Exemple #1
    def test_construction(self):

        arr = mpiarray.MPIArray((10, 11), axis=1)

        l, s, e = mpiutil.split_local(11)

        # Check that global shape is set correctly
        assert arr.global_shape == (10, 11)

        assert arr.shape == (10, l)

        assert arr.local_offset == (0, s)

        assert arr.local_shape == (10, l)
Exemple #2
    def stokes2lin(self):
        """Convert the Stokes polarized data to linear polarization."""
            pol = self.pol
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError('Polarization of the data is unknown, can not convert')

        if pol.attrs['pol_type'] == 'linear' and pol.shape[0] == 4:
            warning.warn('Data is already linear polarization, no need to convert')

        if pol.attrs['pol_type'] == 'stokes' and pol.shape[0] == 4:

            # redistribute to 0 axis if polarization is the distributed axis
            original_dist_axis = self.main_data_dist_axis
            if 'polarization' == self.main_data_axes[self.main_data_dist_axis]:

            pol = pol[:].tolist()
            p = self.pol_dict

            # create a new MPIArray to hold the new data
            md = mpiarray.MPIArray(self.main_data.shape, axis=self.main_data_dist_axis, comm=self.comm, dtype=self.main_data.dtype)
            # convert to linear xx, yy, xy, yx
            md.local_array[:, :, 0] = self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['I'])] + self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['Q'])] # xx
            md.local_array[:, :, 1] = self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['I'])] - self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['Q'])] # yy
            md.local_array[:, :, 2] = self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['U'])] + 1.0J * self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['V'])] # xy
            md.local_array[:, :, 3] = self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['U'])] - 1.0J * self.main_data.local_data[:, :, pol.index(p['V'])] # yx

            attr_dict = {} # temporarily save attrs of this dataset
            memh5.copyattrs(self.main_data.attrs, attr_dict)
            del self[self.main_data_name]
            # create main data
            self.create_dataset(self.main_data_name, shape=md.shape, dtype=md.dtype, data=md, distributed=True, distributed_axis=self.main_data_dist_axis)
            memh5.copyattrs(attr_dict, self.main_data.attrs)

            del self['pol']
            self.create_dataset('pol', data=np.array([p['xx'], p['yy'], p['xy'], p['yx']]), dtype='i4')
            self['pol'].attrs['pol_type'] = 'linear'

            # redistribute self to original axis

            raise RuntimeError('Can not convert to linear polarization')
Exemple #3
    def test_redistribution(self):

        gshape = (1, 11, 2, 14, 3, 4)
        nelem = np.prod(gshape)
        garr = np.arange(nelem).reshape(gshape)

        l0, s0, e0 = mpiutil.split_local(11)
        l1, s1, e1 = mpiutil.split_local(14)
        l2, s2, e2 = mpiutil.split_local(4)

        arr = mpiarray.MPIArray(gshape, axis=1, dtype=np.int64)
        arr[:] = garr[:, s0:e0]

        arr2 = arr.redistribute(axis=3)
        assert (arr2 == garr[:, :, :, s1:e1]).view(np.ndarray).all()

        arr3 = arr.redistribute(axis=5)
        assert (arr3 == garr[:, :, :, :, :, s2:e2]).view(np.ndarray).all()
Exemple #4
    def test_global_setslice(self):

        rank = mpiutil.rank
        size = mpiutil.size

        darr = mpiarray.MPIArray((size * 5, 20), axis=0)

        # Initialise the distributed array
        for li, gi in darr.enumerate(axis=0):
            darr[li] = 10 * (10 * rank + li) + np.arange(20)

        # Construct numpy array which should be equivalent to the global array
        whole_array = (
            10 * (10 * np.arange(4.0)[:, np.newaxis] +
                  np.arange(5.0)[np.newaxis, :]).flatten()[:, np.newaxis] +
            np.arange(20)[np.newaxis, :])

        # Extract the section for each rank distributed along axis=0
        local_array = whole_array[(rank * 5):((rank + 1) * 5)]
        # Set slice

