Exemple #1
 def modeltest(hdf5s, hdf5t, batch_size):
     #logistic regression: data, matrix multiplication, and 2-class softmax loss
     n = caffe.NetSpec()
     #n.data, n.lp_label, n.bag_label = L.HDF5Data(batch_size=batch_size, source=hdf5t, ntop=3)
     #n.data, n.lp_label, n.instance_label = L.HDF5Data(batch_size=batch_size, source=hdf5t, ntop=3)
     #n.data, n.lp_label = L.HDF5Data(batch_size=batch_size, source=hdf5t, ntop=2)
     n.data, n.lp_label, n.bag_label, n.instance_label = L.HDF5Data(batch_size=batch_size, source=hdf5t, ntop=4)
     n.dc_label=L.DummyData(data_filler=dict(type='constant', value=1), num=batch_size, channels=1, height=1, width=1)
     n.ip1 = L.InnerProduct(n.data, num_output=neuronL1, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     n.relu1 = L.Sigmoid(n.ip1, in_place=True)
     #n.dropout1 = L.Dropout(n.relu1, dropout_ratio=0.5)
     n.ip2 = L.InnerProduct(n.relu1, num_output=neuronL1-400, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     n.ip4 = L.InnerProduct(n.target_feature, num_output=1, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     #n.ip5=L.Sigmoid(n.ip4, in_place=True)
     #n.real, n.ip3 = L.Python(n.source_feature, n.lp_label, n.bag_label, module= 'missSVM', layer='missSVMLayer', ntop=2)
     #n.ip3 = L.InnerProduct(n.source_feature, num_output=1, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     #n.accuracy = L.Accuracy(n.ip4, n.lp_label)
     #n.losslp = L.Python(n.ip4, n.lp_label, n.bag_label, module = 'GMloss', layer='MultipleInstanceLossLayer')
     #n.P , n.Y = L.Python(n.ip4, n.lp_label, n.bag_label, module = 'MIloss', layer='MultipleInstanceLossLayer', ntop=2)
     #n.losslp = L.SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss(n.P, n.Y)
     n.losslp = L.SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss(n.ip4, n.lp_label)
     #n.losstlp = L.SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss(n.ip4, n.lp_label)
     n.grl= L.GradientScaler(n.ip2, lower_bound=0.0)
     n.ip11 = L.InnerProduct(n.grl, num_output=300, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     n.relu11 = L.Sigmoid(n.ip11, in_place=True)
     n.dropout11 = L.Dropout(n.relu11, dropout_ratio=0.5)
     n.ip12 = L.InnerProduct(n.dropout11, num_output=1, weight_filler=dict(type='xavier'))
     n.lossdc = L.SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss(n.ip12, n.dc_label, loss_weight=0.1) 
     return n.to_proto()
Exemple #2
def make_tiles(n, data):
    n_splits = 16
    result = netset(n, "split", L.Split(data, ntop=n_splits))
    tiles = netset(n, "merge", L.Concat(*result, axis=1))
    conv = make_conv(data, n_splits, 5, 2, 1)
    eltwise = L.Eltwise(tiles, conv, operation=P.Eltwise.SUM)
    prelu = L.PReLU(eltwise, in_place=True)
    return n_splits, prelu
Exemple #3
    def lrcn_reinforce_wtd_deploy(self, save_name):
        self.n.tops['input_sentence'] = self.dummy_data_layer([1, self.N])
        self.n.tops['cont_sentence'] = self.dummy_data_layer([1, self.N])
        self.n.tops['image_features'] = self.dummy_data_layer(
            [self.N, self.feature_dim])
        self.n.tops['lstm1_h0'] = self.dummy_data_layer(
            [1, self.N, self.lstm_dim])
        self.n.tops['lstm1_c0'] = self.dummy_data_layer(
            [1, self.N, self.lstm_dim])
        self.n.tops['lstm2_h0'] = self.dummy_data_layer(
            [1, self.N, self.lstm_dim])
        self.n.tops['lstm2_c0'] = self.dummy_data_layer(
            [1, self.N, self.lstm_dim])
        self.n.tops['input_sent_0'] = L.Split(self.n.tops['input_sentence'])
        self.n.tops['bottom_cont_0'] = L.Split(self.n.tops['cont_sentence'])

