Exemple #1
 def overlay_metadata(self):
     # make sure we have the metadata
     # make the metadata generic, if none exists now
     if self.comic_metadata is None:
         self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
Exemple #2
 def _get_combined_metadata(self):
     Combines the metadata from both sources
     self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
     if self.cbi_metadata is not None:
         self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cbi_metadata, False)
     if self.cix_metadata is not None:
         self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cix_metadata, False)
     if self.cbi_metadata is None and self.cix_metadata is None:
         self.comic_metadata = None
Exemple #3
    def convert_calibre_md_to_comic_md(self):
        Maps the entries in the calibre metadata to comictagger metadata
        from calibre.utils.html2text import html2text
        from calibre.utils.date import UNDEFINED_DATE
        from calibre.utils.localization import lang_as_iso639_1

        if self.calibre_md_in_comic_format:

        self.calibre_md_in_comic_format = GenericMetadata()
        mi = self.calibre_metadata

        # shorten some functions
        role = partial(set_role,
        update_field = partial(update_comic_field,

        # update the fields of comic metadata
        update_field("title", mi.title)
        role("Writer", mi.authors)
        update_field("series", mi.series)
        update_field("issue", mi.series_index)
        update_field("tags", mi.tags)
        update_field("publisher", mi.publisher)
        update_field("criticalRating", mi.rating)
        # need to check for None
        if mi.comments:
            update_field("comments", html2text(mi.comments))
        if mi.language:
            update_field("language", lang_as_iso639_1(mi.language))
        if mi.pubdate != UNDEFINED_DATE:
            update_field("year", mi.pubdate.year)
            update_field("month", mi.pubdate.month)
            update_field("day", mi.pubdate.day)

        # custom columns
        field = partial(self.db.field_for, book_id=self.book_id)

        # artists
        role("Penciller", field(prefs['penciller_column']))
        role("Inker", field(prefs['inker_column']))
        role("Colorist", field(prefs['colorist_column']))
        role("Letterer", field(prefs['letterer_column']))
        role("CoverArtist", field(prefs['cover_artist_column']))
        role("Editor", field(prefs['editor_column']))
        # others
        update_field("storyArc", field(prefs['storyarc_column']))
        update_field("characters", field(prefs['characters_column']))
        update_field("teams", field(prefs['teams_column']))
        update_field("locations", field(prefs['locations_column']))
        update_field("volume", field(prefs['volume_column']))
        update_field("genre", field(prefs['genre_column']))
        update_field("issueCount", field(prefs['count_column']))
        update_field("pageCount", field(prefs['pages_column']))
        update_field("webLink", get_link(field(prefs['comicvine_column'])))
        update_field("manga", field(prefs['manga_column']))
 def overlay_metadata(self):
     # make sure we have the metadata
     # make the metadata generic, if none exists now
     if self.comic_metadata is None:
         self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
 def _get_combined_metadata(self):
     Combines the metadata from both sources
     self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
     if self.cbi_metadata is not None:
         self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cbi_metadata, False)
     if self.cix_metadata is not None:
         self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cix_metadata, False)
     if self.cbi_metadata is None and self.cix_metadata is None:
         self.comic_metadata = None
Exemple #6
    def convertXMLToMetadata(self, tree):

        root = tree.getroot()

        if root.tag != 'ComicInfo':
            raise 1
            return None

        metadata = GenericMetadata()
        md = metadata

        # Helper function
        def xlate(tag):
            node = root.find(tag)
            if node is not None:
                return node.text
                return None

        md.series = xlate('Series')
        md.title = xlate('Title')
        md.issue = xlate('Number')
        md.issueCount = xlate('Count')
        md.volume = xlate('Volume')
        md.alternateSeries = xlate('AlternateSeries')
        md.alternateNumber = xlate('AlternateNumber')
        md.alternateCount = xlate('AlternateCount')
        md.comments = xlate('Summary')
        md.notes = xlate('Notes')
        md.year = xlate('Year')
        md.month = xlate('Month')
        md.day = xlate('Day')
        md.publisher = xlate('Publisher')
        md.imprint = xlate('Imprint')
        md.genre = xlate('Genre')
        md.webLink = xlate('Web')
        md.language = xlate('LanguageISO')
        md.format = xlate('Format')
        md.manga = xlate('Manga')
        md.characters = xlate('Characters')
        md.teams = xlate('Teams')
        md.locations = xlate('Locations')
        md.pageCount = xlate('PageCount')
        md.scanInfo = xlate('ScanInformation')
        md.storyArc = xlate('StoryArc')
        md.seriesGroup = xlate('SeriesGroup')
        md.maturityRating = xlate('AgeRating')

