def build_redundant(mode='sep',
    if cal is None and restore is None:
        raise NameError("Either cal or restore, or both, must be defined.")
    if os.path.isfile(restore):
        cal = None
        fil = np.load(restore)
        reds = fil['reds']
        if 'lens' in fil.keys(): lens = fil['lens']
    if ((cal is not None) or
        (aa is not None)) and (not os.path.isfile(restore)):
        if aa is None: aa =, 1024 / 100e6, .1, 1024)
        info = omni.aa_to_info(aa)
        reds = info.get_reds()
        reds = [gp for gp in reds if len(gp) >= int(min_count)]
        lens = []
        for gp in reds:
            i, j = gp[0]
            bl = aa.get_baseline(i, j)  #baseline vector in light ns
                np.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in bl)) * a.const.len_ns /
                100.)  #Convert to meters
        reds = np.array(reds)
        lens = np.array(lens)
        if mode == 'lengths':
            lens = np.unique(np.round(lens, 3))
            return ','.join(lens)
        tolerance = 0.50 if float(
            length) > 0 else min(lens) + 0.50  #50 cm good enough?
        if not length is None:
            ### Select only groups of baselines with a given length.
            reds = reds[np.where(np.abs(lens - float(length)) < tolerance)]
        if not restore is None and not restore == 'nofile':
            np.savez(restore, reds=reds, lens=lens)

    if mode == 'flatten':
        return ",".join([
            str(it[0]) + "_" + str(it[1]) for sublist in reds for it in sublist

    if mode == 'count':
        return len(reds)

    if mode == 'sep':
        if sep == -1: raise ValueError("Choose a valid redundant group index.")
        return [str(it[0]) + "_" + str(it[1]) for it in reds[int(sep)]]
Exemple #2
def build_redundant(mode='sep', aa=None, cal=None, sep=-1, restore="nofile", length=None, min_count=2):
   if cal is None and restore is None:
        raise NameError("Either cal or restore, or both, must be defined.")
   if os.path.isfile(restore):
        cal = None
        if 'lens' in fil.keys(): lens = fil['lens']
   if ((cal is not None) or (aa is not None)) and (not os.path.isfile(restore)):
        if aa is None: aa =, 1024/100e6, .1, 1024)
        info = omni.aa_to_info(aa)
        reds = info.get_reds()
        reds = [gp for gp in reds if len(gp) >= int(min_count)]
        lens = []
        for gp in reds:
                i,j = gp[0]
                bl = aa.get_baseline(i,j)   #baseline vector in light ns
                lens.append(np.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in bl)) * a.const.len_ns / 100.)    #Convert to meters
        reds = np.array(reds)
        lens = np.array(lens)
        if mode == 'lengths':
             lens = np.unique(np.round(lens,3))
             return ','.join(lens)
        tolerance=0.50 if float(length)>0 else min(lens)+0.50     #50 cm good enough?
        if not length is None:
            ### Select only groups of baselines with a given length.
            reds=reds[np.where(np.abs(lens - float(length)) < tolerance)]
        if not restore is None and not restore == 'nofile':

   if mode == 'flatten':
	return ",".join([str(it[0])+"_"+str(it[1]) for sublist in reds for it in sublist])

   if mode == 'count':
	return len(reds)

   if mode == 'sep':
        if sep == -1: raise ValueError("Choose a valid redundant group index.")
	return [str(it[0])+"_"+str(it[1]) for it in reds[int(sep)]]
Exemple #3
#hera info assuming a hex of 19 and 128 antennas
aa =, n.array([.150]))
ex_ants = []
ubls = []
for a in opts.ex_ants.split(','):
    try: ex_ants.append(int(a))
    except: pass
for bl in opts.ubls.split(','):
        i,j = bl.split('_')
    except: pass
print 'Excluding Antennas:',ex_ants
if len(ubls) != None: print 'Using Unique Baselines:',ubls
info = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ubls=ubls, ex_ants=ex_ants)
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())

