def recover_step(self, message: dict): ''' given an execution id and a pointer from the persistent storage, return the asociated process node to continue its execution ''' try: pointer = Pointer.get_or_exception(message['pointer_id']) if pointer.status != 'ongoing': raise ModelNotFoundError( 'Specified pointer never existed, and never will', ) except ModelNotFoundError: raise InconsistentState('Queued dead pointer') user = User.get_by('identifier', message.get('user_identifier')) if user is None: if message.get('user_identifier') == '__system__': user = User(identifier='__system__', fullname='System').save() else: raise InconsistentState('sent identifier of unexisten user') return ( pointer, user, message['input'], )
def execution_list(): collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] dict_args = request.args.to_dict() query = dict((k, dict_args[k]) for k in dict_args if k not in app.config['INVALID_FILTERS']) # filter for user_identifier user_identifier = query.pop('user_identifier', None) if user_identifier is not None: user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) if user is not None: execution_list = [ for item in user.proxy.activities.get()] else: execution_list = [] query['id'] = { '$in': execution_list, } return jsonify({ "data": list( map( json_prepare, collection.find(query).sort([ ('started_at', pymongo.DESCENDING) ]).skip(g.offset).limit(g.limit))), })
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if request.authorization is None: raise Unauthorized([{ 'detail': 'You must provide basic authorization headers', 'where': 'request.authorization', }]) identifier = request.authorization['username'] token = request.authorization['password'] user = User.get_by('identifier', identifier) token = Token.get_by('token', token) if ( user is None or token is None or token.proxy.user.get().id != ): raise Unauthorized([{ 'detail': 'Your credentials are invalid, sorry', 'where': 'request.authorization', }]) g.user = user return view(*args, **kwargs)
def get_invalid_users(self, node_state): users = [ identifier for identifier, actor in node_state['actors']['items'].items() if actor['state'] == 'invalid' ] return list(map(lambda u: User.get_by('identifier', u), users))
def execution_add_user(id): ''' adds the user as a candidate for solving the given node, only if the node has an active pointer. ''' # TODO possible race condition introduced here. How does this code work in # case the handler is moving the pointer? # get execution execution = Execution.get_or_exception(id) # validate the members needed validate_json(request.json, ['identifier', 'node_id']) identifier = request.json['identifier'] node_id = request.json['node_id'] # get actual pointer try: pointer = next(execution.proxy.pointers.q().filter(node_id=node_id)) except StopIteration: raise BadRequest([{ 'detail': f'{node_id} does not have a live pointer', 'code': 'validation.no_live_pointer', 'where': 'request.body.node_id', }]) # get user user = User.get_by('identifier', identifier) if user is None: raise InvalidInputError('user_id', 'request.body.identifier') # update user user.proxy.tasks.add(pointer) # update pointer collection = mongo.db[app.config['POINTER_COLLECTION']] db_pointer = collection.find_one({'id':}) user_json = user.to_json() notified_users = db_pointer.get('notified_users', []) if user_json not in notified_users: notified_users.append(user.to_json()) collection.update_one( {'id':}, {'$set': { 'notified_users': notified_users }}, ) return jsonify(user_json), 200
def fetch_user_info(user_identifier): user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) if user is None: flask.abort(404) return flask.make_response( flask.jsonify({ 'identifier': user.get_contact_info('identifier'), 'fullname': user.get_contact_info('fullname'), 'email': user.get_contact_info('email'), }), http.HTTPStatus.OK, # 200 )
def whoami(): identifier = flask.request.authorization['username'] token = flask.request.authorization['password'] user = User.get_by('identifier', identifier) token = Token.get_by('token', token) if user is None or \ token is None or \ token.user.get().id != raise Unauthorized([{ 'detail': 'Your credentials are invalid, sorry', 'where': 'request.authorization', }]) return flask.jsonify({ 'data': user.to_json(), })
