Exemple #1
    def Save(self, filename, **kwargs):
        self.filename = filename
        self.tileTypes = []
        examined = []
        hashMap = {}
        self.typeMap = {}
        self.type2TID = {}
        self.instances = []
        self.serialize_cleanly = kwargs.get('clean', True)
        self.dump_inherited = kwargs.get('inherited', False)
        # Preprocess and assign IDs.
        start = perf_counter()
        idlen = 0
        it = self.map.Locations()
        lz = -1
        last_str = None
        start = perf_counter()
        maxid = 0
        for tile in it:
            # print(str(tile))
            if lz != it.z:
                if start:
                    self.log.info('  -> Took {}'.format(getElapsed(start)))
                self.log.info(' * Consolidating level {}...'.format(it.z + 1))
                start = perf_counter()
                lz = it.z
            strt = tile.GetHash()  # str(tile)
            dbg = False
            # if strt == 'e18826df83665059358c177f43f6ac72':
            #    dbg=True
            if last_str == strt:
                # if dbg: print('Continuing: Same as last examined.') 
            if strt in examined:
                # if dbg: print('Continuing: Hash already examined.')
                last_str = strt
            # tile.ID = len(examined)
            examined += [strt]
            tid = self.GetTID(tile)
            if tile.origID=='aaa':
                self.log.info('{} -> {}'.format(tile.origID,tid))
            if tid in self.typeMap:
                if hashMap.get(strt, None) == tid:
                    if dbg: self.log.debug('Continuing: TID {} in typeMap, hashes match.'.format(tid))
                tile.origID = ''
                tid = len(self.typeMap)
                while tid in self.typeMap:
                    tid += 1

                self.log.info('{} assigned to new TID {}'.format(strt,tid))
            maxid = max(maxid, tid)
            self.typeMap[tid] = (strt, self.SerializeTile(tile))
            last_str = strt
            hashMap[strt] = tid
        self.log.info(' * Preprocessing completed in {}'.format(getElapsed(start)))
        idlen = len(self.ID2String(maxid))
        tmpfile = filename + '.tmp'
        self.log.info('Opening {} for write...'.format(tmpfile))
        start = perf_counter()
        with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f:
            for tid in sorted(self.typeMap.keys()):
                stid = self.ID2String(tid, idlen)
                strt, serdata = self.typeMap[tid]
                if serdata == '(/turf/space,/area)':
                    self.log.debug('{} -> {}'.format(tid,stid))
                f.write('"{}" = {}\n'.format(stid, serdata))
                self.type2TID[strt] = stid
            self.log.info(' Wrote types in {}...'.format(getElapsed(start)))
            lap = perf_counter()
            for z in range(len(self.map.zLevels)):
                self.log.debug(' Writing z={}...'.format(z))
                f.write('\n(1,1,{0}) = {{"\n'.format(z + 1))
                zlevel = self.map.zLevels[z]
                for y in range(zlevel.height):
                    for x in range(zlevel.width):
                        tile = self.map.GetTileAt(x, y, z)
                        thash = tile.GetHash()
            self.log.info(' Wrote tiles in {}...'.format(getElapsed(lap)))
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
        os.rename(tmpfile, filename)
        self.log.info('-> {} in {}'.format(filename, getElapsed(start)))
Exemple #2
 def Save(self, filename, **kwargs):
     self.filename = filename
     self.tileTypes = []
     examined = []
     hashMap = {}
     self.typeMap = {}
     self.type2TID = {}
     self.instances = []
     self.serialize_cleanly = kwargs.get('clean', True)
     self.dump_inherited = kwargs.get('inherited', False)
     # Preprocess and assign IDs.
     start = clock()
     idlen = 0
     it = self.map.Tiles()
     lz = -1
     last_str = None
     start = None
     maxid = 0
     for tile in it:
         # print(str(tile))
         if lz != it.z:
             if start:
                 print('  -> Took {}'.format(getElapsed(start)))
             print(' * Consolidating level {}...'.format(it.z + 1))
             start = clock()
             lz = it.z
         strt = tile.GetHash()  # str(tile)
         dbg = False
         # if strt == 'e18826df83665059358c177f43f6ac72':
         #    dbg=True
         if last_str == strt:
             # if dbg: print('Continuing: Same as last examined.') 
         if strt in examined:
