Exemple #1
def extract_features(image, xs, ys, scale=1.0):
    # check that image is grayscale
    assert image.ndim == 2, 'image should be grayscale'
    N = len(xs)  #should be the same as len(ys)

    window = 3  #not using scale, as its optional

    feats = []
    orients = []

    mag, theta = canny.canny_nmax(image)
    dx, dy = canny.sobel_gradients(image)
    for i in range(N):
        bins = []

        dx_start = xs[i] - 1
        dx_end = xs[i] + 2 if xs[i] + 2 < len(dx) else len(dx) - 1
        dy_start = ys[i] - 1
        dy_end = ys[i] + 2 if ys[i] + 2 < len(dx[0]) else len(dx[0]) - 1
        dir_img_i = dir_img(dx[np.ix_([dx_start, dx_end], [dy_start, dy_end])],
                            dy[np.ix_([dx_start, dx_end], [dy_start, dy_end])])


        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                binx = (x + 3) / ((3 + 3) / 3)
                biny = (y + 3) / ((3 + 3) / 3)

                bin = np.zeros(8)

                for a in range(window):
                    for b in range(window):
                        x_disp = int(xs[i] - binx - 1 + a)
                        y_disp = int(ys[i] - biny - 1 + b)

                        val = int((theta[x_disp, y_disp] - dir_img_i + np.pi) /
                                  ((np.pi + np.pi) / 8)) - 1

                        bin[val] += 1

    feats = np.asarray(feats)
    return feats, (np.average(orients) * 180.0 / np.pi)
Exemple #2
def find_interest_points(image, max_points=200, scale=1.0):
    # check that image is grayscale
    assert image.ndim == 2, 'image should be grayscale'

    dx, dy = canny.sobel_gradients(image)

    win_size = int(scale)

    xr = dx.shape[0]
    yr = dx.shape[1]

    score_tuples = []

    for ix in range(win_size, xr - win_size):
        for iy in range(win_size, yr - win_size):
            localx = dx[ix - win_size:ix + win_size + 1,
                        iy - win_size:iy + win_size + 1]
            localy = dy[ix - win_size:ix + win_size + 1,
                        iy - win_size:iy + win_size + 1]

            localx = np.ndarray.flatten(localx)
            localy = np.ndarray.flatten(localy)

            xdotx = np.dot(localx, localx)
            ydoty = np.dot(localy, localy)
            xdoty = np.dot(localx, localy)

            #score = ((xdotx * ydoty) - (xdoty ** 2)) / (xdotx + ydoty)
            alpha = 0.05
            score = ((xdotx * ydoty) -
                     (xdoty**2)) - alpha * ((xdotx + ydoty)**2)
            score_tuples.append((score, ix, iy))

    # Max-sort by the first element of the tuple (score)

    # Now obtain top 200 points, with nonmax suppression

    xs = []
    ys = []
    scores = []
    # Sets quickly check presence (if _ in banned)
    banned = set()

    # Nonmax suppression window vs original score window?
    k = 1
    offsets = list(range(-k * win_size, k * win_size + 1))

    for tupl in score_tuples:
        if len(scores) == max_points:

        score, x, y = tupl
        if (x, y) in banned:


        for ox in offsets:
            for oy in offsets:
                banned.add((x + ox, y + oy))
    xs = np.array(xs)
    ys = np.array(ys)

