def main(args): if iswindows: run(*('cscript.exe configure.js include={0}/include' ' include={0}/include/libxml2 lib={0}/lib prefix={0}' ' zlib=yes iconv=no'.format(PREFIX.replace(os.sep, '/')).split()), cwd='win32') for f in walk('.'): bname = os.path.basename(f) if bname.startswith('Makefile'): replace_in_file(f, '/OPT:NOWIN98', '', missing_ok=True) elif bname == 'xsltconfig.h': replace_in_file(f, '@WITH_PROFILER@', '1') run(f'"{NMAKE}" /f Makefile.msvc', cwd='win32') install_tree('libxslt', 'include') install_tree('libexslt', 'include') for f in walk('.'): if f.endswith('.dll'): install_binaries(f, 'bin') elif f.endswith('.lib'): install_binaries(f) else: env = {} if ismacos: env['PATH'] = BIN + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] with ModifiedEnv(**env): simple_build('--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static' ' --enable-shared --without-python --without-debug')
def main(args): if iswindows: windows_cmake_build() install_binaries('build/jpegtran-static.exe', 'bin', fname_map=lambda x: 'jpegtran-calibre.exe') install_binaries('build/cjpeg-static.exe', 'bin', fname_map=lambda x: 'cjpeg-calibre.exe') else: env = {} if ismacos: env['PATH'] = BIN + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] env['LIBTOOLIZE'] = 'glibtoolize' env['LIBTOOL'] = 'glibtool' with ModifiedEnv(**env): run('autoreconf -fiv') conf = ('--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-shared --with-jpeg8' ' --without-turbojpeg') env = {} if ismacos: conf += f' --host x86_64-apple-darwin NASM={BIN}/nasm' replace_in_file( 'configure', re.compile(br'^PKG_CHECK_MODULES.libpng.+?\bfi\b', re.M | re.DOTALL), 'HAVE_LIBPNG=1\nHAVE_LIBPNG_TRUE="#"\n') simple_build(conf, override_prefix=os.path.join(build_dir(), 'private', 'mozjpeg'))
def main(args): if iswindows: with current_dir('msvc'): msbuild('Hunspell.sln', configuration='Release_dll') dll = lib = False for f in walk('.'): if os.path.basename(f) == 'libhunspell.dll': install_binaries(f, 'bin') dll = True elif os.path.basename(f) == 'libhunspell.lib': install_binaries(f, 'lib') lib = True if not dll or not lib: raise Exception('Failed to find the hunspell dlls') # from bypy.utils import run_shell # run_shell() copy_headers('src/hunspell/*.hxx', destdir='include/hunspell') copy_headers('src/hunspell/*.h', destdir='include/hunspell') copy_headers('msvc/*.h', destdir='include/hunspell') else: env = {} if ismacos: env['PATH'] = BIN + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] env['LIBTOOLIZE'] = 'glibtoolize' env['LIBTOOL'] = 'glibtool' with ModifiedEnv(**env): run('autoreconf -fiv') conf = '--disable-dependency-tracking' env = {} if ismacos: conf += ' --host x86_64-apple-darwin' simple_build(conf)
def unix_python2(args): env = {'CFLAGS': CFLAGS + ' -DHAVE_LOAD_EXTENSION'} replace_in_file('', re.compile(b'def detect_tkinter.+:'), lambda m: + b'\n' + b' ' * 8 + b'return 0') conf = ('--prefix={} --with-threads --enable-ipv6 --enable-unicode={}' ' --with-system-expat --with-pymalloc --without-ensurepip').format( build_dir(), ('ucs2' if ismacos or iswindows else 'ucs4')) if islinux: conf += ' --with-system-ffi --enable-shared' # Needed as the system openssl is too old, causing the _ssl module # to fail env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = LIBDIR elif ismacos: conf += (f' --enable-framework={build_dir()}/python' ' --with-signal-module') # Needed for readline detection env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.9' with ModifiedEnv(**env): simple_build(conf, relocate_pkgconfig=False) bindir = os.path.join(build_dir(), 'bin') P = os.path.join(bindir, 'python') replace_in_file(P + '-config', re.compile(br'^#!.+/bin/', re.MULTILINE), '#!' + PREFIX + '/bin/') if ismacos: bindir = os.path.join(build_dir(), 'bin') for f in os.listdir(bindir): link = os.path.join(bindir, f) if os.path.islink(link): fp = os.readlink(link) nfp = fp.replace(build_dir(), PREFIX) if nfp != fp: os.unlink(link) os.symlink(nfp, link)
