Exemple #1
    def process(self, tstream):

        bt = tstream.beamtransfer
        tel = bt.telescope
        mmode_dir = tstream.output_directory + '/mmodes'
        count_file = mmode_dir + '/count.hdf5'
        if os.path.exists(count_file):
            # get count
            with h5py.File(count_file, 'r') as f:
                N = f['count'][:]
            # normalize mmode
            for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(tel.mmax + 1):
                with h5py.File(tstream._mfile(mi), 'r+') as f:
                    f['/mmode'][:] /= N[:, np.newaxis, :]
            # delete the count file
            if mpiutil.rank0:
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print 'Count file %s does not exist, do noting...' % count_file

        # mpiutil.barrier()

        return tstream
Exemple #2
    def generate(self, regen=False):
        """Perform the KL-transform for all m-modes and save the result.

        Uses MPI to distribute the work (if available).

        mlist : array_like, optional
            Set of m's to calculate KL-modes for By default do all m-modes.

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            st = time.time()
            print "======== Starting KL calculation ========"

        # Iterate list over MPI processes.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax+1):
            if os.path.exists(self._evfile % mi) and not regen:
                print "m index %i. File: %s exists. Skipping..." % (mi, (self._evfile % mi))


        # If we're part of an MPI run, synchronise here.

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            et = time.time()
            print "======== Ending KL calculation (time=%f) ========" % (et - st)

        # Collect together the eigenvalues
Exemple #3
    def generate_mmodes_kl(self):
        """Generate the KL modes for the Timestream.

        kl = self.manager.kltransforms[self.klname]

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):

            if os.path.exists(self._klfile(mi)):
                print "File %s exists. Skipping..." % self._klfile(mi)

            svdm = self.mmode_svd(
                mi)  #.reshape(self.telescope.nfreq, 2*self.telescope.npairs)
            #svdm = self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_svd(mi, tm)

            klm = kl.project_vector_svd_to_kl(mi,

            with h5py.File(self._klfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('mmode_kl', data=klm)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

Exemple #4
    def generate(self, regen=False):
        """Perform the KL-transform for all m-modes and save the result.

        Uses MPI to distribute the work (if available).

        mlist : array_like, optional
            Set of m's to calculate KL-modes for By default do all m-modes.

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            st = time.time()
            print("======== Starting KL calculation ========")

        # Iterate list over MPI processes.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):
            if os.path.exists(self._evfile % mi) and not regen:
                    "m index %i. File: %s exists. Skipping..."
                    % (mi, (self._evfile % mi))


        # If we're part of an MPI run, synchronise here.

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            et = time.time()
            print("======== Ending KL calculation (time=%f) ========" % (et - st))

        # Collect together the eigenvalues
Exemple #5
def compute_Pkp(sky_map, kp):
    N = kp.shape[0]
    Nf, Np = sky_map.shape
    Pkp = np.zeros(N)
    for pi in mpiutil.mpirange(Np):
        gkp = (cd_span / N) * ndft(cd, sky_map[:, pi], kp)  # K (h Mpc^-1)^-1
        # according to the definition <\delta(k) \delta(k')^*> = (2\pi)^3 \delta(k - k') P(k), but for 1D, <\delta(k) \delta(k')^*> = (2\pi) \delta(k - k') P(k)
        Pkp += np.abs(gkp)**2 / (2.0 * np.pi)  # K^2 (Mpc / h)
    Pkp /= Np  # K^2 (Mpc / h)
    Pkp *= 1.0e6  # mK^2 (Mpc / h)

    tmp = mpiutil.gather_array(Pkp.reshape(1, -1), axis=0, root=0)
    if mpiutil.rank0:
        print 'tmp shape: ', tmp.shape
        Pkp = np.sum(tmp, axis=0)
        print 'Pkp shape: ', Pkp.shape

    return Pkp  # only rank0 has the correct Pkp
Exemple #6
    def generate_mmodes_svd(self):
        """Generate the SVD modes for the Timestream."""

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):

            if os.path.exists(self._svdfile(mi)):
                print("File %s exists. Skipping..." % self._svdfile(mi))

            tm = self.mmode(mi).reshape(self.telescope.nfreq, 2 * self.telescope.npairs)
            svdm = self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_svd(mi, tm)

            with h5py.File(self._svdfile(mi), "w") as f:
                f.create_dataset("mmode_svd", data=svdm)
                f.attrs["m"] = mi

Exemple #7
    def process(self, input):
        def _indx_f(x, shp):
            if x >= np.prod(shp): return
            _i = [
                int(x / np.prod(shp[1:])),
            for i in range(1, len(shp)):
                x -= _i[i - 1] * np.prod(shp[i:])
                _i += [
                    int(x / np.prod(shp[i + 1:])),
            return tuple(_i)

        diag_cov = self.params['diag_cov']
        threshold = self.params['threshold']
        task_n = np.prod(self.map_shp[:-2])
        for task_ind in mpiutil.mpirange(task_n):

            indx = _indx_f(task_ind, self.map_shp[:-2])
            #print mpiutil.rank,  indx
            print "RANK%03d: (" % mpiutil.rank + ("%04d, " *
                                                  len(indx)) % indx + ")"

            map_shp = self.map_shp[-2:]
            _dirty_map = np.zeros(map_shp, dtype=__dtype__)
            if diag_cov:
                _cov_inv = np.zeros(map_shp, dtype=__dtype__)
                _cov_inv = np.zeros(map_shp * 2, dtype=__dtype__)
            for ii, df in enumerate(self.df_in):
                _dirty_map += df['dirty_map'][indx + (slice(None), )]
                self.read_block_from_dset(ii, 'cov_inv', indx, _cov_inv)
                #_cov_inv   += df['cov_inv'][indx + (slice(None), )]

            self.df_out[-1]['dirty_map'][indx + (slice(None), )] = _dirty_map
            clean_map, noise_diag = make_cleanmap(_dirty_map, _cov_inv,
                                                  diag_cov, threshold)
            self.df_out[-1]['clean_map'][indx + (slice(None), )] = clean_map
            self.df_out[-1]['noise_diag'][indx + (slice(None), )] = noise_diag
            del _cov_inv

Exemple #8
    def generate_mmodes_svd(self):
        """Generate the SVD modes for the Timestream.

