Exemple #1
    def test_calculatetrans(self):
        print '\nTesting calculate_transitions'

        myprecursors = ((500, 'PEPTIDE', 1, 1, 0), (400, 'CEPC[160]IDM[147]E',
                                                    2, 2, 0))
        st = time.time()
        LARGENUMBER = 100000
        for i in range(LARGENUMBER):
            tr_new = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
                myprecursors, [1, 2], self.q3_low, self.q3_high)
        ctime = time.time() - st
        st = time.time()
        coll = collider.SRMcollider()
        for i in range(LARGENUMBER):
            tr_old = list(
                    coll, myprecursors, self.par, self.R, self.q3_low,
        oldtime = time.time() - st


        self.assertEqual(len(tr_new), len(tr_old))
        for o, n in zip(tr_old, tr_new):
            for oo, nn in zip(o, n):
                self.assertTrue(oo - nn < 1e-5)

        print ctime, oldtime
        print "Speedup:", oldtime / ctime
Exemple #2
    def test_calculatetrans2(self):
        print '\nTesting calculate_transitions 2'
        pep = test_shared.runpep2
        transitions = test_shared.runtransitions2
        precursors = test_shared.runprecursors2

        transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])

        st = time.time()
        collisions = list(collider.SRMcollider._get_all_collisions_calculate_sub(
                collider.SRMcollider(), precursors, self.par, self.R, self.q3_low, self.q3_high))

        oldtime = time.time() - st
        st = time.time()
        tr_new = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(tuple(precursors), [1,2], self.q3_low, self.q3_high)
        ctime = time.time() - st


        self.assertEqual(len(tr_new), len(collisions))
        for o,n in zip(collisions, tr_new):
            for oo,nn in zip(o,n):
                self.assertTrue(oo - nn < 1e-5)

        print ctime, oldtime
        print "Speedup:", oldtime / ctime
Exemple #3
    def test_calculatetrans_single(self):
        pep = test_shared.runpep2
        transitions = test_shared.runtransitions2
        precursors = [p for p in test_shared.runprecursors2 if p[2] == 106423]

        transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])

        st = time.time()
        collisions = list(
                collider.SRMcollider(), precursors, self.par, self.R,
                self.q3_low, self.q3_high))

        oldtime = time.time() - st
        st = time.time()
        tr_new = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(tuple(precursors),
                                                      [1, 2], self.q3_low,
        ctime = time.time() - st


        self.assertEqual(len(tr_new), len(collisions))
        for o, n in zip(collisions, tr_new):
            for oo, nn in zip(o, n):
                self.assertTrue(oo - nn < 1e-5)
Exemple #4
    def test_calculatetrans1(self):
        print '\nTesting calculate_transitions 1'
        pep = test_shared.runpep1
        transitions = test_shared.runtransitions1
        precursors = test_shared.runprecursors1[240:300]
        #precursors = test_shared.runprecursors1[2],
        transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])

        st = time.time()
        collisions = list(
                collider.SRMcollider(), precursors, self.par, self.R,
                self.q3_low, self.q3_high))

        oldtime = time.time() - st
        st = time.time()
        tr_new = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(tuple(precursors),
                                                      [1, 2], self.q3_low,
        ctime = time.time() - st


        self.assertEqual(len(tr_new), len(collisions))
        for o, n in zip(collisions, tr_new):
            for oo, nn in zip(o, n):
                self.assertTrue(oo - nn < 1e-5)

        print ctime, oldtime
        print "Speedup:", oldtime / ctime
Exemple #5
    def test_calculatetrans(self):
        print '\nTesting calculate_transitions'

        myprecursors = ((500, 'PEPTIDE', 1, 1, 0), (400, 'CEPC[160]IDM[147]E', 2, 2, 0))
        st = time.time()
        LARGENUMBER = 100000
        for i in range(LARGENUMBER):
            tr_new = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(myprecursors, [1,2], self.q3_low, self.q3_high)
        ctime = time.time() - st
        st = time.time()
        coll = collider.SRMcollider()
        for i in range(LARGENUMBER):
            tr_old = list(collider.SRMcollider._get_all_collisions_calculate_sub(
                        coll, myprecursors, self.par, self.R, self.q3_low, self.q3_high))
        oldtime = time.time() - st


