Exemple #1
    def get_sampler_pair(self, request):
        timeout = self.safe_time(request.priority_option('timeout'))

        # convert body to string
        if isinstance(request.body, (dict, list, numeric_types)):
            if request.get_header('content-type') == 'application/json' or isinstance(request.body, numeric_types):
                request.body = json.dumps(request.body)
            elif not simple_body_dict(request.body):
                LOG.debug('Header "Content-Type: application/json" is required for body: "%s"', request.body)
                request.body = json.dumps(request.body)

        use_random_host_ip = request.priority_option('random-source-ip', default=False)
        host_ips = get_host_ips(filter_loopbacks=True) if use_random_host_ip else []

        files = request.upload_files
        body_file = request.config.get("body-file")
        has_file_for_body = not (request.body or files) and body_file

        # method can be put, post, or even variable
        if has_file_for_body and request.method != "GET":
            files = [{"path": body_file}]

        http = JMX._get_http_request(request.url, request.label, request.method, timeout, request.body,
                                     request.priority_option('keepalive', default=True),
                                     files, request.content_encoding,
                                     request.priority_option('follow-redirects', default=True),
                                     use_random_host_ip, host_ips)

        children = etree.Element("hashTree")

        if request.headers:

        return http, children
Exemple #2
    def _get_exec(self):
        exec_str = ''
        for req in self.scenario.get_requests():
            if not isinstance(req, HTTPRequest):
                msg = "Gatling simulation generator doesn't support '%s' blocks, skipping"
                self.log.warning(msg, req.NAME)

            if len(exec_str) > 0:
                exec_str += '.'

            default_address = self.scenario.get("default-address")
            if default_address:
                url = req.url
                url = self.fixed_addr(req.url)

            exec_str += 'exec(\n'
            exec_template = self.indent('http("%(req_label)s").%(method)s("%(url)s")\n', level=2)
            exec_str += exec_template % {'req_label': req.label, 'method': req.method.lower(), 'url': url}

            for key in req.headers:
                exec_template = self.indent('.header("%(key)s", "%(val)s")\n', level=3)
                exec_str += exec_template % {'key': key, 'val': req.headers[key]}

            # todo: join with the same in get_sampler_pair
            if isinstance(req.body, (dict, list, numeric_types)):
                if req.get_header('content-type') == 'application/json' or isinstance(req.body, numeric_types):
                    req.body = json.dumps(req.body)
                elif not simple_body_dict(req.body):
                    self.log.debug('Header "Content-Type: application/json" is required for body: "%s"', req.body)
                    req.body = json.dumps(req.body)

            if isinstance(req.body, str):
                exec_str += self.indent('.body(%(method)s("""%(body)s"""))\n', level=3)
                exec_str = exec_str % {'method': 'StringBody', 'body': req.body}
            elif isinstance(req.body, dict):
                for key in sorted(req.body.keys()):
                    exec_str += self.indent('.formParam("%(key)s", "%(val)s")\n', level=3)
                    exec_str = exec_str % {'key': key, 'val': req.body[key]}
            elif req.body is not None:
                self.log.warning("Unknown body type: %s", req.body)

            exec_str += self.__get_assertions(req.config.get('assert', []))

            if not req.priority_option('follow-redirects', default=True):
                exec_str += self.indent('.disableFollowRedirect\n', level=3)

            exec_str += self.indent(')', level=1)

            think_time = int(dehumanize_time(req.get_think_time()))
            if think_time:
                exec_str += '.pause(%(think_time)s)' % {'think_time': think_time}

        return exec_str
Exemple #3
    def get_sampler_pair(self, request):
        timeout = self.safe_time(request.priority_option('timeout'))

        # convert body to string
        if isinstance(request.body, (dict, list, numeric_types)):
            if request.get_header(
                    'content-type') == 'application/json' or isinstance(
                        request.body, numeric_types):
                request.body = json.dumps(request.body)
            elif not simple_body_dict(request.body):
                    'Header "Content-Type: application/json" is required for body: "%s"',
                request.body = json.dumps(request.body)

        use_random_host_ip = request.priority_option('random-source-ip',
        host_ips = get_host_ips(
            filter_loopbacks=True) if use_random_host_ip else []

        files = request.upload_files
        body_file = request.config.get("body-file")
        has_file_for_body = not (request.body or files) and body_file

        # method can be put, post, or even variable
        if has_file_for_body and request.method != "GET":
            files = [{"path": body_file}]

        http = JMX._get_http_request(
            request.url, request.label, request.method, timeout, request.body,
            request.priority_option('keepalive', default=True), files,
            request.priority_option('follow-redirects', default=True),
            use_random_host_ip, host_ips)

        children = etree.Element("hashTree")

        if request.headers:

        return http, children