Exemple #1
 def test_load_module_objects(self):
     """ Method to test module objects import from string description.
     from capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes import Node
     node_sub_class = load_objects(
         "capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes", allowed_instances=[Node])
     for sub_class in node_sub_class:
         self.assertTrue(issubclass(sub_class, Node))
     node_class = load_objects(
         "capsul.pipeline.pipeline_nodes", object_name="Node")[0]
     self.assertTrue(type(node_class) is type(Node))
Exemple #2
def get_process_instance(process_or_id, **kwargs):
    """ Return a Process instance given an identifier.

    The identifier is either:

        * a derived Process class.
        * a derived Process class instance.
        * a Nipype Interface instance.
        * a Nipype Interface class.
        * a string description of the class `<module>.<class>`.
        * a string description of a function to warp `<module>.<function>`.
        * a string description of a pipeline `<module>.<fname>.xml`.

    Default values of the process instance are passed as additional parameters.

    .. note:

        If no process is found an ImportError is raised.

    .. note:

        If the 'process_or_id' parameter is not valid a ValueError is raised.

    .. note:

        If the function to warp does not contain a process description in its
        docstring ('<process>...</process>') a ValueError is raised.

    process_or_id: instance or class description (mandatory)
        a process/nipype interface instance/class or a string description.
        default values of the process instance parameters.

    result: Process
        an initialized process instance.
    # If the function 'process_or_id' parameter is already a Process
    # instance.
    if isinstance(process_or_id, Process):
        result = process_or_id

    # If the function 'process_or_id' parameter is a Process class.
    elif isinstance(process_or_id, type) and issubclass(process_or_id, Process):
        result = process_or_id()

    # If the function 'process_or_id' parameter is already a Nipye
    # interface instance, wrap this structure in a Process class
    elif isinstance(process_or_id, Interface):
        result = nipype_factory(process_or_id)

    # If the function 'process_or_id' parameter is an Interface class.
    elif isinstance(process_or_id, type) and issubclass(process_or_id, Interface):
        result = nipype_factory(process_or_id())

    # If the function 'process_or_id' parameter is a class string
    # description
    elif isinstance(process_or_id, basestring):

        # Get the class and module names from the class string description
        id_list = process_or_id.split(".")
        if id_list[-1] == "xml":
            module_name = ".".join(id_list[:-2])
            object_name = ".".join(id_list[-2:])
            module_name = ".".join(id_list[:-1])
            object_name = id_list[-1]

        # Try to load the class
        module_objects = load_objects(module_name, object_name, allowed_instances=[Process, Interface])

        # Expect only one Process
        if len(module_objects) != 1:
            raise ImportError(
                "Found '{0}' process(es) declared in '{1}' when looking for "
                "'{2}' class/function/pipeline.".format(len(module_objects), module_name, object_name)

        # Get the target Process
        process_class = module_objects[0]

        # Get the process class instance
        result = process_class()

        # If we have a Nipype interface, wrap this structure in a Process
        # class
        if isinstance(result, Interface):
            result = nipype_factory(result)

        raise ValueError(
            "Invalid process_or_id argument. "
            "Got '{0}' and expect a Process instance/string "
            "description or an Interface instance/string "

    # Set the instance default parameters
    for name, value in kwargs.iteritems():
        result.set_parameter(name, value)

    return result