Exemple #1
def load_data(tol_num,train_num):

    # input,tol_num: the numbers of all samples(train and test)
    # input,train_num: the numbers of training samples
    # output,(X_train,y_train):trainging data
    # ouput,(X_test,y_test):test data
    MAX_CAPTCHA = captcha_params.get_captcha_size()
    CHAR_SET_LEN = captcha_params.get_char_set_len()

#   data = np.empty((tol_num, 1, height, width),dtype="float32")
    data = np.empty((tol_num, height, int(width / captcha_params.get_captcha_nb_letters())),dtype="float32")
    label = np.empty(tol_num,dtype="uint8")

    # data dir
    imgs = os.listdir(captcha_params.DIR_NAME)
    nbImgs = len(imgs)
    print("loading images : "+str(tol_num)+ " / "+ str(nbImgs))
    for i in range(tol_num):
        imgIdx = int(random.random() * nbImgs)
        # load the images and convert them into gray images
        img = get_image_from_file(captcha_params.DIR_NAME+"/"+imgs[imgIdx])
        arr = np.asarray(img,dtype="float32")
        part = 1 # on ignore la 1ere partie = bordure
        widthOfPart = int(width / captcha_params.get_captcha_nb_letters())
        startOfPart = part * widthOfPart
        endOfPart = (part +1) * widthOfPart

        data[i,:,:] = arr[:,startOfPart:endOfPart]
        captcha_text = imgs[imgIdx].split('.')[0]
        label[i]= get_index(captcha_text[0])# char2pos(capcha_text)# text2vec(captcha_text)
#        print(" 2 "+captcha_text+" -> " +str(label[i]))

    print("load data shuffle")
    # the data, shuffled and split between train and test sets
    rr = [i for i in range(tol_num)]
    x_train = data[rr][:train_num]
    y_train = label[rr][:train_num]
    x_test = data[rr][train_num:]
    y_test = label[rr][train_num:]
    # print("labels " + str(label[:50]))
    # print("y_train " + str(y_train[:50]))
    return (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test)
from keras.utils import np_utils
from keras import backend as K
from load_data import *
import h5py
from keras.models import model_from_json
from keras.utils import plot_model
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

batch_size = 512
nb_epoch = 100
step_epoch = 7

MAX_CAPTCHA = captcha_params.get_captcha_size()
CHAR_SET_LEN = captcha_params.get_char_set_len()

# input image dimensions
img_rows, img_cols = captcha_params.get_height(), captcha_params.get_width()

# number of convolutional filters to use
nb_filters1 = 32
nb_filters2 = 64
nb_filters3 = 64

# size of pooling area for max pooling
pool_size = (2, 2)

# convolution kernel size
kernel_size = (3, 3)