Exemple #1
    def test_parsing(self):
        p = parser()
        def step(x):
            if isinstance(x, int):
                return {'num': x}
            return {'num':x[0], 'id':x[1]}
        def s(*args):
            return {'steps':list(map(step, args))}
        def r(*args):
            idx = args.index('!')
            ans = s(*args[:idx])
            ans['redirect'] = s(*args[idx+1:])
            return ans
        def o(*args):
            ans = s(1)
            step = ans['steps'][-1]
            typ, val = args[:2]
            step[{'@':'spatial_offset', '~':'temporal_offset', ':':'text_offset'}[typ]] = val
            if len(args) == 4:
                typ, val = args[2:]
                step[{'@':'spatial_offset', '~':'temporal_offset'}[typ]] = val
            return ans
        def a(before=None, after=None, **params):
            ans = o(':', 3)
            step = ans['steps'][-1]
            ta = {}
            if before is not None:
                ta['before'] = before
            if after is not None:
                ta['after'] = after
            if params:
                ta['params'] = {unicode(k):(v,) if isinstance(v, unicode) else v for k, v in params.iteritems()}
            if ta:
                step['text_assertion'] = ta
            return ans

        for raw, path, leftover in [
            # Test parsing of steps
            ('/2', s(2), ''),
            ('/2/3/4', s(2, 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1/2[some^,^^id]/3', s(1, (2, 'some,^id'), 3), ''),
            ('/1/2!/3/4', r(1, 2, '!', 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1/2[id]!/3/4', r(1, (2, 'id'), '!', 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1!/2[id]/3/4', r(1, '!', (2, 'id'), 3, 4), ''),

            # Test parsing of offsets
            ('/1~0', o('~', 0), ''),
            ('/1~7', o('~', 7), ''),
            ('/1~43.1', o('~', 43.1), ''),
            ('/1~0.01', o('~', 0.01), ''),
            ('/1~1.301', o('~', 1.301), ''),
            ('/1@23:34.1', o('@', (23, 34.1)), ''),
            ('/[email protected]:2.3', o('~', 3.0, '@', (3.1, 2.3)), ''),
            ('/1:0', o(':', 0), ''),
            ('/1:3', o(':', 3), ''),

            # Test parsing of text assertions
            ('/1:3[aa^,b]', a('aa,b'), ''),
            ('/1:3[aa^,b,c1]', a('aa,b', 'c1'), ''),
            ('/1:3[,aa^,b]', a(after='aa,b'), ''),
            ('/1:3[;s=a]', a(s='a'), ''),
            ('/1:3[a;s=a]', a('a', s='a'), ''),
            ('/1:3[a;s=a^,b,c^;d;x=y]', a('a', s=('a,b', 'c;d'), x='y'), ''),

            self.assertEqual(p.parse_path(raw), (path, leftover))
Exemple #2
    def test_parsing(self):
        p = parser()

        def step(x):
            if isinstance(x, numbers.Integral):
                return {'num': x}
            return {'num': x[0], 'id': x[1]}

        def s(*args):
            return {'steps': list(map(step, args))}

        def r(*args):
            idx = args.index('!')
            ans = s(*args[:idx])
            ans['redirect'] = s(*args[idx + 1:])
            return ans

        def o(*args):
            ans = s(1)
            step = ans['steps'][-1]
            typ, val = args[:2]
                '@': 'spatial_offset',
                '~': 'temporal_offset',
                ':': 'text_offset'
            }[typ]] = val
            if len(args) == 4:
                typ, val = args[2:]
                    '@': 'spatial_offset',
                    '~': 'temporal_offset'
                }[typ]] = val
            return ans

        def a(before=None, after=None, **params):
            ans = o(':', 3)
            step = ans['steps'][-1]
            ta = {}
            if before is not None:
                ta['before'] = before
            if after is not None:
                ta['after'] = after
            if params:
                ta['params'] = {
                    (v, ) if isinstance(v, unicode_type) else v
                    for k, v in iteritems(params)
            if ta:
                step['text_assertion'] = ta
            return ans

        for raw, path, leftover in [
                # Test parsing of steps
            ('/2', s(2), ''),
            ('/2/3/4', s(2, 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1/2[some^,^^id]/3', s(1, (2, 'some,^id'), 3), ''),
            ('/1/2!/3/4', r(1, 2, '!', 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1/2[id]!/3/4', r(1, (2, 'id'), '!', 3, 4), ''),
            ('/1!/2[id]/3/4', r(1, '!', (2, 'id'), 3, 4), ''),

                # Test parsing of offsets
            ('/1~0', o('~', 0), ''),
            ('/1~7', o('~', 7), ''),
            ('/1~43.1', o('~', 43.1), ''),
            ('/1~0.01', o('~', 0.01), ''),
            ('/1~1.301', o('~', 1.301), ''),
            ('/1@23:34.1', o('@', (23, 34.1)), ''),
            ('/[email protected]:2.3', o('~', 3.0, '@', (3.1, 2.3)), ''),
            ('/1:0', o(':', 0), ''),
            ('/1:3', o(':', 3), ''),

                # Test parsing of text assertions
            ('/1:3[aa^,b]', a('aa,b'), ''),
            ('/1:3[aa^,b,c1]', a('aa,b', 'c1'), ''),
            ('/1:3[,aa^,b]', a(after='aa,b'), ''),
            ('/1:3[;s=a]', a(s='a'), ''),
            ('/1:3[a;s=a]', a('a', s='a'), ''),
            ('/1:3[a;s=a^,b,c^;d;x=y]', a('a', s=('a,b', 'c;d'), x='y'), ''),
            self.assertEqual(p.parse_path(raw), (path, leftover))