Exemple #1
def getPath4axis(context, operation):
    o = operation
    if o.strategy4axis in ['PARALLELR', 'PARALLEL', 'HELIX', 'CROSS']:
        path_samples = getPathPattern4axis(o)

        depth = path_samples[0].depth
        chunks = []

        layers = strategy.getLayers(o, 0, depth)

        chunks.extend(utils.sampleChunksNAxis(o, path_samples, layers))
        strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o)
Exemple #2
def getPath3axis(context, operation):
    s = bpy.context.scene
    o = operation

    if o.strategy == 'CUTOUT':

    elif o.strategy == 'CURVE':

    elif o.strategy == 'PROJECTED_CURVE':
        strategy.proj_curve(s, o)

    elif o.strategy == 'POCKET':

    elif o.strategy in ['PARALLEL', 'CROSS', 'BLOCK', 'SPIRAL', 'CIRCLES', 'OUTLINEFILL', 'CARVE', 'PENCIL', 'CRAZY']:

        if o.strategy == 'CARVE':
            pathSamples = []
            # for ob in o.objects:
            ob = bpy.data.objects[o.curve_object]
            pathSamples = utils.sortChunks(pathSamples, o)  # sort before sampling
            pathSamples = chunksRefine(pathSamples, o)
        elif o.strategy == 'PENCIL':
            pathSamples = getOffsetImageCavities(o, o.offset_image)
            # for ch in pathSamples:
            #	for i,p in enumerate(ch.points):
            #	 ch.points[i]=(p[0],p[1],0)
            pathSamples = limitChunks(pathSamples, o)
            pathSamples = utils.sortChunks(pathSamples, o)  # sort before sampling
        elif o.strategy == 'CRAZY':

            # pathSamples = crazyStrokeImage(o)
            #####this kind of worked and should work:
            millarea = o.zbuffer_image < o.minz + 0.000001
            avoidarea = o.offset_image > o.minz + 0.000001

            pathSamples = crazyStrokeImageBinary(o, millarea, avoidarea)
            pathSamples = utils.sortChunks(pathSamples, o)
            pathSamples = chunksRefine(pathSamples, o)

            if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL':

            pathSamples = getPathPattern(o)

            if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL':
                pathSamples = utils.sortChunks(pathSamples,
                                               o)  # have to be sorted once before, because of the parenting inside of samplechunks
            # chunksToMesh(pathSamples,o)#for testing pattern script
            # return
            if o.strategy in ['BLOCK', 'SPIRAL', 'CIRCLES']:
                pathSamples = utils.connectChunksLow(pathSamples, o)

        # print (minz)

        chunks = []
        layers = strategy.getLayers(o, o.maxz, o.min.z)

        print("SAMPLE", o.name)
        chunks.extend(utils.sampleChunks(o, pathSamples, layers))
        print("SAMPLE OK")
        if o.strategy == 'PENCIL':  # and bpy.app.debug_value==-3:
            chunks = chunksCoherency(chunks)
            print('coherency check')

        if o.strategy in ['PARALLEL', 'CROSS', 'PENCIL', 'OUTLINEFILL']:  # and not o.parallel_step_back:
            chunks = utils.sortChunks(chunks, o)
            if o.strategy == 'OUTLINEFILL':
                chunks = utils.connectChunksLow(chunks, o)
        if o.ramp:
            for ch in chunks:
                ch.rampZigZag(ch.zstart, ch.points[0][2], o)
        # print(chunks)
        if o.strategy == 'CARVE':
            for ch in chunks:
                for vi in range(0, len(ch.points)):
                    ch.points[vi] = (ch.points[vi][0], ch.points[vi][1], ch.points[vi][2] - o.carve_depth)
        if o.use_bridges:
            for bridge_chunk in chunks:
                useBridges(bridge_chunk, o)
        strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o)

    elif o.strategy == 'WATERLINE' and o.use_opencamlib:
        chunks = []
        oclGetWaterline(o, chunks)
        chunks = limitChunks(chunks, o)
        if (o.movement_type == 'CLIMB' and o.spindle_rotation_direction == 'CW') or (
                o.movement_type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.spindle_rotation_direction == 'CCW'):
            for ch in chunks:
        strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o)

    elif o.strategy == 'WATERLINE' and not o.use_opencamlib:
        topdown = True
        tw = time.time()
        chunks = []
        progress('retrieving object slices')
        layerstep = 1000000000
        if o.use_layers:
            layerstep = math.floor(o.stepdown / o.slice_detail)
            if layerstep == 0:
                layerstep = 1

        # for projection of filled areas
        layerstart = o.max.z  #
        layerend = o.min.z  #
        layers = [[layerstart, layerend]]
        nslices = ceil(abs(o.minz / o.slice_detail))
        lastislice = numpy.array([])
        lastslice = spolygon.Polygon()  # polyversion
        layerstepinc = 0

        slicesfilled = 0
        # polyToMesh(o.ambient,0)
        for h in range(0, nslices):
            layerstepinc += 1
            slicechunks = []
            z = o.minz + h * o.slice_detail
            if h == 0:
                z += 0.0000001  # if people do mill flat areas, this helps to reach those... otherwise first layer would actually be one slicelevel above min z.
            # print(z)
            # sliceimage=o.offset_image>z
            islice = o.offset_image > z
            slicepolys = imageToShapely(o, islice, with_border=True)
            # for pviz in slicepolys:
            #    polyToMesh('slice',pviz,z)
            poly = spolygon.Polygon()  # polygversion
            lastchunks = []
            # imagechunks=imageToChunks(o,islice)
            # for ch in imagechunks:
            #    slicechunks.append(camPathChunk([]))
            #    for s in ch.points:
            #    slicechunks[-1].points.append((s[0],s[1],z))