def authenticate(self, **credentials): if 'username' not in credentials: raise AuthFieldRequired('username') if 'password' not in credentials: raise AuthFieldRequired('password') # fetchs redis mirror user if there is None then creates one user = User.get_by('identifier', credentials['username']) if not user: raise AuthFieldInvalid('username') verified = pbkdf2_sha256.verify( credentials['password'], self.config['IMPERSONATE_PASSWORD'], ) if not verified: raise AuthFieldInvalid('password') return user.identifier, user.to_json()
def all_logs(): collection = mongo.db[app.config['POINTER_COLLECTION']] dict_args = request.args.to_dict() query = dict((k, dict_args[k]) for k in dict_args if k not in app.config['INVALID_FILTERS']) # filter for user_identifier user_identifier = query.pop('user_identifier', None) if user_identifier is not None: user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) if user is not None: pointer_list = [ for item in user.proxy.tasks.get()] else: pointer_list = [] query['id'] = { '$in': pointer_list, } pipeline = [ { '$match': query }, { '$sort': { 'started_at': -1 } }, { '$group': { '_id': '$', 'latest': { '$first': '$$ROOT' }, } }, { '$replaceRoot': { 'newRoot': '$latest' } }, { '$sort': { 'started_at': -1 } }, { '$skip': g.offset }, { '$limit': g.limit }, ] return jsonify({ 'data': list(map( json_prepare, collection.aggregate(pipeline), )), })
def data_mix(): dict_args = request.args.to_dict() # get queries # execution's query exe_query = dict((k, dict_args[k]) for k in dict_args if k not in app.config['INVALID_FILTERS']) # get pointer's query ptr_query = {} for item in exe_query.copy(): if item.startswith('pointer.'): group, value = item.split('.', 1) ptr_query[value] = exe_query.pop(item) # filter for exclude/include exclude_fields = exe_query.pop('exclude', '') exclude_list = [s.strip() for s in exclude_fields.split(',') if s] exclude_map = {item: 0 for item in exclude_list} include_fields = exe_query.pop('include', '') include_list = [s.strip() for s in include_fields.split(',') if s] include_map = {item: 1 for item in include_list} prjct = {**include_map} or {**exclude_map} # filter for user_identifier user_identifier = exe_query.pop('user_identifier', None) if user_identifier is not None: user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) if user is not None: execution_list = [ for item in user.proxy.activities.get()] for item in user.proxy.tasks.get(): execution_list.append(item.execution) else: execution_list = [] exe_query['id'] = { '$in': execution_list, } # pipeline # all special cases should be handled before this # execution's case exe_pipeline = [ { '$match': exe_query }, ] exe_collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] exe_cursor = exe_collection.aggregate(exe_pipeline) exe_ids = list(map( lambda item: item['id'], exe_cursor, )) # pointer's case ptr_pipeline = [ { '$match': ptr_query }, { '$group': { '_id': None, 'executions': { '$push': '$' }, } }, ] ptr_collection = mongo.db[app.config['POINTER_COLLECTION']] ptr_cursor = ptr_collection.aggregate(ptr_pipeline) ptr_ids = [] for item in ptr_cursor: ptr_ids += item['executions'] # mix both lists def intersection(lst1, lst2): temp = set(lst2) lst3 = [value for value in lst1 if value in temp] return lst3 if exe_ids and ptr_ids: execution_ids = intersection(exe_ids, ptr_ids) else: execution_ids = exe_ids or ptr_ids # build results ptr_pipeline = [ { '$match': { '': { '$in': execution_ids } } }, { '$sort': { 'started_at': -1 } }, { '$group': { '_id': '$', 'latest': { '$first': '$$ROOT' }, } }, { '$replaceRoot': { 'newRoot': '$latest' } }, # TODO: DO NOT CREATE COLLECTION { '$out': 'ptr_aux_collection' }, ] ptr_collection.aggregate(ptr_pipeline) exe_pipeline = [ { '$match': { 'id': { '$in': execution_ids } } }, # TODO: FIND ANOTHER WAY TO ADD POINTER { '$lookup': { 'from': 'ptr_aux_collection', 'localField': 'id', 'foreignField': '', 'as': 'pointer', } }, { '$sort': { 'started_at': -1 } }, { '$skip': g.offset }, { '$limit': g.limit }, ] if prjct: # TODO: THE ABOVE LOOKUP IS REQUIRED TO USE include/ exe_pipeline.append({'$project': prjct}) def data_mix_json_prepare(obj): if obj.get('pointer') is not None: try: obj['pointer'] = obj['pointer'][0] obj['pointer'].pop('execution', {}) obj['pointer'] = json_prepare(obj['pointer']) except IndexError: obj['pointer'] = None return json_prepare(obj) return jsonify({ 'data': list( map( data_mix_json_prepare, exe_collection.aggregate(exe_pipeline), )) })