        tmp = xlate('BlackAndWhite')
        md.blackAndWhite = False
        if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
            md.blackAndWhite = True
        # Now extract the credit info
        for n in root:
            if (n.tag == 'Writer' or n.tag == 'Penciller' or n.tag == 'Inker'
                    or n.tag == 'Colorist' or n.tag == 'Letterer'
                    or n.tag == 'Editor'):
                if n.text is not None:
                    for name in n.text.split(','):
                        metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag)

            if n.tag == 'CoverArtist':
                if n.text is not None:
                    for name in n.text.split(','):
                        metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover")

        # parse page data now
        pages_node = root.find("Pages")
        if pages_node is not None:
            for page in pages_node:
                # print page.attrib

        metadata.isEmpty = False

        return metadata
    def convertXMLToMetadata(self, tree):

        root = tree.getroot()

        if root.tag != 'ComicInfo':
            raise 1
            return None

        metadata = GenericMetadata()
        md = metadata

        # Helper function
        def xlate(tag):
            node = root.find(tag)
            if node is not None:
                return node.text
                return None

        md.series = xlate('Series')
        md.title = xlate('Title')
        md.issue = xlate('Number')
        md.issueCount = xlate('Count')
        md.volume = xlate('Volume')
        md.alternateSeries = xlate('AlternateSeries')
        md.alternateNumber = xlate('AlternateNumber')
        md.alternateCount = xlate('AlternateCount')
        md.comments = xlate('Summary')
        md.notes = xlate('Notes')
        md.year = xlate('Year')
        md.month = xlate('Month')
        md.day = xlate('Day')
        md.publisher = xlate('Publisher')
        md.imprint = xlate('Imprint')
        md.genre = xlate('Genre')
        md.webLink = xlate('Web')
        md.language = xlate('LanguageISO')
        md.format = xlate('Format')
        md.manga = xlate('Manga')
        md.characters = xlate('Characters')
        md.teams = xlate('Teams')
        md.locations = xlate('Locations')
        md.pageCount = xlate('PageCount')
        md.scanInfo = xlate('ScanInformation')
        md.storyArc = xlate('StoryArc')
        md.seriesGroup = xlate('SeriesGroup')
        md.maturityRating = xlate('AgeRating')

        tmp = xlate('BlackAndWhite')
        md.blackAndWhite = False
        if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
            md.blackAndWhite = True
        # Now extract the credit info
        for n in root:
            if (n.tag == 'Writer' or
                    n.tag == 'Penciller' or
                    n.tag == 'Inker' or
                    n.tag == 'Colorist' or
                    n.tag == 'Letterer' or
                    n.tag == 'Editor'):
                if n.text is not None:
                    for name in n.text.split(','):
                        metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag)

            if n.tag == 'CoverArtist':
                if n.text is not None:
                    for name in n.text.split(','):
                        metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover")

        # parse page data now
        pages_node = root.find("Pages")
        if pages_node is not None:
            for page in pages_node:
                # print page.attrib

        metadata.isEmpty = False

        return metadata
Exemple #8
class ComicMetadata:
    An object for calibre to interact with comic metadata.
    def __init__(self, book_id, ia):
        # initialize the attributes
        self.book_id = book_id
        self.ia = ia
        self.db = ia.gui.current_db.new_api
        self.calibre_metadata = self.db.get_metadata(book_id)
        self.cbi_metadata = None
        self.cix_metadata = None
        self.calibre_md_in_comic_format = None
        self.comic_md_in_calibre_format = None
        self.comic_metadata = None
        self.checked_for_metadata = False
        self.file = None
        self.zipinfo = None

        # get the comic formats
        if self.db.has_format(book_id, "cbz"):
            self.format = "cbz"
        elif self.db.has_format(book_id, "cbr"):
            self.format = "cbr"
        elif self.db.has_format(book_id, "zip"):
            self.format = "zip"
        elif self.db.has_format(book_id, "rar"):
            self.format = "rar"
            self.format = None