        self.assertEqual(len(tr_new), len(tr_old))
        for o,n in zip(tr_old, tr_new):
            for oo,nn in zip(o,n):
                self.assertTrue(oo - nn < 1e-5)

        print ctime, oldtime
        print "Speedup:", oldtime / ctime
Exemple #6
def calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low, q3_high):
        import c_getnonuis

        return c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low, q3_high)
    except ImportError:
        return list(_calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low, q3_high))
Exemple #7
def calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low, q3_high):
        import c_getnonuis
        return c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low,
    except ImportError:
        return list(
            _calculate_transitions_ch(peptides, charges, q3_low, q3_high))
Exemple #8
    def calculate_transitions(self, q3_low, q3_high, charges=[1]):
        import c_getnonuis

        transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
            ((self.q1, self.modified_sequence, self.parent_id),), charges, q3_low, q3_high
        # fake some srm_id for the transitions, so that the returned transitions will be tuples of (q1, id)
        return tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
    def test_calculate_transitions_inner(self):
        mypep = self.pep1

        transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch((mypep,), [2], 0, 5000)
        transitions = [t[0] for t in transitions]
        self.assertEqual(len(transitions), 12)
        self.assertEqual(len(transitions), 2 * len(mypep[1]) - 2)

        y_series = transitions[: len(mypep[1]) - 1]
        b_series = transitions[len(mypep[1]) - 1 :]
        self.assertEqual(len(y_series), 6)
        self.assertEqual(len(b_series), 6)

        for calc, ref in zip(y_series, self.pep1_yseries):
            self.assertTrue(abs(calc - ref) < 1e-3)
        for calc, ref in zip(b_series, self.pep1_bseries):
            self.assertTrue(abs(calc - ref) < 1e-3)
Exemple #10
 def test_calculate_transitions_modifcation(self):
     trans = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch((self.pep2,), [1, 2], 300, 1500)
     # TODO check
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[0][0]) - 909.333 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[1][0]) - 780.290 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[2][0]) - 683.238 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[3][0]) - 523.207 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[4][0]) - 410.123 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[5][0]) - 330.112 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[6][0]) - 490.143 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[7][0]) - 603.227 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[8][0]) - 718.254 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[9][0]) - 865.289 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[10][0]) - 455.170 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[11][0]) - 390.649 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[12][0]) - 342.122 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[13][0]) - 302.117 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[14][0]) - 359.630 < 1e-3)
     self.assertTrue(abs(trans[15][0]) - 433.148 < 1e-3)
Exemple #11
    def test_integrated_cpp(self):
            """ Compare the fully integrated vs the mixed C++ rangetree / Python solution.

            Here we are comparing the fully integrated solution of storing all
            precursors in a C++ range tree and never passing them to Python vs
            the solution where we store the precursors in the rangetree, pass
            them to Python and then evaluate them.

            verbose = True
            verbose = False
            print '\n'*1
            print "Comparing fully integrated solution (c_integrated.wrap_all)"
            par = self.par
            cursor = self.cursor

            all_precursors = self.precursors_to_evaluate
            all_precursors = all_precursors[:self.limit_large]

            testrange = self.myprecursors.build_rangetree()
            import c_rangetree
            r = c_rangetree.ExtendedRangetree_Q1_RT.create()

            MAX_UIS = 5
            newtime = 0; oldtime = 0; ctime = 0
            oldsql = 0; newsql = 0
            alllocaltime = 0
            localprecursor = 0
            transitiontime = 0
            c_fromprecursortime = 0
            prepare  = []
            self._cursor = False
            print "Running experiment ", par.get_common_filename()
            print "calc_trans. = time to calculate the transitions of the precursor"
            print "old = use rangetree to get precursors, use C++ code to get collperpep"
            print "new = use rangetree to get precursors, use single C++ code to get collperpep"
            print "i\tcalc_trans.\tnew\t\told\t\t>>\tspeedup"
            for kk, precursor in enumerate(all_precursors):
                ii = kk + 1

                q1 =       precursor.q1
                ssrcalc =  precursor.ssrcalc
                sequence = precursor.modified_sequence
                peptide_key = precursor.transition_group
                p_id = precursor.parent_id

                q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()

                #new way to calculate the precursors
                mystart = time.time()
                transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
                    ((q1, sequence, p_id),), [1,2], q3_low, q3_high)
                nr_transitions = len( transitions )
                #fake some srm_id for the transitions
                transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])

                q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window 
                q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
                innerstart = time.time()
                #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
                ssrcalc_low = ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
                ssrcalc_high = ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
                transitiontime += time.time() - mystart

                isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * Residues.mass_diffC13 / min(par.parent_charges)

