def test_acceptDescriptorInheritance(self):
        If a L{TwistdSlaveProcess} specifies some file descriptors to be
        inherited, they should be inherited by the subprocess.
        dspm         = DelayedStartupProcessMonitor()
        dspm.reactor = InMemoryProcessSpawner()

        # Most arguments here will be ignored, so these are bogus values.
        slave = TwistdSlaveProcess(
            twistd        = "bleh",
            tapname       = "caldav",
            configFile    = "/does/not/exist",
            id            = 10,
            interfaces    = '',
            inheritFDs    = [3, 7],
            inheritSSLFDs = [19, 25],

        dspm.addProcessObject(slave, {})
        # We can easily stub out spawnProcess, because caldav calls it, but a
        # bunch of callLater calls are buried in procmon itself, so we need to
        # use the real clock.
        oneProcessTransport = yield dspm.reactor.waitForOneProcess()
                          {0: 'w', 1: 'r', 2: 'r',
                           3: 3, 7: 7,
                           19: 19, 25: 25})
    def test_metaDescriptorInheritance(self):
        If a L{TwistdSlaveProcess} specifies a meta-file-descriptor to be
        inherited, it should be inherited by the subprocess, and a
        configuration argument should be passed that indicates to the
        dspm         = DelayedStartupProcessMonitor()
        dspm.reactor = InMemoryProcessSpawner()
        class FakeFD:
            def __init__(self, n):
                self.fd = n
            def fileno(self):
                return self.fd

        class FakeDispatcher:
            n = 3
            def addSocket(self):
                self.n += 1
                return FakeFD(self.n)

        # Most arguments here will be ignored, so these are bogus values.
        slave = TwistdSlaveProcess(
            twistd     = "bleh",
            tapname    = "caldav",
            configFile = "/does/not/exist",
            id         = 10,
            interfaces = '',
            metaSocket = FakeDispatcher().addSocket()

        dspm.addProcessObject(slave, {})
        oneProcessTransport = yield dspm.reactor.waitForOneProcess()
        self.assertIn("MetaFD=4", oneProcessTransport.args)
            "MetaFD argument was not passed as an option"
                          {0: 'w', 1: 'r', 2: 'r',
                           4: 4})