max1 = 0
	x =[]

	for i in num1:
		if i > max1: 
			max1 = i
	return max1 

#print maxno([4, 5, 90, 4])

tuple1= (['pauline', 3, 'grace'], 'Kamara', 'Heidi', 6)
print 'tuple1 :',  tuple1

print len(tuple1)

import time;
import calender

ticks = time.time()
print "Number of ticks since 12:00am, Dec 7, 1989:", ticks

localtime = time.localtime(time.time())
print "Local current time:", localtime

cal = calender.month(1989, 12)
print "Calende is: ", cal
import calender
y = int(input("Enter the year: "))
m = int(input("Enter the month: "))
print(calender.month(y, m))
import time
print("Hello Amarnath")
import calender
print(calender.month(1995, 10))
Exemple #4
# num=int(input("Enter the number"))

# for i in range(1,11):
# 	print(num,'x',i,'=',num*i)

# date=int(input("enter the date:"))
# month=int(input("enter the month:"))
# year=int(input("enter the year:"))

# if (date<=31) and (month<=12):
# 	print("Valid date")
# 	print("date is {} - {} - {}".format(date,month,year))

# else:
# 	print("Invalid date")

import calender

yy = 2013
mn = 11

print(calender.month(yy, mn))
Exemple #5
import calender
YY = int(input("Enter the year:"))
MM = int(input("Enter the month:"))
print(calender.month(YY, MM))
import time
import calender

mytime = time.localtime(time.time())

cal = calender.month(2018, 11)
print("here s the calender:")
Exemple #7
# program to display calender

import calender

yy = 2017
mm = 11

print(calender.month(yy, mm))
Exemple #8
import calender

cal = calender.month(2008, 1)
print("Here Is The Calender")
print cal
Exemple #9
import calender
print(calender.month(2014, 11))