        # Check a simple assignment to a slice along the non-parallel axis
        darr.global_slice[:, 6] = -2.0
        local_array[:, 6] = -2.0

        assert (darr == local_array).all()

        # Check a partial assignment along the parallel axis
        darr.global_slice[7:, 7:9] = -3.0
        whole_array[7:, 7:9] = -3.0

        assert (darr == local_array).all()

        # Check assignment of a single index on the parallel axis
        darr.global_slice[6] = np.arange(20.0)
        whole_array[6] = np.arange(20.0)

        assert (darr == local_array).all()

        # Check copy of one column into the other
        darr.global_slice[:, 8] = darr.global_slice[:, 9]
        whole_array[:, 8] = whole_array[:, 9]

        assert (darr == local_array).all()
Exemple #5
    def test_io(self):

        import h5py

        # Cleanup directories
        fname = 'testdset.hdf5'

        if mpiutil.rank0 and os.path.exists(fname):


        gshape = (19, 17)

        ds = mpiarray.MPIArray(gshape, dtype=np.int64)

        ga = np.arange(np.prod(gshape)).reshape(gshape)

        l0, s0, e0 = mpiutil.split_local(gshape[0])
        ds[:] = ga[s0:e0]

        ds.redistribute(axis=1).to_hdf5(fname, 'testds', create=True)

        if mpiutil.rank0:

            with h5py.File(fname, 'r') as f:

                h5ds = f['testds'][:]

                assert (h5ds == ga).all()

        ds2 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname, 'testds')

        assert (ds2 == ds).all()


        if mpiutil.rank0 and os.path.exists(fname):
Exemple #6
    def test_gather(self):

        rank = mpiutil.rank
        size = mpiutil.size
        block = 2

        global_shape = (2, 3, size * block)
        global_array = np.zeros(global_shape, dtype=np.float64)
        global_array[..., :] = np.arange(size * block)

        arr = mpiarray.MPIArray(global_shape, dtype=np.float64, axis=2)
        arr[:] = global_array[..., (rank * block):((rank + 1) * block)]

        assert (arr.allgather() == global_array).all()

        gather_rank = 1 if size > 1 else 0
        ga = arr.gather(rank=gather_rank)

        if rank == gather_rank:
            assert (ga == global_array).all()
            assert ga is None
Exemple #7
    def test_wrap(self):

        ds = mpiarray.MPIArray((10, 17))

        df = np.fft.rfft(ds, axis=1)

        assert type(df) == np.ndarray

        da = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(df, axis=0)

        assert type(da) == mpiarray.MPIArray
        assert da.global_shape == (10, 9)

        l0, s0, e0 = mpiutil.split_local(10)

        assert da.local_shape == (l0, 9)

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            df = df[:-1]

        if mpiutil.size > 1:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(df, axis=0)
Exemple #8
    def test_reshape(self):

        gshape = (1, 11, 2, 14)

        l0, s0, e0 = mpiutil.split_local(11)

        arr = mpiarray.MPIArray(gshape, axis=1, dtype=np.int64)

        arr2 = arr.reshape((None, 28))

        # Check type
        assert isinstance(arr2, mpiarray.MPIArray)

        # Check global shape
        assert arr2.global_shape == (11, 28)

        # Check local shape
        assert arr2.local_shape == (l0, 28)

        # Check local offset
        assert arr2.local_offset == (s0, 0)

        # Check axis
        assert arr2.axis == 0
Exemple #9
    def process(self, sensitivity):
        """Derive an RFI mask from sensitivity data.

        sensitivity : containers.SystemSensitivity
            Sensitivity data to derive the RFI mask from.

        rfimask : containers.RFIMask
            RFI mask derived from sensitivity.
        ## Constants
        # Convert MAD to RMS
        MAD_TO_RMS = 1.4826

        # The difference between the exponents in the usual
        # scaling of the RMS (n**0.5) and the scaling used
        # in the sumthreshold algorithm (n**log2(1.5))
        RMS_SCALING_DIFF = np.log2(1.5) - 0.5

