Exemple #1
def test_modify_data(tmpdir):
    import mmap
    import shutil
    test_path = Path(".") / "tests" / "data" / "binary_scalar"
    shutil.copy(test_path, tmpdir / "testfile")

    test_file = (tmpdir / "testfile").open(mode="r+b")
    mm = mmap.mmap(test_file.fileno(), 0)

    x = parse_bytes(foam_file, mm)
    assert x["preamble"] == {
        "name": "FoamFile",
        "content": {
            "version": 2.0,
            "format": "binary",
            "class": "volScalarField",
            "arch": "LSB;label=32;scalar=64",
            "location": "1",
            "object": "p"
    assert x["data"]["internalField"].size == 9200

    x["data"]["internalField"][:10] = np.arange(10)
    y = parse_bytes(foam_file, mm)
def test_config():
    data = b''

    def p(x, config):
        config["hello"] = x
        return value(None)

    def q(config):
        return value(config["hello"])

    assert parse_bytes(with_config(sequence(p("world"), q())), data) == "world"

    def set_cap(x, config):
        config["upper"] = (x == 1)
        return value(None)

    def get_text(config):
        if config["upper"]:
            return many_char(item, lambda x: x.decode().upper())
            return many_char(item, lambda x: x.decode())

    assert parse_bytes(with_config(sequence(integer >> set_cap, get_text())),
                       b'0hello') == "hello"
    assert parse_bytes(with_config(sequence(integer >> set_cap, get_text())),
                       b'1hello') == "HELLO"
def test_sequence():
    p1 = sequence(*(char(c) for c in data), flush())
    assert parse_bytes(p1, data) == data

    p2 = sequence(*(char(c) for c in data), item, flush())
    with pytest.raises(EndOfInput):
        parse_bytes(p2, data)
Exemple #4
def test_dimensions():
    assert parse_bytes(dimensions, b"[0 2 -2 0 0 0 0]") \
        == [0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        # Wrongly formatted dimensions vector
        parse_bytes(dimensions, b"(0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 2)")
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        # The number of dimensions should be 7
        parse_bytes(dimensions, b"[0 2 -1 0 0 0]")
def test_email():
    email_char = choice(ascii_alpha_num, ascii_underscore)
    email = named_sequence(user=some_char(email_char),
                           server=sequence(text_literal("@"), flush(),
                           country=sequence(text_literal("."), flush(),
    assert parse_bytes(email, b"*****@*****.**")['user'] == b"pab"
    assert parse_bytes(email, b"*****@*****.**")['server'] == b"rod"
    assert parse_bytes(email, b"*****@*****.**")['country'] == b"es"
Exemple #6
def test_identifier():
    assert parse_bytes(identifier, b"thisShouldWork0") \
        == "thisShouldWork0"
    assert parse_bytes(identifier, b"this_should_also_work_1") \
        == "this_should_also_work_1"

    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(identifier, b"676test")

    assert parse_bytes(identifier, b"call-with-current-continuation") \
        == "call"
def test_array():
    import numpy as np
    numbers = np.random.normal(size=128)
    byte_data = numbers.data.tobytes()
        parse_bytes(array(np.dtype(float), 128), byte_data), numbers)

    p = named_sequence(open=char("("),
                       data=array(np.dtype(float), 128),
    mixed_data = b'(' + byte_data + b')'
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(parse_bytes(p, mixed_data)["data"], numbers)

    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(array(np.dtype(float), 129), byte_data)
Exemple #8
def test_preamble():
    test_file = Path(".") / "tests" / "data" / "ascii_scalar"
    data = test_file.open(mode="rb").read()
    assert parse_bytes(with_config(preamble), data) == {
        "name": "FoamFile",
        "content": {
            "version": 2.0,
            "format": "ascii",
            "class": "volScalarField",
            "location": "1",
            "object": "p"
Exemple #9
def test_ascii_scalar():
    test_file = Path(".") / "tests" / "data" / "ascii_scalar"
    data = test_file.open(mode="rb").read()
    x = parse_bytes(foam_file, data)
    assert x["preamble"] == {
        "name": "FoamFile",
        "content": {
            "version": 2.0,
            "format": "ascii",
            "class": "volScalarField",
            "location": "1",
            "object": "p"
    assert x["data"]["internalField"]["size"] == 10
    assert len(x["data"]["internalField"]["data"]) == 10
Exemple #10
def test_binary_vector():
    test_file = Path(".") / "tests" / "data" / "binary_vector"
    data = test_file.open(mode="rb").read()
    x = parse_bytes(foam_file, data)
    assert x["preamble"] == {
        "name": "FoamFile",
        "content": {
            "version": 2.0,
            "format": "binary",
            "class": "volVectorField",
            "arch": "LSB;label=32;scalar=64",
            "location": "1",
            "object": "U"
    assert x["data"]["internalField"].shape == (9200, 3)
Exemple #11
def test_binary_uniform():
    test_file = Path(".") / "tests" / "data" / "binary_uniform"
    data = test_file.open(mode="rb").read()
    x = parse_bytes(foam_file, data)
    assert x["preamble"] == {
        "name": "FoamFile",
        "content": {
            "version": 2.0,
            "format": "binary",
            "class": "volSymmTensorField",
            "arch": "LSB;label=32;scalar=64",
            "location": "0.0001",
            "object": "UPrime2Mean"
    assert x["data"]["internalField"]["data"] == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Exemple #12
def test_nested_dict():
    assert parse_bytes(dictionary, b"{ a 5; b 6; c { d (3 4 5); e {} } }") \
        == {"a": 5, "b": 6, "c": {"d": [3, 4, 5], "e": {}}}
Exemple #13
def test_simple_list():
    assert parse_bytes(with_config(foam_list(), format="ascii"),
                       b"hello (1 2 3 4 5)") \
        == {"name": "hello", "data": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
def test_value():
    assert parse_bytes(value(42), b"") == 42
Exemple #15
def test_vector():
    assert parse_bytes(vector(scientific_number), b"(3.4 10 -1.2 5e9 -4e-5)") \
        == [3.4, 10, -1.2, 5e9, -4e-5]
Exemple #16
def test_key_value_pair():
    assert parse_bytes(key_value_pair, b"alpha 1;") == {
        "key": "alpha",
        "value": 1
def test_end_of_input():
    with pytest.raises(EndOfInput):
        parse_bytes(item, b"")
def test_tokenize():
    assert parse_bytes(some(tokenize(integer)), b"3 42 -67") == [3, 42, -67]
def test_literal():
    assert parse_bytes(literal(data), data) == data
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(literal(b"Hello, Universe!"), data)
Exemple #20
def test_block_comment():
    x = "/* Hello, World! */".encode()
    assert parse_bytes(block_comment, x) == " Hello, World! "
def test_fail():
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(fail("FAIL!"), data)
def test_pop():
    p = sequence(push(0), pop(lambda x: 1 / x))
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(p, b"")
def test_scientific():
    assert parse_bytes(scientific_number, b"3.1415") == pytest.approx(3.1415)
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(scientific_number, b".890")
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(scientific_number, b"8.78e78.2")
def test_item():
    assert parse_bytes(item, data) == data[0]
def test_many_char():
    assert parse_bytes(many_char(item), data) == data
def test_quoted_string():
    assert parse_bytes(quoted_string('"'), b"\"blahblah\"") == "blahblah"
def test_text_literal():
    assert parse_bytes(text_literal("Hello"), data) == b"Hello"
    assert parse_bytes(ignore(text_literal("Hello")), data) is None
    with pytest.raises(Failure):
        parse_bytes(text_literal("Hi"), data)