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):

            if os.path.exists(self._svdfile(mi)):
                print "File %s exists. Skipping..." % self._svdfile(mi)

            tm = self.mmode(mi).reshape(self.telescope.nfreq, 2*self.telescope.npairs)
            svdm = self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_svd(mi, tm)

            with h5py.File(self._svdfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('mmode_svd', data=svdm)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

Exemple #9
    def fake_kl_data(self):

        kl = self.manager.kltransforms[self.klname]

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):

            evals = kl.evals_m(mi)

            if evals is None:
                klmode = np.array([], dtype=np.complex128)
                modeamp = ((evals + 1.0) / 2.0)**0.5
                klmode = modeamp * (np.array([1.0, 1.0J]) * np.random.standard_normal((modeamp.shape[0], 2))).sum(axis=1)

            with h5py.File(self._klfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('mmode_kl', data=klmode)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

Exemple #10
    def fake_kl_data(self):

        kl = self.manager.kltransforms[self.klname]

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1, method='rand'):

            evals = kl.evals_m(mi)

            if evals is None:
                klmode = np.array([], dtype=np.complex128)
                modeamp = ((evals + 1.0) / 2.0)**0.5
                klmode = modeamp * (np.array([1.0, 1.0J]) * np.random.standard_normal((modeamp.shape[0], 2))).sum(axis=1)

            with h5py.File(self._klfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('mmode_kl', data=klmode)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

Exemple #11
    def generate_mmodes_kl(self):
        """Generate the KL modes for the Timestream.

        kl = self.manager.kltransforms[self.klname]

        # Iterate over local m's, project mode and save to disk.
        for mi in mpiutil.mpirange(self.telescope.mmax + 1):

            if os.path.exists(self._klfile(mi)):
                print "File %s exists. Skipping..." % self._klfile(mi)

            svdm = self.mmode_svd(mi) #.reshape(self.telescope.nfreq, 2*self.telescope.npairs)
            #svdm = self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_svd(mi, tm)

            klm = kl.project_vector_svd_to_kl(mi, svdm, threshold=self.klthreshold)

            with h5py.File(self._klfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('mmode_kl', data=klm)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

Exemple #12
    def mpi(self):
        rank = mpiutil.rank
        size = mpiutil.size

        if rank == 0:

            #g = free_free(v = self.v, nside = self.nside)
            #delt_m, params = g.delta_m()
            delt_m = np.ones(np.int(12 * self.nside**2))
            params = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

            delt_m = None
        #local_delt_m = mpiutil.mpilist(delt_m, method = 'con',comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD)
        local_range = mpiutil.mpirange(0, hp.nside2npix(self.nside))

        delt_m = mpiutil.bcast(delt_m, root=0)
        params = mpiutil.bcast(params, root=0)
        result = []
        for pix_number in local_range:
            a = time.time()
            l, b = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, pix_number, nest=False, lonlat=True)
            #pix_value = delt_m[pix_number] + 100.
            pix_value = self.integrate_by_hand(self._new,
                                               args=(l, b, delt_m[pix_number],
            b = time.time()

            print 'pix_number', pix_number, 'delta_time', b - a
            result.append([pix_number, pix_value])
        result = mpiutil.gather_list(result, root=None)
        if rank == 0:
            with h5py.File('text_0to1.hdf5', 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('result', data=result)
                print 'end'
Exemple #13
    def setup(self):

        ant_file = self.params['ant_file']
        #ant_dat = np.genfromtxt(ant_file,
        #        dtype=[('name', 'S4'), ('X', 'f8'), ('Y', 'f8'), ('Z', 'f8')])
        ant_dat = pd.read_fwf(ant_file,
                              names=['name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'px', 'py'])

        self.ants = np.array(ant_dat['name'], dtype='str')

        ants_pos = [
            np.array(ant_dat['X'])[:, None],
            np.array(ant_dat['Y'])[:, None],
            np.array(ant_dat['Z'])[:, None]
        self.ants_pos = np.concatenate(ants_pos, axis=1)

        freq = self.params['freq']
        dfreq = freq[1] - freq[0]
        freq_n = freq.shape[0]

        self.SM = globals()[self.params['survey_mode']](
        #self.SM.generate_altaz(startalt, startaz, starttime, obs_len, obs_speed, obs_int)
        self.SM.radec_list([ant_dat['px'], ant_dat['py']])

        #starttime = Time(self.params['starttime'])
        #startalt, startaz  = self.params['startpointing']
        #startalt *= u.deg
        #startaz  *= u.deg
        #obs_speed = self.params['obs_speed']

        obs_int = self.SM.obs_int  #self.params['obs_int']
        self.obs_int = obs_int
        samplerate = ((1. / obs_int).to(u.Hz)).value

        #obs_tot   = self.SM.obs_tot # self.params['obs_tot']
        #obs_len   = int((obs_tot / obs_int).decompose().value)

        #self.block_time = self.SM.sche['block_time'] #self.params['block_time']
        self.block_time = np.array(self.SM.sche['block_time'])
        #self.block_len  = int((block_time / obs_int).decompose().value)
        block_num = self.block_time.shape[0]

