Exemple #1
def rrhr(band,skypos,tranges,skyrange,width=False,height=False,stepsz=1.,
	"""Generate a high resolution relative response (rrhr) map."""
	imsz = gxt.deg2pix(skypos,skyrange)
	# TODO the if width / height

	flat, flatinfo = cal.flat(band)
	npixx,npixy 	= flat.shape
	fltsz 		= flat.shape
	pixsz = flatinfo['CDELT2']
	detsize = 1.25

	# Rotate the flat into the correct orientation to start.
	flat   = np.flipud(np.rot90(flat))

	# NOTE: This upsample interpolation is done _last_ in the canonical
	#	pipeline as part of the poissonbg.c routine.
	# 	The interpolation function is "congrid" in the same file.
	# TODO: Should this be first order interpolation? (i.e. bilinear)
	hrflat = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(flat,4.,order=0,prefilter=False)
	img = np.zeros(hrflat.shape)[

	for trange in tranges:
		entries = gQuery.getArray(gQuery.aspect(t0,t1),retries=retries)
		n = len(entries)

		asptime = np.float64(np.array(entries)[:,2])/tscale
		aspra   = np.float32(np.array(entries)[:,3])
		aspdec  = np.float32(np.array(entries)[:,4])
		asptwist= np.float32(np.array(entries)[:,5])
		aspflags= np.float32(np.array(entries)[:,6])
		asptwist= np.float32(np.array(entries)[:,9])
		aspra0  = np.zeros(n)+skypos[0]
		aspdec0 = np.zeros(n)+skypos[1]

		xi_vec, eta_vec = gnomonic.gnomfwd_simple(

		col = 4.*( ((( xi_vec/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*(detsize/(fltsz[0]*pixsz)) + 1.)/2. * fltsz[0]) - (fltsz[0]/2.) )
		row = 4.*( (((eta_vec/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*(detsize/(fltsz[1]*pixsz)) + 1.)/2. * fltsz[1]) - (fltsz[1]/2.) )

		vectors = mc.rotvec(np.array([col,row]),-asptwist)

		for i in range(n):
			if verbose>1:
				mc.print_inline('Stamping '+str(asptime[i]))
				# FIXME: Clean this mess up a little just for clarity.
	        	img += scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift(scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate(hrflat,-asptwist[i],reshape=False,order=0,prefilter=False),[vectors[1,i],vectors[0,i]],order=0,prefilter=False)[hrflat.shape[0]/2.-imsz[0]/2.:hrflat.shape[0]/2.+imsz[0]/2.,hrflat.shape[1]/2.-imsz[1]/2.:hrflat.shape[1]/2+imsz[1]/2.]*dbt.compute_exptime(band,[asptime[i],asptime[i]+1],verbose=verbose,retries=retries)*gxt.compute_flat_scale(asptime[i]+0.5,band,verbose=0)

	return img
Exemple #2
def hashresponse(band,events,verbose=0):
    """Given detector xi, eta, return the response at each position."""
    # Hash out the response correction
    if verbose:
        mc.print_inline("Applying the response correction.")
    flat, _ = cal.flat(band)
    events['col'], events['row'] = xieta2colrow(
                                            events['xi'], events['eta'], band)
    events['flat'] = flat[np.array(events['col'], dtype='int16'),
                          np.array(events['row'], dtype='int16')]
    events['scale'] = gxt.compute_flat_scale(events['t'], band)
    # TODO: Separately do the binlinearly interpolated response
    events['response'] = (events['flat']*events['scale'])
    return events
Exemple #3
def xieta2colrow(xi, eta, band, detsize=1.25):
    """Convert detector xi, eta into col, row."""
    flat, flatinfo = cal.flat(band)
    # should be able to get npix from the header...
    npixx = flat.shape[0]
    npixy = flat.shape[1]
    pixsz = flatinfo['CDELT2']
    flatfill = detsize/(npixx*pixsz)
    col = ((( xi/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*flatfill + 1.)/2. * npixx)
    row = (((eta/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*flatfill + 1.)/2. * npixy)
    # You could theoretically drop a cut on detector position / detsize here...
    # Also, is this cut absolutely necessary? I think it's already been taken
    #  care of by the flag==0 assertion in the SQL query.
    #cut = ((col > 0.) & (col < flat.shape[0]-1) &
    #       (row > 0.) & (row < flat.shape[1]-1))
    #cut = np.where(ix == True)
    return col, row
Exemple #4
def create_rr(csvfile,band,eclipse,aspfile=0.,expstart=0.,expend=0.,retries=20,
	"""DEPRECATED: Creates a relative response map for an eclipse, given a
	photon list.
	aspum = pltscl/1000.0