        self.n.tops['probs'] = L.Split(self.n.tops['probs_0'])
        self.n.tops['probs'] = L.Split(self.n.tops['probs_0'])
Exemple #4
def _make_module(model_path, n, i_channels, i_size):
    ns = caffe.NetSpec()
    ns.data = L.Input(
        input_param={"shape": {
            "dim": [n, i_channels, i_size[0], i_size[1]]
    ns.sp1, ns.sp2 = L.Split(ns.data, name='split', ntop=2)
    ns.reverse1 = L.Reverse(ns.sp1, name="reverse1")
    ns.reverse2 = L.Reverse(ns.sp2, name="reverse2")

    with open(os.path.join(model_path, 'test.prototxt'), 'w') as f:

    net = caffe.Net(f.name, caffe.TEST)

    net.save(os.path.join(model_path, 'test.caffemodel'))
Exemple #5
    def au_net_proto(self, batch_size, train=True):
        n = caffe.NetSpec()
        if train:
            source_data = '../prepare_data/train_data_lmdb'
            source_label = '../prepare_data/train_label_lmdb'
            source_data = '../prepare_data/test_data_lmdb'
            source_label = '../prepare_data/test_label_lmdb'

        n.data = L.Data(
            transform_param=dict(scale=1. / 255),
            input_param=dict(shape=dict(dim=[batch_size, 3, 227, 227])))
        n.label = L.Data(source=source_label,

        n.conv1, n.conv1_bn, n.conv1_scale, n.conv1_relu = block_def.conv_bn_scale_relu(
            n.data, ks=11, nout=256, stride=4, pad=0)

        n.res0, n.conv2_bn, n.conv2_scale, n.conv2_relu = block_def.conv_bn_scale_relu(
            n.conv1, ks=11, nout=128, stride=4, pad=0)

        # 8 层 rpoly-2 for core layer
        for num in range(8):
                'n.conv{0}_1, n.relu{0}_1, n.conv{0}_2, n.relu{0}_2, n.conv{0}_3, n.relu{0}_3, n.res{0} = block_def.rPoly2(n.res{1})'
                .format(str(num + 1), str(num)))

        # Core Layer to 4 Attribute Layer
        n.res8_face, n.res8_eye, n.res8_eyebrow, n.res8_mouth = L.Split(n.res8,

        # 2 层 rpoly-2 for attribute layer -- Face Layer
        for num in range(2):
                'n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_3_{2}, '
                'n.res{0}_{2} = block_def.rPoly2(n.res{1}_{2})'.format(
                    str(num + 8 + 1), str(num + 8), 'face'))

        # 2 层 rpoly-2 for attribute layer -- Eye Layer
        for num in range(2):
                'n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_3_{2}, '
                'n.res{0}_{2} = block_def.rPoly2(n.res{1}_{2})'.format(
                    str(num + 8 + 1), str(num + 8), 'eye'))

        # 2 层 rpoly-2 for attribute layer -- Eyebrow Layer
        for num in range(2):
                'n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_3_{2}, '
                'n.res{0}_{2} = block_def.rPoly2(n.res{1}_{2})'.format(
                    str(num + 8 + 1), str(num + 8), 'eyebrow'))

        # 2 层 rpoly-2 for attribute layer -- Mouth Layer
        for num in range(2):
                'n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_3_{2}, '
                'n.res{0}_{2} = block_def.rPoly2(n.res{1}_{2})'.format(
                    str(num + 8 + 1), str(num + 8), 'mouth'))

        # Eye Layer to 2 AU Layer
        n.res10_AU6_7, n.res10_AU45 = L.Split(n.res10_eye, ntop=2)

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- AU6_7
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- AU45
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # Eyebrow Layer to 3 AU Layer
        n.res10_AU1, n.res10_AU2, n.res10_AU4 = L.Split(n.res10_eyebrow,

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- AU1
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- AU2
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- AU4
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # Mouth Layer to 3 AU Layer
        n.res10_Chin, n.res10_Lip, n.res10_Mouth_AU = L.Split(n.res10_mouth,