        # Distribute over polarisation as we need all times and frequencies
        # available simultaneously

        # Divide sensitivity to get a radiometer test
        radiometer = sensitivity.measured[:] * tools.invert_no_zero(
        radiometer = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(radiometer, axis=1)

        freq = sensitivity.freq
        npol = len(sensitivity.pol)
        nfreq = len(freq)

        static_flag = ~self._static_rfi_mask_hook(freq)

        madmask = mpiarray.MPIArray((npol, nfreq, len(sensitivity.time)),
        madmask[:] = False
        stmask = mpiarray.MPIArray((npol, nfreq, len(sensitivity.time)),
        stmask[:] = False

        for li, ii in madmask.enumerate(axis=0):

            # Only process this polarisation if we should be including it,
            # otherwise skip and let it be implicitly set to False (i.e. not
            # masked)
            if self.include_pol and sensitivity.pol[ii] not in self.include_pol:

            # Initial flag on weights equal to zero.
            origflag = sensitivity.weight[:, ii] == 0.0

            # Remove median at each frequency, if asked.
            if self.remove_median:
                for ff in range(nfreq):
                    radiometer[ff, li] -= np.median(
                        radiometer[ff, li][~origflag[ff]].view(np.ndarray))

            # Combine weights with static flag
            start_flag = origflag | static_flag[:, None]

            # Obtain MAD and TV masks
            this_madmask, tvmask = self._mad_tv_mask(radiometer[:, li],
                                                     start_flag, freq)

            # combine MAD and TV masks
            madmask[li] = this_madmask | tvmask

            # Add TV channels to ST start flag.
            start_flag = start_flag | tvmask

            # Determine initial threshold
            med = np.median(radiometer[:, li][~start_flag].view(np.ndarray))
            mad = np.median(
                abs(radiometer[:, li][~start_flag].view(np.ndarray) - med))
            threshold1 = (mad * MAD_TO_RMS * self.start_threshold_sigma *

            # SumThreshold mask
            stmask[li] = rfi.sumthreshold(
                radiometer[:, li],

        # Perform an OR (.any) along the pol axis and reform into an MPIArray
        # along the freq axis
        madmask = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(madmask.redistribute(1).any(0), 0)
        stmask = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(stmask.redistribute(1).any(0), 0)

        # Pick which of the MAD or SumThreshold mask to use (or blend them)
        if self.mask_type == "mad":
            finalmask = madmask

        elif self.mask_type == "sumthreshold":
            finalmask = stmask

            # Combine ST and MAD masks
            madtimes = self._combine_st_mad_hook(sensitivity.time)
            finalmask = stmask
            finalmask[:, madtimes] = madmask[:, madtimes]

        # Collect all parts of the mask onto rank 1 and then broadcast to all ranks
        finalmask = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(finalmask, 0).allgather()

        # Apply scale invariant rank (SIR) operator, if asked for.
        if self.sir:
            finalmask = self._apply_sir(finalmask, static_flag)

        # Create container to hold mask
        rfimask = containers.RFIMask(axes_from=sensitivity)
        rfimask.mask[:] = finalmask

        return rfimask
Exemple #10
    def process(self, mmodes):
        """Make a map from the given m-modes.

        mmodes : containers.MModes

        map : containers.Map

        from cora.util import hputil

        # Fetch various properties
        bt = self.beamtransfer
        lmax = bt.telescope.lmax
        mmax = min(bt.telescope.mmax, len(mmodes.index_map['m']) - 1)
        nfreq = len(mmodes.index_map['freq'])  # bt.telescope.nfreq

        def find_key(key_list, key):
                return map(tuple, list(key_list)).index(tuple(key))
            except TypeError:
                return list(key_list).index(key)
            except ValueError:
                return None

        # Figure out mapping between the frequencies
        bt_freq = self.beamtransfer.telescope.frequencies
        mm_freq = mmodes.index_map['freq']['centre']

        freq_ind = [find_key(bt_freq, mf) for mf in mm_freq]

        # Trim off excess m-modes
        m_array = mmodes.vis[:(mmax + 1)]
        m_array = m_array.redistribute(axis=0)

        m_weight = mmodes.weight[:(mmax + 1)]
        m_weight = m_weight.redistribute(axis=0)