        _obs_int = (obs_int.to(u.second)).value
        self._RMS = self.params['T_rec'] / np.sqrt(_obs_int * dfreq * 1.e6)

        if self.params['fg_syn_model'] is not None:
            self.syn_model = hp.read_map(self.params['fg_syn_model'],
            self.syn_model = self.syn_model.T

        if self.params['HI_model'] is not None:
            with h5py.File(self.params['HI_model'], 'r') as fhi:
                #_HI_model = al.make_vect(
                _HI_model = al.load_h5(fhi, self.params['HI_model_type'])
                logger.info('HI bias %3.2f' % self.params['HI_bias'])
                _HI_model *= self.params['HI_bias']
                if self.params['HI_mock_ids'] is not None:
                    self.HI_mock_ids = list(self.params['HI_mock_ids'])
                    _HI_model = _HI_model[self.HI_mock_ids]
                    self.HI_mock_ids = range(_HI_model.shape[0])

                self.mock_n = _HI_model.shape[0]
                self.HI_model = al.make_vect(_HI_model)
            self.mock_n = self.params['mock_n']

        if self.params['fnoise']:
            self.FN = fnoise.FNoise(dtime=obs_int.value,


        #self.iter_list =  mpiutil.mpirange(0, obs_len, self.block_len)
        self.iter_list = mpiutil.mpirange(0, block_num)
        self.iter = 0
        self.iter_num = len(self.iter_list)
    def iterpstasks(self, input):

        refinement = self.params['refinement']

        task_list = self.task_list
        for task_ind in mpiutil.mpirange(len(task_list)):
            tind_l, tind_r, tind_o = task_list[task_ind]
            tind_l = tuple(tind_l)
            tind_r = tuple(tind_r)
            tind_o = tuple(tind_o)
            msg = ("RANK %03d est. ps.(" + "%03d,"*len(tind_l) + ") x ("\
                    + "%03d,"*len(tind_r) + ")")%((mpiutil.rank, ) + tind_l + tind_r)

            cube = []
            cube_w = []
            tind_list = [tind_l, tind_r]
            for i in range(2):
                tind = tind_list[i]

                map_key = self.params['map_key'][i]
                input_map = input[tind[0]][map_key][tind[1:] + (slice(None), )]
                input_map_mask  = ~np.isfinite(input_map)
                if (map_key is not 'delta') and (len(self.params['freq_mask']) != 0):
                    # ignore freqency mask for optical data
                    logger.info('apply freq_mask')
                    input_map_mask[self.params['freq_mask'], ...] = True
                #input_map_mask += input_map == 0.
                input_map[input_map_mask] = 0.
                if self.params['prewhite']:
                    input_map_mask = input_map == 0.
                    _mean = np.ma.mean(np.ma.masked_equal(input_map, 0), axis=(1, 2))
                    input_map -= _mean[:, None, None]
                    input_map[input_map_mask] = 0.
                input_map = al.make_vect(input_map, axis_names = ['freq', 'ra', 'dec'])
                for key in input_map.info['axes']:

                weight_key = self.params['weight_key'][i]
                if weight_key is not None:
                    weight = input[tind[0]][weight_key][tind[1:] + (slice(None), )]
                    weight[input_map_mask] = 0.
                    if weight_key == 'noise_diag':
                        weight = fgrm.make_noise_factorizable(weight)
                    if weight_key == 'separable':
                        logger.debug('apply FKP weight')
                        weight = weight / (1. + weight * self.params['FKP'])
                    weight = al.make_vect(weight, axis_names = ['freq', 'ra', 'dec'])
                    weight.info = input_map.info

                if not self.params['cube_input'][i]:
                    c, c_info = physical_grid(input_map, refinement=refinement,order=0)
                    logger.debug('cube input')
                    c = input_map
                    c_info = None


                if weight_key is not None:
                    if not self.params['cube_input'][i]:
                        cw, cw_info = physical_grid(weight, refinement=refinement,order=0)
                        cw = weight
                        cw_info = None
                    #cw[c==0] = 0.
                    del weight
                    cw = al.ones_like(c)
                    cw[c==0] = 0.

                del c, c_info, cw, input_map

                if tind_l == tind_r:
            yield tind_o, cube, cube_w
Exemple #15
    def process(self, ts):

        mask_daytime = self.params['mask_daytime']
        mask_time_range = self.params['mask_time_range']
        tsys = self.params['tsys']
        accuracy_boost = self.params['accuracy_boost']
        l_boost = self.params['l_boost']
        bl_range = self.params['bl_range']
        auto_correlations = self.params['auto_correlations']
        time_avg = self.params['time_avg']
        pol = self.params['pol']
        interp = self.params['interp']
        beam_dir = output_path(self.params['beam_dir'])
        use_existed_beam = self.params['use_existed_beam']
        gen_inv = self.params['gen_invbeam']
        noise_weight = self.params['noise_weight']
        ts_dir = output_path(self.params['ts_dir'])
        ts_name = self.params['ts_name']
        no_m_zero = self.params['no_m_zero']
        simulate = self.params['simulate']
        input_maps = self.params['input_maps']
        prior_map = self.params['prior_map']
        add_noise = self.params['add_noise']
        dirty_map = self.params['dirty_map']
        nbin = self.params['nbin']
        method = self.params['method']
        normalize = self.params['normalize']
        threshold = self.params['threshold']
        eps = self.params['epsilon']
        correct_order = self.params['correct_order']

        if use_existed_beam:
            # load the saved telescope from disk
            tel = None
            assert isinstance(ts, Timestream), '%s only works for Timestream object' % self.__class__.__name__


