def test_epoch_sessions(): """ Test if we get the session interface works correctly: 1. can we start and stop with multiple sessions? 2. when recording is occuring, do we correctly prevent changing of parameters 3. do we get the correct total number of sessions? """ global dbusDaemon proc, filename, socks = test_experiment.start_experiment(dbusDaemon) print "test epoch session filename = ", filename # now check that the device lives on the bus dbus_test_bus = dbus.bus.BusConnection(dbusDaemon.address) p = dbus_test_bus.get_object("soma.recording.Experiment", "/soma/recording/experiment") experiment_if = dbus.Interface(p, "soma.recording.Experiment") # create an epoch epoch_name1 = "test1" epoch_p = experiment_if.CreateEpoch(epoch_name1) epoch_obj = dbus_test_bus.get_object("soma.recording.Experiment", epoch_p) epoch_if = dbus.Interface(epoch_obj, "soma.recording.Epoch") # now manipulate the epoch directly assert_equal(epoch_if.GetName(), epoch_name1) epoch_if.EnableDataSink(0, 0); epoch_if.SetDataName(0, "HelloData"); # write some test data socktest = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) data_send_sock_path = socks.dir + "/" + "sending_data" socktest.bind(data_send_sock_path) seq = 0 sessioncnts = [(10, 100), (20, 50), (50, 50), (100, 40)] for session_send, not_send in sessioncnts: epoch_if.StartRecording() while(not epoch_if.GetRecordingState() ): pass # spin until we know we are "in recording" while not os.path.exists(socks.dir + "/data/tspike/0"): pass for i in range(session_send): ts = canonical_data.createTSpike(0, i) seqstr = struct.pack(">i4", seq) socktest.sendto(seqstr + ts.tostring(), socks.dir + "/data/tspike/0") seq += 1 time.sleep(1) # wait for the data to get there epoch_if.StopRecording() while(epoch_if.GetRecordingState() ): print "Waiting for state" pass # spin until we know we are done recording experiment_if.Close() proc.wait() # now read the hdf5 file h5f = tables.openFile(filename, 'r') assert_true(epoch_name1 in h5f.root._v_children) # verify tspike data epochgrp = h5f.root._v_children[epoch_name1] r = pos = 0 for session_send, not_send in sessioncnts: for i in range(session_send): canonical_data.verify_tspike(canonical_data.createTSpike(0, i), r[pos]) pos += 1
def test_epoch_save_data(): """ 1. Create an epoch 2. Enable some data sources 3. Start recording. 4. Write some data packets into the domain socket interface 5. Verify those packets in the file. """ global dbusDaemon proc, filename, socks = test_experiment.start_experiment(dbusDaemon) # now check that the device lives on the bus dbus_test_bus = dbus.bus.BusConnection(dbusDaemon.address) p = dbus_test_bus.get_object("soma.recording.Experiment", "/soma/recording/experiment") experiment_if = dbus.Interface(p, "soma.recording.Experiment") # create an epoch epoch_name1 = "test1" epoch_p = experiment_if.CreateEpoch(epoch_name1) epoch_obj = dbus_test_bus.get_object("soma.recording.Experiment", epoch_p) epoch_if = dbus.Interface(epoch_obj, "soma.recording.Epoch") # now manipulate the epoch directly assert_equal(epoch_if.GetName(), epoch_name1) epoch_if.EnableDataSink(0, 0); epoch_if.SetDataName(0, "HelloData"); epoch_if.StartRecording() while(not epoch_if.GetRecordingState() ): pass # spin until we know we are "in recording" # write some test data socktest = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) data_send_sock_path = socks.dir + "/" + "sending_data" socktest.bind(data_send_sock_path) assert_true(os.path.exists(socks.dir + "/data/tspike/0")) for i in range(10): ts = canonical_data.createTSpike(0, i) seq = struct.pack(">i4", i) socktest.sendto(seq + ts.tostring(), socks.dir + "/data/tspike/0") time.sleep(1) # wait for the data to get there epoch_if.StopRecording() experiment_if.Close() proc.wait() # now read the hdf5 file h5f = tables.openFile(filename, 'r') assert_true(epoch_name1 in h5f.root._v_children) # verify tspike data epochgrp = h5f.root._v_children[epoch_name1] assert_true("HelloData" in epochgrp.TSpike._v_children) assert_equal(len(epochgrp.TSpike.HelloData), 10) r = for i in range(10): canonical_data.verify_tspike(canonical_data.createTSpike(0, i), r[i])