Exemple #1
    def loadProject(self, mcProject, fileStore=None):
        self.inGraph = NX.DiGraph()
        globTree = mcProject.mcTree
        self.maxParallelSubtrees = None
        leafEvents = [globTree.getName(i) for i in globTree.getLeaves()]

        expMap = None
        if fileStore:
            expMap = dict()
            for name in mcProject.expIDMap:
                expMap[name] = fileStore.readGlobalFile(
            expMap = mcProject.expMap

        for name, expPath in expMap.items():
            exp = ExperimentWrapper(ET.parse(expPath).getroot())
            tree = exp.getTree()
            # Go through the species tree and add the correct
            # dependencies (i.e. to the outgroups and the ingroups,
            # but not to the other nodes that are just there because
            # they are needed to form the correct paths).
            for node in tree.postOrderTraversal():
                nodeName = tree.getName(node)

                # we don't add edges for leaves (in the global tree)
                # as they are input sequences and do not form dependencies
                # (it would be clever to maybe do the same with existing
                # references when --overwrite is not specified but for now
                # we just do the leaves)
                if nodeName not in leafEvents and nodeName in exp.getSequenceMap(
                    self.inGraph.add_edge(name, nodeName)
            configFile = fileStore.readGlobalFile(exp.getConfigID())
            configElem = ET.parse(configFile).getroot()
            conf = ConfigWrapper(configElem)
            # load max parellel subtrees from the node's config
            if self.maxParallelSubtrees is None:
                self.maxParallelSubtrees = conf.getMaxParallelSubtrees()
                assert self.maxParallelSubtrees == conf.getMaxParallelSubtrees(
        assert NX.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.inGraph)
Exemple #2
    def loadProject(self, mcProject, fileStore = None):
        self.inGraph = NX.DiGraph()
        globTree = mcProject.mcTree
        self.maxParallelSubtrees = None
        leafEvents = [globTree.getName(i) for i in globTree.getLeaves()]

        expMap = None
        if fileStore:
            expMap = dict()
            for name in mcProject.expIDMap:
                expMap[name] = fileStore.readGlobalFile(mcProject.expIDMap[name])
            expMap = mcProject.expMap
        for name, expPath in expMap.items():
            exp = ExperimentWrapper(ET.parse(expPath).getroot())
            tree = exp.getTree()
            # Go through the species tree and add the correct
            # dependencies (i.e. to the outgroups and the ingroups,
            # but not to the other nodes that are just there because
            # they are needed to form the correct paths).
            for node in tree.postOrderTraversal():
                nodeName = tree.getName(node)

                # we don't add edges for leaves (in the global tree)
                # as they are input sequences and do not form dependencies
                # (it would be clever to maybe do the same with existing
                # references when --overwrite is not specified but for now
                # we just do the leaves)
                if nodeName not in leafEvents and nodeName in exp.getSequenceMap():
                    self.inGraph.add_edge(name, nodeName)
            configFile = fileStore.readGlobalFile(exp.getConfigID())
            configElem = ET.parse(configFile).getroot()
            conf = ConfigWrapper(configElem)
            # load max parellel subtrees from the node's config
            if self.maxParallelSubtrees is None:
                self.maxParallelSubtrees = conf.getMaxParallelSubtrees()
                assert self.maxParallelSubtrees == conf.getMaxParallelSubtrees()
        assert NX.is_directed_acyclic_graph(self.inGraph)