def insert(self, pos, type_): """Inserts an entity on the grid """ # DEBUG #debug("insert", ("pos", pos), ("type", type_)) entity_t = None if self._grid[pos] != type_: entity_t = ALL_ENTITIES[type_].type else: return # Entity already exist self._grid[pos] = entity_t if ALL_ENTITIES[entity_t].neighborhood is not None: if ALL_ENTITIES[entity_t].neighborhood == NEIGHBORHOOD_TYPES[ "moore"]: x, y = pos for new_x in range(x - 1, x + 2): for new_y in range(y - 1, y + 2): pos = Point(new_x, new_y) if self._grid[pos] != entity_t: self._grid[pos] = ALL_ENTITIES[entity_t].neighbors elif ALL_ENTITIES[entity_t].neighborhood == NEIGHBORHOOD_TYPES[ "1D"]: x, y = pos for new_x in range(-1, 2, 2): pos = Point(x + new_x, y) if self._grid[pos] != entity_t: self._grid[pos] = ALL_ENTITIES[entity_t].neighbors
def move_all(self, x, y): """Moves the entire grid and simulates view motion """ new_dict = dict() for pos in self._my_links.viewkeys(): new_pos = Point(pos.x - x, pos.y - y) new_dict[new_pos] = self._my_links[pos] self._my_links.clear() self._my_links = new_dict new_dict = dict() for pos in self._links.viewkeys(): new_pos = Point(pos.x - x, pos.y - y) new_dict[new_pos] = self._links[pos] self._links.clear() self._links = new_dict new_dict = BaseGrid(int) for pos, entity_t in self._grid.viewitems(): new_pos = Point(pos.x - x, pos.y - y) new_dict[new_pos] = entity_t self._grid = new_dict new_dict = BaseGrid(int) for pos, entity_t in self._grid_sel.viewitems(): new_pos = Point(pos.x - x, pos.y - y) new_dict[new_pos] = entity_t self._grid_sel = new_dict self.__update_selection()
def flip_h(self): """Flips horizontally the entities selected and update the selection list """ # DEBUG #debug("flip_h", ("selection", self.__selection_list)) max_x = max(self.__all_selection)[0] min_x = min(self.__all_selection)[0] mid_x = (max_x - min_x) / 2 new_dict = BaseGrid(int) for point in self.__selection_list: my_x, my_y = point if my_x > mid_x: new_x = min_x + (max_x - my_x) else: new_x = max_x - (my_x - min_x) new_pos = Point(new_x, my_y) new_dict[new_pos] = ALL_ENTITIES[self._grid[point]].flip_h() self.delete(point) for pos, entity in self._grid.viewitems(): if pos not in new_dict and pos not in self.__selection_list: new_dict[pos] = entity self._grid.clear() self._grid.update(new_dict) self.__update_selection()
def rotate(self, deg=90): """Rotates the entities selected and update the selction list """ if len(self.__selection_list) == 0: return max_ = max(self.__all_selection) min_ = min(self.__all_selection) pivot = Point( min_.x + ((max_.x - min_.x) / 2.), min_.y + ((max_.y - min_.y) / 2.), ) new_dict = BaseGrid(int) new_selection = list() new_all = list() for point in self.__selection_list: new_pos = rotate_point(point, pivot, deg) new_selection.append(new_pos) new_dict[new_pos] = ALL_ENTITIES[self._grid[point]].rotate(deg) self.delete(point) self.__selection_list = new_selection self.__all_selection = list() for point in self.__all_selection: new_all.append(rotate_point(point, pivot, deg)) self.__all_selection = new_all for pos, entity in self._grid.viewitems(): if pos not in new_dict: new_dict[pos] = entity self._grid.clear() self._grid.update(new_dict) self.__update_selection()
def load(self, filename=""): """Loads a grid from a file """ base_path = path.dirname(filename) #base_path = "/".join(filename.split("/")[:-1]) # DEBUG #debug("load", ("base_path", base_path), ("filename", filename)) self.__filename = filename with open(filename, "r") as fp: stored_dict = json.load(fp) for type_, list_ in stored_dict.viewitems(): if type_ == "my_links": for sub_type, sub_list in list_.viewitems(): for pos in sub_list: pos = Point(pos[0], pos[1]) if sub_type == LINK_TYPE_IDS[LINK_TYPE_NAMES["IN"]]: self.insert_link(pos, LINK_TYPE_NAMES["IN"], True) elif sub_type == LINK_TYPE_IDS[LINK_TYPE_NAMES["OUT"]]: self.insert_link(pos, LINK_TYPE_NAMES["OUT"], True) # "links": {"10,6": [[-1, 36574928, [12, 5]]]} elif type_ == "links": added = dict() grids_container = dict() for point, data in list_.viewitems(): pos = map(int, point.split(",")) pos = Point(pos[0], pos[1]) type_, id_, id_pos = data id_pos = Point(id_pos[0], id_pos[1]) if id_ not in added: new_grid = CellularGrid() new_grid.load( path.join(base_path, stored_dict["linked_names"][str(id_)])) added[id_] = id(new_grid) grids_container[id_] = new_grid self._linked_names[ added[id_]] = stored_dict["linked_names"][str(id_)] self._linked_grids[added[id_]] = grids_container[id_] self._links[pos] = (type_, added[id_], id_pos) elif type_ in ENTITIES_NAMES: for pos in list_: pos = Point(pos[0], pos[1]) self.insert(pos, ENTITIES_NAMES[type_])
def move_selected_entities(self, x, y): """Moves all selected entities """ new_selection = list() new_all = list() new_dict = BaseGrid(int) for pos in self.__selection_list: new_pos = Point(pos.x - x, pos.y - y) # DEBUG #debug("move_selected_entities", ("NEW POS", new_pos != pos)) if new_pos != pos: new_selection.append(new_pos) new_dict[new_pos] = self._grid_sel.pop(pos) else: return self._grid_sel = new_dict self.__all_selection = list() for point in self.__all_selection: new_all.append(Point(point.x - x, point.y - y)) self.__all_selection = new_all # DEBUG #debug("move_selected_entities", ("NEW SELECTION", new_selection)) if len(new_selection) != 0: self.__selection_list = new_selection
def flip_v(self): """Flips vertically the entities selected and update the selection list """ max_y = max(self.__all_selection)[1] min_y = min(self.__all_selection)[1] mid_y = (max_y - min_y) / 2 new_dict = BaseGrid(int) for point in self.__selection_list: my_x, my_y = point if my_y > mid_y: new_y = min_y + (max_y - my_y) else: new_y = max_y - (my_y - min_y) new_pos = Point(my_x, new_y) new_dict[new_pos] = ALL_ENTITIES[self._grid[point]].flip_v() self.delete(point) for pos, entity in self._grid.viewitems(): if pos not in new_dict: new_dict[pos] = entity self._grid.clear() self._grid.update(new_dict) self.__update_selection()