class BoxSelector(Selector):
    Selects objects inside the 3D box defined by 2 points.

    If `boundingbox` is True only the objects that have their bounding
    box inside the given box is selected. Otherwise only center point
    of the object is tested.

    Applicability: all types of shapes


        CQ(aCube).edges(BoxSelector((0,1,0), (1,2,1))
    def __init__(self, point0, point1, boundingbox=False):
        self.p0 = Vector(*point0)
        self.p1 = Vector(*point1)
        self.test_boundingbox = boundingbox

    def filter(self, objectList):

        result = []
        x0, y0, z0 = self.p0.toTuple()
        x1, y1, z1 = self.p1.toTuple()

        def isInsideBox(p):
            # using XOR for checking if x/y/z is in between regardless
            # of order of x/y/z0 and x/y/z1
            return ((p.x < x0) ^ (p.x < x1)) and \
                   ((p.y < y0) ^ (p.y < y1)) and \
                   ((p.z < z0) ^ (p.z < z1))

        for o in objectList:
            if self.test_boundingbox:
                bb = o.BoundingBox()
                if isInsideBox(Vector(bb.xmin, bb.ymin, bb.zmin)) and \
                   isInsideBox(Vector(bb.xmax, bb.ymax, bb.zmax)):
                if isInsideBox(o.Center()):

        return result
 def __init__(self, point0, point1, boundingbox=False):
     self.p0 = Vector(*point0)
     self.p1 = Vector(*point1)
     self.test_boundingbox = boundingbox
Exemple #3
 def Center(self):
         The center of a vertex is itself!
     return Vector(self.toTuple())
Exemple #4
 def dist(tShape):
     return tShape.Center().sub(Vector(*self.pnt)).Length
Exemple #5
    def _center_of_mass(shape):

        Properties = GProp_GProps()
        brepgprop_VolumeProperties(shape, Properties)

        return Vector(Properties.CentreOfMass())
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, point0, point1, boundingbox=False):
     self.p0 = Vector(*point0)
     self.p1 = Vector(*point1)
     self.test_boundingbox = boundingbox
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, selectorString):

        self.axes = {
            'X': Vector(1, 0, 0),
            'Y': Vector(0, 1, 0),
            'Z': Vector(0, 0, 1),
            'XY': Vector(1, 1, 0),
            'YZ': Vector(0, 1, 1),
            'XZ': Vector(1, 0, 1)

        self.namedViews = {
            'front': (Vector(0, 0, 1), True),
            'back': (Vector(0, 0, 1), False),
            'left': (Vector(1, 0, 0), False),
            'right': (Vector(1, 0, 0), True),
            'top': (Vector(0, 1, 0), True),
            'bottom': (Vector(0, 1, 0), False)

        self.operatorMinMax = {'>': True, '<': False, '+': True, '-': False}

        self.operator = {
            '+': DirectionSelector,
            '-': DirectionSelector,
            '#': PerpendicularDirSelector,
            '|': ParallelDirSelector

        self.selectorString = selectorString
        parsing_result = _grammar.parseString(selectorString)
        self.mySelector = self._chooseSelector(parsing_result)
 def Center(self):
         The center of a vertex is itself!
     return Vector(self.wrapped.Point)
 def makeBox(cls, length, width, height, pnt=Vector(0, 0, 0), dir=Vector(0, 0, 1)):
         makeBox(length,width,height,[pnt,dir]) -- Make a box located\nin pnt with the d
         imensions (length,width,height)\nBy default pnt=Vector(0,0,0) and dir=Vector(0,0,1)'
     return Shape.cast(FreeCADPart.makeBox(length, width, height, pnt.wrapped, dir.wrapped))
Exemple #10
 def Center(self):
         return Vector(self.wrapped.CenterOfMass)
Exemple #11
    def add_part(self,
        Adds the given ``part`` to ``self.gltf_dict``.

        :param part: part to add to gltf export
        :type part: :class:`Part <cqparts.Part>`
        :param filename: name of binary file to store buffer, if ``None``,
                         binary data is embedded in the *buffer's 'uri'*
        :type filename: :class:`str`
        :param name: name given to exported mesh (optional)
        :type name: :class:`str`
        :param parent_idx: index of parent node (everything is added to a hierarchy)
        :type parent_idx: :class:`int`
        :return: information about additions to the gltf dict
        :rtype: :class:`dict`

        **Return Format:**

        The returned :class:`dict` is an account of what objects were added
        to the gltf dict, and the index they may be referenced::

            <return format> = {
                'buffers':     [(<index>, <object>), ... ],
                'bufferViews': [(<index>, <object>), ... ],
                'accessors':   [(<index>, <object>), ... ],
                'materials':   [(<index>, <object>), ... ],
                'meshes':      [(<index>, <object>), ... ],
                'nodes':       [(<index>, <object>), ... ],

        .. note::

            The format of the returned :class:`dict` **looks similar** to the gltf
            format, but it **is not**.
        info = defaultdict(list)

        log.debug("gltf export: %r", part)

        # ----- Adding to: buffers
        with measure_time(log, 'buffers'):
            buff = self.part_buffer(part)
            self.scene_min = _list3_min(self.scene_min,
                                        (Vector(buff.vert_min) +
            self.scene_max = _list3_max(self.scene_max,
                                        (Vector(buff.vert_max) +

            buffer_index = len(self.gltf_dict['buffers'])
            buffer_dict = {
                "byteLength": len(buff),
            if filename:
                # write file
                with open(filename, 'wb') as fh:
                    for chunk in buff.buffer_iter():
                buffer_dict['uri'] = os.path.basename(filename)
                # embed buffer data in URI
                buffer_dict['uri'] = "data:{mimetype};base64,{data}".format(

            info['buffers'].append((buffer_index, buffer_dict))