            # print('found polys',layerstepinc,len(slicepolys))
            for p in slicepolys:
                # print('polypoints',p.nPoints(0))
                poly = poly.union(p)  # polygversion TODO: why is this added?
                # print()
                # polyToMesh(p,z)
                nchunks = shapelyToChunks(p, z)
                nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True)
                # print('chunksnum',len(nchunks))
                # if len(nchunks)>0:
                #    print('chunkpoints',len(nchunks[0].points))
                # print()
            # print('totchunks',len(slicechunks))
            if len(slicepolys) > 0:
                slicesfilled += 1
            # chunks.extend(polyToChunks(slicepolys[1],z))
            # print(len(p),'slicelen')

            # print(len(lastslice))
            # """
            if o.waterline_fill:
                layerstart = min(o.maxz, z + o.slice_detail)  #
                layerend = max(o.min.z, z - o.slice_detail)  #
                layers = [[layerstart, layerend]]
                # fill top slice for normal and first for inverse, fill between polys
                if not lastslice.is_empty or (o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1):
                    # offs=False
                    restpoly = None
                    if not lastslice.is_empty:  # between polys
                        if o.inverse:
                            restpoly = poly.difference(lastslice)
                            restpoly = lastslice.difference(poly)
                    # print('filling between')
                    if (not o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0) or (
                            o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1):  # first slice fill
                        restpoly = lastslice
                    # print('filling first')

                    # print(len(restpoly))
                    # polyToMesh('fillrest',restpoly,z)

                    restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.circle_detail)

                    fillz = z
                    i = 0
                    while not restpoly.is_empty:
                        nchunks = shapelyToChunks(restpoly, fillz)
                        # project paths TODO: path projection during waterline is not working
                        if o.waterline_project:
                            nchunks = chunksRefine(nchunks, o)
                            nchunks = utils.sampleChunks(o, nchunks, layers)

                        nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True)
                        parentChildDist(lastchunks, nchunks, o)
                        lastchunks = nchunks
                        # slicechunks.extend(polyToChunks(restpoly,z))
                        restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.circle_detail)

                        i += 1
                # print(i)
                i = 0
                # """
                # fill layers and last slice, last slice with inverse is not working yet - inverse millings end now always on 0 so filling ambient does have no sense.
                if (slicesfilled > 0 and layerstepinc == layerstep) or (
                        not o.inverse and not poly.is_empty and slicesfilled == 1) or (
                        o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0):
                    fillz = z
                    layerstepinc = 0

                    # ilim=1000#TODO:this should be replaced... no limit, just check if the shape grows over limits.

                    # offs=False
                    boundrect = o.ambient
                    restpoly = boundrect.difference(poly)
                    if (o.inverse and poly.is_empty and slicesfilled > 0):
                        restpoly = boundrect.difference(lastslice)

                    restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.circle_detail)

                    i = 0
                    while not restpoly.is_empty:  # 'GeometryCollection':#len(restpoly.boundary.coords)>0:
                        # print(i)
                        nchunks = shapelyToChunks(restpoly, fillz)
                        nchunks = limitChunks(nchunks, o, force=True)
                        parentChildDist(lastchunks, nchunks, o)
                        lastchunks = nchunks
                        # slicechunks.extend(polyToChunks(restpoly,z))
                        restpoly = restpoly.buffer(-o.dist_between_paths, resolution=o.circle_detail)
                        i += 1

                # """
                percent = int(h / nslices * 100)
                progress('waterline layers ', percent)
                lastslice = poly

            # print(poly)
            # print(len(lastslice))

            # if len(lastislice)>0:
            #     i=numpy.logical_xor(lastislice , islice)
            #     n=0
            #     while i.sum()>0 and n<10000:
            #         i=outlineImageBinary(o,o.dist_between_paths,i,False)
            #         polys=imageToShapely(o,i)
            #         for poly in polys:
            #             chunks.extend(polyToChunks(poly,z))
            #         n+=1
            #         #restpoly=outlinePoly(restpoly,o.dist_between_paths,oo.circle_detail,o.optimize,o.optimize_threshold,,False)
            #         #chunks.extend(polyToChunks(restpoly,z))
            # lastislice=islice

            # if bpy.app.debug_value==1:
            if (o.movement_type == 'CONVENTIONAL' and o.spindle_rotation_direction == 'CCW') or (
                    o.movement_type == 'CLIMB' and o.spindle_rotation_direction == 'CW'):
                for chunk in slicechunks:
            slicechunks = utils.sortChunks(slicechunks, o)
            if topdown:
            # project chunks in between

        # chunks=sortChunks(chunks,o)
        if topdown:

            # chi=0
            # if len(chunks)>2:
            #     while chi<len(chunks)-2:
            #         d=dist2d((chunks[chi][-1][0],chunks[chi][-1][1]),(chunks[chi+1][0][0],chunks[chi+1][0][1]))
            #         if chunks[chi][0][2]>=chunks[chi+1][0][2] and d<o.dist_between_paths*2:
            #             chunks[chi].extend(chunks[chi+1])
            #             chunks.remove(chunks[chi+1])
            #             chi=chi-1
            #         chi+=1

        print(time.time() - tw)
        strategy.chunksToMesh(chunks, o)

    elif o.strategy == 'DRILL':

    elif o.strategy == 'MEDIAL_AXIS':