            lat = ts.attrs['sitelat']
            # lon = ts.attrs['sitelon']
            lon = 0.0
            # lon = np.degrees(ts['ra_dec'][0, 0]) # the first ra
            local_origin = False
            freqs = ts.freq[:] # MHz
            nfreq = freqs.shape[0]
            band_width = ts.attrs['freqstep'] # MHz
                ndays = ts.attrs['ndays']
            except KeyError:
                ndays = 1
            feeds = ts['feedno'][:]
            bl_order = mpiutil.gather_array(ts.local_bl, axis=0, root=None, comm=ts.comm)
            bls = [ tuple(bl) for bl in bl_order ]
            az, alt = ts['az_alt'][0]
            az = np.degrees(az)
            alt = np.degrees(alt)
            pointing = [az, alt, 0.0]
            feedpos = ts['feedpos'][:]

            if ts.is_dish:
                from tlpipe.map.drift.telescope import tl_dish

                dish_width = ts.attrs['dishdiam']
                tel = tl_dish.TlUnpolarisedDishArray(lat, lon, freqs, band_width, tsys, ndays, accuracy_boost, l_boost, bl_range, auto_correlations, local_origin, dish_width, feedpos, pointing)
            elif ts.is_cylinder:
                from tlpipe.map.drift.telescope import tl_cylinder

                # factor = 1.2 # suppose an illumination efficiency, keep same with that in timestream_common
                factor = 0.79 # for xx
                # factor = 0.88 # for yy
                cyl_width = factor * ts.attrs['cywid']
                tel = tl_cylinder.TlUnpolarisedCylinder(lat, lon, freqs, band_width, tsys, ndays, accuracy_boost, l_boost, bl_range, auto_correlations, local_origin, cyl_width, feedpos)
                raise RuntimeError('Unknown array type %s' % ts.attrs['telescope'])

            if not simulate:
                # select the corresponding vis and vis_mask
                if pol == 'xx':
                    local_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 0, :]
                    local_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 0, :]
                elif pol == 'yy':
                    local_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 1, :]
                    local_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 1, :]
                elif pol == 'I':
                    xx_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 0, :]
                    xx_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 0, :]
                    yy_vis = ts.local_vis[:, :, 1, :]
                    yy_vis_mask = ts.local_vis_mask[:, :, 1, :]

                    local_vis = np.zeros_like(xx_vis)
                    for ti in xrange(local_vis.shape[0]):
                        for fi in xrange(local_vis.shape[1]):
                            for bi in xrange(local_vis.shape[2]):
                                if xx_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi] != yy_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi]:
                                    if xx_vis_mask[ti, fi, bi]:
                                        local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = yy_vis[ti, fi, bi]
                                        local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = xx_vis[ti, fi, bi]
                                    local_vis[ti, fi, bi] = 0.5 * (xx_vis[ti, fi, bi] + yy_vis[ti, fi, bi])
                    local_vis_mask = xx_vis_mask | yy_vis_mask
                    raise ValueError('Invalid pol: %s' % pol)

                if interp != 'none':
                    for fi in xrange(local_vis.shape[1]):
                        for bi in xrange(local_vis.shape[2]):
                            # interpolate for local_vis
                            true_inds = np.where(local_vis_mask[:, fi, bi])[0] # masked inds
                            if len(true_inds) > 0:
                                false_inds = np.where(~local_vis_mask[:, fi, bi])[0] # un-masked inds
                                if len(false_inds) > 0.1 * local_vis.shape[0]:
                # nearest interpolate for local_vis
                                    if interp in ('linear', 'nearest'):
                                        itp_real = interp1d(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].real, kind=interp, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True)
                                        itp_imag = interp1d(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].imag, kind=interp, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True)
                                    elif interp == 'rbf':
                                        itp_real = Rbf(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].real, smooth=10)
                                        itp_imag = Rbf(false_inds, local_vis[false_inds, fi, bi].imag, smooth=10)
                                        raise ValueError('Unknown interpolation method: %s' % interp)
                                    local_vis[true_inds, fi, bi] = itp_real(true_inds) + 1.0J * itp_imag(true_inds) # the interpolated vis
                                    local_vis[:, fi, bi] = 0 # TODO: may need to take special care

                # average data
                nt = ts['sec1970'].shape[0]
                phi_size = 2*tel.mmax + 1

                # phi = np.zeros((phi_size,), dtype=ts['ra_dec'].dtype)
                phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, phi_size, endpoint=False)
                vis = np.zeros((phi_size,)+local_vis.shape[1:], dtype=local_vis.dtype)

                if time_avg == 'avg':
                    nt_m = float(nt) / phi_size
                    # roll data to have phi=0 near the first
                    roll_len = np.int(np.around(0.5*nt_m))
                    local_vis[:] = np.roll(local_vis[:], roll_len, axis=0)
                    if interp == 'none':
                        local_vis_mask[:] = np.roll(local_vis_mask[:], roll_len, axis=0)
                    # ts['ra_dec'][:] = np.roll(ts['ra_dec'][:], roll_len, axis=0)

                    repeat_inds = np.repeat(np.arange(nt), phi_size)
                    num, start, end = mpiutil.split_m(nt*phi_size, phi_size)

                    # average over time
                    for idx in xrange(phi_size):
                        inds, weight = unique(repeat_inds[start[idx]:end[idx]], return_counts=True)
                        if interp == 'none':
                            vis[idx] = average(np.ma.array(local_vis[inds], mask=local_vis_mask[inds]), axis=0, weights=weight) # time mean
                            vis[idx] = average(local_vis[inds], axis=0, weights=weight) # time mean
                        # phi[idx] = np.average(ts['ra_dec'][:, 0][inds], axis=0, weights=weight)
                elif time_avg == 'fft':
                    if interp == 'none':
                        raise ValueError('Can not do fft average without first interpolation')
                    Vm = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(local_vis, axis=0), axes=0)
                    vis[:] = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(Vm[nt/2-tel.mmax:nt/2+tel.mmax+1], axes=0), axis=0) / (1.0 * nt / phi_size)