        # ----- Adding: bufferViews
        with measure_time(log, 'bufferViews'):
            bufferView_index = len(self.gltf_dict['bufferViews'])

            # vertices view
            view = {
                "buffer": buffer_index,
                "byteOffset": buff.vert_offset,
                "byteLength": buff.vert_len,
                "byteStride": 12,
                "target": WebGL.ARRAY_BUFFER,
            bufferView_index_vertices = bufferView_index
            info['bufferViews'].append((bufferView_index_vertices, view))

            # indices view
            view = {
                "buffer": buffer_index,
                "byteOffset": buff.idx_offset,
                "byteLength": buff.idx_len,
                "target": WebGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,
            bufferView_index_indices = bufferView_index + 1
            info['bufferViews'].append((bufferView_index_indices, view))

        # ----- Adding: accessors
        with measure_time(log, 'accessors'):
            accessor_index = len(self.gltf_dict['accessors'])

            # vertices accessor
            accessor = {
                "bufferView": bufferView_index_vertices,
                "byteOffset": 0,
                "componentType": WebGL.FLOAT,
                "count": buff.vert_size,
                "min": [v - 0.1 for v in buff.vert_min],
                "max": [v + 0.1 for v in buff.vert_max],
                "type": "VEC3",
            accessor_index_vertices = accessor_index
            info['accessors'].append((accessor_index_vertices, accessor))

            # indices accessor
            accessor = {
                "bufferView": bufferView_index_indices,
                "byteOffset": 0,
                "componentType": buff.idx_type,
                "count": buff.idx_size,
                "type": "SCALAR",
            accessor_index_indices = accessor_index + 1
            info['accessors'].append((accessor_index_indices, accessor))

        # ----- Adding: materials
        with measure_time(log, 'materials'):
            material_index = len(self.gltf_dict['materials'])
            material = part._render.gltf_material
            info['materials'].append((material_index, material))

        # ----- Adding: meshes
        with measure_time(log, 'meshes'):
            mesh_index = len(self.gltf_dict['meshes'])
            mesh = {
                "primitives": [{
                    "attributes": {
                        "POSITION": accessor_index_vertices,
                    "indices": accessor_index_indices,
                    "mode": WebGL.TRIANGLES,
                    "material": material_index,
            if name:
                mesh['name'] = name
            info['meshes'].append((mesh_index, mesh))

        # ----- Adding: nodes
        with measure_time(log, 'nodes'):
            node_index = len(self.gltf_dict['nodes'])
            node = {
                "mesh": mesh_index,
            if name:
                node['name'] = name
            if origin:
                node.update(self.coordsys_dict(part.world_coords - origin))
            info['nodes'].append((node_index, node))

        # Appending child index to its parent's children list
        parent_node = self.gltf_dict['nodes'][parent_idx]
        parent_node['children'] = parent_node.get('children',
                                                  []) + [node_index]

        return info
#You run this example by typing the following in the FreeCAD python console, making sure to change
#the path to this example, and the name of the example appropriately.
#import sys
#import Ex015_Rotated_Workplanes

#If you need to reload the part after making a change, you can use the following lines within the FreeCAD console.

#You'll need to delete the original shape that was created, and the new shape should be named sequentially (Shape001, etc).

#You can also tie these blocks of code to macros, buttons, and keybindings in FreeCAD for quicker access.
#You can get a more information on this example at

import cadquery
from cadquery import Vector
import Part

#Create a rotated workplane and put holes in each corner of a rectangle on that workplane, producing angled holes in the face
result = cadquery.Workplane("front").box(4.0,4.0,0.25).faces(">Z").workplane()  \
     .transformed(offset=Vector(0,-1.5,1.0),rotate=Vector(60,0,0)) \

#Get a cadquery solid object
solid = result.val()

#Use the wrapped property of a cadquery primitive to get a FreeCAD solid

#Would like to zoom to fit the part here, but FreeCAD doesn't seem to have that scripting functionality
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self,parseResults):
        #define all token to object mappings
        self.axes = {
            'X': Vector(1,0,0),
            'Y': Vector(0,1,0),
            'Z': Vector(0,0,1),
            'XY': Vector(1,1,0),
            'YZ': Vector(0,1,1),
            'XZ': Vector(1,0,1)

        self.namedViews = {
            'front' : (Vector(0,0,1),True),
            'back'  : (Vector(0,0,1),False),
            'left'  : (Vector(1,0,0),False),
            'right' : (Vector(1,0,0),True),
            'top'   : (Vector(0,1,0),True),
            'bottom': (Vector(0,1,0),False)
        self.operatorMinMax = {
            '>' : True,
            '<' : False,
            '+' : True,
            '-' : False
        self.operator = {
            '+' : DirectionSelector,
            '-' : DirectionSelector,
            '#' : PerpendicularDirSelector,
            '|' : ParallelDirSelector}
        self.parseResults = parseResults
        self.mySelector = self._chooseSelector(parseResults)
 def makePlane(cls, length, width, basePnt=(0, 0, 0), dir=(0, 0, 1)):
     basePnt = Vector(basePnt)
     dir = Vector(dir)
     return Face(
         FreeCADPart.makePlane(length, width, basePnt.wrapped, dir.wrapped))