Exemple #1
def get_process_list():
    """ Return list of processes.

        :return: List of processes. List of dictionaries with keys: "pid", "pgd", "name", "kaddr", where kaddr stands for the kernel address representing the process (e.g.: EPROCESS)
        :rtype: list
    import c_api
    #If this function call fails, it will raise an exception. 
    #Given that the exception is self explanatory, we just let it propagate upwards 
    return c_api.get_process_list()
Exemple #2
def get_process_list():
    """ Return list of processes.

        :return: List of processes. List of dictionaries with keys: "pid", "pgd", "name", "kaddr", where kaddr
                 stands for the kernel address representing the process (e.g.: EPROCESS)
        :rtype: list
    import c_api
    # If this function call fails, it will raise an exception.
    # Given that the exception is self explanatory, we just let it propagate
    # upwards
    return c_api.get_process_list()