                    # for fi in xrange(vis.shape[1]):
                    #     for bi in xrange(vis.shape[2]):
                    #         # plot local_vis and vis
                    #         import matplotlib
                    #         matplotlib.use('Agg')
                    #         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

                    #         phi0 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nt, endpoint=False)
                    #         phi1 = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, phi_size, endpoint=False)
                    #         plt.figure()
                    #         plt.subplot(211)
                    #         plt.plot(phi0, local_vis[:, fi, bi].real, label='v0.real')
                    #         plt.plot(phi1, vis[:, fi, bi].real, label='v1.real')
                    #         plt.legend()
                    #         plt.subplot(212)
                    #         plt.plot(phi0, local_vis[:, fi, bi].imag, label='v0.imag')
                    #         plt.plot(phi1, vis[:, fi, bi].imag, label='v1.imag')
                    #         plt.legend()
                    #         plt.savefig('vis_fft/vis_%d_%d.png' % (fi, bi))
                    #         plt.close()

                    raise ValueError('Unknown time_avg: %s' % time_avg)

                del local_vis
                del local_vis_mask

                # mask daytime data
                if mask_daytime:
                    day_or_night = np.where(ts['local_hour'][:]>=mask_time_range[0] & ts['local_hour'][:]<=mask_time_range[1], True, False)
                    day_inds = np.where(np.repeat(day_or_night, phi_size).reshape(nt, phi_size).astype(np.int).sum(axis=1).astype(bool))[0]
                    vis[day_inds] = 0

                del ts # no longer need ts

                # redistribute vis to time axis
                vis = mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis, axis=2).redistribute(0).local_array

                allpairs = tel.allpairs
                redundancy = tel.redundancy
                nrd = len(redundancy)

                # reorder bls according to allpairs
                vis_tmp = np.zeros_like(vis)
                for ind, (a1, a2) in enumerate(allpairs):
                        b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a1], feeds[a2]))
                        vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind]
                    except ValueError:
                        b_ind = bls.index((feeds[a2], feeds[a1]))
                        vis_tmp[:, :, ind] = vis[:, :, b_ind].conj()

                del vis

                # average over redundancy
                vis_stream = np.zeros(vis_tmp.shape[:-1]+(nrd,), dtype=vis_tmp.dtype)
                red_bin = np.cumsum(np.insert(redundancy, 0, 0)) # redundancy bin
                # average over redundancy
                for ind in xrange(nrd):
                    vis_stream[:, :, ind] = np.sum(vis_tmp[:, :, red_bin[ind]:red_bin[ind+1]], axis=2) / redundancy[ind]

                del vis_tmp

        # beamtransfer
        bt = beamtransfer.BeamTransfer(beam_dir, tel, noise_weight, True)
        if not use_existed_beam:
        if tel is None:
            tel = bt.telescope

        if simulate:
            ndays = 733
            tstream = timestream.simulate(bt, ts_dir, ts_name, input_maps, ndays, add_noise=add_noise)
            # timestream and map-making
            tstream = timestream.Timestream(ts_dir, ts_name, bt, no_m_zero)
            parent_path = os.path.dirname(tstream._fdir(0))

            if os.path.exists(parent_path + '/COMPLETED'):
                if mpiutil.rank0:
                    print 'Use existed timestream_f files in %s' % parent_path
                for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(nfreq):
                    # Make directory if required
                    if not os.path.exists(tstream._fdir(fi)):

                # create memh5 object and write data to temporary file
                vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
                vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=mpiarray.MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=0))
                tmp_file = parent_path +'/vis_stream_temp.hdf5'
                vis_h5.to_hdf5(tmp_file, hints=False)
                del vis_h5

                # re-organize data as need for tstream
                # make load even among nodes
                for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(nfreq, method='rand'):
                    # read the needed data from the temporary file
                    with h5py.File(tmp_file, 'r') as f:
                        vis_fi = f['/timestream'][:, fi, :]
                    # Write file contents
                    with h5py.File(tstream._ffile(fi), 'w') as f:
                        # Timestream data
                        # allocate space for vis_stream
                        shp = (nrd, phi_size)
                        f.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_fi.T)
                        f.create_dataset('/phi', data=phi)

                        # Telescope layout data
                        f.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
                        f.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
                        f.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
                        f.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
                        f.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

                        # Telescope frequencies
                        f.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=freqs)

                        # Write metadata
                        f.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
                        f.attrs['ntime'] = phi_size


                # remove temp file
                if mpiutil.rank0:
                    # mark all frequencies tstream files are saved correctly
                    open(parent_path + '/COMPLETED', 'a').close()

        nside = hputil.nside_for_lmax(tel.lmax, accuracy_boost=tel.accuracy_boost)
        if dirty_map:
            tstream.mapmake_full(nside, 'map_full_dirty.hdf5', nbin, dirty=True, method=method, normalize=normalize, threshold=threshold)
            tstream.mapmake_full(nside, 'map_full.hdf5', nbin, dirty=False, method=method, normalize=normalize, threshold=threshold, eps=eps, correct_order=correct_order, prior_map_file=prior_map)

        # ts.add_history(self.history)

        return tstream
Exemple #16
    g_abs = np.random.standard_normal(m.telescope.nfeed) * sigma_abs

    g = (1.0 + g_abs) * np.exp(1.0j * g_phase)

    gmat = np.outer(g, g.conj())

    wmask = np.where(np.logical_and(t.feedmask, np.logical_not(t.feedconj)))

    bf0 = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask])
    bf1r = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask], weights=gmat[wmask].real)
    bf1i = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask], weights=gmat[wmask].imag)

    ug = (bf1r + 1.0j * bf1i) / bf0

    return ug

# Distribute over frequencies to apply gain fluctuations.
for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(t.nfreq):

    tsf = h5py.File(ts._ffile(fi))