    return xs, ys, scores
Exemple #3
def extract_features(image, xs, ys, scale = 1.0):
    FEATURE DESCRIPTOR (12 Points Implementation + 3 Points Write-up)
    Implement a SIFT-like feature descriptor by binning orientation energy
    in spatial cells surrounding an interest point.
    Unlike SIFT, you do not need to build-in rotation or scale invariance.
    A reasonable default design is to consider a 3 x 3 spatial grid consisting
    of cell of a set width (see below) surrounding an interest point, marked
    by () in the diagram below.  Using 8 orientation bins, spaced evenly in
    [-pi,pi), yields a feature vector with 3 * 3 * 8 = 72 dimensions.
              ____ ____ ____
             |    |    |    |
             |    |    |    |
             |    |    |    |
             |    | () |    |
             |    |    |    |
             |    |    |    |
    You will need to decide on a default spatial width.  Optionally, this can
    be a multiple of a scale factor, passed as an argument.  We will only test
    your code by calling it with scale = 1.0.
    In addition to your implementation, include a brief write-up (in hw2.pdf)
    of your design choices.
       image    - a grayscale image in the form of a 2D numpy
       xs       - numpy array of shape (N,) containing x-coordinates
       ys       - numpy array of shape (N,) containing y-coordinates
       scale    - scale factor
       feats    - a numpy array of shape (N,K), containing K-dimensional
                  feature descriptors at each of the N input locations
                  (using the default scheme suggested above, K = 72)
    # check that image is grayscale
    assert image.ndim == 2, 'image should be grayscale'
    width = int(scale * 2 + 1)
    half = (width - 1) // 2
    image = pad_border(image, width, width)
    dx, dy = sobel_gradients(image)
    PI = np.pi
    n = len(xs)
    feats = np.zeros((n, 72))
    for point in range(n):
        xi = xs[point]
        yi = ys[point]
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                px = xi + (j - 1) * width
                py = yi + (i - 1) * width
                for xx in range(-half, half + 1):
                    for yy in range(-half, half + 1):
                        x = dx[px + xx, py + yy]
                        y = dy[px + xx, py + yy]
                        angle = np.arctan2(y, x)
                        index = int(angle / (PI / 4.0)) if int(angle / (PI / 4.0)) >= 0 else 8 - int(angle / (PI / 4.0))
                        feats[point][i * j * 8 + index] += np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    return feats
Exemple #4
def find_interest_points(image, max_points = 200, scale = 1.0):
    INTEREST POINT OPERATOR (12 Points Implementation + 3 Points Write-up)
    Implement an interest point operator of your choice.
    Your operator could be:
    (A) The Harris corner detector (Szeliski 4.1.1)
    (B) The Difference-of-Gaussians (DoG) operator defined in:
        Lowe, "Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints", 2004.
    (C) Any of the alternative interest point operators appearing in
        publications referenced in Szeliski or in lecture
    (D) A custom operator of your own design
    You implementation should return locations of the interest points in the
    form of (x,y) pixel coordinates, as well as a real-valued score for each
    interest point.  Greater scores indicate a stronger detector response.
    In addition, be sure to apply some form of spatial non-maximum suppression
    prior to returning interest points.
    Whichever of these options you choose, there is flexibility in the exact
    implementation, notably in regard to:
    (1) Scale
        At what scale (e.g. over what size of local patch) do you operate?
        You may optionally vary this according to an input scale argument.
        We will test your implementation at the default scale = 1.0, so you
        should make a reasonable choice for how to translate scale value 1.0
        into a size measured in pixels.
    (2) Nonmaximum suppression
        What strategy do you use for nonmaximum suppression?
        A simple (and sufficient) choice is to apply nonmaximum suppression
        over a local region.  In this case, over how large of a local region do
        you suppress?  How does that tie into the scale of your operator?
    For making these, and any other design choices, keep in mind a target of
    obtaining a few hundred interest points on the examples included with
    this assignment, with enough repeatability to have a large number of
    reliable matches between different views.
    If you detect more interest points than the requested maximum (given by
    the max_points argument), return only the max_points highest scoring ones.
    In addition to your implementation, include a brief write-up (in hw2.pdf)
    of your design choices.
       image       - a grayscale image in the form of a 2D numpy array
       max_points  - maximum number of interest points to return
       scale       - (optional, for your use only) scale factor at which to
                     detect interest points
       xs          - numpy array of shape (N,) containing x-coordinates of the
                     N detected interest points (N <= max_points)
       ys          - numpy array of shape (N,) containing y-coordinates
       scores      - numpy array of shape (N,) containing a real-valued
                     measurement of the relative strength of each interest point
                     (e.g. corner detector criterion OR DoG operator magnitude)
    # check that image is grayscale
    assert image.ndim == 2, 'image should be grayscale'

    dx, dy = sobel_gradients(image)
    Ix2 = conv_2d_gaussian(dx ** 2)
    Iy2 = conv_2d_gaussian(dy ** 2)
    IxIy = conv_2d_gaussian(dx * dy)
    # measured interest = determinant over trace, by Brown et al 2005
    interest = (Ix2 * Iy2 - IxIy ** 2) / (Ix2 + Iy2)
    np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    # now apply nonmaximum suppression over a local 11*11 region for scale 1
    half = int(2 * scale + 3)
    width = half * 2 + 1
    interest = mirror_border(interest, half, half)
    nonmax_suppressed = np.zeros(interest.shape)
    for i in range(half, interest.shape[0] - half, width):
        for j in range(half, interest.shape[1] - half, width):
            window = interest[i - half:i + half + 1, j - half:j + half + 1]
            val = np.max(window)
            ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(window), window.shape)
            nonmax_suppressed[i - half + ind[0]][j - half + ind[1]] = val
    nonmax_suppressed = trim_border(nonmax_suppressed, half, half)
    # choose the first max_points of interest values if there are more than enough
    xs, ys = np.where(nonmax_suppressed >  0.0001)
    if len(xs) > max_points:
       xs, ys = np.unravel_index(np.argpartition(nonmax_suppressed.ravel(), -max_points)[-max_points:], nonmax_suppressed.shape)
    scores = nonmax_suppressed[xs, ys]

    return xs, ys, scores
# plt.figure(); plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
# plt.figure(); plt.imshow(imgA, cmap='gray')
# plt.figure(); plt.imshow(imgB, cmap='gray')
# plt.show()
# ## Problem 3 - Sobel gradient operator (5 Points)
# ##
# ## Implement sobel_gradients() as described in hw1.py.
# ##
# ## The example below tests your implementation.
# image  = load_image('data/69015.jpg')
image = load_image('data/edge_img/easy/002.jpg')
dx, dy = sobel_gradients(image)
dx_c, dy_c = c.sobel_gradients(image)
plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dx, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dx_c, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dy, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(dy_c, cmap='gray')
# # #
# # Problem 4 -  (a) Nonmax suppression (10 Points)
# #               (b) Edge linking and hysteresis thresholding (10 Points)