Exemple #1
def CdfFromPH(alpha, A, x):
    Returns the cummulative distribution function of a
    continuous phase-type distribution.
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the phase-type
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transient generator matrix of the phase-type
    x : vector of doubles
        The cdf will be computed at these points
    cdf : column vector of doubles
        The values of the cdf at the corresponding "x" values

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckPHRepresentation(alpha, A):
        raise Exception("CdfFromPH: Input is not a valid PH representation!")

    return CdfFromME(alpha, A, x)
Exemple #2
def MomentsFromPH(alpha, A, K=0):
    Returns the first K moments of a continuous phase-type
    alpha : vector, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the phase-type
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transient generator matrix of the phase-type
    K : int, optional
        Number of moments to compute. If K=0, 2*M-1 moments
        are computed. The default value is K=0.
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision for checking the input.
        The default value is 1e-14.
    moms : row vector of doubles
        The vector of moments.

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckPHRepresentation(alpha, A):
        raise Exception(
            "MomentsFromPH: Input is not a valid PH representation!")

    return MomentsFromME(alpha, A, K)
Exemple #3
def PdfFromPH(alpha, A, x):
    Returns the probability density function of a continuous
    phase-type distribution.
    alpha : vector, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the phase-type
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transient generator matrix of the phase-type
    x : vector of doubles
        The density function will be computed at these points
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input ME 
        distribution is valid. The default value is 1e-14.
    pdf : column vector of doubles
        The values of the density function at the 
        corresponding "x" values

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckPHRepresentation(alpha, A):
        raise Exception("PdfFromPH: Input is not a valid PH representation!")

    return PdfFromME(alpha, A, x)
Exemple #4
def SamplesFromPH(a, A, k):
    Generates random samples from a phase-type distribution.
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the phase-type
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transient generator matrix of the phase-type
    K : integer
        The number of samples to generate.
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input phase-type
        distribution is valid. The default value is 1e-14.
    x : vector, length(K)
        The vector of random samples

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckPHRepresentation(a, A):
        raise Exception(
            "SamplesFromPH: input is not a valid PH representation!")

    # auxilary variables
    a = a.A.flatten()
    N = len(a)
    cummInitial = np.cumsum(a)
    sojourn = -1.0 / np.diag(A)
    nextpr = ml.matrix(np.diag(sojourn)) * A
    nextpr = nextpr - ml.matrix(np.diag(np.diag(nextpr)))
    nextpr = np.hstack((nextpr, 1.0 - np.sum(nextpr, 1)))
    nextpr = np.cumsum(nextpr, 1)

    x = np.zeros(k)
    for n in range(k):
        time = 0

        # draw initial distribution
        r = rand()
        state = 0
        while cummInitial[state] <= r:
            state += 1

        # play state transitions
        while state < N:
            time += -np.log(rand()) * sojourn[state]
            r = rand()
            nstate = 0
            while nextpr[state, nstate] <= r:
                nstate += 1
            state = nstate
        x[n] = time
    return x
Exemple #5
def AcyclicPHFromME (alpha, A, maxSize=100, precision=1e-14):
    Transforms an arbitrary matrix-exponential representation
    to an acyclic phase-type representation. (see [1]_).
    alpha : matrix, shape (1,N)
        Initial vector of the distribution
    A : matrix, shape (N,N)
        Matrix parameter of the distribution
    maxSize : int, optional
        The maximum number of phases for the result.
        The default value is 100.
    precision : double, optional
        Vector and matrix entries smaller than the precision
        are considered to be zeros. The default value is 1e-14.
    beta : matrix, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the Markovian 
        acyclic representation
    B : matrix, shape (M,M)
        Transient generator matrix of the Markovian 
        acyclic representation
    Raises an error if no Markovian acyclic representation
    has been found.
    .. [1]  Mocanu, S., Commault, C.: "Sparse representations of
            phase-type distributions," Stoch. Models 15, 759-778 
    G = TransformToAcyclic (A, maxSize, precision)

    # find transformation matrix
    T = SimilarityMatrix (A, G)
    gamma = np.real(alpha*T)

    if np.min(gamma) <= -precision:
        gamma, G = ExtendToMarkovian (gamma, G, maxSize, precision)
    if not CheckPHRepresentation (gamma, G, precision):
        raise Exception("AcyclicPHFromME: No acyclic representation found up to the given size and precision!")
        return (gamma, G)
Exemple #6
def IntervalPdfFromPH(alpha, A, intBounds):
    Returns the approximate probability density function of a
    continuous phase-type distribution, based on the 
    probability of falling into intervals.
    alpha : vector, shape (1,M)
        The initial probability vector of the phase-type
    A : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The transient generator matrix of the phase-type
    intBounds : vector, shape (K)
        The array of interval boundaries. The pdf is the
        probability of falling into an interval divided by
        the interval length. 
        If the size of intBounds is K, the size of the result is K-1.
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input is a valid
        phase-type distribution. The default value is 1e-14
    x : matrix of doubles, shape(K-1,1)
        The points at which the pdf is computed. It holds the center of the 
        intervals defined by intBounds.
    y : matrix of doubles, shape(K-1,1)
        The values of the density function at the corresponding "x" values
    This method is more suitable for comparisons with empirical
    density functions than the exact one (given by PdfFromPH).

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckPHRepresentation(alpha, A):
        raise Exception(
            "IntervalPdfFromPH: Input is not a valid PH representation!")