                # New way to calculate non_uislist 
                #  - start out from transitions, get non_uislist

                mystart = time.time()
                newresult = c_integrated.wrap_all_bitwise(transitions, q1_low, ssrcalc_low,
                    q1_high,  ssrcalc_high, peptide_key,
                    min(MAX_UIS,nr_transitions) , par.q3_window, #q3_low, q3_high,
                    par.ppm, par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction, par, r)
                newtime += time.time() - mystart

                # Old way to calculate non_uislist:
                #  - get collisions per peptide
                #  - get non_uislist

                mystart = time.time()
                collisions_per_peptide_obj = self.myprecursors.get_collisions_per_peptide_from_rangetree(
                    precursor, precursor.q1 - par.q1_window, precursor.q1 + par.q1_window, 
                    transitions, par, r)

                ## # if False:
                ## #     precursor_ids = tuple(c_rangetree.query_tree( q1_low, ssrcalc_low, 
                ## #         q1_high,  ssrcalc_high, par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction)) 
                ## #     precursors = tuple([parentid_lookup[myid[0]] for myid in precursor_ids
                ## #                         #dont select myself 
                ## #                        if parentid_lookup[myid[0]][2]  != peptide_key])
                ## #     collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide( 
                ## #         transitions, precursors, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm)

                non_uis_list = [{} for i in range(MAX_UIS+1)]
                for order in range(1,MAX_UIS+1):
                    non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                        collisions_per_peptide_obj, order)

                oldtime += time.time() - mystart

                non_uis_list_old_way = [set(kk.keys()) for kk in non_uis_list]
                non_uis_list_len = [len(kk) for kk in non_uis_list_old_way[1:]]

                # Assert equality, print out result
                self.assertEqual( newresult , non_uis_list_len) 

                mys =  "%s\t%0.4fms\t%0.2fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>\t%0.2f" % \
                (ii, transitiontime *1000/ ii, 
                        newtime*1000/ii, oldtime*1000/ii,
                oldtime *1.0 / newtime)
                #start a new line for each output?
                #mys += '\t%s\t%s' % ( len(precursors), len(precursor_new) )
                if False: mys += '\n'

                self.ESC = chr(27)
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
                if self._cursor:
                    sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
                self._cursor = True
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Exemple #12
 def calculate_transitions(self, q3_low, q3_high, charges=[1]):
   import c_getnonuis
   transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
       ((self.q1, self.modified_sequence, self.parent_id),), charges, q3_low, q3_high)
   # fake some srm_id for the transitions, so that the returned transitions will be tuples of (q1, id)
   return tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
Exemple #13
    def test_integrated_cpp(self):
        """ Compare the fully integrated vs the mixed C++ rangetree / Python solution.

            Here we are comparing the fully integrated solution of storing all
            precursors in a C++ range tree and never passing them to Python vs
            the solution where we store the precursors in the rangetree, pass
            them to Python and then evaluate them.

        verbose = True
        verbose = False
        print '\n' * 1
        print "Comparing fully integrated solution (c_integrated.wrap_all)"
        par = self.par
        cursor = self.cursor

        all_precursors = self.precursors_to_evaluate
        all_precursors = all_precursors[:self.limit_large]

        testrange = self.myprecursors.build_rangetree()
        import c_rangetree
        r = c_rangetree.ExtendedRangetree_Q1_RT.create()

        MAX_UIS = 5
        newtime = 0
        oldtime = 0
        ctime = 0
        oldsql = 0
        newsql = 0
        alllocaltime = 0
        localprecursor = 0
        transitiontime = 0
        c_fromprecursortime = 0
        prepare = []
        self._cursor = False
        print "Running experiment ", par.get_common_filename()
        print "calc_trans. = time to calculate the transitions of the precursor"
        print "old = use rangetree to get precursors, use C++ code to get collperpep"
        print "new = use rangetree to get precursors, use single C++ code to get collperpep"
        print "i\tcalc_trans.\tnew\t\told\t\t>>\tspeedup"
        for kk, precursor in enumerate(all_precursors):
            ii = kk + 1

            q1 = precursor.q1
            ssrcalc = precursor.ssrcalc
            sequence = precursor.modified_sequence
            peptide_key = precursor.transition_group
            p_id = precursor.parent_id

            q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()