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- Chin
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- Lip_c & Lip_u
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        # 2 层 rpoly-3 for AU layer -- Mouth_AU
        for num in range(2):
            exec('n.conv{0}_1_{2}, n.relu{0}_1_{2}, n.conv{0}_2_{2}, n.relu{0}_2_{2}, n.conv{0}_3_{2}, n.relu{0}_{2},' \
                   'n.conv{0}_4_{2}, n.relu{0}_4_{2}, n.res{0}_{2}= block_def.rPoly3(n.res{1}_{2})'

        return n.to_proto()
Exemple #6
def vnet(phase, dataLayer, dataLayerParams):
    net = caffe.NetSpec()

    net.data, net.label = L.Python(module="VnetDataLayer", layer=dataLayer, ntop=2, param_str=str(dataLayerParams))
    # net.conv_input = L.Convolution(net.data, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 1, "stride": 1, "num_output": 16, "pad": 0})
    net.split_input1, net.split_input2, net.split_input3, net.split_input4, net.split_input5, net.split_input6, net.split_input7, net.split_input8, net.split_input9, net.split_input10, net.split_input11, net.split_input12, net.split_input13, net.split_input14, net.split_input15, net.split_input16 = L.Split(net.data, ntop=16)
    net.concat_input = L.Concat(net.split_input1, net.split_input2, net.split_input3, net.split_input4, net.split_input5, net.split_input6, net.split_input7, net.split_input8, net.split_input9, net.split_input10, net.split_input11, net.split_input12, net.split_input13, net.split_input14, net.split_input15, net.split_input16)

    # left block 1 - 16 channel, size 64
    net.left1_bn1, net.left1_relu1, net.left1_conv1, net.left1_bn2, net.left1_relu2, net.left1_conv2, net.left1_add = resUnit2(
    net.pooling1 = L.Convolution(net.left1_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 32, "pad": 0})

    # left block 2 - 32 channel, size 32
    net.left2_bn1, net.left2_relu1, net.left2_conv1, net.left2_bn2, net.left2_relu2, net.left2_conv2, net.left2_bn3, net.left2_relu3, net.left2_conv3, net.left2_add = resUnit3(
        net.pooling1, numberOfOutput=32)
    net.pooling2 = L.Convolution(net.left2_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 64, "pad": 0})

    # left block 3 - 64 channel, size 16
    net.left3_bn1, net.left3_relu1, net.left3_conv1, net.left3_bn2, net.left3_relu2, net.left3_conv2, net.left3_bn3, net.left3_relu3, net.left3_conv3, net.left3_add = resUnit3(
        net.pooling2, numberOfOutput=64)
    net.pooling3 = L.Convolution(net.left3_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 128, "pad": 0})

    # vally block - 128 channel, size 8
    net.vally_bn1, net.vally_relu1, net.vally_conv1, net.vally_bn2, net.vally_relu2, net.vally_conv2, net.vally_bn3, net.vally_relu3, net.vally_conv3, net.vally_add = resUnit3(
        net.pooling3, numberOfOutput=128)
    net.depooling1 = L.Deconvolution(net.vally_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 64, "pad": 0})
    # right block 1 - 128 channel, size 16
    net.concat1 = L.Concat(net.left3_add, net.depooling1)
    net.right1_bn1, net.right1_relu1, net.right1_conv1, net.right1_bn2, net.right1_relu2, net.right1_conv2, net.right1_bn3, net.right1_relu3, net.right1_conv3, net.right1_add = resUnit3(
        net.concat1, numberOfOutput=128)
    net.depooling2 = L.Deconvolution(net.right1_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 32, "pad": 0})

    # right block 2 - 32 channel, size 32
    net.concat2 = L.Concat(net.left2_add, net.depooling2)
    net.right2_bn1, net.right2_relu1, net.right2_conv1, net.right2_bn2, net.right2_relu2, net.right2_conv2, net.right2_bn3, net.right2_relu3, net.right2_conv3, net.right2_add = resUnit3(
        net.concat2, numberOfOutput=64)
    net.depooling3 = L.Deconvolution(net.right2_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 2, "stride": 2, "num_output": 16, "pad": 0})

