Exemple #1
	def set_table_data(self, tableid, data, offset=None):
		Write data to a table.

		:param int tableid: The table number to write to (0x0000 <= tableid <= 0xffff)
		:param str data: The data to write into the table.
		:param int offset: The offset at which to start to write the data (0x000000 <= octetcount <= 0xffffff).
		self.send(C1218WriteRequest(tableid, data, offset))
		data = self.recv()
		if data[0] != 0x00:
			status = data[0]
			details = (C1218_RESPONSE_CODES.get(status) or 'unknown response code')
			self.logger.error('could not write data to the table, error: ' + details)
			raise C1218WriteTableError('could not write data to the table, error: ' + details, status)
Exemple #2
	def set_table_data(self, tableid, data, offset = None):
		Write data to a table.

		@type tableid: Integer (0x0000 <= tableid <= 0xffff)
		@param tableid: The table number to write to

		@type data: String
		@param data: The data to write into the table.

		@type offset: Integer (0x000000 <= octetcount <= 0xffffff)
		@param offset: The offset at which to start to write the data.
		self.send(C1218WriteRequest(tableid, data, offset))
		data = self.recv()
		if data[0] != '\x00':
			status = ord(data[0])
			details = (C1218_RESPONSE_CODES.get(status) or 'unknown response code')
			self.logger.error('could not write data to the table, error: ' + details)
			raise C1218WriteTableError('could not write data to the table, error: ' + details, status)
		return None