def validate_input(self, json_data): if 'response' not in json_data: raise RequiredInputError('response', 'request.body.response') if json_data['response'] not in self.VALID_RESPONSES: raise InvalidInputError('response', 'request.body.response') if json_data['response'] == 'reject': if 'inputs' not in json_data: raise RequiredInputError('inputs', 'request.body.inputs') if any([ type(json_data['inputs']) is not list, len(json_data['inputs']) == 0, ]): raise RequiredListError('inputs', 'request.body.inputs') for index, field in enumerate(json_data['inputs']): errors = [] try: self.validate_field(field, index) except InputError as e: errors.append(e.to_json()) if errors: raise BadRequest(errors) if 'comment' not in json_data: raise RequiredInputError('comment', 'request.body.comment') if type(json_data['comment']) is not str: raise BadRequest([{ 'detail': '\'comment\' must be a str', 'code': 'validation.invalid', 'where': 'request.body.comment', }]) return [ Form.state_json(, [ { 'name': 'response', 'value': json_data['response'], 'value_caption': json_data['response'], }, { 'name': 'comment', 'value': json_data['comment'], 'value_caption': json_data['comment'], }, { 'name': 'inputs', 'value': json_data.get('inputs'), 'value_caption': json.dumps(json_data.get('inputs')), }, ]) ]
def validate(self, value, form_index): super().validate(value, form_index) value = value or self.get_default() if not value: if self.required: raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, return None try: datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") except TypeError: raise InvalidDateError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, except ValueError: raise InvalidDateError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, return value
def validate(self, value, form_index): super().validate(value, form_index) if not value: value = None if value is not None and type(value) is not dict: raise InvalidInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, provider = self.provider if not value and self.required: raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, if provider == 'doqer': if value is not None: valid = reduce( and_, map(lambda attr: attr in value and value[attr] is not None, ['id', 'mime', 'name', 'type'])) if not valid: raise InvalidInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, else: raise MisconfiguredProvider( 'File provider `{}` not implemented'.format(provider)) return value
def validate(self, value, form_index): # allowed types are None, String, and Numbers curated = None if value is None or value == '': curated = None elif isinstance(value, numbers.Number) or type(value) == str: try: curated = float(value) except ValueError: raise RequiredFloatError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, else: raise RequiredFloatError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, if curated is None and self.required: raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, if curated is None: curated = self.get_default() return curated
def validate(self, value, form_index): value = value or self.get_default() if self.required and (value == '' or value is None): raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, return value
def validate_json(json_data: dict, req: list): errors = [] for item in req: if item not in json_data: errors.append( RequiredInputError(item, 'request.body.{}'.format(item)).to_json()) if errors: raise BadRequest(errors)
def validate_input(self, json_data): if 'response' not in json_data: raise RequiredInputError('response', 'request.body.response') if json_data['response'] not in self.VALID_RESPONSES: raise InvalidInputError('response', 'request.body.response') if json_data['response'] == 'reject': if 'inputs' not in json_data: raise RequiredInputError('inputs', 'request.body.inputs') if type(json_data['inputs']) is not list: raise RequiredListError('inputs', 'request.body.inputs') for index, field in enumerate(json_data['inputs']): errors = [] try: self.validate_field(field, index) except InputError as e: errors.append(e.to_json()) if errors: raise BadRequest(errors) return [ Form.state_json(, [ { 'name': 'response', 'value': json_data['response'], }, { 'name': 'comment', 'value': json_data['comment'], }, { 'name': 'inputs', 'value': json_data.get('inputs'), }, ]) ]
def validate(self, value, form_index): super().validate(value, form_index) curated = None if not value: curated = None elif isinstance(value, dict): if 'label' not in value or 'href' not in value: raise InvalidInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, ) ) label = value['label'] href = value['href'] link_valid = re.match('^(https?://)[a-z0-9.]+/?$', href) if not link_valid: raise InvalidInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, ) ) curated = { 'label': label, 'href': href, } else: raise InvalidInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format( form_index, ) ) if not curated and self.required: raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, ) return curated
def validate(self, value, form_index): if self.required and type(value) != int and not value: raise RequiredInputError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, if type(value) != int and not value: value = self.get_default() try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise RequiredIntError(, 'request.body.form_array.{}.{}'.format(form_index, return value