print 'Number of redundant baselines:',len(reds)
#Read in data here.
ant_string =','.join(map(str,info.subsetant))
bl_string = ','.join(['_'.join(map(str,k)) for k in reds])
times, data, flags = arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, bl_string, opts.pol, verbose=True)
datapack,wgtpack = {},{}
for (i,j) in data.keys():
    datapack[(i,j)] = data[(i,j)][opts.pol]
    wgtpack[(i,j)] = np.logical_not(flags[(i,j)][opts.pol])
nfreq = datapack[datapack.keys()[0]].shape[1] #XXX less hacky than previous hardcode, but always safe?
fqs = n.linspace(.1,.2,nfreq)
dlys = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(fqs.size, np.diff(fqs)[0]))
Exemple #4
    s2 = {}
    for k,i in s.iteritems():
        s2[str(k)] = omni.get_phase(f,i)
    s2['pol'] = pol

def normalize_data(datadict):
    d = {}
    for key in datadict.keys():
        d[key] = datadict[key]/n.where(n.abs(datadict[key]) == 0., 1., n.abs(datadict[key]))
    return d 

#hera info assuming a hex of 19 and 128 antennas
aa =, n.array([.150]))
info = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ex_ants=[81])
infotest = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ubls=[(80,104),(9,22),(80,96)],ex_ants=[81])
#info = hx.hera_to_info(3, 128, connections=connection_file, ex_ants=[81])
#infotest = hx.hera_to_info(3, 128, connections=connection_file,  ex_ants=[81])
#infotest = hx.hera_to_info(3, 128, connections=connection_file, ubls=[(80,104),(9,22),(80,96)], ex_ants=[81])
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())
redstest = infotest.get_reds()#for plotting 

print len(reds)
#Read in data here.
ant_string =','.join(map(str,info.subsetant))
bl_string = ','.join(['_'.join(map(str,k)) for k in reds])
times, data, flags = arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, bl_string, opts.pol, verbose=True)
dataxx = {}
for (i,j) in data.keys():
    dataxx[(i,j)] = data[(i,j)]['xx']
Exemple #5
#hera info assuming a hex of 19 and 128 antennas
aa =, n.array([.150]))
ex_ants = []
ubls = []
for a in opts.ex_ants.split(','):
    try: ex_ants.append(int(a))
    except: pass
for bl in opts.ubls.split(','):
        i,j = bl.split('_')
    except: pass
print 'Excluding Antennas:',ex_ants
if len(ubls) != None: print 'Using Unique Baselines:',ubls
info = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ubls=ubls, ex_ants=ex_ants)
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())

print 'Number of redundant baselines:',len(reds)
#Read in data here.
ant_string =','.join(map(str,info.subsetant))
bl_string = ','.join(['_'.join(map(str,k)) for k in reds])
times, data, flags = arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, bl_string, opts.pol, verbose=True)
datapack = {} #not necessarily xx data inside
for (i,j) in data.keys():
    datapack[(i,j)] = data[(i,j)][opts.pol]
nfreq = datapack[datapack.keys()[0]].shape[1] #XXX less hacky than previous hardcode, but always safe?
fqs = n.linspace(.1,.2,nfreq)
dlys = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(fqs.size, np.diff(fqs)[0]))

#gets phase solutions per frequency.
Exemple #6
        dts.append(dt); offs.append(off)
    return np.array(dts), np.array(offs)
o = optparse.OptionParser()
o.add_option('--visualize', action='store_true', default=False)
o.add_option('--plot', action='store_true', default=False)
opts,args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
filename = args #uv file with first cal solutions applied to it.