    steps = len(intBounds)
    x = [(intBounds[i + 1] + intBounds[i]) / 2.0 for i in range(steps - 1)]
    y = [(np.sum(alpha * expm2((A * intBounds[i]).A)) - np.sum(alpha * expm2(
        (A * intBounds[i + 1]).A))) / (intBounds[i + 1] - intBounds[i])
         for i in range(steps - 1)]
    return (np.array(x), np.array(y))
Exemple #7
def MMAPPH1NPPR(D, sigma, S, *argv):
    Returns various performane measures of a continuous time 
    MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 non-preemptive priority queue, see [1]_.
    D : list of matrices of shape (N,N), length (K+1)
        The D0...DK matrices of the arrival process.
        D1 corresponds to the lowest, DK to the highest priority.
    sigma : list of row vectors, length (K)
        The list containing the initial probability vectors of the service
        time distributions of the various customer types. The length of the
       vectors does not have to be the same.
    S : list of square matrices, length (K)
        The transient generators of the phase type distributions representing
        the service time of the jobs belonging to various types.
    further parameters : 
        The rest of the function parameters specify the options
        and the performance measures to be computed.
        The supported performance measures and options in this 
        function are:
        | Parameter name | Input parameters   | Output                                 |
        | "ncMoms"       | Number of moments  | The moments of the number of customers |
        | "ncDistr"      | Upper limit K      | The distribution of the number of      |
        |                |                    | customers from level 0 to level K-1    |
        | "stMoms"       | Number of moments  | The sojourn time moments               |
        | "stDistr"      | A vector of points | The sojourn time distribution at the   |
        |                |                    | requested points (cummulative, cdf)    |
        | "prec"         | The precision      | Numerical precision used as a stopping |
        |                |                    | condition when solving the Riccati and |
        |                |                    | the matrix-quadratic equations         |
        | "erlMaxOrder"  | Integer number     | The maximal Erlang order used in the   |
        |                |                    | erlangization procedure. The default   |
        |                |                    | value is 200.                          |
        | "classes"      | Vector of integers | Only the performance measures          |
        |                |                    | belonging to these classes are         |
        |                |                    | returned. If not given, all classes    |
        |                |                    | are analyzed.                          |
        (The quantities related to the number of customers in 
        the system include the customer in the server, and the 
        sojourn time related quantities include the service 
        times as well)
    Ret : list of the performance measures
        Each entry of the list corresponds to a performance 
        measure requested. Each entry is a matrix, where the
        columns belong to the various job types.
        If there is just a single item, 
        then it is not put into a list.
    .. [1] G. Horvath, "Efficient analysis of the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1
           priority queue", European Journal of Operational 
           Research, 246(1), 128-139, 2015.

    K = len(D) - 1

    # parse options
    eaten = []
    erlMaxOrder = 200
    precision = 1e-14
    classes = np.arange(0, K)
    for i in range(len(argv)):
        if argv[i] == "prec":
            precision = argv[i + 1]
            eaten.append(i + 1)
        elif argv[i] == "erlMaxOrder":
            erlMaxOrder = argv[i + 1]
            eaten.append(i + 1)
        elif argv[i] == "classes":
            classes = np.array(argv[i + 1]) - 1
            eaten.append(i + 1)

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMMAPRepresentation(D):
        raise Exception(
            'MMAPPH1PRPR: The arrival process is not a valid MMAP representation!'

    if butools.checkInput:
        for k in range(K):
            if not CheckPHRepresentation(sigma[k], S[k]):
                raise Exception(
                    'MMAPPH1PRPR: the vector and matrix describing the service times is not a valid PH representation!'

    # some preparation
    D0 = D[0]
    N = D0.shape[0]
    I = ml.eye(N)
    sD = ml.zeros((N, N))
    for Di in D:
        sD += Di

    s = []
    M = np.empty(K)
    for i in range(K):
        s.append(np.sum(-S[i], 1))
        M[i] = sigma[i].size

    # step 1. solution of the workload process of the joint queue
    # ===========================================================
    sM = np.sum(M)
    Qwmm = ml.matrix(D0)
    Qwpm = ml.zeros((N * sM, N))
    Qwmp = ml.zeros((N, N * sM))
    Qwpp = ml.zeros((N * sM, N * sM))
    kix = 0
    for i in range(K):
        Qwmp[:, kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(D[i + 1], sigma[i])
        Qwpm[kix:kix + N * M[i], :] = np.kron(I, s[i])
        Qwpp[kix:kix + N * M[i], :][:, kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(I, S[i])
        kix += N * M[i]

    # calculate fundamental matrices
    Psiw, Kw, Uw = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qwpp, Qwpm, Qwmp, Qwmm, 'PKU',

    # calculate boundary vector
    Ua = ml.ones((N, 1)) + 2 * np.sum(Qwmp * (-Kw).I, 1)
    pm = Linsolve(
        ml.hstack((Uw, Ua)).T,
        ml.hstack((ml.zeros((1, N)), ml.ones((1, 1)))).T).T

    ro = ((1.0 - np.sum(pm)) / 2.0) / (
        np.sum(pm) + (1.0 - np.sum(pm)) / 2.0
    )  # calc idle time with weight=1, and the busy time with weight=1/2
    kappa = pm / np.sum(pm)

    pi = CTMCSolve(sD)
    lambd = []
    for i in range(K):
        lambd.append(np.sum(pi * D[i + 1]))

    Psiw = []
    Qwmp = []
    Qwzp = []
    Qwpp = []
    Qwmz = []
    Qwpz = []
    Qwzz = []
    Qwmm = []
    Qwpm = []
    Qwzm = []
    for k in range(K):
        # step 2. construct a workload process for classes k...K
        # ======================================================
        Mlo = np.sum(M[:k])
        Mhi = np.sum(M[k:])

        Qkwpp = ml.zeros((N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi, N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi))
        Qkwpz = ml.zeros((N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi, N * Mlo))
        Qkwpm = ml.zeros((N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi, N))
        Qkwmz = ml.zeros((N, N * Mlo))
        Qkwmp = ml.zeros((N, N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi))
        Dlo = ml.matrix(D0)
        for i in range(k):
            Dlo = Dlo + D[i + 1]
        Qkwmm = Dlo
        Qkwzp = ml.zeros((N * Mlo, N * Mlo * Mhi + N * Mhi))
        Qkwzm = ml.zeros((N * Mlo, N))
        Qkwzz = ml.zeros((N * Mlo, N * Mlo))
        kix = 0
        for i in range(k, K):
            kix2 = 0
            for j in range(k):
                bs = N * M[j] * M[i]
                bs2 = N * M[j]
                Qkwpp[kix:kix + bs,
                      kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(I, np.kron(ml.eye(M[j]), S[i]))
                Qkwpz[kix:kix + bs,
                      kix2:kix2 + bs2] = np.kron(I,
                                                 np.kron(ml.eye(M[j]), s[i]))
                Qkwzp[kix2:kix2 + bs2,
                      kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(D[i + 1],
                                              np.kron(ml.eye(M[j]), sigma[i]))
                kix += bs
                kix2 += bs2
        for i in range(k, K):
            bs = N * M[i]
            Qkwpp[kix:kix + bs, :][:, kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(I, S[i])
            Qkwpm[kix:kix + bs, :] = np.kron(I, s[i])
            Qkwmp[:, kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(D[i + 1], sigma[i])
            kix += bs
        kix = 0
        for j in range(k):
            bs = N * M[j]
            Qkwzz[kix:kix + bs, kix:kix +
                  bs] = np.kron(Dlo, ml.eye(M[j])) + np.kron(I, S[j])
            Qkwzm[kix:kix + bs, :] = np.kron(I, s[j])
            kix += bs

