Exemple #1
def equinox_solstice_iterative(year_, idx_, prec_):
    jde_0 = mean_equinox_solstice(year_, idx_)
    jdn_to_ret = JulianDayNumber(Date(year_, 1, 1), Time(0, 0, 0))
    jdn_to_ret.jdn = jde_0  # Hack
    while True:
        sun = Sun(jdn_to_ret)
        dpsi = Ecliptic(jdn_to_ret).get_dpsi_low().rads
        fk5_correction = -radians(0.09033 / 3600.0)
        aberration = -radians(20.4898 / 3600.0 / sun.R)
        lambda_app = sun.L + dpsi + fk5_correction + aberration
        dday = 58 * sin(idx_ * pi / 2 - lambda_app)
        if fabs(dday) <= fabs(prec_): break
        jdn_to_ret.jdn += dday
    return jdn_to_ret
Exemple #2
def equinox_solstice_helper(year_, idx_):
    jde_0 = mean_equinox_solstice(year_, idx_)

    T = (jde_0 - epoch_j2000.jdn) / julian_century
    W = radians(35999.373 * T - 2.47)
    dlambda = 1 + 0.0334 * cos(W) + 0.0007 * cos(2 * W)

    S = 0.0
    for (A, B, C) in table27c:
        S += A * cos(radians(B + C * T))

    jde = jde_0 + (0.00001 * S) / dlambda

    jdn_to_return = JulianDayNumber(Date(year_, 1, 1), Time(0, 0, 0))
    jdn_to_return.jdn = jde  # Roundabout way of creating a JDN
    return jdn_to_return
Exemple #3
def conjunction(dates_, coords1_, coords2_, prec_):
    assert isinstance(dates_, list) and isinstance(coords1_, list) \
           and isinstance (coords2_, list), 'Arguments must be lists'
    assert len(dates_) == 5 and len(coords1_) == 5 and len(coords2_) == 5, \
           'Argument list must contain exactly 5 elements'
    for date in dates_:
        assert isinstance(date, JulianDayNumber), \
               'dates_ must contain only JulianDayNumber objects'

    # Construct a list of 'decimal' dates
    jdndates = []
    for date in dates_:

    # Construct a list of differences in radians for alpha and delta between
    # object1 and object 2 for the dates given
    dalphas = []
    ddeltas = []
    for coord1, coord2 in zip(coords1_, coords2_):
        dalpha = coord1.a.rads - coord2.a.rads
        ddelta = coord1.b.rads - coord2.b.rads

    # Interpolate to find the zero for dalphas
    dalpha_data = zip(jdndates, dalphas)
    ipol = Inter5polate(dalpha_data)
    jdndate_conjunction = ipol.zero(prec_)

    # Interpolate to find the value of ddelta for the date of conjunction
    ddelta_data = zip(jdndates, ddeltas)
    ipol = Inter5polate(ddelta_data)
    ddelta_conjunction_rads = ipol.compute(jdndate_conjunction)

    # Create objects to return
    date_return = JulianDayNumber(Date(0, 1, 1), Time(0, 0, 0))
    date_return.jdn = jdndate_conjunction  # Hack to build a JDN from a decimal value
    ddelta_return = Latitude(ddelta_conjunction_rads)

    return (date_return, ddelta_return)
Exemple #4
    return equinox_solstice_helper(year_, 1)

def autumn_equinox(year_):
    """ Julian Day Number of the Autumn Equinox in the given year"""
    return equinox_solstice_helper(year_, 2)

def winter_solstice(year_):
    """ Julian Day Number of the Winter Solstice in the given year"""
    return equinox_solstice_helper(year_, 3)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Sun tests
    sooraj = Sun(JulianDayNumber(Date(1992, 10, 13), Time(0, 0, 0)))
    print sooraj.get_ecliptical()  # 199deg54'36", 0
    print sooraj.get_ecliptical_apparent()  # 199deg54'32", 0
    print sooraj.get_equatorial()
    print sooraj.get_equatorial_apparent()  # 13h13m31.4s, -7deg47'06"
    print sooraj.get_rectangular()