	print "Loading flat file..."
	flat, flatinfo = cal.flat(band)
	npixx = flat.shape[0]
	npixy = flat.shape[1]
	pixsz = flatinfo['CDELT2']
	flatfill = detsize/(npixx*pixsz)

	print "Retrieving aspect data..."
	if aspfile:
		aspra, aspdec, asptwist, asptime, aspheader, aspflags = load_aspect([aspfile])
		aspra, aspdec, asptwist, asptime, aspheader, aspflags = web_query_aspect(eclipse,retries=retries)
	minasp = min(asptime)
	maxasp = max(asptime)
	print "			trange= ( "+str(minasp)+" , "+str(maxasp)+" )"
	ra0, dec0, roll0 = aspheader['RA'], aspheader['DEC'], aspheader['ROLL']
	print "			[RA, DEC, ROLL] = ["+str(ra0)+", "+str(dec0)+", "+str(roll0)+"]"

	print "Computing aspect vectors..."
	print "Calculating aspect solution vectors..."
	xi_vec, eta_vec = np.array([]), np.array([])
	#for i, ra in enumerate(aspra):
		#xi, eta = gnomfwd_simple(ras[i],decs[i],ra0,dec0,-twists[i], 1.0/36000.0, 0.)
		#xi, eta = gnomfwd_simple(ra0,dec0,ras[i],decs[i],-twists[i], 1.0/36000.0, 0.)
	xi_vec, eta_vec = gnomfwd_simple(ra0,dec0,aspra,aspdec,-asptwist, 1.0/36000.0, 0.)
		#xi_vec = np.append(xi_vec,xi)
		#eta_vec = np.append(eta_vec,eta)

	flat_scale = compute_flat_scale(asptime.mean(),band)

	if not expstart:
		expstart = asptime.min()+GPSSECS
	if not expend:
		expend = asptime.max()+GPSSECS
	flatbuff = np.zeros([960,960])
	# Rotate the flat into the correct orientation to start
	flatbuff[80:960-80,80:960-80] = np.flipud(np.rot90(flat))
	expt = 0
	rr = np.zeros([960,960])
	col = ((( xi_vec/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*flatfill + 1.)/2. * npixx)-400.
	row = (((eta_vec/36000.)/(detsize/2.)*flatfill + 1.)/2. * npixy)-400.
	#print len(asptime),len(xi_vec),len(eta_vec),len(col),len(row)
	for i in xrange(len(asptime)-1):
		#print i
		if (asptime[i]+GPSSECS)<expstart or (asptime[i]+GPSSECS)>expend:
			print "		",asptime[i]+GPSSECS," out of range."
		elif (aspflags[i]%2!=0) or (aspflags[i+1]%2!=0):
			print "		",asptime[i]+GPSSECS," flagged."
			#print "ping"
			rr += scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift(scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate(flatbuff,-asptwist[i],reshape=False,order=0,prefilter=False),[col[i],row[i]],order=0,prefilter=False)
			#print time.time()-startt

	# Need to modify this to handle NUV files better.
	exp = compute_exposure(t,x,y,flags,band,eclipse)
	deadt = compute_deadtime(t,x,y,band,eclipse)

	return rr*flat_scale*(1-deadt),exp