             # if dbg: print('Continuing: Hash already examined.')
             last_str = strt
         # tile.ID = len(examined)
         examined += [strt]
         tid = self.GetTID(tile)
         if tid in self.typeMap:
             if hashMap.get(strt, None) == tid:
                 if dbg: print('Continuing: TID {} in typeMap, hashes match.'.format(tid))
             tile.origID = ''
             tid = len(self.typeMap)
             while tid in self.typeMap:
                 tid += 1
             # print('{} assigned to new TID {}'.format(strt,tid))
         maxid = max(maxid, tid)
         self.typeMap[tid] = (strt, self.SerializeTile(tile))
         last_str = strt
         hashMap[strt] = tid
     print(' * Preprocessing completed in {}'.format(getElapsed(start)))
     idlen = len(self.ID2String(maxid))
     tmpfile = filename + '.tmp'
     print('Opening {} for write...'.format(tmpfile))
     start = clock()
     with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f:
         for tid in sorted(self.typeMap.keys()):
             stid = self.ID2String(tid, idlen)
             strt, serdata = self.typeMap[tid]
             f.write('"{}" = {}\n'.format(stid, serdata))
             self.type2TID[strt] = stid
         print(' Wrote types in {}...'.format(getElapsed(start)))
         lap = clock()
         for z in xrange(len(self.map.zLevels)):
             print(' Writing z={}...'.format(z))
             f.write('\n(1,1,{0}) = {{"\n'.format(z + 1))
             zlevel = self.map.zLevels[z]
             for y in xrange(zlevel.height):
                 for x in xrange(zlevel.width):
                     tile = self.map.GetTileAt(x, y, z)
                     thash = tile.GetHash()
         print(' Wrote tiles in {}...'.format(getElapsed(lap)))
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
     os.rename(tmpfile, filename)
     print('-> {} in {}'.format(filename, getElapsed(start)))
Exemple #3
 def consumeTileMap(self, f):
     zLevel = None
     y = 0
     z = 0
     inZLevel = False
     width = 0
     height = 0
     while True:
         self.lineNumber += 1
         line = f.readline()
         if line == '':
         log_prefix="{}:{}: ".format(self.filename,self.lineNumber)
         # (1,1,1) = {"
         if line.startswith('('):
             coordChunk = line[1:line.index(')')].split(',')
             # print(repr(coordChunk))
             z = int(coordChunk[2])
             inZLevel = True
             y = 0
             width = 0
             height = 0
             start = perf_counter()
             #print(log_prefix+' START z={}'.format(z))
         if line.strip() == '"}':
             inZLevel = False
             if height == 0:
                 height = y
             # self.map.zLevels[z] = zLevel
             zLevel = None
             self.log.info(' * Added map layer {0} ({1}x{2}, {3})'.format(z, height, width, getElapsed(start)))
         if inZLevel:
             if zLevel is None:
                 zLevel = self.map.CreateZLevel(height, width)  # , z-1)
                 #print(log_prefix+' CREATED z={}'.format(z))
             if width == 0:
                 width = len(line) / self.idlen
                 self.log.debug('Width detected as {}.'.format(width))
                 zLevel.Resize(width, width)
             if width > 255:
                 self.log.warn("%sLine is {} blocks long!", log_prefix, width)
             x = 0
             for chunk in chunker(line.strip(), self.idlen):
                 chunk = ''.join(chunk)
                 tid = self.oldID2NewID[chunk]
                 #if tid == 1:
                 #print('[{},{}] Chunk: {}, tid: {}'.format(x,y,chunk,tid))
                 zLevel.SetTileID(x, y, tid)
                 x += 1
             y += 1
Exemple #4
 def consumeTileMap(self, f):
     zLevel = None
     y = 0
     z = 0
     inZLevel = False
     width = 0
     height = 0
     while True:
         self.lineNumber += 1
         line = f.readline()
         if line == '':
         log_prefix="{}:{}: ".format(self.filename,self.lineNumber)
         # (1,1,1) = {"
         if line.startswith('('):
             coordChunk = line[1:line.index(')')].split(',')
             # print(repr(coordChunk))
             z = int(coordChunk[2])
             inZLevel = True
             y = 0
             width = 0
             height = 0
             start = clock()
             #print(log_prefix+' START z={}'.format(z))
         if line.strip() == '"}':
             inZLevel = False
             if height == 0:
                 height = y
             # self.map.zLevels[z] = zLevel
             zLevel = None
             self.log.info(' * Added map layer {0} ({1}x{2}, {3})'.format(z, height, width, getElapsed(start)))
         if inZLevel:
             if zLevel is None:
                 zLevel = self.map.CreateZLevel(height, width)  # , z-1)
                 #print(log_prefix+' CREATED z={}'.format(z))
             if width == 0:
                 width = len(line) / self.idlen
                 self.log.debug('Width detected as {}.'.format(width))
                 zLevel.Resize(width, width)
             if width > 255:
                 self.log.warn("%sLine is {} blocks long!", log_prefix, width)
             x = 0
             for chunk in chunker(line.strip(), self.idlen):
                 chunk = ''.join(chunk)
                 tid = self.oldID2NewID[chunk]
                 #if tid == 1:
                 #print('[{},{}] Chunk: {}, tid: {}'.format(x,y,chunk,tid))
                 zLevel.SetTileID(x, y, tid)
                 x += 1
             y += 1