def data_mix(): dict_args = request.args.to_dict() # get queries def format_query(q): try: formated_q = json.loads(q) except JSONDecodeError: formated_q = q return formated_q # execution's query exe_query = dict((k, format_query(v)) for k, v in dict_args.items() if k not in app.config['INVALID_FILTERS']) # get pointer's query ptr_query = {} for item in copy.deepcopy(exe_query): if item.startswith('pointer.'): ptr_key = item.split('.', 1)[1] ptr_query[ptr_key] = exe_query.pop(item) # filter for exclude/include exclude_fields = exe_query.pop('exclude', '') exclude_list = [s.strip() for s in exclude_fields.split(',') if s] exclude_map = {item: 0 for item in exclude_list} include_fields = exe_query.pop('include', '') include_list = [s.strip() for s in include_fields.split(',') if s] include_map = {item: 1 for item in include_list} prjct = {**include_map} or {**exclude_map} # filter for exe_id if exe_query.get('id'): exe_id = {exe_query.get('id')} else: exe_id = None # filter for user_identifier user_identifier = exe_query.pop('user_identifier', None) if user_identifier is not None: user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) # early return if user is None: return jsonify({'data': []}) uid_exe_set = { for item in user.proxy.activities.get() } | {item.execution for item in user.proxy.tasks.get()} if exe_id is not None: exe_id &= uid_exe_set else: exe_id = uid_exe_set # filter for actor_identifier actor_identifier = exe_query.pop('actor_identifier', None) if actor_identifier is not None: collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] cursor = collection.aggregate([ { '$match': { 'state.item_order': { '$exists': True, '$nin': [None, {}], }, 'actors': { '$exists': True, }, } }, { '$project': { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, 'state.item_order': 1, 'actors': 1, } }, ]) aid_exe_set = set() for doc in cursor: key_list = doc['state']['item_order'] for key in key_list: an_actor = doc['actors'].get(key) if an_actor and an_actor == actor_identifier: aid_exe_set.add(doc['id']) # early return if not aid_exe_set: return jsonify({'data': []}) if exe_id is not None: exe_id &= aid_exe_set else: exe_id = aid_exe_set # filter for sorting sort_query = exe_query.pop('sort', None) if sort_query and sort_query.split(',', 1)[0]: try: key, order = sort_query.split(',', 1) except ValueError: key, order = sort_query, 'ASCENDING' if order not in ['ASCENDING', 'DESCENDING']: order = 'ASCENDING' order = getattr(pymongo, order) srt = {'$sort': {key: order}} else: srt = {'$sort': {'started_at': -1}} # pipeline # all special cases should be handled before this # pointer's case if ptr_query: ptr_pipeline = [ { '$match': ptr_query }, { '$group': { '_id': None, 'executions': { '$push': '$' }, } }, ] ptr_collection = mongo.db[app.config['POINTER_COLLECTION']] ptr_cursor = ptr_collection.aggregate(ptr_pipeline) ptr_exe_ids = set() for item in ptr_cursor: ptr_exe_ids |= set(item['executions']) if exe_id is not None: exe_id &= ptr_exe_ids else: exe_id = ptr_exe_ids if type(exe_id) == set: exe_query['id'] = { '$in': list(exe_id), } # execution's case exe_pipeline = [ { '$match': exe_query }, { '$project': { '_id': 0, 'id': 1, } }, ] exe_collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] exe_cursor = exe_collection.aggregate(exe_pipeline) execution_ids = list(map( lambda item: item['id'], exe_cursor, )) # build results ptr_lookup = { 'from': app.config['POINTER_COLLECTION'], 'localField': 'id', 