        # generate a string with the books info, to show in the completion dialog
        self.info = "{} - {}".format(self.calibre_metadata.title,
        if self.calibre_metadata.series:
            self.info = "{}: {} - ".format(
                self.calibre_metadata.series_index) + self.info

    def __del__(self):

    def get_comic_metadata_from_file(self):
        if self.checked_for_metadata:
        if self.format == "cbz":
        elif self.format == "cbr":
        self.checked_for_metadata = True

    def add_updated_comic_to_calibre(self):
        self.db.add_format(self.book_id, "cbz", self.file)

    def import_comic_metadata_to_calibre(self, comic_metadata):
        self.db.set_metadata(self.book_id, self.comic_md_in_calibre_format)

    def overlay_metadata(self):
        # make sure we have the metadata
        # make the metadata generic, if none exists now
        if self.comic_metadata is None:
            self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()

    def embed_cix_metadata(self):
        Embeds the cix_metadata
        from io import StringIO

        cix_string = ComicInfoXml().stringFromMetadata(self.comic_metadata)

        # ensure we have a temp file

        if not python3:
            cix_string = cix_string.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
        # use the safe_replace function from calibre to prevent coruption
        if self.zipinfo is not None:
            with open(self.file, 'r+b') as zf:
                safe_replace(zf, self.zipinfo, StringIO(cix_string))
        # save the metadata in the file
            zf = ZipFile(self.file, "a")
            zf.writestr("ComicInfo.xml", cix_string)

    def embed_cbi_metadata(self):
        Embeds the cbi_metadata
        cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().stringFromMetadata(self.comic_metadata)

        # ensure we have a temp file
        # save the metadata in the comment
        zf = ZipFile(self.file, 'a')
        zf.comment = cbi_string.encode("utf-8")
        zf._didModify = True

    def convert_calibre_md_to_comic_md(self):
        Maps the entries in the calibre metadata to comictagger metadata
        from calibre.utils.html2text import html2text
        from calibre.utils.date import UNDEFINED_DATE
        from calibre.utils.localization import lang_as_iso639_1

        if self.calibre_md_in_comic_format:

        self.calibre_md_in_comic_format = GenericMetadata()
        mi = self.calibre_metadata

        # shorten some functions
        role = partial(set_role,
        update_field = partial(update_comic_field,

        # update the fields of comic metadata
        update_field("title", mi.title)
        role("Writer", mi.authors)
        update_field("series", mi.series)
        update_field("issue", mi.series_index)
        update_field("tags", mi.tags)
        update_field("publisher", mi.publisher)
        update_field("criticalRating", mi.rating)
        # need to check for None
        if mi.comments:
            update_field("comments", html2text(mi.comments))
        if mi.language:
            update_field("language", lang_as_iso639_1(mi.language))
        if mi.pubdate != UNDEFINED_DATE:
            update_field("year", mi.pubdate.year)
            update_field("month", mi.pubdate.month)
            update_field("day", mi.pubdate.day)

        # custom columns
        field = partial(self.db.field_for, book_id=self.book_id)

        # artists
        role("Penciller", field(prefs['penciller_column']))
        role("Inker", field(prefs['inker_column']))
        role("Colorist", field(prefs['colorist_column']))
        role("Letterer", field(prefs['letterer_column']))
        role("CoverArtist", field(prefs['cover_artist_column']))
        role("Editor", field(prefs['editor_column']))
        # others
        update_field("storyArc", field(prefs['storyarc_column']))
        update_field("characters", field(prefs['characters_column']))
        update_field("teams", field(prefs['teams_column']))
        update_field("locations", field(prefs['locations_column']))
        update_field("volume", field(prefs['volume_column']))
        update_field("genre", field(prefs['genre_column']))
        update_field("issueCount", field(prefs['count_column']))
        update_field("pageCount", field(prefs['pages_column']))
        update_field("webLink", get_link(field(prefs['comicvine_column'])))
        update_field("manga", field(prefs['manga_column']))

    def convert_comic_md_to_calibre_md(self, comic_metadata):
        Maps the entries in the comic_metadata to calibre metadata
        import unicodedata
        from calibre.ebooks.metadata import MetaInformation
        from calibre.utils.date import parse_only_date
        from datetime import date
        from calibre.utils.localization import calibre_langcode_to_name

        if self.comic_md_in_calibre_format:

        # start with a fresh calibre metadata
        mi = MetaInformation(None, None)
        co = comic_metadata

        # shorten some functions
        role = partial(get_role, credits=co.credits)
        update_field = partial(update_calibre_field, target=mi)

        # Get title, if no title, try to assign series infos
        if co.title:
            mi.title = co.title
        elif co.series:
            mi.title = co.series
            if co.issue:
                mi.title += " " + str(co.issue)
            mi.title = ""

        # tags
        if co.tags != [] and prefs['import_tags']:
            if prefs['overwrite_calibre_tags']:
                mi.tags = co.tags
                mi.tags = list(set(self.calibre_metadata.tags + co.tags))

        # simple metadata
        update_field("authors", role(WRITER))
        update_field("series", co.series)
        update_field("rating", co.criticalRating)
        update_field("publisher", co.publisher)
        # special cases
        if co.language:
            update_field("language", calibre_langcode_to_name(co.language))
        if co.comments:
            update_field("comments", co.comments.strip())
        # issue
        if co.issue:
                if not python3 and isinstance(co.issue, unicode):
                    mi.series_index = unicodedata.numeric(co.issue)
                    mi.series_index = float(co.issue)
            except ValueError:
        # pub date
        puby = co.year
        pubm = co.month
        if puby is not None:
                dt = date(int(puby), 6 if pubm is None else int(pubm), 15)
                dt = parse_only_date(str(dt))
                mi.pubdate = dt

        # custom columns
        update_column = partial(
        # artists
        update_column(prefs['penciller_column'], role(PENCILLER))
        update_column(prefs['inker_column'], role(INKER))
        update_column(prefs['colorist_column'], role(COLORIST))
        update_column(prefs['letterer_column'], role(LETTERER))
        update_column(prefs['cover_artist_column'], role(COVER_ARTIST))
        update_column(prefs['editor_column'], role(EDITOR))
        # others
        update_column(prefs['storyarc_column'], co.storyArc)
        update_column(prefs['characters_column'], co.characters)
        update_column(prefs['teams_column'], co.teams)
        update_column(prefs['locations_column'], co.locations)
        update_column(prefs['genre_column'], co.genre)
        ensure_int(co.issueCount, update_column, prefs['count_column'],
        ensure_int(co.volume, update_column, prefs['volume_column'], co.volume)
        if prefs['auto_count_pages']:
            update_column(prefs['pages_column'], self.count_pages())
            update_column(prefs['pages_column'], co.pageCount)
        if prefs['get_image_sizes']:
            update_column(prefs['image_size_column'], self.get_picture_size())
                      '<a href="{}">Comic Vine</a>'.format(co.webLink))
        update_column(prefs['manga_column'], co.manga)

        self.comic_md_in_calibre_format = mi

    def make_temp_cbz_file(self):
        if not self.file and self.format == "cbz":
            self.file = self.db.format(self.book_id, "cbz", as_path=True)

    def convert_cbr_to_cbz(self):
        Converts a rar or cbr-comic to a cbz-comic
        from calibre.utils.unrar import extract, comment

        with TemporaryDirectory('_cbr2cbz') as tdir:
            # extract the rar file
            ffile = self.db.format(self.book_id, self.format, as_path=True)
            extract(ffile, tdir)
            comments = comment(ffile)

            # make the cbz file
            with TemporaryFile("comic.cbz") as tf:
                zf = ZipFile(tf, "w")
                if comments:
                    zf.comment = comments.encode("utf-8")
                # add the cbz format to calibres library
                self.db.add_format(self.book_id, "cbz", tf)
                self.format = "cbz"

    def convert_zip_to_cbz(self):
        import os

        zf = self.db.format(self.book_id, "zip", as_path=True)
        new_fname = os.path.splitext(zf)[0] + ".cbz"
        os.rename(zf, new_fname)
        self.db.add_format(self.book_id, "cbz", new_fname)
        self.format = "cbz"

    def update_cover(self):
        # get the calibre cover
        cover_path = self.db.cover(self.book_id, as_path=True)
        fmt = cover_path.rpartition('.')[-1]
        new_cover_name = "00000000_cover." + fmt