            #new way to calculate the precursors
            mystart = time.time()
            transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
                ((q1, sequence, p_id), ), [1, 2], q3_low, q3_high)
            nr_transitions = len(transitions)
            #fake some srm_id for the transitions
            transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])

            q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window
            q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
            innerstart = time.time()
            #correct rounding errors, s.t. we get the same results as before!
            ssrcalc_low = ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window + 0.001
            ssrcalc_high = ssrcalc + par.ssrcalc_window - 0.001
            transitiontime += time.time() - mystart

            isotope_correction = par.isotopes_up_to * Residues.mass_diffC13 / min(

            # New way to calculate non_uislist
            #  - start out from transitions, get non_uislist

            mystart = time.time()
            newresult = c_integrated.wrap_all_bitwise(
                min(MAX_UIS, nr_transitions),
                par.q3_window,  #q3_low, q3_high,
            newtime += time.time() - mystart

            # Old way to calculate non_uislist:
            #  - get collisions per peptide
            #  - get non_uislist

            mystart = time.time()
            collisions_per_peptide_obj = self.myprecursors.get_collisions_per_peptide_from_rangetree(
                precursor, precursor.q1 - par.q1_window,
                precursor.q1 + par.q1_window, transitions, par, r)

            ## # if False:
            ## #     precursor_ids = tuple(c_rangetree.query_tree( q1_low, ssrcalc_low,
            ## #         q1_high,  ssrcalc_high, par.isotopes_up_to, isotope_correction))
            ## #     precursors = tuple([parentid_lookup[myid[0]] for myid in precursor_ids
            ## #                         #dont select myself
            ## #                        if parentid_lookup[myid[0]][2]  != peptide_key])
            ## #     collisions_per_peptide = c_getnonuis.calculate_collisions_per_peptide(
            ## #         transitions, precursors, q3_low, q3_high, par.q3_window, par.ppm)

            non_uis_list = [{} for i in range(MAX_UIS + 1)]
            for order in range(1, MAX_UIS + 1):
                non_uis_list[order] = c_getnonuis.get_non_uis(
                    collisions_per_peptide_obj, order)

            oldtime += time.time() - mystart

            non_uis_list_old_way = [set(kk.keys()) for kk in non_uis_list]
            non_uis_list_len = [len(kk) for kk in non_uis_list_old_way[1:]]

            # Assert equality, print out result
            self.assertEqual(newresult, non_uis_list_len)

            mys =  "%s\t%0.4fms\t%0.2fms\t\t%0.2fms\t\t>>\t%0.2f" % \
            (ii, transitiontime *1000/ ii,
                    newtime*1000/ii, oldtime*1000/ii,
            oldtime *1.0 / newtime)
            #start a new line for each output?
            #mys += '\t%s\t%s' % ( len(precursors), len(precursor_new) )
            if False: mys += '\n'

            self.ESC = chr(27)
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[2K')
            if self._cursor:
                sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[u')
            self._cursor = True
            sys.stdout.write(self.ESC + '[s')
Exemple #14
self = mycollider
self.pepids = self._get_unique_pepids_toptransitions(par, cursor)
MAX_UIS = par.max_uis
common_filename = par.get_common_filename()
self.min_transitions = []
start = time.time()
progressm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(self.pepids), unit='peptides')
for i, pep in enumerate(self.pepids):
    p_id = pep['parent_id']
    q1 = pep['q1']
    if not use_randomized_transitions and not use_above_precursor: 
        transitions = self._get_all_transitions_toptransitions(par, pep, cursor)
    elif use_above_precursor: 
        import c_getnonuis
        transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
            ((pep['q1'], pep['mod_sequence'], p_id),), [1], 0, 20000)
        #get all singly charged y ions above the precursor
        y_series = [(t[0], 0) for t in transitions[:len(transitions)/2] if t[0] > q1]
        y_series = y_series[:5]
        transitions = y_series
    elif use_randomized_transitions: 
        import c_getnonuis
        transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
            ((pep['q1'], pep['mod_sequence'], p_id),), [1], 0, 20000)
        #get random fragment ions
        from random import shuffle
        transitions = [ (t[0], 0) for t in transitions[:10] ]