    # Generate gain fluctuations for this frequency
    gain_fluc = mk_gain_fluctuation(sigma_g_abs, sigma_g_phase)

    # Apply to each visibility
    for ti in range(ts.ntime):
        tsf["timestream"][:, ti] *= gain_fluc

Exemple #17
    def setup(self):

        self.refinement = self.params['refinement']
        self.scenario = self.params['scenario']

        map_pad = self.params['map_pad']

        if self.params['map_tmp'] is None:

            freq = self.params['freq'] * 1.e6
            freq_d = freq[1] - freq[0]
            freq_n = freq.shape[0]
            freq_c = freq[freq_n // 2]

            field_centre = self.params['field_centre']
            spacing = self.params['pixel_spacing']
            dec_spacing = spacing
            ra_spacing = -spacing / np.cos(field_centre[1] * np.pi / 180.)

            axis_names = ['freq', 'ra', 'dec']
            map_shp = [x + map_pad for x in self.params['map_shape']]
            map_tmp = np.zeros([
            ] + map_shp)
            map_tmp = al.make_vect(map_tmp, axis_names=axis_names)
            map_tmp.set_axis_info('freq', freq_c, freq_d)
            map_tmp.set_axis_info('ra', field_centre[0], ra_spacing)
            map_tmp.set_axis_info('dec', field_centre[1], dec_spacing)
            self.map_tmp = map_tmp


            pad_shp = ((0, 0), (map_pad, map_pad), (map_pad, map_pad))
            with h5py.File(self.params['map_tmp'], 'r') as f:
                _map_tmp = al.load_h5(f, self.params['map_tmp_key'])
                _axis_names = _map_tmp.info['axes']
                _info = _map_tmp.info
                _map_tmp = np.pad(_map_tmp, pad_shp, 'constant')
                _map_tmp = al.make_vect(_map_tmp, axis_names=_axis_names)
                _weight = al.load_h5(f, self.params['map_tmp_weight'])
                _weight = np.pad(_weight, pad_shp, 'constant')
                _weight = al.make_vect(_weight, axis_names=_axis_names)
            #self.map_tmp = al.zeros_like(_map_tmp)
            self.map_tmp = _map_tmp
            self.weight = _weight

        # here we use 300 h km/s from WiggleZ for streaming dispersion
        self.streaming_dispersion = 300. * 0.72
        self.map_pad = map_pad

        #self.beam_data = np.array([1., 1., 1.])
        #self.beam_freq = np.array([900, 1100, 1400]) #* 1.e6
        if self.params['beam_file'] is not None:
            _bd = np.loadtxt(self.params['beam_file'])
            self.beam_freq = _bd[:, 0] * 1.e6
            self.beam_data = _bd[:, 1]
            fwhm1400 = 0.9
            self.beam_freq = np.linspace(800., 1600., 500).astype('float')
            self.beam_data = 1.2 * fwhm1400 * 1400. / self.beam_freq
            self.beam_freq *= 1.e6

        seeds = random.random_integers(100000000, 1000000000, mpiutil.size)
        self.seed = seeds[mpiutil.rank]
        print "RANK: %02d with random seed [%d]" % (mpiutil.rank, self.seed)

        self.outfiles = self.params['outfiles']
        self.outfiles_split = self.params['outfiles_split']

        self.iter_list = mpiutil.mpirange(self.params['mock_n'])
        self.iter = 0
        self.iter_num = len(self.iter_list)
Exemple #18
    def process(self, input):

        task_list = self.task_list
        for task_ind in mpiutil.mpirange(len(task_list)):
            tind_l, tind_r, tind_o = task_list[task_ind]
            tind_l = tuple(tind_l)
            tind_r = tuple(tind_r)
            tind_o = tind_o
            print ("RANK %03d fgrm.\n(" + "%03d,"*len(tind_l) + ") x ("\
                    + "%03d,"*len(tind_r) + ")\n")%((mpiutil.rank, ) + tind_l + tind_r)

            tind_list = [tind_l, tind_r]
            maps = []
            weights = []
            freq_good = np.ones(self.dset_shp[0]).astype('bool')
            if len(self.params['freq_mask']) != 0:
                freq_good[self.params['freq_mask']] = False
            for i in range(2):
                tind = tind_list[i]

                map_key = self.params['map_key']  #'clean_map'
                input_map = al.load_h5(input[tind[0]], map_key)
                input_map = al.make_vect(input_map,
                                         axis_names=['freq', 'ra', 'dec'])

                weight_key = self.params['weight_key']  #'noise_diag'
                if weight_key is not None:
                    weight = al.load_h5(input[tind[0]], weight_key)
                    if weight_key is 'noise_diag':
                        weight_prior = self.params['weight_prior']
                        logger.info('using wp %e' % weight_prior)
                        weight = make_noise_factorizable(weight, weight_prior)
                    weight = np.ones_like(input_map)
                    weight[input_map == 0] = 0.

                weight = al.make_vect(weight, axis_names=['freq', 'ra', 'dec'])
                weight.info = input_map.info

                    freq_good *= ~(input[tind[0]]['mask'][:]).astype('bool')
                except KeyError:
                    logger.info('mask doesn\' exist')


            maps[0][~freq_good] = 0.
            maps[1][~freq_good] = 0.
            weights[0][~freq_good] = 0.
            weights[1][~freq_good] = 0.