        # search for a previously embeded cover
        zf = ZipFile(self.file)
        cover_info = ""
        for name in zf.namelist():
            if name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == "00000000_cover":
                cover_info = name

        # delete previous cover
        if cover_info != "":
            with open(self.file, 'r+b') as zf, open(cover_path, 'r+b') as cp:
                safe_replace(zf, cover_info, cp)

        # save the cover in the file
            zf = ZipFile(self.file, "a")
            zf.write(cover_path, new_cover_name)


    def count_pages(self):
        zf = ZipFile(self.file)
        pages = 0
        for name in zf.namelist():
            if name.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in IMG_EXTENSIONS:
                pages += 1
        return pages

    def action_count_pages(self):
        pages = self.count_pages()
        if pages == 0:
            return False
        update_custom_column(prefs['pages_column'], str(pages),
        self.db.set_metadata(self.book_id, self.calibre_metadata)
        return True

    def get_picture_size(self):
        from calibre.utils.magick import Image

        zf = ZipFile(self.file)
        files = zf.namelist()

        size_x, size_y = 0, 0
        index = 1
        while index < 10 and index < len(files):
            fname = files[index]
            if fname.lower().rpartition('.')[-1] in IMG_EXTENSIONS:
                with zf.open(fname) as ffile:
                    img = Image()
                        size_x, size_y = img.size
                if size_x < size_y:
            index += 1
        size = round(size_x * size_y / 1000000, 2)
        return size

    def action_picture_size(self):
        size = self.get_picture_size()
        if not size:
            return False
        update_custom_column(prefs['image_size_column'], size,
        self.db.set_metadata(self.book_id, self.calibre_metadata)
        return True

    def get_comic_metadata_from_cbz(self):
        Reads the comic metadata from the comic cbz file as comictagger metadata
        # open the zipfile
        zf = ZipFile(self.file)

        # get cix metadata
        for name in zf.namelist():
            if name.lower() == "comicinfo.xml":
                self.cix_metadata = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString(
                self.zipinfo = name

        # get the cbi metadata
        if ComicBookInfo().validateString(zf.comment):
            self.cbi_metadata = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString(zf.comment)

        # get combined metadata

    def get_comic_metadata_from_cbr(self):
        Reads the comic metadata from the comic cbr file as comictagger metadata
        and returns the metadata depending on do_action
        from calibre.utils.unrar import extract_member, names, comment

        ffile = self.db.format(self.book_id, "cbr", as_path=True)
        with open(ffile, 'rb') as stream:
            # get the cix metadata
            fnames = list(names(stream))
            for name in fnames:
                if name.lower() == "comicinfo.xml":
                    self.cix_metadata = extract_member(stream,
                    self.cix_metadata = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString(

            # get the cbi metadata
            comments = comment(ffile)
            if ComicBookInfo().validateString(comments):
                self.cbi_metadata = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString(


    def _get_combined_metadata(self):
        Combines the metadata from both sources
        self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
        if self.cbi_metadata is not None:
            self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cbi_metadata, False)
        if self.cix_metadata is not None:
            self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cix_metadata, False)
        if self.cbi_metadata is None and self.cix_metadata is None:
            self.comic_metadata = None
class ComicMetadata:
    An object for calibre to interact with comic metadata.

    def __init__(self, book_id, ia):
        # initialize the attributes
        self.book_id = book_id
        self.ia = ia
        self.db = ia.gui.current_db.new_api
        self.calibre_metadata = self.db.get_metadata(book_id)
        self.cbi_metadata = None
        self.cix_metadata = None
        self.calibre_md_in_comic_format = None
        self.comic_md_in_calibre_format = None
        self.comic_metadata = None
        self.checked_for_metadata = False
        self.file = None
        self.zipinfo = None

        # get the comic formats
        if self.db.has_format(book_id, "cbz"):
            self.format = "cbz"
        elif self.db.has_format(book_id, "cbr"):
            self.format = "cbr"
            self.format = None

