Exemple #1
def morphologist_all(t1file, sid, outdir, study="morphologist", waittime=10,
    """ Performs all the Morphologist steps.


    1- Ensure image orientation and reorient it if needed (Prepare Subject for
       Anatomical Pipeline).
    2- Computation of a brain mask (Brain Mask Segmentation).
    3- Computation of a mask for each hemisphere (Split Brain Mask).
    4- A grey/white classification of each hemisphere to perform "Voxel Based
       Morphometry" (Grey White Classification) and spherical triangulation of
       cortical hemispheres (Grey White Surface).
    5- Spherical triangulation of the external interface of the cortex of one
       or two hemispheres (Get Spherical Hemi Surface).
    6- Computation of a graph representing the cortical fold topography
       (Cortical Fold Graph).
    7- Automatic identification of the cortical sulci (Automatic Sulci
       Recognition), located in the "sulci" toolbox.

    The execution is performed with soma_workflow that has to be installed in
    the bv_env environment.

    To check the worklow submission, use the 'soma_workflow_gui' command.

    If the input 't1file' has no the expected extension, an Exception will
    be raised.
    If the $outdir/$study/$sid has already been created, an Exception will
    be raised.

    t1file: str (mandatory)
        the path to a ".nii.gz" anatomical T1 weighted file.
    sid: str (mandatory)
        a subject identifier.
    outdir: str (mandatory)
        the morphologist output files will be written in $outdir/$study/$sid.
    study: str (mandatory)
        the name of the study.
    waittime: float (optional, default 10)
        a delay (in seconds) used to check the worflow status.
    somaworkflow: bool (optional, default False)
        if True use somaworkflow for the execution.
    spmexec: str (optional)
        the path to the standalone SPM execution file.
    spmdir: str (optional)
        the standalone SPM directory.

    wffile: str
        a file containing the submitted workflow.
    wfid: int
        the submitted workflow identifier.
    wfstatus: str
        the submited worflow status afer 'waittime' seconds.
    # Check roughly the input file extension
    if not t1file.endswith(".nii.gz"):
        raise Exception("'{0}' is not a COMPRESSED NIFTI file.".format(t1file))

    # Create a configuration for the morphologist study
    study_config = StudyConfig(
        modules=StudyConfig.default_modules + ["FomConfig", "BrainVISAConfig"])
    study_dict = {
        "name": "morphologist_fom",
        "input_directory": outdir,
        "output_directory": outdir,
        "input_fom": "morphologist-auto-nonoverlap-1.0",
        "output_fom": "morphologist-auto-nonoverlap-1.0",
        "shared_fom": "shared-brainvisa-1.0",
        "spm_directory": spmdir,
        "use_soma_workflow": True,
        "use_fom": True,
        "spm_standalone": True,
        "use_matlab": False,
        "volumes_format": "NIFTI gz",
        "meshes_format": "GIFTI",
        "use_spm": True,
        "spm_exec": spmexec,
        "study_config.somaworkflow_computing_resource": "localhost",
        "somaworkflow_computing_resources_config": {
            "localhost": {

    # Create the morphologist pipeline
    pipeline = get_process_instance(
    morphologist_pipeline = process_with_fom.ProcessWithFom(
        pipeline, study_config)
    morphologist_pipeline.attributes = dict(
        (trait_name, getattr(morphologist_pipeline, trait_name))
        for trait_name in morphologist_pipeline.user_traits())
    morphologist_pipeline.attributes["center"] = "morphologist"
    morphologist_pipeline.attributes["subject"] = sid

    # Create morphologist expected tree
    # ToDo: use ImportT1 from axon
    subjectdir = os.path.join(outdir, study, sid)
    if os.path.isdir(subjectdir):
        raise Exception("Folder '{0}' already created.".format(subjectdir))
        subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition",
        "default_analysis", "folds", "3.1", "default_session_auto"))
        subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition",
        subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition",
        "segmentation", "mesh"))
        subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition",

    # Copy T1 file in the morphologist expected location
    destfile = os.path.join(subjectdir, "t1mri",
                            "default_acquisition", sid + ".nii.gz")
    shutil.copy(t1file, destfile)

    # Create source_referential morphologist expected file
    source_referential = {"uuid": str(soma.uuid.Uuid())}
    referential_file = os.path.join(
        subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition", "registration",
    attributes = "attributes = {0}".format(json.dumps(source_referential))
    with open(referential_file, "w") as openfile:

    # Create a worflow from the morphologist pipeline
    workflow = Workflow(name="{0} {1}".format(study, sid),
    workflow.root_group = []

    # Create the workflow
    wf = pipeline_workflow.workflow_from_pipeline(
        morphologist_pipeline.process, study_config=study_config)
    workflow.add_workflow(wf, as_group="{0}_{1}".format(study, sid))
    wffile = os.path.join(subjectdir, "{0}.wf".format(study))
    pickle.dump(workflow, open(wffile, "w"))

    # Execute the workflow with somaworkflow
    if somaworkflow:
        controller = WorkflowController()
        wfid = controller.submit_workflow(
            workflow=workflow, name="{0}_{1}".format(study, sid))

        # Return the worflow status after execution
        while True:
            wfstatus = controller.workflow_status(wfid)
            if wfstatus not in [
                    "worklflow_not_started", "workflow_in_progress"]:

    # Execute the workflow with subprocess
        # -> construct the ordered list of commands to be executed
        workflow_repr = workflow.to_dict()
        graph = Graph()
        for job in workflow_repr["jobs"]:
            graph.add_node(GraphNode(job, None))
        for link in workflow_repr["dependencies"]:
            graph.add_link(link[0], link[1])
        ordered_nodes = [str(node[0]) for node in graph.topological_sort()]
        commands = []
        jobs = workflow_repr["serialized_jobs"]
        temporaries = workflow_repr["serialized_temporary_paths"]
        barriers = workflow_repr["serialized_barriers"]
        for index in ordered_nodes:
            if index in jobs:
            elif index in barriers:
                raise Exception("Unexpected node in workflow.")

        # -> Go through all commands
        tmpmap = {}
        for cmd in commands:
            # -> deal with temporary files
            for index, item in enumerate(cmd):
                if not isinstance(item, basestring):
                    if str(item) not in tmpmap:
                        if str(item) in temporaries:
                            struct = temporaries[str(item)]
                            name = cmd[2].split(";")[1].split()[-1]
                            tmppath = os.path.join(
                                subjectdir, "t1mri", "default_acquisition",
                                "tmp", str(item) + name + struct["suffix"])
                            tmpmap[str(item)] = tmppath
                            raise MorphologistError(
                                "Can't complete command '{0}'.".format(
                    cmd[index] = tmpmap[str(item)]

            # -> execute the command
            worker = MorphologistWrapper(cmd)
            if worker.exitcode != 0:
                raise MorphologistRuntimeError(
                    " ".join(worker.cmd), worker.stderr)

        wfstatus = "Done"
        wfid = "subprocess"

    return wffile, wfid, wfstatus