Exemple #1
def mean_xfrac():

    redshifts = rs.read_redshifts("../red_ori2.dat")
    redshifts2 = rs.read_redshifts("../red_ori.dat")
    meanxfrac = np.zeros(len(redshifts))
    file = open('data/xfrac_stars.dat', 'w')
    file.write("Stars only: Mean Xfrac")

    file_pls = open('data/xfrac_pls.dat','w')
    file_pls.write("Power laws: Mean xfrac")

    file_quasars = open('data/xfrac_quasars.dat', 'w')
    file_quasars.write("Quasars: Mean Xfrac")

    file_quasars_pls = open('data/xfrac_quasars_pls.dat', 'w')
    file_quasars_pls.write("Power laws and Quasars: Mean Xfrac")

    for i in range(len(redshifts)):

        #Some path and file names. Modify these as needed.
        base_path = '/lustre/scratch/astro/hr203/RESULTS/'

        #for i in range(noRedshifts):  
        density_filename = '/lustre/scratch/astro/hr203/244Mpc_f2_8.2S_H250_wstars/coarser_densities/'

        xfrac_filename = base_path + '/244Mpc_f2_8.2S_H250_wstars/xfrac3d_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i]) + '.bin'
        qxfrac_filename = base_path + '/244Mpc_f2_8.2S_H250_wquasars/xfrac3d_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i]) + '.bin'
        if (i%2 ==0):
            pxfrac_filename = base_path + '/244Mpc_f2_8.2S_H250_wpls/xfrac3d_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i/2]) + '.bin'
        qpxfrac_filename = base_path + '/244Mpc_f2_8.2S_H250_wquasars_wpls/xfrac3d_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[i]) + '.bin'

        #Enable the printing of various messages

        #We are using the 114/h Mpc simulation box, so set all the proper conversion factors.
        #Be sure to always set this before loading anything. Otherwise, c2raytools will
        #not know how to convert densities and velocities to physical units!
        #c2t.set_sim_constants(boxsize_cMpc = 50)

        #Read an ionized fractions file and store it as an XfracFile object
        xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename)
        if (i%2==0):
            xfile_pls = c2t.XfracFile(pxfrac_filename)
        xfile_qs = c2t.XfracFile(pxfrac_filename)
        xfile_qs_pls = c2t.XfracFile(qpxfrac_filename)

       #The most important property of an XfracFile object is xi, which
       #is a numpy array containing the ionized fraction
       #print 'The ionized fraction in point (10,223,45) is: ', xfile.xi[10,223,45]
       #print 'The volume-averaged mean ionized fraction is: ', xfile.xi.mean()
        if (i%2):
        return "Complete"
Exemple #2
        kwargs["histtype"] = "step"
    if not "color" in kwargs.keys():
        kwargs["color"] = "k"

    pl.hist(plot_data.flatten(), log=logscale, **kwargs)

    # Labels
    if datatype == "xfrac":
    elif datatype == "density":
        pl.xlabel("$\\rho \; \mathrm{[g \; cm^{-3}]}$")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import c2raytools as c2t
    import pylab as pl



    dfilename = "/disk/sn-12/garrelt/Science/Simulations/Reionization/C2Ray_WMAP5/114Mpc_WMAP5/coarser_densities/nc256_halos_removed/6.905n_all.dat"
    xfilename = "/disk/sn-12/garrelt/Science/Simulations/Reionization/C2Ray_WMAP5/114Mpc_WMAP5/114Mpc_f2_10S_256/results_ranger/xfrac3d_8.958.bin"

    dfile = c2t.DensityFile(dfilename)
    #    plot_slice(dfile, los_axis=1, logscale=True, cmap=pl.cm.hot)
    #    ax2 = pl.subplot(1,2,2)
    #    plot_slice(xfilename)
This file demonstrates how to make a redshift-space
lightcone volume from many coeval volumes.
To do this, we first make separate light cones for
ionized fraction, density, brightness tempearture and velocity.
Note that this script is fairly memory-hungry, so run it on
a machine with plenty of RAM.

import c2raytools as c2t
import numpy as np
import glob


#Paths to data files. Modify these as needed
xfrac_dir = '/disk/dawn-1/garrelt/Reionization/C2Ray_WMAP5/425Mpc_WMAP5/f2_10S_504/results/'
density_dir = '/disk/dawn-1/garrelt/Reionization/C2Ray_WMAP5/425Mpc_WMAP5/coarser_densities/'
velocity_dir = density_dir

#The place to save the results. Modify to something you have write access to
output_dir = '/home/hjens/links/local/slask/'

#Redshift limits for the light cone
z_low = 7.5
z_high = 12. 

#List all the redhifts for which we have data files
density_redshifts = c2t.get_dens_redshifts(density_dir, z_low, z_high, bracket=True)
xfrac_redshifts = c2t.get_xfrac_redshifts(xfrac_dir, z_low, z_high, bracket=True)