        # generate a string with the books info, to show in the completion dialog
        self.info = "{} - {}".format(self.calibre_metadata.title, self.calibre_metadata.authors[0])
        if self.calibre_metadata.series:
            self.info = "{}: {} - ".format(self.calibre_metadata.series, self.calibre_metadata.series_index) + self.info

    def __del__(self):

    def get_comic_metadata_from_file(self):
        if self.checked_for_metadata:
        if self.format == "cbz":
        elif self.format == "cbr":
        self.checked_for_metadata = True

    def add_updated_comic_to_calibre(self):
        self.db.add_format(self.book_id, "cbz", self.file)

    def import_comic_metadata_to_calibre(self, comic_metadata):
        self.db.set_metadata(self.book_id, self.comic_md_in_calibre_format)

    def overlay_metadata(self):
        # make sure we have the metadata
        # make the metadata generic, if none exists now
        if self.comic_metadata is None:
            self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()

    def embed_cix_metadata(self):
        Embeds the cix_metadata
        from io import StringIO

        cix_string = ComicInfoXml().stringFromMetadata(self.comic_metadata)

        # ensure we have a temp file

        # make a new cbz if a metadata file is already there, to prevent corruption
        if self.zipinfo is not None:
            with open(self.file, 'r+b') as zf:
                safe_replace(zf, self.zipinfo, StringIO(cix_string.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')))

            # save the metadata in the file
            zf = ZipFile(self.file, "a")
            zf.writestr("ComicInfo.xml", cix_string.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))

    def embed_cbi_metadata(self):
        Embeds the cbi_metadata
        cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().stringFromMetadata(self.comic_metadata)

        # ensure we have a temp file
        # save the metadata in the comment
        writeZipComment(self.file, cbi_string)

    def convert_calibre_md_to_comic_md(self):
        Maps the entries in the calibre metadata to comictagger metadata
        from calibre.utils.html2text import html2text
        from calibre.utils.date import UNDEFINED_DATE
        from calibre.utils.localization import lang_as_iso639_1

        if self.calibre_md_in_comic_format:

        self.calibre_md_in_comic_format = GenericMetadata()
        mi = self.calibre_metadata

        # shorten some functions
        role = partial(set_role, credits=self.calibre_md_in_comic_format.credits)
        update_field = partial(update_comic_field, target=self.calibre_md_in_comic_format)

        # update the fields of comic metadata
        update_field("title", mi.title)
        role("Writer", mi.authors)
        update_field("series", mi.series)
        update_field("issue", mi.series_index)
        update_field("tags", mi.tags)
        update_field("publisher", mi.publisher)
        update_field("criticalRating", mi.rating)
        # need to check for None
        if mi.comments:
            update_field("comments", html2text(mi.comments))
        if mi.language:
            update_field("language", lang_as_iso639_1(mi.language))
        if mi.pubdate != UNDEFINED_DATE:
            update_field("year", mi.pubdate.year)
            update_field("month", mi.pubdate.month)
            update_field("day", mi.pubdate.day)

        # custom columns
        field = partial(self.db.field_for, book_id=self.book_id)

        # artists
        role("Penciller", field(prefs['penciller_column']))
        role("Inker", field(prefs['inker_column']))
        role("Colorist", field(prefs['colorist_column']))
        role("Letterer", field(prefs['letterer_column']))
        role("CoverArtist", field(prefs['cover_artist_column']))
        role("Editor", field(prefs['editor_column']))
        # others
        update_field("storyArc", field(prefs['storyarc_column']))
        update_field("characters", field(prefs['characters_column']))
        update_field("teams", field(prefs['teams_column']))
        update_field("locations", field(prefs['locations_column']))
        update_field("volume", field(prefs['volume_column']))
        update_field("genre", field(prefs['genre_column']))

    def convert_comic_md_to_calibre_md(self, comic_metadata):
        Maps the entries in the comic_metadata to calibre metadata
        import unicodedata
        from calibre.ebooks.metadata import MetaInformation
        from calibre.utils.date import parse_only_date
        from datetime import date
        from calibre.utils.localization import calibre_langcode_to_name

        if self.comic_md_in_calibre_format:

        # synonyms for artists
        WRITER = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter']
        PENCILLER = ['artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns']
        INKER = ['inker', 'artist', 'finishes']
        COLORIST = ['colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer']
        LETTERER = ['letterer']
        COVER_ARTIST = ['cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist']
        EDITOR = ['editor']