        # Create array to store alms in.
        alm = mpiarray.MPIArray((nfreq, 4, lmax + 1, mmax + 1),
        alm[:] = 0.0

        # Loop over all m's and solve from m-mode visibilities to alms.
        for mi, m in m_array.enumerate(axis=0):

            for fi in range(nfreq):
                v = m_array[mi, :, fi].view(np.ndarray)
                a = alm[fi, ..., mi].view(np.ndarray)
                Ni = m_weight[mi, :, fi].view(np.ndarray)

                a[:] = self._solve_m(m, fi, v, Ni)

        # Redistribute back over frequency
        alm = alm.redistribute(axis=0)

        # Copy into square alm array for transform
        almt = mpiarray.MPIArray((nfreq, 4, lmax + 1, lmax + 1),
        almt[..., :(mmax + 1)] = alm
        alm = almt

        # Perform spherical harmonic transform to map space
        maps = hputil.sphtrans_inv_sky(alm, self.nside)
        maps = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(maps, axis=0)

        m = containers.Map(nside=self.nside,
        m.map[:] = maps

        return m
Exemple #11
    def test_global_getslice(self):

        rank = mpiutil.rank
        size = mpiutil.size

        darr = mpiarray.MPIArray((size * 5, 20), axis=0)

        # Initialise the distributed array
        for li, gi in darr.enumerate(axis=0):
            darr[li] = 10 * (10 * rank + li) + np.arange(20)

        # Construct numpy array which should be equivalent to the global array
        whole_array = 10 * (
            10 * np.arange(4.0)[:, np.newaxis] + np.arange(5.0)[np.newaxis, :]
        ).flatten()[:, np.newaxis] + np.arange(20)[np.newaxis, :]

        # Extract the section for each rank distributed along axis=0
        local_array = whole_array[(rank * 5):((rank + 1) * 5)]

        # Extract the correct section for each rank distributed along axis=0
        local_array_T = whole_array[:, (rank * 5):((rank + 1) * 5)]

        # Check that these are the same
        assert (local_array == darr).all()

        # Check a simple slice on the non-parallel axis
        arr = darr.global_slice[:, 3:5]
        res = local_array[:, 3:5]

        assert isinstance(arr, mpiarray.MPIArray)
        assert (arr == res).all()

        # Check a single element extracted from the non-parallel axis
        arr = darr.global_slice[:, 3]
        res = local_array[:, 3]
        assert (arr == res).all()

        # These tests denpend on the size being at least 2.
        if size > 1:
            # Check a slice on the parallel axis
            arr = darr.global_slice[:7, 3:5]

            res = {
                0: local_array[:, 3:5],
                1: local_array[:2, 3:5],
                2: None,
                3: None

            assert arr == res[rank] if arr is None else (arr
                                                         == res[rank]).all()

            # Check a single element from the parallel axis
            arr = darr.global_slice[7, 3:5]

            res = {0: None, 1: local_array[2, 3:5], 2: None, 3: None}

            assert arr == res[rank] if arr is None else (arr
                                                         == res[rank]).all()

            # Check a slice on the redistributed parallel axis
            darr_T = darr.redistribute(axis=1)
            arr = darr_T.global_slice[3:5, :7]

            res = {
                0: local_array_T[3:5, :],
                1: local_array_T[3:5, :2],
                2: None,
                3: None

            assert arr == res[rank] if arr is None else (arr
                                                         == res[rank]).all()

        # Check a slice that removes an axis
        darr = mpiarray.MPIArray((10, 20, size * 5), axis=2)
        dslice = darr.global_slice[:, 0, :]

        assert dslice.global_shape == (10, size * 5)
        assert dslice.local_shape == (10, 5)

        # Check ellipsis and slice at the end
        darr = mpiarray.MPIArray((size * 5, 20, 10), axis=0)
        dslice = darr.global_slice[..., 4:9]

        assert dslice.global_shape == (size * 5, 20, 5)
        assert dslice.local_shape == (5, 20, 5)

