Exemple #1
    def game_start(self):
        order_player_ids = self.get_player_order()
        env = Env()
        k = 0
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            o_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(config.O_NET_MODEL_META_PATH)
            o_model_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.O_NET_MODEL_PATH)
            l_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(config.L_NET_MODEL_META_PATH)
            l_model_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.L_NET_MODEL_PATH)
            u_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(config.U_NET_MODEL_META_PATH)
            u_model_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.U_NET_MODEL_PATH)
            net_out = tf.get_collection('net_out')
            lcts = None
            last_action = None
            # 当前获有牌权的玩家ID
            curr_master_id = order_player_ids[k]
            while not self._game_is_over:
                curr_player_id = order_player_ids[k]
                curr_player_role = self._players[curr_player_id].player_role
                # 进行主动出牌
                if curr_player_id == curr_master_id:
                    lcts = None
                    last_action = None
                # 基于玩家角色选择不同的模型
                if curr_player_role == PlayerRoleEnum.LAND_OWNER:
                    o_saver.restore(sess, o_model_file)
                elif curr_player_role == PlayerRoleEnum.LOW_LAND_OWNER:
                    l_saver.restore(sess, l_model_file)
                    u_saver.restore(sess, u_model_file)
                # 当前玩家出牌
                action, put_card, primary_item = self.put_card_process(
                    sess, env, curr_player_id, net_out, lcts, last_action)
                if len(put_card) > 0:
                    put_card_temp = []
                    for x in put_card:
                        if x in CARD_MAP:

                    print('玩家[ID=%s]出牌 -> %s \n' %
                          (curr_player_id, put_card_temp))
                    curr_master_id = order_player_ids[k]
                    lcts = CardTypeStruct()
                    lcts.card_type = action
                    lcts.card_count = len(put_card)
                    lcts.primary_item = primary_item
                    last_action = action
                    print('玩家[ID=%s]要不起 \n' % (curr_player_id))
                # 轮到下一个玩家
                k = (k + 1) % 3
        print('Game over \n')
Exemple #2
 def game_start(self):
     order_player_ids = self.get_player_order()
     env = Env()
     k = 0
     with tf.Session() as sess:
         saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(config.MODEL_META_PATH)
         model_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.MODEL_PATH)
         saver.restore(sess, model_file)
         net_out = tf.get_collection('net_out')
         lcts = None
         last_action = None
         # 当前获有牌权的玩家ID
         curr_master_id = order_player_ids[k]
         t = 1
         while not self._game_is_over:
             curr_player_id = order_player_ids[k]
             # 进行主动出牌
             if curr_player_id == curr_master_id:
                 lcts = None
                 last_action = None
             # 当前玩家出牌
             action, put_card, primary_item = self.put_card_process(
                 sess, env, curr_player_id, net_out, lcts, last_action)
             if len(put_card) > 0:
                 print('玩家[ID=%s]出牌 -> %s' % (curr_player_id, put_card))
                 curr_master_id = order_player_ids[k]
                 lcts = CardTypeStruct()
                 lcts.card_type = action
                 lcts.card_count = len(put_card)
                 lcts.primary_item = primary_item
                 last_action = action
                 print('玩家[ID=%s]要不起' % (curr_player_id))
             # 轮到下一个玩家
             k = (k + 1) % 3
             t += 1
             #if t == 10:
             #    break
     print('Game over')
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, player_id):
     # 玩家ID
     self._player_id = player_id
     # 玩家角色
     self._player_role = PlayerRoleEnum.DEFAULT
     # 手牌结构
     self._hand_card_struct = None
     # 要打出去的牌型
     self._put_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
     # 要打出去的牌(无花色)
     self._put_card = list()
     # 要打出去的牌(有花色)
     self._put_color_card = list()
Exemple #4
    FOUR = "Four"
    BOMB = "Bomb"
    ROCKET = "Rocket"
    PASS = "******"

Definition of the value network (O-Net, L-Net, U-Net) action
k = 0
# solo - kicker(No) - chain(No) - cardTypeStruct - card
# quantity(15)
for card_item in ALL_UNIQUE_CARD:
    POLICY_ACTION_DICT[k] = (Primal.SOLO, False, False,
                             CardTypeStruct(ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_ONE, 1,
                                            card_item), [card_item])
    k += 1
# solo - kicker(No) - chain(Yes) - cardTypeStruct - card
# quantity(36)
# Remove '2', 'S', 'B'
all_card_tmp = ALL_UNIQUE_CARD[:-3]
for card_count in range(5, 13, 1):
    action_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_5_CONTINUE
    if card_count == 6:
        action_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_6_CONTINUE
    elif card_count == 7:
        action_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_7_CONTINUE
    elif card_count == 8:
        action_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_8_CONTINUE
    elif card_count == 9:
        action_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_9_CONTINUE
 def is_one_hand(hand_card_seq):
     hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
     assert len(
         hand_card_status) == 18, 'the size of hand card status must be 18.'