    # right block 3 - 16 channel, size 64
    net.concat3 = L.Concat(net.left1_add, net.depooling3)
    net.right3_bn1, net.right3_relu1, net.right3_conv1, net.right3_bn2, net.right3_relu2, net.right3_conv2, net.right3_add = resUnit2(
        net.concat3, numberOfOutput=32)

    # output - 2 channel, size 64
    net.conv_output = L.Convolution(net.right3_add, convolution_param={"engine": 2, "kernel_size": 1, "stride": 1, "num_output": 2, "pad": 0})

    # reshape result and label
    net.flat_output = L.Reshape(net.conv_output, reshape_param={"shape": {"dim": [0, 2, -1]}})
    net.flat_label = L.Reshape(net.label, reshape_param={"shape": {"dim": [0, 1, -1]}})

    # softmax result
    net.softmax_output = L.Softmax(net.flat_output)

    if phase == "train":
        net.loss = L.DiceLoss(net.softmax_output, net.flat_label)
    elif phase == "test":
        net.accu = L.Accuracy(net.softmax_output, net.flat_label)
    elif phase == "deploy":
        net.result = L.Argmax(net.softmax_output, argmax_param={"axis": 1})

    return str(net.to_proto())
 def test_split(self):
     n = caffe.NetSpec()
     n.input1 = L.Input(shape=make_shape([6, 4, 64, 64]))
     n.output1, n.output2 = L.Split(n.input1, ntop=2)
     self._test_model(*self._netspec_to_model(n, 'split'))
Exemple #8
    def approximation(args):
        print('creating approximation...')

        # Start a network
        net = Unet3D.start(args)

        #UNET config
        net_depth = 3
        net_width = 2
        base_filters = 24
        channels_in = 1
        channels_out = base_filters

        # ReLU negative slope
        relu_slope = 0.005

        strategy = [2, 2, 2]

        xs = [net.data]
        if args.nstreams > 1:
            xs = L.Split(net.data, ntop=args.nstreams)

        print('xs:', len(xs))
        skip = []

        # contracting part
        for d in range(net_depth):
            print('upsampling...', d)
            channels_out = base_filters * (3**d)
            x = Unet3D.vgg_block_approximation(args, xs, channels_in,
            # maxpool
            x = L.Pooling(x,
            channels_in = channels_out
            xs = [x for _ in range(args.nstreams)]

        # bridge
        channels_out = base_filters * (3**net_depth)
        x = Unet3D.vgg_block_approximation(args, xs, channels_in, channels_out)

        # expanding
        channels_in = channels_out
        for d in reversed(range(net_depth)):
            print('downsampling...', d)
            x = L.Deconvolution(x,

            channels_out = base_filters * (3**(d))
            x = L.Convolution(x,
            x = L.MergeCrop(x,
                            forward=[1, 1],
                            backward=[1, 1],

            xs = [x for _ in range(args.nstreams)]
            x = Unet3D.vgg_block_approximation(args, xs, channels_in,

        net = Unet3D.end(net, x)
        protonet = net.to_proto()
        protonet.name = 'net'