def main(args): replace_in_file('', 'self._want_assembly_kept = sys', 'self._want_assembly_kept = False and sys') # the exports in this file lead to linker errors with invalid export # specification replace_in_file('', "export_symbol_file = 'com/win32com/src/PythonCOM.def',", '') # get rid of some not needed modules and modules that dont build replace_in_file( '', 'def _why_cant_build_extension(self, ext):', '''def _why_cant_build_extension(self, ext): if in ('exchdapi', 'exchange', 'mapi', 'pythonservice', 'win32ui', 'win32uiole', 'dde', 'Pythonwin'): return 'disabled by Kovid' ''') # dont copy the MFC Dlls since we have disabled the modules # that use them replace_in_file( '', re.compile(r'^\s+# The MFC DLLs.+?^\s+def ', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE), ' def ') # dont build scintilla (used by the disabled pythonwin) replace_in_file('', 'self._build_scintilla()', '') # CLSID_PropertyChangeArray is not useable replace_in_file('com/win32comext/propsys/src/propsys.cpp', '#ifndef CLSID_PropertyChangeArray', '#if 0') replace_in_file( 'com/win32comext/propsys/src/propsys.cpp', re.compile(r'PYCOM_INTERFACE_CLSID_ONLY\s*\(PropertyChangeArray\),'), '') # Undefined symbol replace_in_file( 'win32/src/win32job.i', '#define JOB_OBJECT_RESERVED_LIMIT_VALID_FLAGS JOB_OBJECT_RESERVED_LIMIT_VALID_FLAGS', # noqa '') # fix win32com trying to write to paths inside the installation folder replace_in_file( 'com/win32com/', "__gen_path__ = ''", 'import tempfile; __gen_path__ = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "gen_py", "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))' ) # noqa replace_in_file('com/win32com/client/', 'except IOError:', 'except Exception:') p = windows_sdk_paths() with ModifiedEnv(MSSDK_INCLUDE=p['include'], MSSDK_LIB=p['lib']): run(PYTHON, '', 'build', '--plat-name=' + ('win-amd64' if is64bit else 'win32')) run(PYTHON, '', '-q', 'install', '--root', build_dir()) base = os.path.relpath(PREFIX, '/') q = os.listdir(build_dir())[0] os.rename(os.path.join(build_dir(), base, 'private'), os.path.join(build_dir(), 'private')) rmtree(os.path.join(build_dir(), q)) rmtree( os.path.join(build_dir(), 'private/python/Lib/site-packages/pythonwin'))
def main(args): with ModifiedEnv(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LIBDIR, PATH=f'{PREFIX}/bin:' + os.environ['PATH']): os.makedirs(os.path.join(f'{PREFIX}/lib/dbus-1.0/include'), exist_ok=True) meson_build(force_posix_threads='true', gtk_doc='false', man='false', selinux='disabled', iconv='external')
def main(args): env = {} p = PREFIX.replace(os.sep, '/') env = dict( UNRAR_INCLUDE='{}/include'.format(p), UNRAR_LIBDIRS='{0}/lib'.format(p), ) with ModifiedEnv(**env): python_build() python_install()
def main(args): cflags = CFLAGS env = {} if ismacos: if len(UNIVERSAL_ARCHES) > 1: env['CC'] = 'clang ' + ' '.join(f'-arch {x}' for x in UNIVERSAL_ARCHES) env['CPP'] = 'clang -E' env['CFLAGS'] = cflags with ModifiedEnv(**env): simple_build('--disable-dependency-tracking')
def main(args): with ModifiedEnv(PATH=BIN + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']): simple_build() files = set() for path in walk(os.path.join(build_dir(), 'bin')): files.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path))) for path in walk(build_dir()): if path.endswith('/'): files.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path))) for path in files: replace_in_file(path, build_dir(), PREFIX, missing_ok=True)
def main(args): env = {} p = PREFIX.replace(os.sep, '/') env = dict( LIBXML_INCLUDE_DIRS='{0}/include{1}{0}/include/libxml2'.format(p, os.pathsep), LIBXML_LIB_DIRS='{0}/lib'.format(p), LIBXML_LIBS='libxml2' if iswindows else 'xml2', ) with ModifiedEnv(**env): python_build() python_install()