     cts = CardTypeStruct()
     card_count = sum(hand_card_status)
     cts.card_count = card_count
     find_one = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 1, enumerate(hand_card_status))))
     find_two = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 2, enumerate(hand_card_status))))
     find_three = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 3, enumerate(hand_card_status))))
     find_four = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 4, enumerate(hand_card_status))))
     find_one = [find_one] if isinstance(find_one, int) else find_one
     find_two = [find_two] if isinstance(find_two, int) else find_two
     find_three = [find_three] if isinstance(find_three,
                                             int) else find_three
     find_four = [find_four] if isinstance(find_four, int) else find_four
     # 单牌
     if card_count == 1:
         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_ONE.value
         cts.primary_item = hand_card_seq[0]
         return True, cts
     # 对子(包含连对)
     if card_count % 2 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_two) >= 1:
         if card_count == 2 and len(find_two) == 1:
             cts.primary_item = find_two[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_DOU.value
             return True, cts
         # 列表中只含对子且对子中不含2
         if len(find_two
                ) * 2 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_two:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_two):
                 cts.primary_item = find_two[-1]
                 size = len(find_two)
                 if size == 3:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_3_DOU.value
                 elif size == 4:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_4_DOU.value
                 elif size == 5:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_5_DOU.value
                 elif size == 6:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_6_DOU.value
                 elif size == 7:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_7_DOU.value
                 elif size == 8:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_8_DOU.value
                 elif size == 9:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_9_DOU.value
                 elif size == 10:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_10_DOU.value
                 return True, cts
     if card_count % 4 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         # 三带一单
         if len(find_three) == 1 and len(find_one) == 1:
             cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_THREE_ONE.value
             return True, cts
         elif len(find_three) * 3 + len(
         ) == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 size = len(find_three)
                 if size == 2:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_2_THREE_ONE.value
                 elif size == 3:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_3_THREE_ONE.value
                 elif size == 4:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_4_THREE_ONE.value
                 elif size == 5:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_5_THREE_ONE.value
                 return True, cts
     if card_count % 5 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         # 三带一对
         if len(find_two) == 1 and len(find_three) == 1:
             cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_THREE_DOU.value
             return True, cts
         elif len(find_three) * 3 + len(
         ) * 2 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 size = len(find_three)
                 if size == 2:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_2_THREE_DOU.value
                 elif size == 3:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_3_THREE_DOU.value
                 elif size == 4:
                     cts.card_type == ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_4_THREE_DOU.value
                 return True, cts
     # 连子
     if card_count >= 5:
         # 必须都是单牌
         if len(find_one) == card_count:
             arr = set(find_one)
             exclude_arr = {
                 CardEnum.TW.value, CardEnum.JA.value, CardEnum.QU.value
             # 连子中不能包含2和大小王
             if len(list(arr.intersection(exclude_arr))) == 0:
                 if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_one):
                     cts.primary_item = find_one[-1]
                     size = len(find_one)
                     if size == 5:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_5_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 6:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_6_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 7:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_7_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 8:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_8_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 9:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_9_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 10:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_10_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 11:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_11_CONTINUE.value
                     elif size == 12:
                         cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_12_CONTINUE.value
                     return True, cts
     # 四带两单
     if card_count == 6 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1 and len(find_one) == 2:
             cts.primary_item = find_four[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_FOUR_ONE.value
             return True, cts
     # 四带两对
     if card_count == 8 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1 and len(find_two) == 2:
             cts.primary_item = find_four[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_FOUR_DOU.value
             return True, cts
     # 三不带(连三不带)
     if card_count % 3 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         if len(find_three) == 1:
             cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_THREE.value
             return True, cts
         # 连三不带里面不能包含2
         elif len(
         ) * 3 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cts.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 size = len(find_three)
                 if size == 2:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_2_THREE.value
                 elif size == 3:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_3_THREE.value
                 elif size == 4:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_4_THREE.value
                 elif size == 5:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_5_THREE.value
                 elif size == 6:
                     cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_6_THREE.value
                 return True, cts
     # 炸弹(王炸)
     if card_count == 2:
         if len(find_one
                ) == 2 and find_one[0] == CardEnum.QU.value and find_one[
                    1] == CardEnum.JA.value:
             cts.primary_item = find_one[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_BOMB.value
             return True, cts
     # 炸弹(普通炸弹)
     if card_count == 4 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1:
             cts.primary_item = find_four[-1]
             cts.card_type = ActionTypeEnum.ACTION_PUT_BOMB.value
             return True, cts
     return False, None
 def judge_card_type(self, hand_card):
     assert len(hand_card) == 18, 'the size of hand card status must be 18.'
     cardTypeStruct = CardTypeStruct()
     card_count = sum(hand_card)
     cardTypeStruct.card_count = card_count
     find_one = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 1, enumerate(hand_card))))
     find_two = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 2, enumerate(hand_card))))
     find_three = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 3, enumerate(hand_card))))
     find_four = list(
         map(lambda x: x[0],
             filter(lambda x: x[1] == 4, enumerate(hand_card))))
     # 单牌
     if card_count == 1:
         assert len(find_one) == 1, 'hand card status error.'
         cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_ONE
         cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_one[0]
         # 分值[-7,7]
         cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
             find_one[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_ONE, card_count)
     # 对子(包含连对)
     if card_count % 2 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_two) >= 1:
         # 列表中只含对子且对子中不含2
         if len(find_two
                ) * 2 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_two:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_two):
                 cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_DOU
                 cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_two[-1]
                 # 分值[-7,7]
                 cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                     find_two[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_DOU, card_count)
     if card_count % 4 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         # 三带一单
         if len(find_three) == 1 and len(find_one) == 1:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_ONE
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[0]
             # 分值[-7,7]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_three[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_ONE, card_count)
         elif len(find_three) * 3 + len(
         ) == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_ONE
                 cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 # 分值[0.5,7.5]
                 cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                     find_three[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_ONE, card_count)
     if card_count % 5 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         # 三带一对
         if len(find_two) == 1 and len(find_three) == 1:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_DOU
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[0]
             # 分值 [-7,7]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_three[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_DOU, card_count)
         elif len(find_three) * 3 + len(
         ) * 2 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_DOU
                 cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 # 分值[0.5,7.5]
                 cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                     find_three[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_DOU, card_count)
     # 连子
     if card_count >= 5:
         # 必须都是单牌
         if len(find_one) == card_count:
             arr = set(find_one)
             exclude_arr = {
                 CardEnum.TW.value, CardEnum.JA.value, CardEnum.QU.value
             # 连子中不能包含2和大小王
             if len(list(arr.intersection(exclude_arr))) == 0:
                 if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_one):
                     cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_CONTINUE
                     cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_one[-1]
                     # 分值[-6,8]
                     cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                         find_one[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_CONTINUE, card_count)
     # 四带两单
     if card_count == 6 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1 and len(find_one) == 2:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_ONE
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_four[0]
             # 分值[0,7]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_four[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_ONE, card_count)
     # 四带两对
     if card_count == 8 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1 and len(find_two) == 2:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_DOU
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_four[0]
             # 分值[0,7]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_four[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_DOU, card_count)
     # 三不带(连三不带)
     if card_count % 3 == 0 and card_count > 0 and len(find_three) >= 1:
         if len(find_three) == 1:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[0]
             # 分值[-7,7]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_three[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE, card_count)
         # 连三不带里面不能包含2
         elif len(
         ) * 3 == card_count and CardEnum.TW.value not in find_three:
             if HandCardUtils.is_find(find_three):
                 cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE
                 cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_three[-1]
                 # 分值[0.5,7.5]
                 cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                     find_three[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE, card_count)
     # 炸弹(王炸)
     if card_count == 2:
         if len(find_one
                ) == 2 and find_one[0] == CardEnum.QU.value and find_one[
                    1] == CardEnum.JA.value:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_one[-1]
             # 分值 25
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_one[-1], CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB, card_count)
     # 炸弹(普通炸弹)
     if card_count == 4 and len(find_four) >= 1:
         if len(find_four) == 1:
             cardTypeStruct.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB
             cardTypeStruct.primary_item = find_four[0]
             # 分值[7,21]
             cardTypeStruct.card_score = HandCardUtils.value_map(
                 find_four[0], CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB, card_count)
     return cardTypeStruct
Exemple #7
def test_is_find_hand_card_type():
    # case 1:单牌测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_ONE
    cur_card_type.card_count = 1
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('单牌:', ans)
    # case 2: 对子测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 10]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_DOU
    cur_card_type.card_count = 2
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 4
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('对子', ans)
    # case 3: 三不带测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 9]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE
    cur_card_type.card_count = 3
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('三不带', ans)
    # case 4: 三带一测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 9]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_ONE
    cur_card_type.card_count = 4
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('三带一', ans)
    # case 5: 三带二测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_THREE_DOU
    cur_card_type.card_count = 5
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('三带二', ans)
    # case 6: 四带二单测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_ONE
    cur_card_type.card_count = 6
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('四带二单', ans)
    # case 7: 四带二对测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_FOUR_DOU
    cur_card_type.card_count = 8
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('四带二对', ans)
    # case 8: 连子测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_CONTINUE
    cur_card_type.card_count = 5
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('连子', ans)
    # case 9: 普通炸弹测试
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB
    cur_card_type.card_count = 4
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 8
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('普通炸弹', ans)
    # case 10: 王炸
    hand_card_seq = [7, 8, 9, 15, 15, 15, 15]
    hand_card_status = HandCardUtils.obtain_hand_card_status(hand_card_seq)
    cur_card_type = CardTypeStruct()
    cur_card_type.card_type = CardTypeEnum.CT_BOMB
    cur_card_type.card_count = 2
    cur_card_type.primary_item = 17
    ans = HandCardUtils.is_find_hand_card_type(hand_card_seq, hand_card_status,
    print('王炸', ans)
Exemple #8
 def clear_put_card_seq(self):
     self._put_card_type = CardTypeStruct()