        if Qkwzz.shape[0] > 0:
            Psikw = FluidFundamentalMatrices(
                Qkwpp + Qkwpz * (-Qkwzz).I * Qkwzp,
                Qkwpm + Qkwpz * (-Qkwzz).I * Qkwzm, Qkwmp, Qkwmm, 'P',
            Psikw = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qkwpp, Qkwpm, Qkwmp, Qkwmm, 'P',


    # step 3. calculate Phi vectors
    # =============================
    lambdaS = sum(lambd)
    phi = [(1 - ro) * kappa * (-D0) / lambdaS]
    q0 = [[]]
    qL = [[]]
    for k in range(K - 1):
        sDk = ml.matrix(D0)
        for j in range(k + 1):
            sDk = sDk + D[j + 1]
        # pk
        pk = sum(lambd[:k + 1]) / lambdaS - (1 - ro) * kappa * np.sum(
            sDk, 1) / lambdaS
        # A^(k,1)
        Qwzpk = Qwzp[k + 1]
        vix = 0
        Ak = []
        for ii in range(k + 1):
            bs = N * M[ii]
            V1 = Qwzpk[vix:vix + bs, :]
                np.kron(I, sigma[ii]) *
                (-np.kron(sDk, ml.eye(M[ii])) - np.kron(I, S[ii])).I *
                (np.kron(I, s[ii]) + V1 * Psiw[k + 1]))
            vix += bs
        # B^k
        Qwmpk = Qwmp[k + 1]
        Bk = Qwmpk * Psiw[k + 1]
        ztag = phi[0] * ((-D0).I * D[k + 1] * Ak[k] - Ak[0] + (-D0).I * Bk)
        for i in range(k):
            ztag += phi[i + 1] * (Ak[i] - Ak[i + 1]) + phi[0] * (
                -D0).I * D[i + 1] * Ak[i]
        Mx = ml.eye(Ak[k].shape[0]) - Ak[k]
        Mx[:, 0] = ml.ones((N, 1))
            ml.hstack((pk, ztag[:, 1:])) *
            Mx.I)  # phi(k) = Psi^(k)_k * p(k). Psi^(k)_i = phi(i) / p(k)

        q0.append(phi[0] * (-D0).I)
        qLii = []
        for ii in range(k + 1):
            qLii.append((phi[ii + 1] - phi[ii] + phi[0] *
                         (-D0).I * D[ii + 1]) * np.kron(I, sigma[ii]) *
                        (-np.kron(sDk, ml.eye(M[ii])) - np.kron(I, S[ii])).I)

    # step 4. calculate performance measures
    # ======================================
    Ret = []
    for k in classes:

        sD0k = ml.matrix(D0)
        for i in range(k):
            sD0k += D[i + 1]

        if k < K - 1:
            # step 4.1 calculate distribution of the workload process right
            # before the arrivals of class k jobs
            # ============================================================
            if Qwzz[k].shape[0] > 0:
                Kw = Qwpp[k] + Qwpz[k] * (
                    -Qwzz[k]).I * Qwzp[k] + Psiw[k] * Qwmp[k]
                Kw = Qwpp[k] + Psiw[k] * Qwmp[k]
            BM = ml.zeros((0, 0))
            CM = ml.zeros((0, N))
            DM = ml.zeros((0, 0))
            for i in range(k):
                BM = la.block_diag(BM, np.kron(I, S[i]))
                CM = ml.vstack((CM, np.kron(I, s[i])))
                DM = la.block_diag(DM, np.kron(D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[i])))
            if k > 0:
                Kwu = ml.vstack((ml.hstack(
                    (Kw, (Qwpz[k] + Psiw[k] * Qwmz[k]) * (-Qwzz[k]).I * DM)),
                                     (BM.shape[0], Kw.shape[1])), BM))))
                Bwu = ml.vstack((Psiw[k] * D[k + 1], CM))
                iniw = ml.hstack(
                    (q0[k] * Qwmp[k] + qL[k] * Qwzp[k], qL[k] * DM))
                pwu = q0[k] * D[k + 1]
                Kwu = Kw
                Bwu = Psiw[k] * D[k + 1]
                iniw = pm * Qwmp[k]
                pwu = pm * D[k + 1]

            norm = np.sum(pwu) + np.sum(iniw * (-Kwu).I * Bwu)
            pwu = pwu / norm
            iniw = iniw / norm

            # step 4.2 create the fluid model whose first passage time equals the
            # WAITING time of the low prioroity customers
            # ==================================================================
            KN = Kwu.shape[0]
            Qspp = ml.zeros(
                (KN + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:]), KN + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))
            Qspm = ml.zeros((KN + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:]), N))
            Qsmp = ml.zeros((N, KN + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))
            Qsmm = sD0k + D[k + 1]
            kix = 0
            for i in range(k + 1, K):
                bs = N * M[i]
                Qspp[KN + kix:KN + kix + bs, :][:, KN + kix:KN + kix +
                                                bs] = np.kron(I, S[i])
                Qspm[KN + kix:KN + kix + bs, :] = np.kron(I, s[i])
                Qsmp[:, KN + kix:KN + kix + bs] = np.kron(D[i + 1], sigma[i])
                kix += bs

            Qspp[:KN, :][:, :KN] = Kwu
            Qspm[:KN, :] = Bwu
            inis = ml.hstack((iniw, ml.zeros((1, N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))))

            # calculate fundamental matrix
            Psis = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qspp, Qspm, Qsmp, Qsmm, 'P',

