_left_s = time_left_s
        # END handle gather mode

    def _parse_output_line(self, line):
        """Parse a single line and adjust our state accordingly
        @return 1  == file, 2  == progress, 3 == stats, False otherwise"""
        # FILENAME
        line = line.strip()  # strip trailing newline
        if self.re_is_path.match(line) is not None:
            return 1
        # END check for path

        # PROGRESS
        # parse "    27131904  51%    2.44MB/s    0:00:10  "
        m = self.re_progress.match(line)
        if m:
            return 2
        # END handle progress

        # STATS
        if line.startswith(self.NUM_FILES):
            self._total_num_files_transferred = int(line[len(self.NUM_FILES):])
            return 3
        # END check file count

        if line.startswith(self.TRANSFERRED_BYTES):
            self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes = int(line[len(self.TRANSFERRED_BYTES):].split(" ")[0])
            return 3
        # END check transferred bytes
        return False

    def _force_removal(self, destination):
        """Forcefully delete given directory or file, linux only.
        @throws OSError"""
        self.log.info("about to remove directory at %s ... " % destination)
        rval = subprocess.call([self.rm_path, "-Rf", str(destination)])
        if rval != 0:
            raise OSError("Failed to remove file or directory that we managed to copy previously: %s" % destination)
        self.log.info("... done removing destination path")

    def _parse_output(self, gather_mode=False):
        """Parse the output of the rsync process and set the progress accordingly
        @param gather_mode if True, we will just hang onto the standard output, which 
            may speed up processing. This way, we only count the line actually
        @return error data, chunk-separated, lines are within the data accordingly"""
        empty_list = list()
        timeout = 0.1
        err_data = list()
        process = self._process

        # GATHER MODE
            if gather_mode:
                while True:
                    line = process.stdout.readline().decode()
                    if not line:
                        return err_data
                    if self._parse_output_line(line) == 1:
                    # END update progress only if we parsed something
                # END loop forever
                return err_data
            # END handle stderr

            # RUN MODE
            # Set stderr to non-blocking to allow simple reads
            fl = fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL)
            fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)

            while process.poll() is None:
                # stdout is in blocking mode, so we can read lines accordingly
                # try to read as many as possible
                # as long as there is someting
                while select([process.stdout.fileno()], empty_list, empty_list, timeout)[0]:
                    line = process.stdout.readline().decode()
                    if not line:
                # END handle standard output

                    # from stderr we expect not much output if at all, so poll it from time to time
                    err = process.stderr.read()
                    if err:
                    # END gather errors
                except IOError:
                    # it can happen that the process goes down in the process of reading stdout
                    # Therefore we fail to read - lets just try again in this case
                # END handle invalid reads

            # END while process is active
            # if we don't close the handles, process will stay around, even if the handle gets
            # deleted. Will never get used to that, call it a bug !!! Everytime I fall for this ...
            if process.stdout:
            if process.stderr:
        # END assure f*****g pipes are closed !!!

        return err_data

    # -------------------------
    # @name Interface Implementation
    # @{

    def apply(self):
            # assure that directories will have their content copied, to assure
            # the
            source = self._source_path
            def_args = ("-a", "--append", "--progress", self._source_path, self._destination_path)

            def proc(args, gather_mode=False):
                self.log.info(" ".join(args))
                return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=not gather_mode and subprocess.PIPE or None, shell=False)
            # END proc helper

            def handle_process(gather_mode=False):
                # PARSE OUTPUT
                    err_chunks = self._parse_output(gather_mode)
                    if self._current_path is not None:
                        self._set_current_file(None)    # trigger the last file to be registered
                    if self._process.poll() is None:
                    # END assure process is terminated
                # END if process is still running here, kill it, as we are likely to be in
                # an exceptional state (user aborted)

                if self._process.returncode != 0 or err_chunks:
                    raise OSError("rsync failed with error code: %i, error was \n%s" %
                                  (self._process.returncode, "".join(err_chunks)))
                # END handle error code
                self._process = None
            # END handle process

            # GATHER RUN
            # Gather information about the run to determine the required needs
            args = [self.rsync_path, "--dry-run", "--stats"]

            self._progress().setup(round_robin=True, relative=False)
            self.log.info("Calculating cost of operation ... ")
            self._process = proc(args, True)

            # destination doesn't necessarily exist, hence we try the parent path as well
            # prefer the actual destination, in case its a dir - the parent might already be
            # on another mount
            for item in [self._destination_path, self._destination_path.dirname()]:
                if not item.exists():
                # END handle missing items

                if not self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes:
                    self.log.info("Wouldn't do any work - skipping transfer operation")
                # end abort if nothing to do

                fs_info = os.statvfs(item)
                free_bytes_at_destination = fs_info.f_bsize * fs_info.f_bavail
                if self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes >= free_bytes_at_destination:
                    msg = "Insufficient disk space available at %s to copy %s - require %iMB, have %iMB" % (
                        item, self._source_path, self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes / 1024 ** 2, free_bytes_at_destination / 1024 ** 2)
                    raise OSError(msg)
                # END check free space
            # END for each item to try

            args = [self.rsync_path]
            if self._dry_run():
            # END handle dry-run
            if self._max_bandwidth_kb > 0:
                args.append("--bwlimit=%i" % self._max_bandwidth_kb)
            # END handle bandwidth limit

            # START PROCESS
            self.log.info("Starting %s" % (" ".join(args)))
            self._progress().setup(range=(0, self._total_num_files_transferred), relative=True)
            self._start_time = time.time()
            self._process = proc(args)

            if self._move_mode and not self._dry_run():
            # END handle movemode

            if self._process and self._process.poll() is not None:
                self.log.error("Terminating child forcefully")
                except OSError:
                self._process = None
            # END handle process
        # END assure process is killed on error

    def rollback(self):
        # without destination, we couldn't fix anything anyway
        if not self._destination_path.exists():

        # have to reproduce source from destination ?
        if not self._source_path.exists():
            if self._destination_existed:
                self.log.warn("Destination at %s existed - rollback might copy more data than expected" %
            # END info
            self.log.info("Restoring source from destination ...")

            t = Transaction(self.log, progress=self._progress())
            type(self)(t, self._actual_destination_path + "/", self._source_path)

            self.log.info("rolling back rsync from %s to %s", self._actual_destination_path, self._source_path)
            if not t.apply().succeeded():
                raise IOError(
                    "Expected copy operation to succeed - rollback failed, destination data exists at %s" % self._destination_path)
            # END apply sub-transaction
        # END source doesn't exist

        # finally remove destination if possible
        for destination, existed in ((self._actual_destination_path, self._actual_destination_existed),
                                     (self._destination_path, self._destination_existed)):
            if existed:
                    "Refusing deletion of destination during rollback as it existed before the rsync operation at %s" % destination)
            # END sanity check
        # END for each pair of possible paths

    # -- End Interface Implementation -- @}

    # -------------------------
    # @name Interface
    # @{

    def actual_destination(self):
        """:return: the destination that will actually receive the copy"""
        return self._actual_destination_path