Exemple #1
    def magnify_fonts(self, factor):
        # Magnify all font sizes defined in the book by the specified factor
        # First we create a restore point so that the user can undo all changes
        # we make.
        self.boss.add_savepoint('Before: Magnify fonts')

        container = self.current_container  # The book being edited as a container object

        # Iterate over all style declarations in the book, this means css
        # stylesheets, <style> tags and style="" attributes
        for name, media_type in container.mime_map.items():
            if media_type in OEB_STYLES:
                # A stylesheet. Parsed stylesheets are css_parser CSSStylesheet
                # objects.
                self.magnify_stylesheet(container.parsed(name), factor)
                container.dirty(name)  # Tell the container that we have changed the stylesheet
            elif media_type in OEB_DOCS:
                # A HTML file. Parsed HTML files are lxml elements

                for style_tag in container.parsed(name).xpath('//*[local-name="style"]'):
                    if style_tag.text and style_tag.get('type', None) in {None, 'text/css'}:
                        # We have an inline CSS <style> tag, parse it into a
                        # stylesheet object
                        sheet = container.parse_css(style_tag.text)
                        self.magnify_stylesheet(sheet, factor)
                        style_tag.text = serialize(sheet, 'text/css', pretty_print=True)
                        container.dirty(name)  # Tell the container that we have changed the stylesheet
                for elem in container.parsed(name).xpath('//*[@style]'):
                    # Process inline style attributes
                    block = container.parse_css(elem.get('style'), is_declaration=True)
                    self.magnify_declaration(block, factor)
                    elem.set('style', force_unicode(block.getCssText(separator=' '), 'utf-8'))
Exemple #2
    def magnify_fonts(self, factor):
        # Magnify all font sizes defined in the book by the specified factor
        # First we create a restore point so that the user can undo all changes
        # we make.
        self.boss.add_savepoint('Before: Magnify fonts')

        container = self.current_container  # The book being edited as a container object

        # Iterate over all style declarations in the book, this means css
        # stylesheets, <style> tags and style="" attributes
        for name, media_type in container.mime_map.items():
            if media_type in OEB_STYLES:
                # A stylesheet. Parsed stylesheets are css_parser CSSStylesheet
                # objects.
                self.magnify_stylesheet(container.parsed(name), factor)
                container.dirty(name)  # Tell the container that we have changed the stylesheet
            elif media_type in OEB_DOCS:
                # A HTML file. Parsed HTML files are lxml elements

                for style_tag in container.parsed(name).xpath('//*[local-name="style"]'):
                    if style_tag.text and style_tag.get('type', None) in {None, 'text/css'}:
                        # We have an inline CSS <style> tag, parse it into a
                        # stylesheet object
                        sheet = container.parse_css(style_tag.text)
                        self.magnify_stylesheet(sheet, factor)
                        style_tag.text = serialize(sheet, 'text/css', pretty_print=True)
                        container.dirty(name)  # Tell the container that we have changed the stylesheet
                for elem in container.parsed(name).xpath('//*[@style]'):
                    # Process inline style attributes
                    block = container.parse_css(elem.get('style'), is_declaration=True)
                    self.magnify_declaration(block, factor)
                    elem.set('style', force_unicode(block.getCssText(separator=' '), 'utf-8'))