'foreignField': '', 'as': 'pointer', } exe_pipeline = [ { '$match': { 'id': { '$in': execution_ids } } }, { '$lookup': ptr_lookup }, { '$project': { 'pointer.execution': 0 } }, srt, { '$skip': g.offset }, { '$limit': g.limit }, ] if prjct: exe_pipeline.append({'$project': prjct}) def data_mix_json_prepare(obj): if 'pointer' in obj and obj['pointer']: obj['pointer'] = json_prepare(obj['pointer'][-1]) obj['pointer'].pop('execution', None) else: obj.pop('pointer', None) return json_prepare(obj) return jsonify({ 'data': list( map( data_mix_json_prepare, exe_collection.aggregate(exe_pipeline, allowDiskUse=True), )) })
def execution_list(): dict_args = request.args.to_dict() # get queries def format_query(q): try: formated_q = json.loads(q) except JSONDecodeError: formated_q = q return formated_q # format query exe_query = dict((k, format_query(v)) for k, v in dict_args.items() if k not in app.config['INVALID_FILTERS']) # sort srt = {'$sort': {'started_at': -1}} sort_query = exe_query.pop('sort', None) if sort_query and sort_query.split(',', 1)[0]: try: key, order = sort_query.split(',', 1) except ValueError: key, order = sort_query, 'ASCENDING' if order not in ['ASCENDING', 'DESCENDING']: order = 'ASCENDING' order = getattr(pymongo, order) srt = {'$sort': {key: order}} # filter for user_identifier user_identifier = exe_query.pop('user_identifier', None) if user_identifier is not None: user = User.get_by('identifier', user_identifier) if user is not None: execution_list = [ for item in user.proxy.activities.get()] else: execution_list = [] exe_query['id'] = { '$in': execution_list, } # filter for exclude/include exclude_fields = exe_query.pop('exclude', '') exclude_list = [s.strip() for s in exclude_fields.split(',') if s] exclude_map = {item: 0 for item in exclude_list} include_fields = exe_query.pop('include', '') include_list = [s.strip() for s in include_fields.split(',') if s] include_map = {item: 1 for item in include_list} # store project for future use prjct = {**include_map} or {**exclude_map} exe_pipeline = [ { '$match': exe_query }, srt, { '$skip': g.offset }, { '$limit': g.limit }, ] if prjct: exe_pipeline.append({'$project': prjct}) exe_collection = mongo.db[app.config['EXECUTION_COLLECTION']] return jsonify({ "data": list( map( json_prepare, exe_collection.aggregate(exe_pipeline, allowDiskUse=True), )), })
def patch(self, message): execution = Execution.get_or_exception(message['execution_id']) if execution.status != 'ongoing': raise ModelNotFoundError( 'Specified execution never existed, and never will', ) xml = Xml.load(self.config, execution.process_name, direct=True) # set nodes with pointers as unfilled, delete pointers updates = {} user = User.get_by( 'identifier', message.get('user_identifier'), ) if user is None: if message.get('user_identifier') == '__system__': user = User(identifier='__system__', fullname='System').save() else: raise InconsistentState('sent identifier of unexisten user') for pointer in execution.pointers.q().filter(status='ongoing'): updates['state.items.{node}.state'.format( node=pointer.node_id, )] = 'unfilled' pointer.status = 'cancelled' pointer.finished_at = self.pointer_collection().update_one({ 'id':, }, { '$set': { 'state': 'cancelled', 'finished_at': pointer.finished_at, 'patch': { 'comment': message['comment'], 'inputs': message['inputs'], 'actor': user.to_json(include=[ '_type', 'fullname', 'identifier', ]), }, }, }) self.execution_collection().update_one({ 'id':, }, { '$set': updates, }) # retrieve updated state state = next(self.execution_collection().find({'id':})) state_updates, array_filters = cascade_invalidate( xml, state, message['inputs'], message['comment']) # update state self.execution_collection().update_one( {'id': state['id']}, {'$set': state_updates}, array_filters=array_filters, ) # retrieve updated state state = next(self.execution_collection().find({'id':})) first_invalid_node = track_next_node(xml, state, self.get_mongo(), self.config) # wakeup and start execution from the found invalid node self.wakeup_and_notify(first_invalid_node, execution, state)