    # Equinox/Solstice tests
    years = [1962, 1975, 1979, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020]
    prec = 1e-6
    for year in years:
        print 'Year', year
        instant = spring_equinox(year)
        print 'Spring Equinox :', instant.get_date(), instant.get_time()
        instant = summer_solstice(year)
Exemple #5
    def apply_correction(self, coord):
        assert isinstance(coord, Equatorial), 'coord must be a Equatorial'

        alpha  = coord.a.rads + self.zeta
        delta0 = coord.b.rads

        A = cos(delta0)*sin(alpha)
        B = cos(self.theta)*cos(delta0)*cos(alpha) - sin(self.theta)*sin(delta0)
        C = sin(self.theta)*cos(delta0)*cos(alpha) + cos(self.theta)*sin(delta0)

        alpha = self.zappa + atan2(A,B)
        # If the object is close to the celestial pole
        if fabs(delta0 - pi/2) < radians(0.5):
            delta = acos(sqrt(A**2+B**2))
            delta = asin(C)

        return Equatorial(Longitude(alpha), Latitude(delta))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    epoch_start = epoch_j2000
    epoch_end = JulianDayNumber(Date(2028,11,13),Time(4,28,0))

    prec = Precession(epoch_start, epoch_end)
    # theta Persei (proper motion corrected)
    theta_persei_epoch_start = Equatorial(
        Longitude(radians(41.054063)), Latitude(radians(49.227750))
    print prec.apply_correction(theta_persei_epoch_start) # 2h46m11.331s, +49deg20'54.54"
Exemple #6

def conjunction_with_star(dates_, star_, coords_, prec_):
    assert isinstance(star_, SphCoord), 'star_ must be a SphCoord object'
    # We assume the star's coordinates stay constant over the list of dates_
    # provided. Create a dummy list of coords corresponding to the dates_
    # Use copies of the original star_ to avoid accidental pitfalls with
    # repeated references
    star_coords = [copy.copy(star_) for date in dates]
    return conjunction(dates_, star_coords, coords_, prec_)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dates = [
        JulianDayNumber(Date(1991, 8, 5), Time(0, 0, 0)),
        JulianDayNumber(Date(1991, 8, 6), Time(0, 0, 0)),
        JulianDayNumber(Date(1991, 8, 7), Time(0, 0, 0)),
        JulianDayNumber(Date(1991, 8, 8), Time(0, 0, 0)),
        JulianDayNumber(Date(1991, 8, 9), Time(0, 0, 0)),
    # Mercury
    coords1 = [
            Longitude(radians((10.0 + 24.0 / 60.0 + 30.125 / 3600.0) * 15)),
            Latitude(radians(6 + 26.0 / 60.0 + 32.05 / 3600.0))),
            Longitude(radians((10.0 + 25.0 / 60.0 + 0.342 / 3600.0) * 15)),
            Latitude(radians(6 + 10.0 / 60.0 + 57.72 / 3600.0))),
            Longitude(radians((10.0 + 25.0 / 60.0 + 12.515 / 3600.0) * 15)),
Exemple #7
    # Obliquity NOT corrected for nutation
    def get_obliquity_uncorrected(self):
        """Obliquity NOT corrected for nutation as an Angle object"""
        return Angle(self.epsilon_0)

    # Obliquity corrected for nutation
    def get_obliquity_corrected(self):
        """Obliquity corrected for nutation as an Angle object"""
        # @todo Use the more accurate value for d_epsilon
        return Angle(self.epsilon_0 + self.d_epsilon_low)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    jdn = JulianDayNumber(Date(1987, 4, 10), Time(0, 0, 0))
    ecliptic = Ecliptic(jdn)

    print ecliptic.get_dpsi_low()  # -3.9"
    print ecliptic.get_depsilon_low()  # +9.4"
    print ecliptic.get_obliquity_uncorrected()  # 23deg 26'27.407"
    print ecliptic.get_obliquity_corrected()  # 23def 26'36.850"

