def test_h5reader_shuffle_reproducible():
    file_list = [h5file]
    reader = hdf5.H5Reader(file=file_list,
    writer = dummy.DummyWriter(source=reader, verbose=True)
def test_h5reader():
    reader = hdf5.H5Reader(file=h5file, verbose=True)
    writer = dummy.DummyWriter(source=reader, verbose=True)
def test_h5reader_file_list():
    file_list = [h5file, h5file, h5file]
    reader = hdf5.H5Reader(file=file_list, verbose=True)
    writer = dummy.DummyWriter(source=reader, verbose=True)
    def __next__(self):
        """ Self-consistent solvent matching, implemented as a Python
        generator.  Implementation follows <lsz/>.
        for obj in next(self.src):
            if obj is not None:
                assert isinstance(obj, base.Container)

                if self.g_scaled_file is not None:
                    # --- read g_scaled and rho from previous calculation ---
                    reader = hdf5.H5Reader(filename=self.g_scaled_file)
                    for frm in
                        obj_g_scaled = frm
                    del reader
                    g_dict = obj_g_scaled.get_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_scaled')
                    rho_dict = obj_g_scaled.get_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/rho')

                    # --- compute g_scaled and rho ---

                    # obtain information from the pipeline log
                    dr = obj.query_meta('histograms/histogram/dr')
                    assert (dr is not None)
                    # ---
                    self.geometry = obj.get_geometry()
                    assert (self.geometry is not None)
                    geometry_param = obj.query_meta(self.geometry)
                    assert (geometry_param is not None)
                    # ---
                    virtual_param = obj.query_meta('VirtualParticles')
                    if (virtual_param is not None):
                        self.x_particle_method = virtual_param['method']
                        xrho = virtual_param['x_density']

                    # --- obtain the shell volume from the pipeline log
                    if (self.geometry in ['Sphere', 'Cuboid', 'Ellipsoid']):
                        V_shell = geometry_param['shell_volume']
                        VSqr_shell = V_shell ** 2
                    elif (self.geometry == 'ReferenceStructure' or self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure'):
                        # V_shell is determined below
                        V_shell = None
                        raise NotImplementedError('Geometry ' + self.geometry +
                                                  'not implemented for self-consistent solvent matching')

                    # --- read and prepare g-function for matching
                    g_header = (rdf.readHeader(self.g_ascii_file)).rstrip('\n').split()
                    assert (self.g_match in g_header)
                    _g_el_set = set([])
                    for item in g_header:
                        if (item == '#'):
                        pair = item.split(',')
                        _g_el_set.add(pair[1])  # obsolete
                    g_elements = sorted(list(_g_el_set))
                    # ---
                    g_table_0 = np.loadtxt(self.g_ascii_file)

                    # TODO: Assert that histograms and rdfs have same bin size. Else, generate new rdf by interpolation.
                    g_dr = (g_table_0[1:, 0] - g_table_0[:-1, 0]).mean()
                    # print g_dr
                    # Tapers noise for self.g_noise_fraction<1. Determines and set ginfty in last bins.
                    g_table_0_smooth = rdf.smooth(g_table_0, g_dr, self.g_plateau_fraction,
                                                  self.g_noise_fraction, verb=False)

    #                 np.savetxt("g_table_0_smooth.dat", g_table_0_smooth)
                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_table_0_smooth', g_table_0_smooth)

                    g_table_0 = g_table_0_smooth

                    _radii = obj.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/radii')
                    # Extend rdf in distance AFTER noise tapering, where rdf values at largest distance are set to ginfty.
                    if _radii.shape[0] > g_table_0.shape[0]:
                        new_g_table = np.zeros((_radii.shape[0], g_table_0.shape[1]))
                        new_g_table[:g_table_0.shape[0], :] = g_table_0
                        new_g_table[:, 0] = _radii
                        tmp = g_table_0[-1, 1:]
                        new_g_table[g_table_0.shape[0]:, 1:] = tmp[np.newaxis, :]
                        g_table_0 = new_g_table
                        # np.savetxt("g_table_0_smooth_extended.dat", new_g_table)
                        if (self.debug):
                            obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_table_0_smooth_extended', new_g_table)

                    # if do_g_extension:
                    #     g_dr_0 = g_table_0[-1, 0] - g_table_0[-2, 0]
                    #     g_nr_0 = g_table_0.shape[0]
                    #     g_nrow = g_extension_factor * g_nr_0
                    #     g_ncol = g_table_0.shape[1]
                    #     g_table = np.zeros((g_nrow, g_ncol))
                    #     g_table[0:g_nr_0, :] = g_table_0[0:g_nr_0, :]
                    #     for idx in range(g_nr_0, g_nrow):
                    #         g_table[idx, 0] = g_table[idx - 1, 0] + g_dr_0
                    #         g_table[idx, 1:] = g_table[idx - 1, 1:]
                    # else:
                    #     g_table = g_table_0
                    g_table = g_table_0
                    # ---
                    assert (len(g_header) == g_table.shape[1])
                    g_idx = g_header.index(self.g_match)
                    g_org = g_table[:, [0, g_idx]]
                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_org', g_org)
                    rho_g_org = g_org[0, 1]  # rho value stored at [0,1] (code by JK)
                    # --- split g_table into a dict holding individual arrays
                    g_dict = {}
                    g_dict['radii'] = g_table[:, 0]
                    for i in range(1, len(g_header)):
                        g_dict[g_header[i]] = g_table[:, i]

