def getMeanProfit(self): all_values = [] for x in self.firm: all_values.extend(x.get_profits()) return round(get_mean(all_values), ndigits=2)
def analyzeGamma(self): # desired scope of the weight to be analyzed weightStart = 0.0 weightEnd = 1 weightSteps = 0.01 # fixed alpha and delta values as a framework to analyze gamma alphastart = 0.05 alphaend = 0.15 alphastep = 0.05 deltastart = 0.8 deltaend = 0.95 deltastep = 0.05 # total number of steps per parameter numberOfWeightSteps: int = int( (weightEnd - weightStart + weightSteps) / weightSteps) numberOfAlpha: int = int( (alphaend - alphastart + alphastep) / alphastep) numberOfDelta: int = int( (deltaend - deltastart + deltastep) / deltastep) stepcounter: int = 1 # indices for column and row c = 0 r = 0 # arrays to store results degree: List[List[float]] = [[0] * (numberOfAlpha * numberOfDelta) ] * numberOfWeightSteps percentage = [[None] * (numberOfAlpha * numberOfDelta)] * numberOfWeightSteps print("Analyzing gamma at " + str(self.marketTiming) + " interaction in a " + str(self.competition) + " competition with " + str(self.marketSize) + " firms") i = alphastart while round(i, 3) <= alphaend: j = deltastart while round(j, 2) <= deltaend: k = weightStart while round(k, 3) <= weightEnd: self.resetEnvironment() self.alpha = round(i, 4) = round(j, 4) self.gamma = round(k, 4) print( stepcounter, "/", (numberOfWeightSteps * numberOfAlpha * numberOfDelta), f"with (alpha = {self.alpha} delta = {} at gamma = {self.gamma} " ) self.simulate() degree[c][r] = get_mean(self.degrees) percentage[c][r] = len( list( filter(lambda x: x < self.marketSize, self.pricesSD ))) * 100.0 / self.numberOfSimulationRuns c += 1 stepcounter += 1 k += weightSteps c = 0 r += 1 i += deltastep i += alphastep content = "" content += "alpha" for j in range(numberOfAlpha): for k in range(numberOfDelta): val = alphastart + j * alphastep content += f",{val:.4f}" content += "\ndelta" for j in range(numberOfAlpha): for k in range(numberOfDelta): val = alphastart + k * alphastep content += f",{val:.4f}" content += "\n \ngamma" for i in range(numberOfWeightSteps): content += "\n" val = weightStart + i * weightSteps content += f",{val:.4f}" for j in range(numberOfAlpha * numberOfDelta): val = degree[i][j] content += f",{val:.4f}" content += "\n \n" for i in range(numberOfWeightSteps): content += "\n" val = weightStart + i * weightSteps content += f",{val:.4f}" for j in range(numberOfAlpha * numberOfDelta): val = percentage[i][j] content += f",{val:.4f}" ts ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") fn = f"{ts}_weightAnalysis_{self.alpha * 100}_{ * 100}.csv" with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: outfile.write(content)
def getMeanQuantity(self): all_values = [] for x in self.firm: all_values.extend(x.get_quantities()) return round(get_mean(all_values), ndigits=2)
def export(self): end_time = duration = end_time - self.startingTime content = "" content += "SETTING" content += "\ntiming," content += self.marketTiming if self.marketTiming == "discrete": content += f",,update interval,{self.updateInterval}" content += "\nmarket setting," content += self.competition content += "\nmarket size," content += str(self.marketSize) # simulation data and conditions content += "\n \nSIMULATION" content += "\nstart," content += self.startingTime.strftime("%H:%M:%S") content += "\nduration," content += str(duration) content += "\nend," content += end_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") content += "\nmax number of periods," content += str(self.maxNumberOfPeriods) content += "\nnumber of runs," content += str(self.numberOfSimulationRuns) content += "\nnumber of collusive runs," foo = len(list(filter(lambda x: x < self.marketSize, self.pricesSD))) bar = foo / self.numberOfSimulationRuns * 100.0 content += str(foo) content += "," content += str(bar) content += "%" # parameters of the Q-Learning algorithms content += "\n \nQ-LEARNING" content += "\nactionset,[0; " content += str(self.sizeOfActionSet - 1) content += "]" content += "\nalpha," content += str(self.alpha) content += "\nbeta," content += str(self.beta) if (self.marketSize > 2): content += "\ngamma," content += str(self.gamma) content += "\ndelta," content += str( content += "\nØ epsilon at the end," val = (math.exp(-self.beta * get_mean(self.periods))) content += f"{val:.8f}" content += "\n \nMEAN" content += "\nALL RUNS,mean,σ" content += "\nprice," content += str(get_mean(self.prices)) content += "," content += str(get_sd(self.prices)) content += "\nσ (of all period prices)," content += str(get_mean(self.pricesSD)) content += "\nquantity," content += str(get_mean(self.quantities)) content += "," content += str(get_sd(self.quantities)) content += "\nprofit," content += str(get_mean(self.profits)) content += "," content += str(get_sd(self.profits)) content += "\nperiods (in mio)," content += str(round(get_mean(self.periods) / 1000000, 3)) content += "," content += str(round(get_sd(self.periods) / 1000000, 3)) content += "\ndegree," content += str(get_mean(self.degrees)) content += "," content += str(get_sd(self.degrees)) content += "\n \nDATA" content += "\ni," content += "price," content += "σ (of all prices)," content += "quantity," content += "profit," content += "periods (in mio)," content += "degree" content += "\n" for i in range(self.numberOfSimulationRuns): content += str(i + 1) content += "," content += str(self.prices[i]) content += "," content += str(self.pricesSD[i]) content += "," content += str(self.quantities[i]) content += "," content += str(self.profits[i]) content += "," content += str(round(self.periods[i] / 1000000, 3)) content += "," content += str(self.degrees[i]) content += "\n" ts ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") filename = f"{ts}.csv" with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as outfile: outfile.write(content) print("File " + filename + ".csv exported")