    nr_transitions = len( transitions )
    "qadd": qadd,
print q
print "Obtained all peptides"

alltuples = list(cursor.fetchall())

progressm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(alltuples), unit="peptides")
prepare = []
total_transitions = 0
total_assays = 0
for kk, pep in enumerate(alltuples):
    q3_low, q3_high = [400, 1200]
    q3_low, q3_high = [400, 1400]
    q3charges = [1, 2]
    q3charges = [1]
    # q3_low, q3_high = [0, 12000]
    # new way to calculate the precursors
    transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(((-2, pep[0], -1),), q3charges, q3_low, q3_high)
    # print pep, len(pep[0]), len(transitions)
    total_transitions += len(transitions)
    total_assays += sum([collider.choose(len(transitions), i) for i in range(1, 6) if len(transitions) >= i])

print "Total number of precursors is ", len(alltuples)
print "Total number of transitions is ", total_transitions
print "Total number of assays is ", total_assays
print "Obtained all peptides"

alltuples =  list(cursor.fetchall() )

progressm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(alltuples), unit='peptides')
prepare  = []
total_transitions = 0
total_assays = 0
for kk, pep in enumerate(alltuples):
    q3_low, q3_high = [400, 1200]
    q3_low, q3_high = [400, 1400]
    q3charges = [1,2]
    q3charges = [1]
    #q3_low, q3_high = [0, 12000]
    #new way to calculate the precursors
    transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
        ((-2, pep[0], -1),), q3charges, q3_low, q3_high)
    #print pep, len(pep[0]), len(transitions)
    total_transitions += len(transitions)
    total_assays += sum([ collider.choose(len(transitions), i) for i in range(1,6) 
                        if len(transitions) >= i ] )

print "Total number of precursors is ", len(alltuples)
print "Total number of transitions is ", total_transitions
print "Total number of assays is ", total_assays

Exemple #17

self = mycollider
self.mysqlnewtime = 0
self.pepids = mypepids
MAX_UIS = par.max_uis
progressm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(self.pepids), unit='peptides')
prepare = []
for kk, pep in enumerate(self.pepids):
    p_id = pep['parent_id']
    q1 = pep['q1']
    ssrcalc = pep['ssrcalc']
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
    #new way to calculate the precursors
    transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
        ((q1, pep['sequence'], p_id), ), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
    #fake some srm_id for the transitions
    transitions = tuple([(t[0], i) for i, t in enumerate(transitions)])
    nr_transitions = len(transitions)
    #in SWATH mode, we have a fixed window independent of q1
    if swath_mode:
        q1_low = min_q1
        q1_high = max_q1
        q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window
        q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
    if use_db and not swath_mode:
        precursors = self._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor)
    elif use_db and swath_mode:
Exemple #18
 def test_calculate_transitions_regular(self):
     trans = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch((self.pep1,), [1, 2], 300, 1500)
     self.assertEqual(len(trans), 10)
     for calc, ref in zip(trans, self.transitions_12_between300_1500):
         self.assertTrue(abs(calc[0] - ref) < 1e-3)
Exemple #19

self = mycollider
self.mysqlnewtime = 0
self.pepids = mypepids
MAX_UIS = par.max_uis
progressm = progress.ProgressMeter(total=len(self.pepids), unit='peptides')
prepare  = []
for kk, pep in enumerate(self.pepids):
    p_id = pep['parent_id']
    q1 = pep['q1']
    ssrcalc = pep['ssrcalc']
    q3_low, q3_high = par.get_q3range_transitions()
    #new way to calculate the precursors
    transitions = c_getnonuis.calculate_transitions_ch(
        ((q1, pep['sequence'], p_id),), [1], q3_low, q3_high)
    #fake some srm_id for the transitions
    transitions = tuple([ (t[0], i) for i,t in enumerate(transitions)])
    nr_transitions = len(transitions)
    #in SWATH mode, we have a fixed window independent of q1
    if swath_mode: q1_low = min_q1; q1_high = max_q1
    else: q1_low = q1 - par.q1_window ; q1_high = q1 + par.q1_window
    if use_db and not swath_mode:
        precursors = self._get_all_precursors(par, pep, cursor)
    elif use_db and swath_mode:
        if par.ssrcalc_window > 1000:
            precursors = [p for p in allprecursors if p[2] != pep['peptide_key'] ]
            ssrcalc_low = ssrcalc - par.ssrcalc_window