def setUp(self):
        # Variables values
        _dict = {
            'x': 4,
            'y': 5,
            'metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f': 120004608.0,
            'metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795': 3212440371.0,
            'metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4': 90193784012.0

        self.formula = Formulas(_dict)
Exemple #2
    def metric_raw(self, results, formula):
        #nmetric = results[1]
        metrics, _ = results
        # Build points dictionnary
        points = {}
        length = False
        for m in metrics:
            cid = m['meta']['data_id']
            mid = 'metric_' + hashlib.md5(cid).hexdigest()
            mname = self.retreive_metric_name(cid)
            # Replace metric name in formula by the unique id
            formula = formula.replace(mname, mid)
            self.logger.debug("Metric {0} - {1}".format(mname, mid))
            points[mid] = m['points']
            # Make sure we treat the same amount of points by selecting
            # The metric with less points.
            if not length or len(m['points']) < length:
                length = len(m['points'])
        self.logger.debug('formula: {}'.format(formula))
        #self.logger.debug('points: {}'.format(points))

        mids = points.keys()
        finalSerie = []

        # Now loop over all points to calculate the final serie
        for i in range(length):
            data = {}
            ts = 0
            for j in range(len(mids)):
                mid = mids[j]
                # Get point value at timestamp "i" for metric "mid"
                data[mid] = points[mid][i][1]

                # Set timestamp
                ts = points[mid][i][0]

            # import data in math context
            math = Formulas(data)
            # Evaluate the mathematic formula
            pointval = math.evaluate(formula)

            # Add computed point in the serie
            finalSerie.append([ts * 1000, pointval])
            # Remove variables values from math context

        self.logger.debug('finalserie: {}'.format(finalSerie))

        return finalSerie, points[mid]
Exemple #3
 def setUp(self):
     # Variables values
     _dict = {
         "x": 4,
         "y": 5,
         "metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f": 120004608.0,
         "metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795": 3212440371.0,
         "metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4": 90193784012.0,
     self.formula = Formulas(_dict)
    def setUp(self):
        # Variables values
        _dict = {
            'x': 4,
            'y': 5,
            'metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f': 120004608.0,
            'metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795': 3212440371.0,
            'metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4': 90193784012.0

        self.formula = Formulas(_dict)
class FormulasTest(TestCase):
    """docstring for FormulasTest"""

    def setUp(self):
        # Variables values
        _dict = {
            'x': 4,
            'y': 5,
            'metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f': 120004608.0,
            'metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795': 3212440371.0,
            'metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4': 90193784012.0

        self.formula = Formulas(_dict)

    def test(self):

        expressions = {
            "x^2 + 9*x + 5": 4**2 + 9*4 + 5,
            "x^y": 4**5,
            "x^y + x + 2*y": 4**5 + 4 + 2*5,
            "-9": -9,
            "-E": -math.e,
            "9 + 3 + 6": 18,
            "2*3.14159": 2*3.14159,
            "PI * PI / 10": math.pi * math.pi / 10,
            "PI^2": math.pi**2,
            "E^PI": math.e**math.pi,
            "2^3^2": 2**3**2,
            "sgn(-2)": -1,
            "sin(PI/2)": math.sin(math.pi/2),
            "trunc(E)": int(math.e),
            "round(E)": round(math.e),
            "(x + y + 1)/3": float(10)/float(3),
            "( metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4+ metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f+ metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795)/3": 31175409663.666668,  # NOQA
            "MIN(2, 5, y, x)": 2,
            "MAX(2, 8, 45)": 45,
            "sum(7, 13.56, 0.04)": 20.60

        for k, v in expressions.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(self.formula.evaluate(k), v)
class FormulasTest(TestCase):
    """docstring for FormulasTest"""
    def setUp(self):
        # Variables values
        _dict = {
            'x': 4,
            'y': 5,
            'metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f': 120004608.0,
            'metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795': 3212440371.0,
            'metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4': 90193784012.0

        self.formula = Formulas(_dict)

    def test(self):

        expressions = {
            "x^2 + 9*x + 5":
            4**2 + 9 * 4 + 5,
            "x^y + x + 2*y":
            4**5 + 4 + 2 * 5,
            "9 + 3 + 6":
            2 * 3.14159,
            "PI * PI / 10":
            math.pi * math.pi / 10,
            math.sin(math.pi / 2),
            "(x + y + 1)/3":
            float(10) / float(3),
            "( metric_02bc472f705c074b4156850e1b5adcf4+ metric_687a68bb895125cb02f768473985569f+ metric_f64a796c2e49d9ac3ba8cd1cdf350795)/3":
            31175409663.666668,  # NOQA
            "MIN(2, 5, y, x)":
            "MAX(2, 8, 45)":
            "sum(7, 13.56, 0.04)":

        for k, v in expressions.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(self.formula.evaluate(k), v)