            # step 4.3. calculate the performance measures
            # ==========================================
            argIx = 0
            while argIx < len(argv):
                if argIx in eaten:
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stMoms":
                    # MOMENTS OF THE SOJOURN TIME
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    numOfSTMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                    # calculate waiting time moments
                    Pn = [Psis]
                    wtMoms = []
                    for n in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                        A = Qspp + Psis * Qsmp
                        B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psis
                        C = -2 * n * Pn[n - 1]
                        bino = 1
                        for i in range(1, n):
                            bino = bino * (n - i + 1) / i
                            C += bino * Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                        P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                        wtMoms.append(np.sum(inis * P * (-1)**n) / 2**n)
                    # calculate RESPONSE time moments
                    Pnr = [np.sum(inis * Pn[0]) * sigma[k]]
                    rtMoms = []
                    for n in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                        P = n * Pnr[n - 1] * (-S[k]).I + (-1)**n * np.sum(
                            inis * Pn[n]) * sigma[k] / 2**n
                            np.sum(P) + np.sum(pwu) * math.factorial(n) *
                            np.sum(sigma[k] * (-S[k]).I**n))
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistr":
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    stCdfPoints = argv[argIx + 1]
                    res = []
                    for t in stCdfPoints:
                        L = erlMaxOrder
                        lambdae = L / t / 2
                        Psie = FluidFundamentalMatrices(
                            Qspp - lambdae * ml.eye(Qspp.shape[0]), Qspm, Qsmp,
                            Qsmm - lambdae * ml.eye(Qsmm.shape[0]), 'P',
                        Pn = [Psie]
                        pr = (np.sum(pwu) + np.sum(inis * Psie)) * (1 - np.sum(
                            sigma[k] *
                            (ml.eye(S[k].shape[0]) - S[k] / 2 / lambdae).I**L))
                        for n in range(1, L):
                            A = Qspp + Psie * Qsmp - lambdae * ml.eye(
                            B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psie - lambdae * ml.eye(
                            C = 2 * lambdae * Pn[n - 1]
                            for i in range(1, n):
                                C += Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                            P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                            pr += np.sum(inis * P) * (
                                1 - np.sum(sigma[k] *
                                           (np.eye(S[k].shape[0]) -
                                            S[k] / 2 / lambdae).I**(L - n)))
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and (argv[argIx] == "ncMoms" or
                                                   argv[argIx] == "ncDistr"):
                    W = (-np.kron(sD - D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k])) -
                         np.kron(I, S[k])).I * np.kron(D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k]))
                    iW = (ml.eye(W.shape[0]) - W).I
                    w = np.kron(ml.eye(N), sigma[k])
                    omega = (-np.kron(sD - D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k])) -
                             np.kron(I, S[k])).I * np.kron(I, s[k])
                    if argv[argIx] == "ncMoms":
                        # MOMENTS OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                        # first calculate it at departure instants
                        Psii = [Psis]
                        QLDPn = [inis * Psii[0] * w * iW]
                        for n in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                            A = Qspp + Psis * Qsmp
                            B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psis
                            C = n * Psii[n - 1] * D[k + 1]
                            bino = 1
                            for i in range(1, n):
                                bino = bino * (n - i + 1) / i
                                C = C + bino * Psii[i] * Qsmp * Psii[n - i]
                            P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                            QLDPn.append(n * QLDPn[n - 1] * iW * W +
                                         inis * P * w * iW)
                        for n in range(numOfQLMoms + 1):
                            QLDPn[n] = (QLDPn[n] +
                                        pwu * w * iW**(n + 1) * W**n) * omega
                        # now calculate it at random time instance
                        QLPn = [pi]
                        qlMoms = []
                        iTerm = (ml.ones((N, 1)) * pi - sD).I
                        for n in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                            sumP = np.sum(QLDPn[n]) + n * np.sum(
                                (QLDPn[n - 1] - QLPn[n - 1] * D[k + 1] /
                                 lambd[k]) * iTerm * D[k + 1])
                            P = sumP * pi + n * (
                                QLPn[n - 1] * D[k + 1] -
                                QLDPn[n - 1] * lambd[k]) * iTerm
                        qlMoms = MomsFromFactorialMoms(qlMoms)
                        argIx += 1
                    elif argv[argIx] == "ncDistr":
                        # DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLProbs = argv[argIx + 1]
                        Psid = FluidFundamentalMatrices(
                            Qspp, Qspm, Qsmp, sD0k, 'P', precision)
                        Pn = [Psid]
                        XDn = inis * Psid * w
                        dqlProbs = (XDn + pwu * w) * omega
                        for n in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                            A = Qspp + Psid * Qsmp
                            B = sD0k + Qsmp * Psid
                            C = Pn[n - 1] * D[k + 1]
                            for i in range(1, n):
                                C += Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                            P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                            XDn = XDn * W + inis * P * w
                            dqlProbs = ml.vstack(
                                (dqlProbs, (XDn + pwu * w * W**n) * omega))
                        # now calculate it at random time instance
                        iTerm = -(sD - D[k + 1]).I
                        qlProbs = lambd[k] * dqlProbs[0, :] * iTerm
                        for n in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                            P = (qlProbs[n - 1, :] * D[k + 1] + lambd[k] *
                                 (dqlProbs[n, :] - dqlProbs[n - 1, :])) * iTerm
                            qlProbs = ml.vstack((qlProbs, P))
                        qlProbs = np.sum(qlProbs, 1).A.flatten()
                        argIx += 1
                    raise Exception("MMAPPH1NPPR: Unknown parameter " +
                argIx += 1
        elif k == K - 1:
            # step 3. calculate the performance measures
            # ==========================================
            argIx = 0
            while argIx < len(argv):
                if argIx in eaten:
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and (argv[argIx] == "stMoms" or
                                                   argv[argIx] == "stDistr"):
                    Kw = Qwpp[k] + Qwpz[k] * (
                        -Qwzz[k]).I * Qwzp[k] + Psiw[k] * Qwmp[k]
                    AM = ml.zeros((0, 0))
                    BM = ml.zeros((0, 0))
                    CM = ml.zeros((0, 1))
                    DM = ml.zeros((0, 0))
                    for i in range(k):
                        AM = la.block_diag(
                            np.kron(ml.ones((N, 1)),
                                    np.kron(ml.eye(M[i]), s[k])))
                        BM = la.block_diag(BM, S[i])
                        CM = ml.vstack((CM, s[i]))
                        DM = la.block_diag(DM, np.kron(D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[i])))
                    Z = ml.vstack((ml.hstack(
                        (Kw, ml.vstack((AM, ml.zeros(
                            (N * M[k], AM.shape[1])))))),
                                       (BM.shape[0], Kw.shape[1])), BM))))
                    z = ml.vstack((ml.zeros(
                        (AM.shape[0], 1)), np.kron(ml.ones((N, 1)), s[k]), CM))
                    iniw = ml.hstack((q0[k] * Qwmp[k] + qL[k] * Qwzp[k],
                                      ml.zeros((1, BM.shape[0]))))
                    zeta = iniw / np.sum(iniw * (-Z).I * z)
                    if argv[argIx] == "stMoms":
                        # MOMENTS OF THE SOJOURN TIME
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfSTMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                        rtMoms = []
                        for i in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                                    math.factorial(i) * zeta *
                                    (-Z).I**(i + 1) * z))
                        argIx += 1
                    if argv[argIx] == "stDistr":
                        # DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOJOURN TIME
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        stCdfPoints = argv[argIx + 1]
                        rtDistr = []
                        for t in stCdfPoints:
                                np.sum(zeta * (-Z).I *
                                       (ml.eye(Z.shape[0]) - la.expm(Z * t)) *
                        argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and (argv[argIx] == "ncMoms" or
                                                   argv[argIx] == "ncDistr"):
                    L = ml.zeros((N * np.sum(M), N * np.sum(M)))
                    B = ml.zeros((N * np.sum(M), N * np.sum(M)))
                    F = ml.zeros((N * np.sum(M), N * np.sum(M)))
                    kix = 0
                    for i in range(K):
                        bs = N * M[i]
                        F[kix:kix + bs, :][:, kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(
                            D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[i]))
                        L[kix:kix + bs, :][:, kix:kix + bs] = np.kron(
                            sD0k, ml.eye(M[i])) + np.kron(I, S[i])
                        if i < K - 1:
                            L[kix:kix + bs, :][:,
                                               N * np.sum(M[:k]):] = np.kron(
                                                   I, s[i] * sigma[k])
                            B[kix:kix + bs, :][:,
                                               N * np.sum(M[:k]):] = np.kron(
                                                   I, s[i] * sigma[k])
                        kix += bs
                    R = QBDFundamentalMatrices(B, L, F, 'R', precision)
                    p0 = ml.hstack((qL[k], q0[k] * np.kron(I, sigma[k])))
                    p0 = p0 / np.sum(p0 * (ml.eye(R.shape[0]) - R).I)
                    if argv[argIx] == "ncMoms":
                        # MOMENTS OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                        qlMoms = []
                        for i in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                                    math.factorial(i) * p0 * R**i *
                                    (ml.eye(R.shape[0]) - R).I**(i + 1)))
                    elif argv[argIx] == "ncDistr":
                        # DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLProbs = argv[argIx + 1]
                        qlProbs = [np.sum(p0)]
                        for i in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                            qlProbs.append(np.sum(p0 * R**i))
                    argIx += 1
                    raise Exception("MMAPPH1NPPR: Unknown parameter " +
                argIx += 1