def main(args): if iswindows: # On windows we dont actually build sqlite as the python build script # downloads its own version locked sqlite. We just install the headers copy_headers('sqlite3*.h') return cflags = CFLAGS if ismacos: cflags += ' -O2 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE' with ModifiedEnv(CFLAGS=cflags): simple_build('--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static')
def main(args): with ModifiedEnv(FREETYPE_CFLAGS='-I%s/include/freetype2' % PREFIX, FREETYPE_LIBS='-L%s/lib -lfreetype -lz -lbz2' % PREFIX): simple_build( '--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --disable-docs' f' --with-expat={PREFIX} --with-add-fonts=/usr/share/fonts', library_path=True) for f in walk(os.path.join(build_dir(), 'etc')): if os.path.islink(f): x = os.path.realpath(f) os.unlink(f) shutil.copy2(x, f)
def main(args): with ModifiedEnv( LIBUSB_CFLAGS="-I%s/include/libusb-1.0" % PREFIX, LIBUSB_LIBS='-lusb-1.0', CFLAGS=CFLAGS + ' -DHAVE_ICONV', LDFLAGS=LDFLAGS + ' -liconv', LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LIBDIR, ): conf = '--disable-mtpz --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --with-libiconv-prefix={0}'.format( PREFIX) if islinux: conf += ' --with-udev={0}/udev'.format(PREFIX) simple_build(conf)
def main(args): env = {} p = PREFIX.replace(os.sep, '/') env = dict( UNRAR_INCLUDE='{}/include'.format(p), UNRAR_LIBDIRS='{0}/lib'.format(p), ) if iswindows: replace_in_file('src/unrardll/wrapper.cpp', ' ssize_t written', ' Py_ssize_t written') with ModifiedEnv(**env): python_build() python_install()
def main(args): # make install tries to write to $HOME/.terminfo with ModifiedEnv(HOME=build_dir()): simple_build( '--with-shared --without-debug --without-ada --enable-widec' ' --with-normal --enable-pc-files' f' --with-pkg-config-libdir={PKG_CONFIG_PATH}' # without the following ncurses will look in the BUILD_DIR # for terminfo files even on target systems. Instead use # a bunch of common locations. ' --with-terminfo-dirs=/usr/share/terminfo:/etc/terminfo:' '/lib/terminfo:/usr/lib/terminfo' ' --with-default-terminfo-dir=/usr/share/terminfo', )
def main(args): # the makefile stupidly uses a comma as a separator for sed which breaks when there # are multiple entries being substituted replace_in_file('', re.compile(rb"'s,.+?'"), lambda m:',', b'`')) replace_in_file('', re.compile(rb"'s,.+?'"), lambda m:',', b'`')) with ModifiedEnv(FREETYPE_CFLAGS='-I%s/include/freetype2' % PREFIX, FREETYPE_LIBS='-L%s/lib -lfreetype -lz -lbz2' % PREFIX): simple_build( '--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-static --disable-docs' f' --with-expat={PREFIX} --with-add-fonts=/usr/share/fonts', library_path=True) for f in walk(os.path.join(build_dir(), 'etc')): if os.path.islink(f): x = os.path.realpath(f) os.unlink(f) shutil.copy2(x, f)
def unix_python(args): env = { 'CFLAGS': CFLAGS + f' -DHAVE_LOAD_EXTENSION -I{PREFIX}/include/ncursesw' } replace_in_file('', re.compile(b'def detect_tkinter.+:'), lambda m: + b'\n' + b' ' * 8 + b'return 0') conf = ('--enable-ipv6 --with-system-expat --with-pymalloc' ' --with-lto --enable-optimizations' ' --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions' ' --without-ensurepip --with-c-locale-coercion') install_args = () if islinux: conf += f' --with-system-ffi --enable-shared --prefix={build_dir()}' # Needed as the system openssl is too old, causing the _ssl module # to fail env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = LIBDIR elif ismacos: conf += f' --enable-framework={build_dir()}/python' conf += f' --with-openssl={PREFIX}' if len(UNIVERSAL_ARCHES) > 1: conf += ' --enable-universalsdk --with-universal-archs=universal2' # Without ARCHFLAGS the extensions are built for only one arch env['ARCHFLAGS'] = ' '.join(f'-arch {x}' for x in UNIVERSAL_ARCHES) # Needed for readline detection