            if self.params['conv_factor'] != 0:
                maps, weights = degrade_resolution(
                logger.info('common reso. conv. ignored')

            if self.params['add_map'] is not None:
                _maps = self.params['add_map']
                _map_A_path, _map_A_name = os.path.split(
                _map_B_path, _map_B_name = os.path.split(
                logger.info('add real map pair (%s %s)' %
                            (_map_A_name, _map_B_name))
                with h5.File(os.path.join(_map_A_path, _map_A_name + '.h5'),
                             'r') as f:
                    maps[0][:] += al.load_h5(f,
                                             'cleaned_00mode/%s' % _map_B_name)
                with h5.File(os.path.join(_map_B_path, _map_B_name + '.h5'),
                             'r') as f:
                    maps[1][:] += al.load_h5(f,
                                             'cleaned_00mode/%s' % _map_A_name)

            svd_info = self.svd_info
            if svd_info is None:
                freq_cov, counts = find_modes.freq_covariance(
                    maps[0], maps[1], weights[0], weights[1], freq_good,
                svd_info = find_modes.get_freq_svd_modes(
                    freq_cov, np.sum(freq_good))

            mode_list = self.mode_list

            mode_list_ed = copy.deepcopy(mode_list)
            mode_list_st = copy.deepcopy(mode_list)
            mode_list_st[1:] = mode_list_st[:-1]

            dset_key = tind_o[0] + '_sigvalu'
            self.df_out[tind_l[0]][dset_key] = svd_info[0]
            dset_key = tind_o[0] + '_sigvect'
            self.df_out[tind_l[0]][dset_key] = svd_info[1]
            self.df_out[tind_l[0]]['weight'][:] = weights[0]
            self.df_out[tind_l[0]]['mask'][:] = (~freq_good).astype('int')

            if tind_o[1] != tind_o[0]:
                dset_key = tind_o[1] + '_sigvalu'
                self.df_out[tind_r[0]][dset_key] = svd_info[0]
                dset_key = tind_o[1] + '_sigvect'
                self.df_out[tind_r[0]][dset_key] = svd_info[2]
                self.df_out[tind_r[0]]['weight'][:] = weights[1]
                self.df_out[tind_r[0]]['mask'][:] = (~freq_good).astype('int')

            for (n_modes_st, n_modes_ed) in zip(mode_list_st, mode_list_ed):
                svd_modes = svd_info[1][n_modes_st:n_modes_ed]
                group_name = 'cleaned_%02dmode/' % n_modes_ed
                maps[0], amp = find_modes.subtract_frequency_modes(
                    maps[0], svd_modes, weights[0], freq_good)
                dset_key = group_name + tind_o[0]
                self.df_out[tind_l[0]][dset_key][:] = copy.deepcopy(maps[0])

                if tind_o[0] != tind_o[1]:
                    svd_modes = svd_info[2][n_modes_st:n_modes_ed]
                    maps[1], amp = find_modes.subtract_frequency_modes(
                        maps[1], svd_modes, weights[1], freq_good)
                    dset_key = group_name + tind_o[1]
                    self.df_out[tind_r[0]][dset_key][:] = copy.deepcopy(

                # for the case of auto with different svd svd modes
                if 'Combined' in self.df_out[tind_r[0]][group_name].keys():
                    dset_key = group_name + 'Combined'
                    _map = maps[0].copy() * weights[0].copy()\
                         + maps[1].copy() * weights[1].copy()
                    _wet = weights[0].copy() + weights[1].copy()
                    _wet[_wet == 0] = np.inf
                    _map /= _wet
                    self.df_out[tind_r[0]][dset_key][:] = copy.deepcopy(_map)

        if self.params['output_combined'] is not None:

        for ii in range(self.input_files_num):
        print '-' * 35 + ' ' + tag + ' ' + '-' * 35

# mpilist
separator(sec, 'mpilist')
full_list = [1, 2.5, 'a', True, (3, 4), {'x': 1}]
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list)
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'con'" % (rank, local_list)
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list, method='alt')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'alt'" % (rank, local_list)
local_list = mpiutil.mpilist(full_list, method='rand')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'rand'" % (rank, local_list)

# mpirange
separator(sec, 'mpirange')
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7)
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'con'" % (rank, local_ary)
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7, method='alt')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'alt'" % (rank, local_ary)
local_ary = mpiutil.mpirange(1, 7, method='rand')
print "rank %d has %s with method = 'rand'" % (rank, local_ary)

# bcast
separator(sec, 'bcast')
if rank == 0:
    sendobj = 'obj'
    sendobj = None
sendobj = mpiutil.bcast(sendobj, root=0)
print 'rank %d has sendobj = %s after bcast' % (rank, sendobj)
Exemple #20
	g = (1.0 + g_abs) * np.exp(1.0J * g_phase)

	gmat = np.outer(g, g.conj())

	wmask = np.where(np.logical_and(t.feedmask, np.logical_not(t.feedconj)))

	bf0 = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask])
	bf1r = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask], weights=gmat[wmask].real)
	bf1i = np.bincount(t.feedmap[wmask], weights=gmat[wmask].imag)

	ug = (bf1r + 1.0J * bf1i) / bf0

	return ug

# Distribute over frequencies to apply gain fluctuations.
for fi in mpiutil.mpirange(t.nfreq):

	tsf = h5py.File(ts._ffile(fi))