        # Store the network as prototxt
        with open(protonet.name + '.prototxt', 'w') as f:
            print(protonet, file=f)
def build_unet(p_pathDataIdx, p_numCls = 2, p_imageSize = 256,
               p_batchSize = 16, p_numFlt = 16,
               p_isInMemory = True, p_isCRFasRNN = False, p_isDeploy = False, p_numChannels = 3):
    net = caffe.NetSpec()
    pydata_params = {
        'img_size':     p_imageSize,
        'batch_size':   p_batchSize,
        'path_idx':     p_pathDataIdx,
        'num_cls':      p_numCls,
        'is_in_memory': p_isInMemory
    if p_isDeploy:
        net.data = L.Input(input_param={
                    'dim':[ p_batchSize, p_numChannels, p_imageSize, p_imageSize]
        net.data, net.labels = L.Python(module='data_layer_segm',
                                        layer='DataLayerSegmV1', ntop=2, param_str=str(pydata_params))
    # Encoder
    nflt1 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 0)
    net.conv1_1, net.relu1_1 = conv_relu(net.data,    nflt1 , pad=1, ks=3)
    net.conv1_2, net.relu1_2 = conv_relu(net.relu1_1, nflt1, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.pool1 = max_pool(net.relu1_2)
    nflt2 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 1)
    net.conv2_1, net.relu2_1 = conv_relu(net.pool1,   nflt2, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.conv2_2, net.relu2_2 = conv_relu(net.relu2_1, nflt2, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.pool2 = max_pool(net.relu2_2)
    nflt3 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 2)
    net.conv3_1, net.relu3_1 = conv_relu(net.pool2,   nflt3, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.conv3_2, net.relu3_2 = conv_relu(net.relu3_1, nflt3, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.pool3 = max_pool(net.relu3_2)
    nflt4 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 4)
    net.conv4_1, net.relu4_1 = conv_relu(net.pool3,   nflt4, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.conv4_2, net.relu4_2 = conv_relu(net.relu4_1, nflt4, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.pool4 = max_pool(net.relu4_2)
    nflt5 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 5)
    net.conv5_1, net.relu5_1 = conv_relu(net.pool4,   nflt5, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.conv5_2, net.relu5_2 = conv_relu(net.relu5_1, nflt5, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.pool5 = max_pool(net.relu5_2)
    # Decoder
    nfltup_0 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 2)
    net.upconv0, net.uprelu0 = conv_relu(net.pool5, nfltup_0, pad=0, ks=1)
    nfltup_1 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 1)
    net.upsamle1_x4 = upsample2d(net.uprelu0, nfltup_0, psize=4)
    net.concat1 = L.Concat(net.upsamle1_x4, net.relu4_2)
    net.upconv1, net.uprelu1 = conv_relu(net.concat1, nfltup_1, pad=1, ks=3)
    nfltup_2 = p_numFlt * (2 ** 0)
    net.upsamle2_x4 = upsample2d(net.uprelu1, nfltup_1, psize=4)
    net.concat2 = L.Concat(net.upsamle2_x4, net.relu2_2)
    net.upconv2, net.uprelu2 = conv_relu(net.concat2, nfltup_2, pad=1, ks=3)
    net.upsamle3_x2 = upsample2d(net.uprelu2, nfltup_2, psize=2)
    # net.upconv3, net.score = conv_relu(net.upsamle3_x2, nfltup_3, pad=0, ks=1)
    # Output
    if not p_isCRFasRNN:
        net.score = L.Convolution(net.upsamle3_x2, kernel_size=1, stride=1,
                             num_output=p_numCls, pad=0,
        net.coarse_map = L.Convolution(net.upsamle3_x2, kernel_size=1, stride=1,
                             num_output=p_numCls, pad=0,
        net.split_unary, net.split_q0 = L.Split(net.coarse_map, ntop = 2)
        net.crfmap = L.MultiStageMeanfield(net.split_unary, net.split_q0, net.data,
                                          param = [{'lr_mult': 200}, {'lr_mult': 200}, {'lr_mult': 200}],
                                          multi_stage_meanfield_param = {
                                              'num_iterations': 5,
                                              'compatibility_mode': 0, #POTTS
                                          #     # Initialize the compatilibity transform matrix with a matrix whose diagonal is -1.
                                              'threshold': 2,
                                              'theta_alpha': 160,
                                              'theta_beta': 3,
                                              'theta_gamma': 3,
                                              'spatial_filter_weight': 3,
                                              'bilateral_filter_weight': 5
    if p_isDeploy:
        if p_isCRFasRNN:
            net.prob = L.Softmax(net.crfmap)
            net.prob = L.Softmax(net.score)
        if p_isCRFasRNN:
            net.loss = L.SoftmaxWithLoss(net.crfmap, net.labels)
            net.prob = L.Softmax(net.crfmap, include={'phase': caffe.TEST})
            net.acc = L.Accuracy(net.prob, net.labels, include={'phase': caffe.TEST})
            net.loss = L.SoftmaxWithLoss(net.score, net.labels)
            net.prob = L.Softmax(net.score, include={'phase': caffe.TEST})
            net.acc = L.Accuracy(net.prob, net.labels, include={'phase': caffe.TEST})
    return net.to_proto()
Exemple #10
def split(bottom):
    return L.Split(bottom)