env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.14' env['LDFLAGS'] = LDFLAGS.replace('-headerpad_max_install_names', '') # dont install IDLE and PythonLauncher replace_in_file( 'Mac/', 'installapps: install_Python install_PythonLauncher install_IDLE', 'installapps: install_Python') # needed to build universal 3rd party python extensions. See # _supports_arm64_builds() in replace_in_file('Lib/', 'osx_version >= (11, 0)', 'osx_version >= (10, 15)') install_args = (f'PYTHONAPPSDIR={build_dir()}', ) with ModifiedEnv(**env): simple_build(conf, relocate_pkgconfig=False, install_args=install_args) bindir = os.path.join(build_dir(), 'bin') def replace_bdir(f, raw=None): if raw is None: raw =, f.truncate() f.write( raw.replace(f'{build_dir()}'.encode('utf-8'), PREFIX.encode('utf-8'))) if ismacos: for f in os.listdir(bindir): link = os.path.join(bindir, f) with open(link, 'r+b') as f: raw = if raw.startswith(b'#!/'): replace_bdir(f, raw) if os.path.islink(link): fp = os.readlink(link) nfp = fp.replace(build_dir(), PREFIX) if nfp != fp: os.unlink(link) os.symlink(nfp, link) libdir = glob.glob(f'{build_dir()}/python/Python.framework/' 'Versions/Current/lib/python*')[0] for x in ('config-*-darwin/', ''): with open(glob.glob(f'{libdir}/{x}')[0], 'r+b') as f: replace_bdir(f) else: replace_in_file(os.path.join(bindir, 'python3-config'), re.compile(br'^prefix=".+?"', re.MULTILINE), f'prefix="{PREFIX}"') libdir = os.path.join(build_dir(), 'lib') for x in ( 'python*/config-*-linux-gnu/', 'python*/_sysconfigdata__linux_*', ): with open(glob.glob(f'{libdir}/{x}')[0], 'r+b') as f: replace_bdir(f) os.symlink('python3', os.path.join(bindir, 'python'))
def unix_python(args): env = { 'CFLAGS': CFLAGS + f' -DHAVE_LOAD_EXTENSION -I{PREFIX}/include/ncursesw' } replace_in_file('', re.compile(b'def detect_tkinter.+:'), lambda m: + b'\n' + b' ' * 8 + b'return 0') conf = ('--enable-ipv6 --with-system-expat --with-pymalloc' ' --with-lto --enable-optimizations' ' --without-ensurepip --with-c-locale-coercion') install_args = () if islinux: conf += f' --with-system-ffi --enable-shared --prefix={build_dir()}' # Needed as the system openssl is too old, causing the _ssl module # to fail env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = LIBDIR elif ismacos: conf += f' --enable-framework={build_dir()}/python' conf += f' --with-openssl={PREFIX}' # Needed for readline detection env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.14' env['LDFLAGS'] = LDFLAGS.replace('-headerpad_max_install_names', '') cwd = os.getcwd() replace_in_file( 'configure', "PYTHON_FOR_BUILD='./$(BUILDPYTHON) -E'", f"PYTHON_FOR_BUILD='PYTHONEXECUTABLE={cwd}/$(BUILDPYTHON) PYTHONPATH={cwd}/Lib ./$(BUILDPYTHON)'" # noqa ) # dont install IDLE and PythonLauncher replace_in_file( 'Mac/', 'installapps: install_Python install_PythonLauncher install_IDLE', 'installapps: install_Python' ) install_args = (f'PYTHONAPPSDIR={build_dir()}',) with ModifiedEnv(**env): simple_build(conf, relocate_pkgconfig=False, install_args=install_args) bindir = os.path.join(build_dir(), 'bin') def replace_bdir(f, raw=None): if raw is None: raw =, f.truncate() f.write(raw.replace( f'{build_dir()}'.encode('utf-8'), PREFIX.encode('utf-8'))) if ismacos: for f in os.listdir(bindir): link = os.path.join(bindir, f) with open(link, 'r+b') as f: raw = if raw.startswith(b'#!/'): replace_bdir(f, raw) if os.path.islink(link): fp = os.readlink(link) nfp = fp.replace(build_dir(), PREFIX) if nfp != fp: os.unlink(link) os.symlink(nfp, link) libdir = glob.glob( f'{build_dir()}/python/Python.framework/' 'Versions/Current/lib/python*')[0] for x in ( 'config-*-darwin/', '' ): with open(glob.glob(f'{libdir}/{x}')[0], 'r+b') as f: replace_bdir(f) else: replace_in_file(os.path.join(bindir, 'python3-config'), re.compile(br'^prefix=".+?"', re.MULTILINE), f'prefix="{PREFIX}"') os.symlink('python3', os.path.join(bindir, 'python'))