        # Check slice that goes off the end of the axis
        darr = mpiarray.MPIArray((size, 136, 2048), axis=0)
        dslice = darr.global_slice[..., 2007:2087]

        assert dslice.global_shape == (size, 136, 41)
        assert dslice.local_shape == (1, 136, 41)
    def _generate_phase(self, time):
        ntime = len(time)
        freq = self.freq
        nfreq = len(freq)

        # Generate the correlation function
        cf_delay = self._corr_func(self.corr_length_delay, self.sigma_delay)

        # Check if we are simulating relative delays or common mode delays
        if self.sim_type == "relative":
            n_realisations = self.ninput_local

            # Generate delay fluctuations
            self.delay_error = gain.generate_fluctuations(
                time, cf_delay, n_realisations, self._prev_time,

            gain_phase = (2.0 * np.pi * freq[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * 1e6 *
                          self.delay_error[np.newaxis, :, :] /

        if self.sim_type == "common_mode_cyl":
            n_realisations = 1
            ninput = self.ninput_global

            # Generates as many random delay errors as there are cylinders
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                if self.common_mode_type == "sinusoidal":
                    P1 = self.sinusoidal_period[0]
                    P2 = self.sinusoidal_period[1]
                    omega1 = 2 * np.pi / P1
                    omega2 = 2 * np.pi / P2

                    delay_error = (self.sigma_delay *
                                   (np.sin(omega1 * time) -
                                    np.sin(omega2 * time))[np.newaxis, :])

                if self.common_mode_type == "random":
                    delay_error = gain.generate_fluctuations(
                delay_error = None

            # Broadcast to other ranks
            self.delay_error = self.comm.bcast(delay_error, root=0)

            # Split frequencies to processes.
            lfreq, sfreq, efreq = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq)

            # Create an array to hold all inputs, which are common-mode within
            # a cylinder
            gain_phase = np.zeros((lfreq, ninput, ntime), dtype=complex)
            # Since we have 2 cylinders populate half of them with a delay)
            # TODO: generalize this for 3 or even 4 cylinders in the future.
            gain_phase[:, ninput // self.ncyl:, :] = (
                2.0 * np.pi * freq[sfreq:efreq, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * 1e6 *
                self.delay_error[np.newaxis, :, :] / np.sqrt(self.ndays))

            gain_phase = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(gain_phase,
            # Redistribute over input to match rest of the code
            gain_phase = gain_phase.redistribute(axis=1)
            gain_phase = gain_phase.view(np.ndarray)

        if self.sim_type == "common_mode_iceboard":
            nchannel = self.nchannel
            ninput = self.ninput_global
            # Number of channels on a board
            nboards = ninput // nchannel

            # Generates as many random delay errors as there are iceboards
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                delay_error = gain.generate_fluctuations(
                    time, cf_delay, nboards, self._prev_time, self._prev_delay)
                delay_error = None

            # Broadcast to other ranks
            self.delay_error = self.comm.bcast(delay_error, root=0)

            # Calculate the corresponding phase by multiplying with frequencies
            phase = (2.0 * np.pi * freq[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * 1e6 *
                     self.delay_error[np.newaxis, :] / np.sqrt(self.ndays))

            # Create an array to hold all inputs, which are common-mode within
            # one iceboard
            gain_phase = mpiarray.MPIArray((nfreq, ninput, ntime),
            gain_phase[:] = 0.0

            # Loop over inputs and and group common-mode phases on every board
            for il, ig in gain_phase.enumerate(axis=1):
                # Get the board number bi
                bi = int(ig / nchannel)
                gain_phase[:, il] = phase[:, bi]

            gain_phase = gain_phase.view(np.ndarray)

        self._prev_delay = self.delay_error
        self._prev_time = time

        return gain_phase
Exemple #13
    def process(self, map_):
        """Simulate a SiderealStream

        map : :class:`containers.Map`
            The sky map to process to into a sidereal stream. Frequencies in the
            map, must match the Beam Transfer matrices.

        ss : SiderealStream
            Stacked sidereal day.
        feeds : list of CorrInput
            Description of the feeds simulated.