aa ='hsa7458_v000_HH_delaytest', np.array([.150]))
fqs = np.linspace(.1,.2,1024)
valid = np.ones_like(fqs)
#only fit phase to within this frequency range.
valid = np.logical_and(valid, np.logical_and(fqs>.11,fqs<.19))

info = omni.aa_to_info(aa)
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())
antstr = zsa.list2str(reds)
integration = 0 # testing for a single integration
times, data, flags = miriad.read_files(filename, antstr, pol)
#wh = aa.antpos_ideal[:,2]!=-1
#ants = np.arange(len(aa.ants)) 
#ants = ants[wh]

bs = []
xs = []
ys = []
ds = []
os = []
for bl in data.keys():
Exemple #7
    cmd = sys.argv
    s2['cmd'] = ' '.join(cmd)

def normalize_data(datadict):
    d = {}
    for key in datadict.keys():
        d[key] = datadict[key]/n.where(n.abs(datadict[key]) == 0., 1., n.abs(datadict[key]))
    return d 

#hera info assuming a hex of 19 and 128 antennas
aa =, n.array([.150]))
bad_ants = [ant for ant in map(int,opts.ex_ants)]
info = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ex_ants=bad_ants)
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())
print len(reds)

#Read in data here.
ant_string =','.join(map(str,info.subsetant))
bl_string = ','.join(['_'.join(map(str,k)) for k in reds])
times, data, flags = arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, bl_string, opts.pol, verbose=True)
dataxx = {}
for (i,j) in data.keys():
    dataxx[(i,j)] = data[(i,j)]['xx']
fqs = n.linspace(.1,.2,1024)
dlys = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(fqs.size, fqs[1]-fqs[0]))

#gets phase solutions per frequency.
fc = omni.FirstCal(dataxx,fqs,info)
Exemple #8
#        (64,72),
#        (80,64),
#        (88,64),
#        (96,64),
#        (104,64),
#        (9,64),
#        (22,64),
#        (20,64),
#        (43,64),
#        (53,64),
#        (31,64)]
aa =, n.array([.150]))
if opts.ex_ants: bad_ants = [ant for ant in map(int,opts.ex_ants.split(','))]
else: bad_ants = []
info = omni.aa_to_info(aa, fcal=True, ex_ants=bad_ants)
reds = flatten_reds(info.get_reds())
print len(reds)

#Read in data here.
ant_string =','.join(map(str,info.subsetant))
bl_string = ','.join(['_'.join(map(str,k)) for k in reds])
times, data, flags = arp.get_dict_of_uv_data(args, bl_string, opts.pol, verbose=True)
dataxx = {}
wgtsxx = {}
for (i,j) in data.keys():
    dataxx[(i,j)] = data[(i,j)]['xx']#[0:1,:]
    wgtsxx[(i,j)] = n.logical_not(flags[(i,j)]['xx'])#[0:1,:])
fqs = n.linspace(.1,.2,1024)
dlys = n.fft.fftshift(n.fft.fftfreq(fqs.size, fqs[1]-fqs[0]))
Exemple #9
     if not os.path.exists(xfile): xfile = '%f.xtalk.npz' % jd
     if not os.path.exists(xfile):
         print xfile, 'does not exist.  Skipping...'
     print '    using', xfile
     xtalk = np.load(xfile)
     guess, cnt, xtalk = {}, {}, {}
     if opts.omnimdl:
         #if pass in omnical file, load in the mdl
         omnifile = opts.omnimdl % '.'.join(
         m, _, mdl, _ = omni.from_npz(omnifile)
         #make info object so that we can get a mapping of mdl bls to all bls.
         aa =, np.array([.150]))
         info = omni.aa_to_info(aa)
         redmapping = {}
         for k in mdl[a.miriad.pol2str[uv['pol']]].keys():
             for gp in info.get_reds():
                 if k in gp:
                     for kk in gp:
                         redmapping[kk] = k
     for (uvw, t, (i, j)), d, f in uv.all(raw=True):
         ti = np.where(m['jds'] == t)[0]
         bl = str(a.pol.ijp2blp(i, j, uv['pol']))
         if not guess.has_key(bl): guess[bl], cnt[bl] = 0, 0
         if (i, j) in [(97, 80), (80, 97), (72, 96), (96, 72), (43, 88),
                       (88, 43)]:
             if opts.verbose:
                 print 'No Model Visibility for {0}'.format((i, j))
             ml = np.zeros_like(d)