    ecliptic_j2k = Ecliptic(epoch_j2000)
    print 'Ecliptic J2000:', ecliptic_j2k.get_obliquity_uncorrected(
    )  # 23deg26'21.448"
    print 'Ecliptic J2000 (corrected):', ecliptic_j2k.get_obliquity_corrected(
    )  # 23deg 26'15.69"
Exemple #8
from math import radians
from angle import Angle
from calendar import Date, Time, JulianDayNumber

julian_year = 365.25
julian_century = 36525.0
julian_millennia = julian_century * 10

epoch_j2000 = JulianDayNumber(Date(2000, 1, 1), Time(12, 0, 0))  # 2451545.0 TD

# Obliquity of the Ecliptic referred to J2000
# To use with apparent RA and declination, use epsilon_j2000_corrected which
# includes nutation
epsilon_j2000 = Angle(radians(23 + (26 + 21.448 / 60.0) / 60.0))
epsilon_j2000_corrected = Angle(radians(23 + (26 + 15.69 / 60.0) / 60.0))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print 'J2000:', epoch_j2000
    print 'epsilon:', epsilon_j2000
    print 'epsilon (corrected):', epsilon_j2000_corrected
Exemple #9
    assert isinstance(jdnumber, JulianDayNumber), 'Invalid Julian Day Number'
    # Number of Julian centuries since J2000
    T = (jdnumber.jdn - epoch_j2000.jdn) / julian_century
    ret_deg = 280.46061837                                       \
              + 360.98564736629*(jdnumber.jdn - epoch_j2000.jdn) \
              + (0.000387933 - T/38710000.0)*T*T
    return Longitude(radians(ret_deg))

Apparent Sidereal Time at Greenwich for a given UT
@return Greenwich AST as a Longitude object

def AST(jdnumber):
    assert isinstance(jdnumber, JulianDayNumber), 'Invalid Julian Day Number'
    mst = MST(jdnumber)
    raise RuntimeError('@todo AST needs correction for nutation')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    jdn = JulianDayNumber(Date(2017, 9, 15), Time(22, 20, 11))
    theta_angle = MST(jdn)
    print theta_angle
    print MST(JulianDayNumber(Date(1987, 4, 10), Time(19, 21, 0))).hms()
    except RuntimeError as e:
        print 'Error:', e
Exemple #10
    # Sirius
    coord_0 = Equatorial(Longitude(radians(101.286962)),
    annual_pm = (Angle(-radians(0.03847 / 3600.0 * 15.0)),
                 Angle(-radians(1.2053 / 3600.0)))
    epoch_0 = 2000.0
    epoch_targets = [1000.0, 0.0, -1000.0, -2000.0, -10000.0]
    for epoch in epoch_targets:
        epoch_yrs = epoch - epoch_0
        print proper_motion(coord_0, 2.64, -7.6 / 977792.0, annual_pm,

    # theta Persei at epoch J2000
    epoch_start = epoch_j2000
    epoch_target = JulianDayNumber(Date(2028, 11, 13),
                                   Time(4, 28, 0))  # 2028 Nov 13.19 TD
    theta_persei_epoch_start = Equatorial(
        Longitude(radians((2.0 + 44.0 / 60.0 + 11.986 / 3600.0) * 15)),
        Latitude(radians(49.0 + 13.0 / 60.0 + 42.48 / 3600.0)))
    annual_pm = (Angle(radians(0.03425 / 3600.0 * 15)),
                 Angle(-radians(0.0895 / 3600.0)))
    epoch_yrs = (epoch_target.jdn - epoch_start.jdn) / julian_year

    theta_persei_epoch_start_pm_corrected = \
        proper_motion_classical(theta_persei_epoch_start, annual_pm, epoch_yrs)
    print theta_persei_epoch_start_pm_corrected  # 2h44m12.975s, +49deg 13'39.90"

    # Precession test
    prec = Precession(epoch_start, epoch_target)
    theta_persei_epoch_target = \