    if len(Ret) == 1:
        return Ret[0]
        return Ret
Exemple #8
def MMAPPH1FCFS(D, sigma, S, *argv):
    Returns various performane measures of a MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 
    first-come-first-serve queue, see [1]_.
    D : list of matrices of shape (N,N), length (K+1)
        The D0...DK matrices of the arrival process.
    sigma : list of row vectors, length (K)
        The list containing the initial probability vectors of the service
        time distributions of the various customer types. The length of the
       vectors does not have to be the same.
    S : list of square matrices, length (K)
        The transient generators of the phase type distributions representing
        the service time of the jobs belonging to various types.
    further parameters : 
        The rest of the function parameters specify the options
        and the performance measures to be computed.
        The supported performance measures and options in this 
        function are:
        | Parameter name | Input parameters   | Output                                 |
        | "ncMoms"       | Number of moments  | The moments of the number of customers |
        | "ncDistr"      | Upper limit K      | The distribution of the number of      |
        |                |                    | customers from level 0 to level K-1    |
        | "stMoms"       | Number of moments  | The sojourn time moments               |
        | "stDistr"      | A vector of points | The sojourn time distribution at the   |
        |                |                    | requested points (cummulative, cdf)    |
        | "stDistrME"    | None               | The vector-matrix parameters of the    |
        |                |                    | matrix-exponentially distributed       |
        |                |                    | sojourn time distribution              |
        | "stDistrPH"    | None               | The vector-matrix parameters of the    |
        |                |                    | matrix-exponentially distributed       |
        |                |                    | sojourn time distribution, converted   |
        |                |                    | to a continuous PH representation      |
        | "prec"         | The precision      | Numerical precision used as a stopping |
        |                |                    | condition when solving the Riccati     |
        |                |                    | equation                               |
        | "classes"      | Vector of integers | Only the performance measures          |
        |                |                    | belonging to these classes are         |
        |                |                    | returned. If not given, all classes    |
        |                |                    | are analyzed.                          |
        (The quantities related to the number of customers in 
        the system include the customer in the server, and the 
        sojourn time related quantities include the service 
        times as well)
    Ret : list of the performance measures
        Each entry of the list corresponds to a performance 
        measure requested. Each entry is a matrix, where the
        columns belong to the various job types.
        If there is just a single item, 
        then it is not put into a list.
    .. [1] Qiming He, "Analysis of a continuous time 
           SM[K]/PH[K]/1/FCFS queue: Age process, sojourn times,
           and queue lengths", Journal of Systems Science and 
           Complexity, 25(1), pp 133-155, 2012.

    K = len(D) - 1

    # parse options
    eaten = []
    precision = 1e-14
    classes = np.arange(0, K)
    for i in range(len(argv)):
        if argv[i] == "prec":
            precision = argv[i + 1]
            eaten.append(i + 1)
        elif argv[i] == "classes":
            classes = np.array(argv[i + 1]) - 1
            eaten.append(i + 1)

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMMAPRepresentation(D):
        raise Exception(
            'MMAPPH1FCFS: The arrival process is not a valid MMAP representation!'

    if butools.checkInput:
        for k in range(K):
            if not CheckPHRepresentation(sigma[k], S[k]):
                raise Exception(
                    'MMAPPH1FCFS: the vector and matrix describing the service times is not a valid PH representation!'

