Exemple #1
class VideoDataset(Dataset):
    Represents the video dataset (readonly).
    def __init__(self, root, transform=None, max_mmap=1, max_gzcache=3):
        :param root: the root directory of the dataset
        :type root: str
        :param transform: the transformations to be performed on loaded data
        :param max_mmap: the maximum number of memory map to keep
        :type max_mmap: int
        :param max_gzcache: the maximum number of extracted memory map files to
               keep on disk
        :type max_gzcache: int
        self.root = root
        jsonfile = get_dset_filename_by_ext(root, '.json')
        with open(jsonfile) as infile:
            self.metainfo = json.load(infile)
        self.total_frames = np.sum(self.metainfo['lens'])
        self.lens_cumsum = list(accumulate(self.metainfo['lens']))
        shape = self.metainfo['resolution'] + [self.metainfo['channels']]
        self.frame_shape = tuple(shape)

        # if self.validated_batches[i] == 0, then batch i hasn't been validated
        self.validated_batches = [False] * len(self.metainfo['lens'])
        checksumfile = get_dset_filename_by_ext(root, '.' + HASH_ALGORITHM)
        self.expected_hexes = parse_checksum_file(checksumfile)

        self.root_tmp = os.path.join(root, 'tmp')
        if not os.path.isdir(self.root_tmp):

        self.transform = transform

        max_mmap = max(1, max_mmap)
        self.mmap_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=max_mmap)
        self.gz_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=max(max_mmap, max_gzcache))
        self.max_gzcache = max(max_mmap, max_gzcache)

        # fine granularity lock for each data batch
        lockfile_tmpl = get_dset_filename_by_ext(root, '.access{}.lock')
        # note that I use the absolute to construct the file lock, so that the
        # lock will be shared by not only different processes, but also several
        # instances of this class, as long as they have been assigned the same
        # root
        self.access_locks = [
            for bid in range(len(self.metainfo['lens']))

        logger = logging.getLogger(_l(__name__, self, '__init__'))
        logger.info('Instantiated: root={}'.format(self.root))

    def __len__(self):
        :return: the number of frames in the video
        :rtype: int
        return self.total_frames

    def __getitem__(self, frame_id):
        Returns a frame of dimension HWC upon the request of a frame ID.
        Note that when calling this method without using contiguous or nearly
        contiguous indices, the efficiency will be very low.

        :param frame_id: the frame index
        :return: the frame in numpy array of dimension HWC
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        logger = logging.getLogger(_l(__name__, self, '__getitem__'))
        if frame_id < 0 or frame_id >= len(self):
            raise IndexError('Invalid index: {}'.format(frame_id))

        batch_id, rel_frame_id = self.locate_batch(frame_id)
        logger.debug('Waiting for lock ID {}'.format(batch_id))
        with self.access_locks[batch_id]:
            if batch_id not in self.mmap_cache:
                batchf = self.batch_filename_by_id(batch_id)
                if not os.path.isfile(batchf):
                    logger.info('Decompressing "{}"'.format(batchf))
                        self.batch_filename_by_id(batch_id, gzipped=True),
                    assert os.path.isfile(batchf), \
                        '"{}" not found after decompressed' \
                if not self.validated_batches[batch_id]:
                    if not check_file_integrity(batchf,
                            'File ingerity failed at "{}"; retrying'.format(
                        # probably there's error with read last time; attempt
                        # to decompress again for once
                            self.batch_filename_by_id(batch_id, gzipped=True),
                        assert os.path.isfile(batchf), \
                            '"{}" not found after decompressed' \
                        if not check_file_integrity(
                                batchf, self.expected_hexes[batch_id]):
                            logger.error('File integrity failed at "{}"; '
                                         'RuntimeError raised'.format(batchf))
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                'Data batch {} corrupted'.format(batch_id))
                    self.validated_batches[batch_id] = True
                        'File integrity check completed for batch {}'.format(