        # start with a fresh calibre metadata
        mi = MetaInformation(None, None)
        co = comic_metadata

        # shorten some functions
        role = partial(get_role, credits=co.credits)
        update_field = partial(update_calibre_field, target=mi)

        # Get title, if no title, try to assign series infos
        if co.title:
            mi.title = co.title
        elif co.series:
            mi.title = co.series
            if co.issue:
                mi.title += " " + str(co.issue)
            mi.title = ""

        # tags
        if co.tags != [] and prefs['import_tags']:
            if prefs['overwrite_calibre_tags']:
                mi.tags = co.tags
                mi.tags = list(set(self.calibre_metadata.tags + co.tags))

        # simple metadata
        update_field("authors", role(WRITER))
        update_field("series", co.series)
        update_field("rating", co.criticalRating)
        update_field("publisher", co.publisher)
        # special cases
        if co.language:
            update_field("language", calibre_langcode_to_name(co.language))
        if co.comments:
            update_field("comments", co.comments.strip())
        # issue
        if co.issue:
            if isinstance(co.issue, unicode):
                mi.series_index = unicodedata.numeric(co.issue)
                mi.series_index = float(co.issue)
        # pub date
        puby = co.year
        pubm = co.month
        if puby is not None:
                dt = date(int(puby), 6 if pubm is None else int(pubm), 15)
                dt = parse_only_date(str(dt))
                mi.pubdate = dt

        # custom columns
        custom_cols = self.db.field_metadata.custom_field_metadata()
        update_column = partial(update_custom_column, calibre_metadata=mi, custom_cols=custom_cols)
        # artists
        update_column(prefs['penciller_column'], role(PENCILLER))
        update_column(prefs['inker_column'], role(INKER))
        update_column(prefs['colorist_column'], role(COLORIST))
        update_column(prefs['letterer_column'], role(LETTERER))
        update_column(prefs['cover_artist_column'], role(COVER_ARTIST))
        update_column(prefs['editor_column'], role(EDITOR))
        # others
        update_column(prefs['storyarc_column'], co.storyArc)
        update_column(prefs['characters_column'], co.characters)
        update_column(prefs['teams_column'], co.teams)
        update_column(prefs['locations_column'], co.locations)
        update_column(prefs['volume_column'], co.volume)
        update_column(prefs['genre_column'], co.genre)

        self.comic_md_in_calibre_format = mi

    def make_temp_cbz_file(self):
        if not self.file and self.format == "cbz":
            self.file = self.db.format(self.book_id, "cbz", as_path=True)

    def convert_to_cbz(self):
        Converts a cbr-comic to a cbz-comic
        from calibre.utils.unrar import RARFile, extract

        with TemporaryDirectory('_cbr2cbz') as tdir:
            # extract the rar file
            ffile = self.db.format(self.book_id, "cbr", as_path=True)
            extract(ffile, tdir)
            # get the comment
            with open(ffile, 'rb') as stream:
                zr = RARFile(stream, get_comment=True)
                comment = zr.comment

            # make the cbz file
            with TemporaryFile("comic.cbz") as tf:
                zf = ZipFile(tf, "w")
                # write comment
                if comment:
                    writeZipComment(tf, comment)
                # add the cbz format to calibres library
                self.db.add_format(self.book_id, "cbz", tf)
                self.format = "cbz"

    def update_cover(self):
        # get the calibre cover
        cover_path = self.db.cover(self.book_id, as_path=True)
        fmt = cover_path.rpartition('.')[-1]
        new_cover_name = "00000000_cover." + fmt


        # search for a previously embeded cover
        zf = ZipFile(self.file)
        cover_info = ""
        for name in zf.namelist():
            if name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == "00000000_cover":
                cover_info = name

        # delete previous cover
        if cover_info != "":
            with open(self.file, 'r+b') as zf, open(cover_path, 'r+b') as cp:
                safe_replace(zf, cover_info, cp)

        # save the cover in the file
            zf = ZipFile(self.file, "a")
            zf.write(cover_path, new_cover_name)


    def get_comic_metadata_from_cbz(self):
        Reads the comic metadata from the comic cbz file as comictagger metadata
        # open the zipfile
        zf = ZipFile(self.file)

        # get cix metadata
        for name in zf.namelist():
            if name.lower() == "comicinfo.xml":
                self.cix_metadata = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString(zf.read(name))
                self.zipinfo = name