    # some preparation
    D0 = D[0]
    N = D0.shape[0]
    Ia = ml.eye(N)
    Da = ml.zeros((N, N))
    for q in range(K):
        Da += D[q + 1]
    theta = CTMCSolve(D0 + Da)
    beta = [CTMCSolve(S[k] + ml.sum(-S[k], 1) * sigma[k]) for k in range(K)]
    lambd = [np.sum(theta * D[k + 1]) for k in range(K)]
    mu = [np.sum(beta[k] * (-S[k])) for k in range(K)]
    Nsk = [S[k].shape[0] for k in range(K)]
    ro = np.sum(np.array(lambd) / np.array(mu))
    alpha = theta * Da / sum(lambd)
    D0i = (-D0).I

    Sa = S[0]
    sa = [ml.zeros(sigma[0].shape)] * K
    sa[0] = sigma[0]
    ba = [ml.zeros(beta[0].shape)] * K
    ba[0] = beta[0]
    sv = [ml.zeros((Nsk[0], 1))] * K
    sv[0] = ml.sum(-S[0], 1)
    Pk = [D0i * D[q + 1] for q in range(K)]

    for k in range(1, K):
        Sa = la.block_diag(Sa, S[k])
        for q in range(K):
            if q == k:
                sa[q] = ml.hstack((sa[q], sigma[k]))
                ba[q] = ml.hstack((ba[q], beta[k]))
                sv[q] = ml.vstack((sv[q], -np.sum(S[k], 1)))
                sa[q] = ml.hstack((sa[q], ml.zeros(sigma[k].shape)))
                ba[q] = ml.hstack((ba[q], ml.zeros(beta[k].shape)))
                sv[q] = ml.vstack((sv[q], ml.zeros((Nsk[k], 1))))
    Sa = ml.matrix(Sa)
    P = D0i * Da
    iVec = ml.kron(D[1], sa[0])
    for k in range(1, K):
        iVec += ml.kron(D[k + 1], sa[k])
    Ns = Sa.shape[0]
    Is = ml.eye(Ns)

    # step 1. solve the age process of the queue
    # ==========================================

    # solve Y0 and calculate T
    Y0 = FluidFundamentalMatrices(ml.kron(Ia, Sa), ml.kron(Ia, -ml.sum(Sa, 1)),
                                  iVec, D0, "P", precision)
    T = ml.kron(Ia, Sa) + Y0 * iVec

    # calculate pi0 and v0
    pi0 = ml.zeros((1, T.shape[0]))
    for k in range(K):
        pi0 += ml.kron(theta * D[k + 1], ba[k] / mu[k])
    pi0 = -pi0 * T

    iT = (-T).I
    oa = ml.ones((N, 1))

    # step 2. calculate performance measures
    # ======================================
    Ret = []
    for k in classes:
        argIx = 0
        clo = iT * ml.kron(oa, sv[k])
        while argIx < len(argv):
            if argIx in eaten:
                argIx += 1
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stMoms":
                numOfSTMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                rtMoms = []
                for m in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                        math.factorial(m) * np.sum(pi0 * iT**m * clo /
                                                   (pi0 * clo)))
                argIx += 1
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistr":
                stCdfPoints = argv[argIx + 1]
                cdf = []
                for t in stCdfPoints:
                    pr = 1 - np.sum(pi0 * la.expm(T * t) * clo / (pi0 * clo))
                argIx += 1
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistrME":
                Bm = SimilarityMatrixForVectors(clo / (pi0 * clo),
                                                ml.ones((N * Ns, 1)))
                Bmi = Bm.I
                A = Bm * T * Bmi
                alpha = pi0 * Bmi
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistrPH":
                vv = pi0 * iT
                ix = np.arange(N * Ns)
                nz = ix[vv.flat > precision]
                delta = Diag(vv[:, nz])
                cl = -T * clo / (pi0 * clo)
                alpha = cl[nz, :].T * delta
                A = delta.I * T[nz, :][:, nz].T * delta
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "ncDistr":
                numOfQLProbs = argv[argIx + 1]
                argIx += 1
                values = np.empty(numOfQLProbs)
                jm = ml.zeros((Ns, 1))
                jm[np.sum(Nsk[0:k]):np.sum(Nsk[0:k + 1]), :] = 1
                jmc = ml.ones((Ns, 1))
                jmc[np.sum(Nsk[0:k]):np.sum(Nsk[0:k + 1]), :] = 0
                LmCurr = la.solve_sylvester(T, ml.kron(D0 + Da - D[k + 1], Is),
                                            -ml.eye(N * Ns))
                values[0] = 1 - ro + np.sum(pi0 * LmCurr * ml.kron(oa, jmc))
                for i in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                    LmPrev = LmCurr
                    LmCurr = la.solve_sylvester(
                        T, ml.kron(D0 + Da - D[k + 1], Is),
                        -LmPrev * ml.kron(D[k + 1], Is))
                    values[i] = np.sum(pi0 * LmCurr * ml.kron(oa, jmc) +
                                       pi0 * LmPrev * ml.kron(oa, jm))
            elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "ncMoms":
                numOfQLMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                argIx += 1
                jm = ml.zeros((Ns, 1))
                jm[np.sum(Nsk[0:k]):np.sum(Nsk[0:k + 1]), :] = 1
                ELn = [
                    la.solve_sylvester(T, ml.kron(D0 + Da, Is),
                                       -ml.eye(N * Ns))
                qlMoms = []
                for n in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                    bino = 1
                    Btag = ml.zeros((N * Ns, N * Ns))
                    for i in range(n):
                        Btag += bino * ELn[i]
                        bino *= (n - i) / (i + 1)
                        la.solve_sylvester(T, ml.kron(D0 + Da, Is),
                                           -Btag * ml.kron(D[k + 1], Is)))
                        np.sum(pi0 * ELn[n]) +
                        np.sum(pi0 * Btag * ml.kron(oa, jm)))
                raise Exception("MMAPPH1FCFS: Unknown parameter " +
            argIx += 1

