Exemple #1
def superset(j,x,y,itr,sSym=False):

    '''Superset Fractal Calculator. /Expensive./
    j = size of julia sets to be calculated.
    x,y = final size of image
    itr = number of iterations to run for.
    sSym = if fractal is symmetrical beneath 0i, setting this to true cuts the
    ----rendering time in half. Note, if fractal is assymetrical, will cause
    ----innacurate results. If fractal has rotal symetry in a power of 2, set to
    ----2. Due to fundamental limitations in the current implementation,
    ----odd-n rotal symmetry cannot be rendered properly.

    #Julia Coords for inverse supersets.   
    cX,cY = 0,0#-.783091,-.149219#.296906,.502234

    final = []

    formSet = 1
    mSet = True

    for rows in range(y):

        for points in range(x):

            output = calculate(formSet,2,itr,mSet,complex(plane.posX,plane.posY)
            rgb = [0,0,0]

            field.posX += field.fundamentalStep

            #Accumulate the pixels in output into a single-pixel list
            for vals in range(len(output)):
                rgb[vals%3] += output[vals]

            #Add to final a pixel which is the average of all pixels in output
            final += [int(rgb[i]/(len(output)/3)) for i in range(len(rgb))]

        #Satisfy idle curiosity
        if rows%15 == 1: print('Render is',str(round((rows/y)*(2 if sSym else 1)
                                                     *100, 3))+'% done.')

        field.posY += field.fundamentalStep
        field.posX = field.reset[0]

        if sSym and field.posY > 0:
            final += symmetry(final,0,rows,y,x)

    print("Render complete.")

    toPPX(3,True,final,x,y,fname='Renders/c('+str(cX)+','+str(cY)+') at '+str(j)
          +' ['+tBaseN(randint(0,1230942345))+']')
Exemple #2
def run(x,y, fSet):

    output = calculate(fSet,2,80,0,(0j),(0+0j),False,x,y,"Q",lambda c:c)
    print("Render Complete. Writing to file...")
    toPPX(3,True,output,x,y,fname = 'Renders/render')