                # till here file "batchf" has been available
                self.gz_cache[batchf] = True

                shape = (self.metainfo['lens'][batch_id], ) + self.frame_shape
                logger.debug('keys before mmap cache adjustment: {}'.format(
                self.mmap_cache[batch_id] = np.memmap(
                logger.debug('keys after mmap cache adjustment: {}'.format(
        frame = np.copy(self.mmap_cache[batch_id][rel_frame_id])
        if self.transform is not None:
            frame = self.transform(frame)
        return frame

    def __iter__(self):
        for i in range(len(self)):
            yield self[i]

    def cleanup_unused_mmapfiles(self):
        logger = logging.getLogger(
            _l(__name__, self, 'cleanup_unused_mmapfiles'))
        for filename in os.listdir(self.root_tmp):
            matched = DATABATCH_FILENAME_PAT.match(filename)
            if matched:
                batch_id = int(matched.group(1))
                with self.access_locks[batch_id]:
                    batchf = os.path.join(self.root_tmp, filename)
                    # Since len(self.gz_cache) >= len(self.mmap_cahce) and they
                    # are updated together, the latter must be a subset of the
                    # former.
                    if batchf not in self.gz_cache and \
                            len(os.listdir(self.root_tmp)) > self.max_gzcache:
                        except OSError:
                            # due to concurrency, the file may have already been
                            # removed; due to the lock, however, no process will
                            # try to remove a file when another process is
                            # removing exactly the same file
                                'Decompressed batch "{}" removed'.format(

    def cleanup_all_mmapfiles(self):
        Be sure to call this function only if there's no opened memory-mapped
        file. Usually this function is unnecessary unless the user want to save
        some disk space.
        logger = logging.getLogger(_l(__name__, self, 'cleanup_all_mmapfiles'))
        if os.path.isdir(self.root_tmp):
        if not os.path.isdir(self.root_tmp):
        logger.info('All decompressed batches removed')

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def release_mmap(self):
        Release all memory mapped dataset.
        logger = logging.getLogger(_l(__name__, self, 'release_mmap'))
        keys = list(self.mmap_cache.keys())
        for k in keys:
            del self.mmap_cache[k]
        logger.info('All mmap released')

    def locate_batch(self, frame_id):
        Locate the data batch the specified frame is stored.

        :param frame_id: the frame ID
        :type frame_id: int
        :return: the batch ID and the relative frame ID
        :rtype: Tuple[int, int]
        batch_id = bisect.bisect_left(self.lens_cumsum, frame_id + 1)
            rel_frame_id = frame_id - self.lens_cumsum[batch_id]
            print('batch_id: {}'.format(batch_id))
            print('cumsum: {}'.format(self.lens_cumsum))
            print('frame_id+1: {}'.format(frame_id + 1))
        return batch_id, rel_frame_id

    def batch_filename_by_id(self, batch_id, gzipped=False):
        Returns the data batch filename of the specified batch ID.

        :param batch_id: the batch ID
        :type batch_id: int
        :param gzipped: True to returns the gzipped file; else the extracted
        :type gzipped: bool
        :return: the data batch filename
        :rtype: Path
        if gzipped:
            return os.path.join(self.root, 'data_batch_{}.gz'.format(batch_id))
            return os.path.join(self.root_tmp,
Exemple #2
class Search:
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))
        self.index = []
        self.stemmer = nltk.stem.PorterStemmer()
        self.searched_results = LRUCache(
            self.cfg['SEARCH_CACHE_SIZE'])  # cached dictionary
    def search(self, q, query_type = None, ):
        """Search by query
            pageNum should start from 1
            :param q:  query. dictionary. keys are "keyword", "pageNum", "range"(years), "category"

        Keyword Arguments:
            query_type {[type]} -- [description] (default: {None})

            result -- a generator of result list
        if self.cfg['DEBUG_PRINT']:
            print("Query:", q)
            print("Cache:", list(self.searched_results.keys()))
        words = preprocessing(
            self.stemmer, q['keyword'], self.stopwords)
        key = ' '.join(words) + str(q['range']) + str(q['category'])
        if key not in self.searched_results:
            # TODO see if prepro is used correctly
            ori_pls = [get_posting_list(w) for w in words]
            total_docs = get_doc_numbers()
            df = [p.get_doc_freq() for p in ori_pls]
            pls: List[List[PostingElement]] = [
                p.get_postings(q['range']) for p in ori_pls]
            # DONE: Filter categories. pls should be List[List[PostingElement]]
            # Assume categories are abbreviation
            if q['category']:
                cats = [get_cat_tag(c.strip(',')) for c in q["category"].split(
                cat_pls = [get_posting_list(c).get_postings(
                    q['range']) for c in cats]
                cat_pl_set: Set[PostingElement] = reduce(
                    set.union, [set(p) for p in cat_pls])
                pls = self.boolean_search(pls, cat_pl_set)
                # if a term does not appear in a specific category, no need to search among these
            df = [df[i] for i, p in enumerate(pls) if p]
            pls = [pls[i] for i, p in enumerate(pls) if p]
            df = np.array(df)
            idf = np.log10((total_docs - df + .5) / (df + .5))
            # Search the rest posting lists
            doc_ids = self.ranked_search(pls, idf)
            # split into pages
            i = 0
            split_results = [[]]  # 0 for no results, page number starts from 1
            while i < len(doc_ids):
                end = min(
                    i + self.cfg['SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE'], len(doc_ids))
                i += self.cfg['SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE']
            self.searched_results[key] = split_results
        if len(self.searched_results[key]) == 1:
            q['pageNum'] = 0
        if self.cfg['DEBUG_PRINT']:
            print(key, self.searched_results[key], q['pageNum'])
        doc_list = self.searched_results[key][q['pageNum']]
        if self.cfg['RUN_SERVER']:
            results = get_doc(doc_list)
            results = {k: results[k] for k in doc_list}
            results = str(self.searched_results[key][q['pageNum']])
        return_dict = {"docs": results, "results": sum([len(d) for d in self.searched_results[key]])}
        return return_dict
    def boolean_search(self, candidate: List[List[PostingElement]],
                       must_in: Set[PostingElement]) -> List[List[PostingElement]]:
        """Cast boolean search on candidate. Filter our those not in must_in
            candidate {PostingList} -- [description]
            must_in {PostingList} --  