    if len(Ret) == 1:
        return Ret[0]
        return Ret
Exemple #9
def MMAPPH1PRPR(D, sigma, S, *argv):
    Returns various performane measures of a MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 
    preemptive resume priority queue, see [1]_.
    D : list of matrices of shape (N,N), length (K+1)
        The D0...DK matrices of the arrival process.
        D1 corresponds to the lowest, DK to the highest priority.
    sigma : list of row vectors, length (K)
        The list containing the initial probability vectors of the service
        time distributions of the various customer types. The length of the
       vectors does not have to be the same.
    S : list of square matrices, length (K)
        The transient generators of the phase type distributions representing
        the service time of the jobs belonging to various types.
    further parameters : 
        The rest of the function parameters specify the options
        and the performance measures to be computed.
        The supported performance measures and options in this 
        function are:
        | Parameter name | Input parameters   | Output                                 |
        | "ncMoms"       | Number of moments  | The moments of the number of customers |
        | "ncDistr"      | Upper limit K      | The distribution of the number of      |
        |                |                    | customers from level 0 to level K-1    |
        | "stMoms"       | Number of moments  | The sojourn time moments               |
        | "stDistr"      | A vector of points | The sojourn time distribution at the   |
        |                |                    | requested points (cummulative, cdf)    |
        | "prec"         | The precision      | Numerical precision used as a stopping |
        |                |                    | condition when solving the Riccati and |
        |                |                    | the matrix-quadratic equations         |
        | "erlMaxOrder"  | Integer number     | The maximal Erlang order used in the   |
        |                |                    | erlangization procedure. The default   |
        |                |                    | value is 200.                          |
        | "classes"      | Vector of integers | Only the performance measures          |
        |                |                    | belonging to these classes are         |
        |                |                    | returned. If not given, all classes    |
        |                |                    | are analyzed.                          |
        (The quantities related to the number of customers in 
        the system include the customer in the server, and the 
        sojourn time related quantities include the service 
        times as well)
    Ret : list of the performance measures
        Each entry of the list corresponds to a performance 
        measure requested. Each entry is a matrix, where the
        columns belong to the various job types.
        If there is just a single item, 
        then it is not put into a list.
    .. [1] G. Horvath, "Efficient analysis of the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1
           priority queue", European Journal of Operational 
           Research, 246(1), 128-139, 2015.

    K = len(D) - 1

    # parse options
    eaten = []
    erlMaxOrder = 200
    precision = 1e-14
    classes = np.arange(0, K)
    for i in range(len(argv)):
        if argv[i] == "prec":
            precision = argv[i + 1]
            eaten.append(i + 1)
        elif argv[i] == "erlMaxOrder":
            erlMaxOrder = argv[i + 1]
            eaten.append(i + 1)
        elif argv[i] == "classes":
            classes = np.array(argv[i + 1]) - 1
            eaten.append(i + 1)

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMMAPRepresentation(D):
        raise Exception(
            'MMAPPH1PRPR: The arrival process is not a valid MMAP representation!'

    if butools.checkInput:
        for k in range(K):
            if not CheckPHRepresentation(sigma[k], S[k]):
                raise Exception(
                    'MMAPPH1PRPR: the vector and matrix describing the service times is not a valid PH representation!'

    # some preparation
    D0 = D[0]
    N = D0.shape[0]
    I = ml.eye(N)
    sD = ml.zeros((N, N))
    for Di in D:
        sD += Di

    s = []
    M = np.empty(K)
    for i in range(K):
        s.append(np.sum(-S[i], 1))
        M[i] = sigma[i].size

    Ret = []
    for k in classes:

        # step 1. solution of the workload process of the system
        # ======================================================
        sM = np.sum(M[k:K])
        Qwmm = ml.matrix(D0)
        for i in range(k):
            Qwmm += D[i + 1]

        Qwpm = ml.zeros((N * sM, N))
        Qwmp = ml.zeros((N, N * sM))
        Qwpp = ml.zeros((N * sM, N * sM))
        kix = 0
        for i in range(k, K):
            Qwmp[:, kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(D[i + 1], sigma[i])
            Qwpm[kix:kix + N * M[i], :] = np.kron(I, s[i])
            Qwpp[kix:kix + N * M[i], :][:,
                                        kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(I, S[i])
            kix += N * M[i]

        # calculate fundamental matrices
        Psiw, Kw, Uw = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qwpp, Qwpm, Qwmp, Qwmm, 'PKU',

        # calculate boundary vector
        Ua = ml.ones((N, 1)) + 2 * np.sum(Qwmp * (-Kw).I, 1)
        pm = Linsolve(
            ml.hstack((Uw, Ua)).T,
            ml.hstack((ml.zeros((1, N)), ml.ones((1, 1)))).T).T

        Bw = ml.zeros((N * sM, N))
        Bw[0:N * M[k], :] = np.kron(I, s[k])
        kappa = pm * Qwmp / np.sum(pm * Qwmp * (-Kw).I * Bw)

        if k < K - 1:
            # step 2. construct fluid model for the remaining sojourn time process
            # ====================================================================
            # (for each class except the highest priority)
            Qsmm = ml.matrix(D0)
            for i in range(k + 1):
                Qsmm += D[i + 1]

            Np = Kw.shape[0]
            Qspm = ml.zeros((Np + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:]), N))
            Qsmp = ml.zeros((N, Np + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))
            Qspp = ml.zeros(
                (Np + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:]), Np + N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))
            Qspp[:Np, :Np] = Kw
            Qspm[:Np, :N] = Bw
            kix = Np
            for i in range(k + 1, K):
                Qsmp[:, kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(D[i + 1], sigma[i])
                Qspm[kix:kix + N * M[i], :] = np.kron(I, s[i])
                Qspp[kix:kix + N * M[i], kix:kix + N * M[i]] = np.kron(I, S[i])
                kix += N * M[i]

            inis = ml.hstack((kappa, ml.zeros((1, N * np.sum(M[k + 1:])))))
            Psis = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qspp, Qspm, Qsmp, Qsmm, 'P',