        # get the cbi metadata
        if ComicBookInfo().validateString(zf.comment):
            self.cbi_metadata = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString(zf.comment)

        # get combined metadata

    def get_comic_metadata_from_cbr(self):
        Reads the comic metadata from the comic cbr file as comictagger metadata
        and returns the metadata depending on do_action
        from calibre.utils.unrar import RARFile, extract_member, names

        ffile = self.db.format(self.book_id, "cbr", as_path=True)
        with open(ffile, 'rb') as stream:
            # get the cix metadata
            fnames = list(names(stream))
            for name in fnames:
                if name.lower() == "comicinfo.xml":
                    self.cix_metadata = extract_member(stream, match=None, name=name)[1]
                    self.cix_metadata = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString(self.cix_metadata)

            # get the cbi metadata
            zr = RARFile(stream, get_comment=True)
            comment = zr.comment
            if ComicBookInfo().validateString(comment):
                self.cbi_metadata = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString(comment)


    def _get_combined_metadata(self):
        Combines the metadata from both sources
        self.comic_metadata = GenericMetadata()
        if self.cbi_metadata is not None:
            self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cbi_metadata, False)
        if self.cix_metadata is not None:
            self.comic_metadata.overlay(self.cix_metadata, False)
        if self.cbi_metadata is None and self.cix_metadata is None:
            self.comic_metadata = None
Exemple #10
    def metadataFromString(self, string):

        cbi_container = json.loads(unicode(string, 'utf-8'))

        metadata = GenericMetadata()

        cbi = cbi_container['ComicBookInfo/1.0']

        # helper func
        # If item is not in CBI, return None
        def xlate(cbi_entry):
            if cbi_entry in cbi:
                return cbi[cbi_entry]
                return None

        metadata.series = xlate('series')
        metadata.title = xlate('title')
        metadata.issue = xlate('issue')
        metadata.publisher = xlate('publisher')
        metadata.month = xlate('publicationMonth')
        metadata.year = xlate('publicationYear')
        metadata.issueCount = xlate('numberOfIssues')
        metadata.comments = xlate('comments')
        metadata.credits = xlate('credits')
        metadata.genre = xlate('genre')
        metadata.volume = xlate('volume')
        metadata.volumeCount = xlate('numberOfVolumes')
        metadata.language = xlate('language')
        metadata.country = xlate('country')
        metadata.criticalRating = xlate('rating')
        metadata.tags = xlate('tags')

        # make sure credits and tags are at least empty lists and not None
        if metadata.credits is None:
            metadata.credits = []
        if metadata.tags is None:
            metadata.tags = []

        # need to massage the language string to be ISO
        # modified to use a calibre function
        if metadata.language is not None:
            metadata.language = lang_as_iso639_1(metadata.language)

        metadata.isEmpty = False

        return metadata
    def metadataFromString(self, string):

        cbi_container = json.loads(unicode(string, 'utf-8'))

        metadata = GenericMetadata()

        cbi = cbi_container['ComicBookInfo/1.0']

        # helper func
        # If item is not in CBI, return None
        def xlate(cbi_entry):
            if cbi_entry in cbi:
                return cbi[cbi_entry]
                return None

        metadata.series = xlate('series')
        metadata.title = xlate('title')
        metadata.issue = xlate('issue')
        metadata.publisher = xlate('publisher')
        metadata.month = xlate('publicationMonth')
        metadata.year = xlate('publicationYear')
        metadata.issueCount = xlate('numberOfIssues')
        metadata.comments = xlate('comments')
        metadata.credits = xlate('credits')
        metadata.genre = xlate('genre')
        metadata.volume = xlate('volume')
        metadata.volumeCount = xlate('numberOfVolumes')
        metadata.language = xlate('language')
        metadata.country = xlate('country')
        metadata.criticalRating = xlate('rating')
        metadata.tags = xlate('tags')

        # make sure credits and tags are at least empty lists and not None
        if metadata.credits is None:
            metadata.credits = []
        if metadata.tags is None:
            metadata.tags = []

        # need to massage the language string to be ISO
        # modified to use a calibre function
        if metadata.language is not None:
            metadata.language = lang_as_iso639_1(metadata.language)

        metadata.isEmpty = False

        return metadata