        if self.done:
            raise pipeline.PipelineStopIteration

        # Read in telescope system
        bt = self.beamtransfer
        tel = self.telescope

        lmax = tel.lmax
        mmax = tel.mmax
        nfreq = tel.nfreq
        npol = tel.num_pol_sky

        lfreq, sfreq, efreq = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq)

        lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(mmax + 1)

        # Set the minimum resolution required for the sky.
        ntime = 2 * mmax + 1

        freqmap = map_.index_map["freq"][:]
        row_map = map_.map[:]

        if (tel.frequencies != freqmap["centre"]).any():
            raise ValueError(
                "Frequencies in map do not match those in Beam Transfers.")

        # Calculate the alm's for the local sections
        row_alm = hputil.sphtrans_sky(row_map, lmax=lmax).reshape(
            (lfreq, npol * (lmax + 1), lmax + 1))

        # Trim off excess m's and wrap into MPIArray
        row_alm = row_alm[..., :(mmax + 1)]
        row_alm = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(row_alm, axis=0)

        # Perform the transposition to distribute different m's across processes. Neat
        # tip, putting a shorter value for the number of columns, trims the array at
        # the same time
        col_alm = row_alm.redistribute(axis=2)

        # Transpose and reshape to shift m index first.
        col_alm = col_alm.transpose((2, 0, 1)).reshape(
            (None, nfreq, npol, lmax + 1))

        # Create storage for visibility data
        vis_data = mpiarray.MPIArray((mmax + 1, nfreq, bt.ntel),
        vis_data[:] = 0.0

        # Iterate over m's local to this process and generate the corresponding
        # visibilities
        for mp, mi in vis_data.enumerate(axis=0):
            vis_data[mp] = bt.project_vector_sky_to_telescope(
                mi, col_alm[mp].view(np.ndarray))

        # Rearrange axes such that frequency is last (as we want to divide
        # frequencies across processors)
        row_vis = vis_data.transpose((0, 2, 1))

        # Parallel transpose to get all m's back onto the same processor
        col_vis_tmp = row_vis.redistribute(axis=2)
        col_vis_tmp = col_vis_tmp.reshape((mmax + 1, 2, tel.npairs, None))

        # Transpose the local section to make the m's the last axis and unwrap the
        # positive and negative m at the same time.
        col_vis = mpiarray.MPIArray((tel.npairs, nfreq, ntime),
        col_vis[:] = 0.0
        col_vis[..., 0] = col_vis_tmp[0, 0]
        for mi in range(1, mmax + 1):
            col_vis[..., mi] = col_vis_tmp[mi, 0]
            col_vis[..., -mi] = col_vis_tmp[
                mi, 1].conj()  # Conjugate only (not (-1)**m - see paper)

        del col_vis_tmp

        # Fourier transform m-modes back to get final timestream.
        vis_stream = np.fft.ifft(col_vis, axis=-1) * ntime
        vis_stream = vis_stream.reshape((tel.npairs, lfreq, ntime))
        vis_stream = vis_stream.transpose((1, 0, 2)).copy()

        # Try and fetch out the feed index and info from the telescope object.
            feed_index = tel.input_index
        except AttributeError:
            feed_index = tel.nfeed

        # Construct a product map
        prod_map = np.zeros(tel.uniquepairs.shape[0],
                            dtype=[("input_a", int), ("input_b", int)])
        prod_map["input_a"] = tel.uniquepairs[:, 0]
        prod_map["input_b"] = tel.uniquepairs[:, 1]

        # Construct container and set visibility data
        sstream = containers.SiderealStream(
        sstream.vis[:] = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=0)
        sstream.weight[:] = 1.0

        self.done = True

        return sstream
Exemple #14
    def test_io(self):

        import h5py

        # Cleanup directories
        fname = "testdset.hdf5"

        if mpiutil.rank0 and os.path.exists(fname):


        gshape = (19, 17)

        ds = mpiarray.MPIArray(gshape, dtype=np.int64)

        ga = np.arange(np.prod(gshape)).reshape(gshape)

        l0, s0, e0 = mpiutil.split_local(gshape[0])
        ds[:] = ga[s0:e0]

        ds.redistribute(axis=1).to_hdf5(fname, "testds", create=True)

        if mpiutil.rank0:

            with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f:

                h5ds = f["testds"][:]

                assert (h5ds == ga).all()

        ds2 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname, "testds")

        assert (ds2 == ds).all()