                    # --- calculate particle and density of the matching solvent
                    # get_shell also merges virtual particles X1 and X2
                    shell = selection.get_shell(obj)
                    # --- multiref: set properly (volume-weighted) averaged shell H_{xx}(r)
                    # if (virtual_param is not None):
                    if (virtual_param is not None and self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure'):
                        shell.put_data(base.loc_histograms + "/X,X", obj.get_data(base.loc_shell_Hxx + "/X.s,X.s"))

                    # --- determine V_shell and VSqr_shell for the reference and multiref structure case
                    #  JK: Can/should be moved to Average filter?
                    if (self.geometry == 'ReferenceStructure' or self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure'):
                        nx = (shell.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/X')).mean()
                        V_shell = old_div(nx, xrho)
                        VSqr_shell = V_shell ** 2
                        if self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure':
                            nxSqr = ((shell.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/X')) ** 2).mean()
                            VSqr_shell = old_div(nxSqr, xrho ** 2)
                    # ---
                    # print "###", self.g_match, shell.get_keys(base.loc_histograms)
                    assert (self.g_match in shell.get_keys(base.loc_histograms))
                    pair = self.g_match.split(',')
                    assert (pair[0] == pair[1])
                    assert (pair[0] in shell.get_keys(base.loc_nr_particles))
                    # print shell.particles[pair[0]]
                    n_match_avg = (shell.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + pair[0])).mean()
                    rho_match = old_div(n_match_avg, V_shell)
                    # JK: Should we instead use <n_i/V_i> averaged over frames for multiref??

                    # Use SciPy interpolator object to operate on the
                    # reference g function.  Warning: Linear interpolation!
                    g_int = sint.interp1d(g_org[:, 0], g_org[:, 1])

                    # --- solvent-matching calculation
                    _radii = obj.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/radii')
                    pShell = np.zeros_like(_radii)
                    H = np.zeros_like(_radii)
                    gAct = np.zeros_like(_radii)
                    # ---
                    if (self.geometry == 'Sphere') and (self.x_particle_method is None):
                        R = geometry_param['radius']
                        sw = geometry_param['shell_width']
                        for i, r in enumerate(_radii):
                            pShell[i] = rdf.PSh(R - sw, R, r)
                            H[i] = pShell[i] * g_int(_radii[i])
                        histgrms = shell.get_data(base.loc_histograms)
                        pShell = histgrms['X,X'].copy()
                        pShell /= pShell.sum()
                        pShell /= dr
                        for i, r in enumerate(_radii):
                            if (pShell[i] > 0.0):
                                gAct[i] /= pShell[i]
                                gAct[i] = 0.0
                            if (_radii[i] < g_dict['radii'][0]) or (_radii[i] >= g_dict['radii'][-1]):
                                H[i] = 0.0
                                H[i] = pShell[i] * g_int(_radii[i])
                    # ---
                    pre_factor = rho_match ** 2 * VSqr_shell * dr / 2.
                    # print "### pre_factor =", pre_factor
                    H[:] *= pre_factor
                    histo = shell.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + self.g_match)
                    scale_factor = old_div(np.sum(histo[:] * H[:]), np.sum(H[:] ** 2))
                    # print "###  scale_factor =", scale_factor
                    obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/scale_factor', scale_factor)
                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/pre_factor', pre_factor)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/scale_factor', scale_factor)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/histo', histo)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/pShell', pShell)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/H', H)
                    # ---
                    H *= scale_factor
                    gAct /= scale_factor

                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/H_scaled', H)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/gAct', gAct)

                    # ---
                    rho_dict = {}
                    for name in g_elements:
                        avg = (shell.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + name)).mean()
                        rho_dict[name] = old_div(avg, V_shell)

                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/rho_g_org', rho_g_org)
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/rho_match', rho_match)

                    # --- Patch zeroeth elements of g arrays with the density,
                    # --> Do we really want to keep this convention?
                    for key in rho_dict:
                        pair = key + ',' + key
                        assert (pair in g_dict)
                        (g_dict[pair])[0] = rho_dict[key]

                    if (self.debug):
                        obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_original', g_dict)

                    # --- final rescaled g functions used by delta_h
                    for key in g_dict:
                        if (key == 'radii'):
                            (g_dict[key])[1:] *= scale_factor

                obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/g_scaled', g_dict)
                obj.put_data(base.loc_solv_match + '/rho', rho_dict)
                if self.verb:
                    print(" :", obj.i)
                yield obj
                yield None