            List[List[PostingElement]] -- [description]
        docs_must_in = set([d.doc_id for d in must_in])
        result = []
        for pl in candidate:
            result.append([ele for ele in pl if ele.doc_id in docs_must_in])
        return result
    def get_BM25_score(self, posting_lists: List[List[PostingElement]], doc_id_to_idx, idf):
        num_terms = len(posting_lists)
        num_docs = len(doc_id_to_idx)
        avg_len = get_average_word_count()
        doc_len = np.zeros(num_docs)
        for doc_id, idx in doc_id_to_idx.items():
            doc_len[idx] = get_doc_word_count(doc_id) / avg_len
        doc_len = np.array(doc_len)
        k = self.cfg['BM25_COEFF']
        tf_matrix = np.zeros([num_docs, num_terms])
        for j, p in enumerate(posting_lists):
            for d in p:
                i = doc_id_to_idx[d.doc_id]
                tf_matrix[i, j] = d.get_term_freq()
        # DONE check whether this impl is right
        # expand dim
        doc_len_unsq = doc_len[:, None]
        tf_matrix_scaled = tf_matrix / (tf_matrix + .5 + k * doc_len_unsq)
        weights = tf_matrix_scaled * idf
        weights = weights.sum(axis = 1)
        return weights
    def ranked_search(self, posting_lists: List[List[PostingElement]], idf, method = 'BM25') -> List[str]:

        :param posting_lists:
        :return: tuple of (score, doc)
        # get all doc ids from postings
        # get scores for each document
        # sort
        all_doc_ids = sorted(
            list(set([d.doc_id for p in posting_lists for d in p])))
        doc_id_to_idx = {doc_id: i for i, doc_id in enumerate(all_doc_ids)}
        doc_idx_to_id = {i: doc_id for i, doc_id in enumerate(all_doc_ids)}
        if doc_id_to_idx:
            if method == 'BM25':
                doc_score = self.get_BM25_score(
                    posting_lists, doc_id_to_idx, idf)
                doc_score = self.get_BM25_score(
                    posting_lists, doc_id_to_idx, idf)
            keep = min(len(all_doc_ids), self.cfg["SEARCH_RESULTS_KEEP"])
            order = np.argsort(doc_score)[::-1][:keep]
            order = order.tolist()
            order = []
        doc_id_ordered = [doc_idx_to_id[d_id] for d_id in order]
        return doc_id_ordered
Exemple #3
        pool_ids = set()
        event_ids = set()
        entry_ids = set()
        remote_ids = set()
        user_ids = set()

        for entry in entries:
            if 'userId' in entry and bot_ids.get(entry['userId']) is None:

        missing_pool_ids = [
            for p in list(pool_ids.difference(set(all_pool_ids.keys())))
        missing_event_ids = [
            for e in list(event_ids.difference(set(all_event_ids.keys())))

        if len(missing_pool_ids) > 0:
            for pool in pools_coll.find({'_id': {"$in": missing_pool_ids}}):
                all_pool_ids[str(pool.get("_id"))] = pool
        if len(missing_event_ids) > 0:
            for event in events_coll.find({'_id': {"$in": missing_event_ids}}):
                all_event_ids[str(event.get("_id"))] = event
                if event.get("discipline") == "HR" and "remoteId" in event:
                    all_remote_ids[event["remoteId"]] = event.get("metaData")
class SynchronizerComponent:

    def __init__(self, cache_size):
        self.block_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=cache_size)
        self.user_vlob_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=cache_size)
        self.vlob_cache = LRUCache(maxsize=cache_size)
        self.blocks = {}
        self.vlobs = {}
        self.user_vlob = None
        self.synchronization_idle_interval = 1
        self.synchronization_task = None
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()

    async def startup(self, app):
        self.synchronization_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.periodic_synchronization(app))

    async def shutdown(self, app):
        if self.synchronization_task:
            self.synchronization_task = None

    def perform_block_create(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        block_id = uuid4().hex
        self.blocks[block_id] = {'id': block_id, 'content': intent.content}
        return block_id

    def perform_block_read(self, intent):
            return self.blocks[intent.id]
        except KeyError:
                return self.block_cache[intent.id]
            except KeyError:
                    block = yield Effect(EBackendBlockRead(intent.id))
                    block = {'id': block.id, 'content': block.content}
                except (BlockNotFound, BlockError):
                    raise BlockNotFound('Block not found.')
                    self.block_cache[intent.id] = block
                except ValueError:
                    pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
                return block

    def perform_block_delete(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
            del self.blocks[intent.id]
        except KeyError:
                del self.block_cache[intent.id]
            except KeyError:
                raise BlockNotFound('Block not found.')

    def perform_block_list(self, intent):
        return sorted([block_id for block_id in list(self.blocks.keys())])

    def perform_block_synchronize(self, intent):
        if intent.id in self.blocks:
            block = self.blocks[intent.id]
            yield Effect(EBackendBlockCreate(intent.id, block['content']))
                self.block_cache[intent.id] = block
            except ValueError:
                pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
            del self.blocks[intent.id]
            return True
        return False

    def perform_user_vlob_read(self, intent):
        if self.user_vlob and (not intent.version or intent.version == self.user_vlob['version']):
            return self.user_vlob
                return self.user_vlob_cache[intent.version]
            except KeyError:
                user_vlob = yield Effect(EBackendUserVlobRead(intent.version))
                user_vlob = {'blob': user_vlob.blob.decode(), 'version': user_vlob.version}
                    self.user_vlob_cache[user_vlob['version']] = user_vlob
                except ValueError:
                    pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
                return user_vlob

    def perform_user_vlob_update(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        self.user_vlob = {'blob': intent.blob, 'version': intent.version}

    def perform_user_vlob_delete(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        if self.user_vlob and (not intent.version or intent.version == self.user_vlob['version']):
            self.user_vlob = None
                del self.user_vlob_cache[intent.version]
            except KeyError:
                raise UserVlobNotFound('User vlob not found.')

    def perform_user_vlob_exist(self, intent):
        return self.user_vlob is not None

    def perform_user_vlob_synchronize(self, intent):
        if self.user_vlob:
            yield Effect(EBackendUserVlobUpdate(self.user_vlob['version'],
                self.user_vlob_cache[self.user_vlob['version']] = self.user_vlob
            except ValueError:
                pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
            self.user_vlob = None
            return True
        return False

    def perform_vlob_create(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        vlob_id = uuid4().hex
        self.vlobs[vlob_id] = {'id': vlob_id,
                               'read_trust_seed': '42',
                               'write_trust_seed': '42',
                               'version': 1,
                               'blob': intent.blob}
        return {'id': vlob_id,
                'read_trust_seed': '42',
                'write_trust_seed': '42'}

    def perform_vlob_read(self, intent):
        if (intent.id in self.vlobs and
                (not intent.version or intent.version == self.vlobs[intent.id]['version'])):
            # TDOO: remove this mystic 42
            if self.vlobs[intent.id]['read_trust_seed'] == '42':
                self.vlobs[intent.id]['read_trust_seed'] = intent.trust_seed
            assert intent.trust_seed == self.vlobs[intent.id]['read_trust_seed']
            return {'id': intent.id,
                    'blob': self.vlobs[intent.id]['blob'],
                    'version': self.vlobs[intent.id]['version']}
            if intent.version is not None:
                    cached_vlob = self.vlob_cache[(intent.id, intent.version)]
                    assert intent.trust_seed == cached_vlob['read_trust_seed']
                    vlob = {'id': intent.id, 'blob': cached_vlob['blob'], 'version': intent.version}
                    return vlob
                except KeyError:
                    pass  # cache miss
            vlob = yield Effect(EBackendVlobRead(intent.id, intent.trust_seed, intent.version))
            vlob = {'id': vlob.id, 'blob': vlob.blob.decode(), 'version': vlob.version}
                cached_vlob = {'id': intent.id,
                               'read_trust_seed': intent.trust_seed,
                               'version': intent.version,
                               'blob': vlob['blob']}
                self.vlob_cache[(intent.id, intent.version)] = cached_vlob
            except ValueError:
                pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
            return vlob