def validate_field(self, field, index): if type(field) != dict: raise RequiredDictError('inputs.{}'.format(index), 'request.body.inputs.{}'.format(index)) if 'ref' not in field: raise RequiredInputError( 'inputs.{}.ref'.format(index), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(index)) try: node, actor, ref, input = field['ref'].split('.') index, ref = ref.split(':') except ValueError: raise InvalidInputError('inputs.{}.ref'.format(index), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(index)) if not self.in_dependencies(field['ref']): raise InvalidInputError('inputs.{}.ref'.format(index), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(index))
def execution_patch(id): execution = Execution.get_or_exception(id) collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] execution_state = next(collection.find({'id': id})) validate_json(request.json, ['comment', 'inputs']) xml = Xml.load(app.config, execution.process_name, direct=True) dom = xml.get_dom() if type(request.json['inputs']) != list: raise RequiredListError('inputs', 'request.body.inputs') processed_inputs = [] for i, field in enumerate(request.json['inputs']): if type(field) != dict: raise RequiredDictError(str(i), 'request.body.inputs.{}'.format(i)) if 'ref' not in field: raise RequiredInputError('id', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i)) if type(field['ref']) != str: raise RequiredStrError('ref', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i)) # check down the state tree for existence of the requested ref processed_ref = [] pieces = field['ref'].split('.') try: node_id = pieces.pop(0) node_state = execution_state['state']['items'][node_id] except IndexError: raise InputError('Missing segment in ref for node_id', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') except KeyError: raise InputError('node {} not found'.format(node_id), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') if node_state['type'] != 'action': raise InputError('only action nodes may be patched', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') processed_ref.append(node_id) # node xml element node = get_element_by(dom, 'action', 'id', node_id) if len(node_state['actors']['items']) == 1: only_key = list(node_state['actors']['items'].keys())[0] actor_state = node_state['actors']['items'][only_key] else: try: actor_username = pieces.pop(0) actor_state = node_state['actors']['items'][actor_username] except IndexError: raise InputError('Missing segment in ref for actor username', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') except KeyError: raise InputError('actor {} not found'.format(actor_username), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') processed_ref.append(actor_state['user']['identifier']) try: form_ref = pieces.pop(0) except IndexError: raise InputError('Missing segment in ref for form ref', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') if re.match(r'\d+', form_ref): try: form_index = int(form_ref) form_state = actor_state['forms'][form_index] except KeyError: raise InputError('form index {} not found'.format(form_ref), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') else: matching_forms = list( map(lambda f: f['ref'] == form_ref, actor_state['forms'])) form_count = len(list(filter(lambda x: x, matching_forms))) if form_count == 1: form_index = matching_forms.index(True) form_state = actor_state['forms'][form_index] elif form_count == 0: raise InputError( 'No forms with ref {} in node'.format(form_ref), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') else: raise InputError( 'More than one form with ref {}'.format(form_ref), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') processed_ref.append(str(form_index) + ':' + form_state['ref']) # form xml element form = get_element_by(node, 'form', 'id', form_state['ref']) try: input_name = pieces.pop(0) form_state['inputs']['items'][input_name] except IndexError: raise InputError('Missing segment in ref for input name', 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') except KeyError: raise InputError('input {} not found'.format(input_name), 'request.body.inputs.{}.ref'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') processed_ref.append(input_name) processed_inputs.append({ 'ref': '.'.join(processed_ref), }) # input xml element input_el = get_element_by(form, 'input', 'name', input_name) if 'value' in field: try: input_obj = make_input(input_el) value = input_obj.validate(field['value'], 0) caption = input_obj.make_caption(value) processed_inputs[-1]['value'] = value processed_inputs[-1]['value_caption'] = caption except InputError as e: raise InputError('value invalid: {}'.format(str(e)), 'request.body.inputs.{}.value'.format(i), 'validation.invalid') channel = get_channel() channel.basic_publish( exchange='', routing_key=app.config['RABBIT_QUEUE'], body=json.dumps({ 'command': 'patch', 'execution_id':, 'comment': request.json['comment'], 'inputs': processed_inputs, }), properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2, ), ) return jsonify({ 'data': 'accepted', }), 202