def setUp(self):
     # get alternate cache from settings
     cqsettings = getattr(settings, 'CACHEQ', {})
     using = cqsettings.get('REDIS_TESTS_USING', 'default')
     self.cq = get_cache_queue(name='RedisCacheQueueTests', using=using)
     # reset queue to avoid overlapping with other test behavior
     self.RUN_TESTS = type(get_cache(using)).__name__ == 'RedisCache'
 def setUp(self):
     # get alternate cache from settings
     _sqsettings = getattr(settings, 'CACHEQ', {})
     using = _sqsettings.get('MEMCACHED_TESTS_USING', 'default')
     self.cq = get_cache_queue(name='MemcachedCacheQueueTests', using=using)
     # reset queue to avoid overlapping with other test behavior
     self.RUN_TESTS = type(get_cache(using)) is MemcachedCache
 def setUp(self):
     self.cq = get_cache_queue(name='LockFileCacheQueueTests')
     # we need to reset queue to avoid overlapping with other tests