            # step 3. calculate the performance measures
            # ==========================================
            argIx = 0
            while argIx < len(argv):
                if argIx in eaten:
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stMoms":
                    # MOMENTS OF THE SOJOURN TIME
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    numOfSTMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                    Pn = [Psis]
                    rtMoms = []
                    for n in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                        A = Qspp + Psis * Qsmp
                        B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psis
                        C = -2 * n * Pn[n - 1]
                        bino = 1
                        for i in range(1, n):
                            bino = bino * (n - i + 1) / i
                            C += bino * Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                        P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                        rtMoms.append(np.sum(inis * P * (-1)**n) / 2**n)
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistr":
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    stCdfPoints = argv[argIx + 1]
                    res = []
                    for t in stCdfPoints:
                        L = erlMaxOrder
                        lambd = L / t / 2
                        Psie = FluidFundamentalMatrices(
                            Qspp - lambd * ml.eye(Qspp.shape[0]), Qspm, Qsmp,
                            Qsmm - lambd * ml.eye(Qsmm.shape[0]), 'P',
                        Pn = [Psie]
                        pr = np.sum(inis * Psie)
                        for n in range(1, L):
                            A = Qspp + Psie * Qsmp - lambd * ml.eye(
                            B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psie - lambd * ml.eye(
                            C = 2 * lambd * Pn[n - 1]
                            for i in range(1, n):
                                C += Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                            P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                            pr += np.sum(inis * P)
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "ncMoms":
                    # MOMENTS OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    numOfQLMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                    # first calculate it at departure instants
                    QLDPn = [Psis]
                    dqlMoms = []
                    for n in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                        A = Qspp + Psis * Qsmp
                        B = Qsmm + Qsmp * Psis
                        C = n * QLDPn[n - 1] * D[k + 1]
                        bino = 1
                        for i in range(1, n):
                            bino = bino * (n - i + 1) / i
                            C = C + bino * QLDPn[i] * Qsmp * QLDPn[n - i]
                        P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                        dqlMoms.append(np.sum(inis * P))
                    dqlMoms = MomsFromFactorialMoms(dqlMoms)
                    # now calculate it at random time instance
                    pi = CTMCSolve(sD)
                    lambdak = np.sum(pi * D[k + 1])
                    QLPn = [pi]
                    qlMoms = []
                    iTerm = (ml.ones((N, 1)) * pi - sD).I
                    for n in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                        sumP = np.sum(inis * QLDPn[n]) + n * (
                            inis * QLDPn[n - 1] - QLPn[n - 1] * D[k + 1] /
                            lambdak) * iTerm * np.sum(D[k + 1], 1)
                        P = sumP * pi + n * (QLPn[n - 1] * D[k + 1] - inis *
                                             QLDPn[n - 1] * lambdak) * iTerm
                    qlMoms = MomsFromFactorialMoms(qlMoms)
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "ncDistr":
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    numOfQLProbs = argv[argIx + 1]
                    sDk = ml.matrix(D0)
                    for i in range(k):
                        sDk += D[i + 1]
                    # first calculate it at departure instants
                    Psid = FluidFundamentalMatrices(Qspp, Qspm, Qsmp, sDk, 'P',
                    Pn = [Psid]
                    dqlProbs = inis * Psid
                    for n in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                        A = Qspp + Psid * Qsmp
                        B = sDk + Qsmp * Psid
                        C = Pn[n - 1] * D[k + 1]
                        for i in range(1, n):
                            C += Pn[i] * Qsmp * Pn[n - i]
                        P = la.solve_sylvester(A, B, -C)
                        dqlProbs = ml.vstack((dqlProbs, inis * P))
                    # now calculate it at random time instance
                    pi = CTMCSolve(sD)
                    lambdak = np.sum(pi * D[k + 1])
                    iTerm = -(sD - D[k + 1]).I
                    qlProbs = lambdak * dqlProbs[0, :] * iTerm
                    for n in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                        P = (qlProbs[n - 1, :] * D[k + 1] + lambdak *
                             (dqlProbs[n, :] - dqlProbs[n - 1, :])) * iTerm
                        qlProbs = ml.vstack((qlProbs, P))
                    qlProbs = np.sum(qlProbs, 1).A.flatten()
                    argIx += 1
                    raise Exception("MMAPPH1PRPR: Unknown parameter " +
                argIx += 1
        elif k == K - 1:
            # step 3. calculate the performance measures
            # ==========================================
            argIx = 0
            while argIx < len(argv):
                if argIx in eaten:
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stMoms":
                    # MOMENTS OF THE SOJOURN TIME
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    numOfSTMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                    rtMoms = []
                    for i in range(1, numOfSTMoms + 1):
                                math.factorial(i) * kappa * (-Kw).I**(i + 1) *
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and argv[argIx] == "stDistr":
                    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    stCdfPoints = argv[argIx + 1]
                    rtDistr = []
                    for t in stCdfPoints:
                            np.sum(kappa * (-Kw).I *
                                   (ml.eye(Kw.shape[0]) - la.expm(Kw * t)) *
                    argIx += 1
                elif type(argv[argIx]) is str and (argv[argIx] == "ncMoms" or
                                                   argv[argIx] == "ncDistr"):
                    L = np.kron(sD - D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k])) + np.kron(
                        ml.eye(N), S[k])
                    B = np.kron(ml.eye(N), s[k] * sigma[k])
                    F = np.kron(D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k]))
                    L0 = np.kron(sD - D[k + 1], ml.eye(M[k]))
                    R = QBDFundamentalMatrices(B, L, F, 'R', precision)
                    p0 = CTMCSolve(L0 + R * B)
                    p0 = p0 / np.sum(p0 * (ml.eye(R.shape[0]) - R).I)
                    if argv[argIx] == "ncMoms":
                        # MOMENTS OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLMoms = argv[argIx + 1]
                        qlMoms = []
                        for i in range(1, numOfQLMoms + 1):
                                    math.factorial(i) * p0 * R**i *
                                    (ml.eye(R.shape[0]) - R).I**(i + 1)))
                    elif argv[argIx] == "ncDistr":
                        # DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF JOBS
                        # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                        numOfQLProbs = argv[argIx + 1]
                        qlProbs = [np.sum(p0)]
                        for i in range(1, numOfQLProbs):
                            qlProbs.append(np.sum(p0 * R**i))
                    argIx += 1
                    raise Exception("MMAPPH1PRPR: Unknown parameter " +
                argIx += 1

    if len(Ret) == 1:
        return Ret[0]
        return Ret