    def perform_vlob_update(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        self.vlobs[intent.id] = {'id': intent.id,
                                 'read_trust_seed': '42',
                                 'write_trust_seed': intent.trust_seed,
                                 'version': intent.version,
                                 'blob': intent.blob}

    def perform_vlob_delete(self, intent):
        self.last_modified = arrow.utcnow()
        if (intent.id in self.vlobs and
                (not intent.version or intent.version == self.vlobs[intent.id]['version'])):
            del self.vlobs[intent.id]
                del self.vlob_cache[(intent.id, intent.version)]
            except KeyError:
                raise VlobNotFound('Vlob not found.')

    def perform_vlob_list(self, intent):
        return sorted(self.vlobs.keys())

    def perform_vlob_synchronize(self, intent):
        if intent.id in self.vlobs:
            vlob = self.vlobs[intent.id]
                self.vlob_cache[(intent.id, vlob['version'])] = vlob
            except ValueError:
                pass  # Value too large if cache is disabled
            new_vlob = None
            if vlob['version'] == 1:
                new_vlob = yield Effect(EBackendVlobCreate(vlob['blob'].encode()))
                new_trust_seed = new_vlob.read_trust_seed
                    self.vlob_cache[(intent.id, vlob['version'])]['read_trust_seed'] = new_trust_seed
                except KeyError:
                yield Effect(EBackendVlobUpdate(
                    vlob['blob'].encode()))  # TODO encode is correct?
            del self.vlobs[intent.id]
            if new_vlob:
                return {'id': new_vlob.id,
                        'read_trust_seed': new_vlob.read_trust_seed,
                        'write_trust_seed': new_vlob.write_trust_seed}
                return True
        return False

    def perform_synchronize(self, intent):
        # TODO dangerous method: new vlobs are not updated in manifest. Remove it?
        synchronization = False
        block_list = yield self.perform_block_list(EBlockList())
        for block_id in block_list:
            synchronization |= yield self.perform_block_synchronize(EBlockSynchronize(block_id))
        vlob_list = yield self.perform_vlob_list(EVlobList())
        for vlob_id in vlob_list:
            new_vlob = yield self.perform_vlob_synchronize(EVlobSynchronize(vlob_id))
            if new_vlob:
                synchronization |= True
        synchronization |= yield self.perform_user_vlob_synchronize(EUserVlobSynchronize())
        return synchronization

    def perform_cache_clean(self, intent):
        for item in list(self.block_cache.keys()):
            del self.block_cache[item]
        for item in list(self.user_vlob_cache.keys()):
            del self.user_vlob_cache[item]
        for item in list(self.vlob_cache.keys()):
            del self.vlob_cache[item]

    async def periodic_synchronization(self, app):
        # TODO: find a better way to do this than using asyncio_perform...
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(self.synchronization_idle_interval)
            if (arrow.utcnow().timestamp - self.last_modified.timestamp >
                await asyncio_perform(
                    app.components.get_dispatcher(), Effect(fs.ESynchronize()))

    def get_dispatcher(self):
        return TypeDispatcher({
            EBlockCreate: self.perform_block_create,
            EBlockRead: self.perform_block_read,
            EBlockDelete: self.perform_block_delete,
            EBlockList: self.perform_block_list,
            EBlockSynchronize: self.perform_block_synchronize,
            EUserVlobRead: self.perform_user_vlob_read,
            EUserVlobUpdate: self.perform_user_vlob_update,
            EUserVlobDelete: self.perform_user_vlob_delete,
            EUserVlobExist: self.perform_user_vlob_exist,
            EUserVlobSynchronize: self.perform_user_vlob_synchronize,
            EVlobCreate: self.perform_vlob_create,
            EVlobRead: self.perform_vlob_read,
            EVlobUpdate: self.perform_vlob_update,
            EVlobDelete: self.perform_vlob_delete,
            EVlobList: self.perform_vlob_list,
            EVlobSynchronize: self.perform_vlob_synchronize,
            ESynchronize: self.perform_synchronize