	# Generate gain fluctuations for this frequency
	gain_fluc = mk_gain_fluctuation(sigma_g_abs, sigma_g_phase)

	# Apply to each visibility
	for ti in range(ts.ntime):
		tsf['timestream'][:, ti] *= gain_fluc

    def mpi(self):
        rank = mpiutil.rank
        size = mpiutil.size

        if rank == 0:
            g = free_free(v = self.v, nside = self.nside,index_type = self.index_type,dist = self.dist,emi_form = self.emi_form,I_E_form = self.I_E_form,R0_R1_equal = self.R0_R1_equal,using_raw_diffuse = self.using_raw_diffuse,only_fit_Anu = self.only_fit_Anu)
            delt_m, params = g.delta_m()
            delt_m = None
            params = None
        #local_delt_m = mpiutil.mpilist(delt_m, method = 'con',comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD)
        local_range = mpiutil.mpirange(0,hp.nside2npix(self.nside))

        delt_m = mpiutil.bcast(delt_m, root = 0)
        params = mpiutil.bcast(params, root = 0)
        result_absorb = []
        for pix_number in local_range:
            a = time.time()
            l, b = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, pix_number, nest = False, lonlat = True)
            if self.test == True:
                pix_value =self.integrate_by_hand(self._new, 0.1, dist, args=(l, b, delt_m[pix_number], params)) 

                pix_value =self.integrate_by_hand(self._new, 0.01, dist, args=(l, b, delt_m[pix_number], params)) 
                distance = self.critical_distance(l,b,delt_m[pix_number],params)
                l, b = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, pix_number, nest = False, lonlat = True)
            b = time.time()
            if self.test == True:

                result_absorb.append([pix_number, pix_value])
                result_absorb.append([pix_number, pix_value, distance])
        if self.test == True:

            result_absorb = mpiutil.gather_list(result_absorb, root = None)
            result_absorb = mpiutil.gather_list(result_absorb, root = None)
        if rank == 0:
            if self.test == True:
                with h5py.File('./' + str(self.emi_form)+str(self.v) + 'F2py_absorb.hdf5', 'w') as f:
                    f.create_dataset('F2py_absorb', data = result_absorb)
                with h5py.File('./' + 'exp'+str(self.v)+'Mhz_delt_m_and_unabsorb_and_delt_m_percentage.hdf5','r') as f:
                    #print f.keys()
                    unabsorb = f['integrated_temperature_total_m'][:]
                    diffuse_raw = f['diffuse_raw'][:]
                result_absorb = np.array(result_absorb)
                absorb = result_absorb[:,1]
                I_E = self.I_E(self.v)
                result = []
                print ('in the beginning')
                for pix_number in range(unabsorb.size):
                    print ('left number of pixel',unabsorb.size - pix_number) 
                    X = unabsorb[pix_number] - self.I_E(self.v)
                    l, b = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, pix_number, nest = False, lonlat = True)
                    tao = self.Fortran2Py_optical_deepth(l, b)
                    Y = absorb[pix_number] - I_E * np.exp(-tao[-1])
                    mean_exptao = Y / X
                    pix_value = diffuse_raw[pix_number] * mean_exptao + I_E*np.exp(-tao[-1])
                    #print 'pixel_number',pix_number
                with h5py.File('./' + str(self.emi_form)+str(self.v)+'MHz_global_spectrum_with_perterbation.hdf5','w') as h:
                    h.create_dataset('result',data = result)
                    #h.create_dataset('smooth_result',data = result_absorb)
                    print ('end, good job!, you are the best')

        return result
Exemple #22
    def process(self, input):
        def _indx_f(x, shp):
            if x >= np.prod(shp): return
            _i = [
                int(x / np.prod(shp[1:])),
            for i in range(1, len(shp)):
                x -= _i[i - 1] * np.prod(shp[i:])
                _i += [
                    int(x / np.prod(shp[i + 1:])),
            return tuple(_i)

        threshold = self.params['threshold']

        loop_n = np.prod(self.map_shp[:-2])

        block_length = self.params['block_length']
        block_olap = self.params['block_overlap']
        ra_length_tot = self.map_shp[-2]
        dec_length_tot = self.map_shp[-1]
        task_n = int(ra_length_tot / block_length) + 1
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            logger.debug('RA split into %4d task with block length %4d' %
                         (task_n, block_length))

        for task_ind in mpiutil.mpirange(task_n):

            ra_st = task_ind * block_length
            ra_ed = min((task_ind + 1) * block_length, ra_length_tot)

            ra_st_olap = max(ra_st - block_olap, 0)
            ra_ed_olap = min(ra_ed + block_olap, ra_length_tot)
            ra_length = ra_ed - ra_st
            ra_length_olap = ra_ed_olap - ra_st_olap
            olap_lower = ra_st - ra_st_olap

            logger.debug('RANK %03d: RA %4d - %4d' %
                         (mpiutil.rank, ra_st, ra_ed))
            logger.debug('RANK %03d: RA olap %4d - %4d' %
                         (mpiutil.rank, ra_st_olap, ra_ed_olap))

            radec_slice = (slice(ra_st, ra_ed), slice(None))
            radec_slice_olap = (slice(ra_st_olap, ra_ed_olap), slice(None))

            for loop_ind in xrange(loop_n):

                indx = _indx_f(loop_ind, self.map_shp[:-2])
                logger.debug('RANK %03d: Loop idx '%mpiutil.rank\
                        + '%3d'*len(indx)%indx)

                map_shp = (ra_length_olap, dec_length_tot)
                _dirty_map = np.zeros(map_shp)
                _cov_inv = np.zeros(map_shp * 2, dtype=float)
                for df in self.df_in:
                    _dirty_map += df['dirty_map'][indx + radec_slice_olap]
                    _cov_inv += df['cov_inv'][indx + radec_slice_olap * 2]

                clean_map, noise_diag = make_cleanmap(_dirty_map, _cov_inv,
                clean_map = clean_map[olap_lower:olap_lower + ra_length]
                noise_diag = noise_diag[olap_lower:olap_lower + ra_length]
                self.df_out[-1]['clean_map'][indx + radec_slice] = clean_map
                self.df_out[-1]['noise_diag'][indx + radec_slice] = noise_diag