        # Check that reading over another distributed axis works
        ds3 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname, "testds", axis=1)
        assert ds3.shape[0] == gshape[0]
        assert ds3.shape[1] == mpiutil.split_local(gshape[1])[0]
        ds3 = ds3.redistribute(axis=0)
        assert (ds3 == ds).all()

        # Check a read with an arbitrary slice in there. This only checks the shape is correct.
        ds4 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname,
                                          sel=(np.s_[3:10:2], np.s_[1:16:3]))
        assert ds4.shape[0] == 4
        assert ds4.shape[1] == mpiutil.split_local(5)[0]

        # Check the read with a slice along the axis being read
        ds5 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname,
                                          sel=(np.s_[:], np.s_[3:15:2]))
        assert ds5.shape[0] == gshape[0]
        assert ds5.shape[1] == mpiutil.split_local(6)[0]
        ds5 = ds5.redistribute(axis=0)
        assert (ds5 == ds[:, 3:15:2]).all()

        # Check the read with a slice along the axis being read
        ds6 = mpiarray.MPIArray.from_hdf5(fname,
                                          sel=(np.s_[:], np.s_[3:15:2]))
        ds6 = ds6.redistribute(axis=0)
        assert (ds6 == ds[:, 3:15:2]).all()

        if mpiutil.rank0 and os.path.exists(fname):
Exemple #15
    def process(self, mmodes):
        """Make a map from the given m-modes.

        mmodes : containers.MModes

        map : containers.Map

        from cora.util import hputil

        # Fetch various properties
        bt = self.beamtransfer
        lmax = bt.telescope.lmax
        mmax = min(bt.telescope.mmax, len(mmodes.index_map["m"]) - 1)
        nfreq = len(mmodes.index_map["freq"])  # bt.telescope.nfreq

        # Figure out mapping between the frequencies
        bt_freq = self.beamtransfer.telescope.frequencies
        mm_freq = mmodes.index_map["freq"]["centre"]

        freq_ind = tools.find_keys(bt_freq, mm_freq, require_match=True)

        # Trim off excess m-modes
        m_array = mmodes.vis[:(mmax + 1)]
        m_array = m_array.redistribute(axis=0)

        m_weight = mmodes.weight[:(mmax + 1)]
        m_weight = m_weight.redistribute(axis=0)

        # Create array to store alms in.
        alm = mpiarray.MPIArray(
            (nfreq, 4, lmax + 1, mmax + 1),
        alm[:] = 0.0

        # Loop over all m's and solve from m-mode visibilities to alms.
        for mi, m in m_array.enumerate(axis=0):

            self.log.debug("Processing m=%i (local %i/%i)", m, mi + 1,

            # Get and cache the beam transfer matrix, but trim off any l < m.
            # if self.bt_cache is None:
            #     self.bt_cache = (m, bt.beam_m(m))
            #     self.log.debug("Cached beamtransfer for m=%i", m)

            for fi in range(nfreq):
                v = m_array[mi, :, fi].view(np.ndarray)
                a = alm[fi, ..., mi].view(np.ndarray)
                Ni = m_weight[mi, :, fi].view(np.ndarray)

                a[:] = self._solve_m(m, freq_ind[fi], v, Ni)

        self.bt_cache = None

        # Redistribute back over frequency
        alm = alm.redistribute(axis=0)

        # Copy into square alm array for transform
        almt = mpiarray.MPIArray(
            (nfreq, 4, lmax + 1, lmax + 1),
        almt[..., :(mmax + 1)] = alm
        alm = almt

        # Perform spherical harmonic transform to map space
        maps = hputil.sphtrans_inv_sky(alm, self.nside)
        maps = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(maps, axis=0)

        m = containers.Map(nside=self.nside,
        m.map[:] = maps

        return m