Exemple #1
    def makeMove(self, node):
        """The makeMove method that overrides the agent base class's makeMove;
        simply asks the user to input a valid action.

        :node: The current state at which we're moving.
        :returns: A (numCards, whichCard) tuple representing the action.
        if self.idx in node.finished:
                'Congratulations, you\'re out of cards and were number {} '
                'to finish!'.format(node.finished.index(self.idx) + 1))
            return (0, -1)

        print 'Cards left for each player: {}'.format(node.numRemaining)
        print 'Your hand: {}'.format(
            map(lambda c: cards.cardRepr[c], cards.cardDictToList(self.hand)))
        if node.topCard:
            topN, topC = node.topCard
            topStr = '{} {}'.format(topN, cards.cardRepr[topC])
            topStr = 'Empty'
        print 'Top card: {}'.format(topStr)
        legalActions = self.getAllActions(node)
        print 'Valid actions: {}'.format(
            ['{} {}'.format(n, cards.cardRepr[c]) for n, c in legalActions])
        mnAgent = maxN.MaxNAgent(self.idx, self.hand)
        mnN, mnC = mnAgent.makeMove(node)
        print 'The Max^n agent recommends playing {} {}'.format(
            mnN, cards.cardRepr[mnC])
        action = None
        while action not in legalActions:
            actStr = raw_input(
                'Your move. Input as a space-separated tuple of numCards and '
                'whichCard representing the action (that is, '
                '"numCards whichCard" without the quotes). To pass, enter '
                '"0 P", "P", or "pass". So, what\'s your move? ')
            if actStr.lower() in ('pass', 'p', '0p'):
                action = (0, -1)
                    numStr, cardStr = actStr.split()
                    numCards = int(numStr)
                    encodedNum = cards.cardRepr.index(cardStr.upper())
                except Exception:
                # if number not valid, continue the loop again
                if encodedNum == -1:
                whichCard = int(encodedNum)
                action = (numCards, whichCard)
        return action
Exemple #2
    def newGame(self, ordering):
        deck = cards.allCards()
        hands = cards.dealHands(deck, 52/self.numPlayers)
        for i in xrange(self.numPlayers):
            self.agents[i].hand = hands[i]
        # swap cards
        if ordering:
            for i in xrange(2):
                high = ordering.index(i)
                low = ordering.index(self.numPlayers - i - 1)
                cards.swapCards(hands[high], hands[low], 2 - i)

        threes = collections.Counter()
        for p, hand in enumerate(hands):
            threes[p] += hand[0]
        whosTurn = np.random.choice(cards.cardDictToList(threes))
        playedCards = [cards.noCards() for i in xrange(self.numPlayers)]
        self.initialState = state.State(playedCards, whosTurn, None, None, [])
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, agents, hands=None, playedCards=None, whosTurn=None,
                 topCard=None, lastPlayed=None, finished=[]):
        """Initializes the game with the agents listed as the players.

        :agents: Either a list of agent objects or a list of agent
        constructors. If constructors, the dealing and ID assignment will be
        done here; if objects, we simply assign the list to self.agents.
        :hands: list of hand dicts; if supplied, will be used as the hands for
        the agents.
        :playedCards: list of played card dicts; if supplied, will be used for
        the playedCards for the initialState.
        :whosTurn: index of agent whose turn it is; if supplied, the game will
        start with this player.

        topCard, lastPlayed, and finished are all parameters passed on to the
        initial state; for more information, see state.State's __init__.
        self.numPlayers = len(agents)
        if hands is None:
            deck = cards.allCards()
            hands = cards.dealHands(deck, 52/self.numPlayers)

        # if agents is a list of agent objects, set that to self.agents
        if all(isinstance(a, agent.Agent) for a in agents):
            self.agents = agents
        # otherwise, construct the agents from the list of agent constructors
            self.agents = [agentConstructor(i, hand)
                      for i, (agentConstructor,hand) in
                      enumerate(zip(agents, hands))]

        if whosTurn is None:
            # randomly choose a player with a 3 to start
            # (proportional to how many 3's they have)
            threes = collections.Counter()
            for p, hand in enumerate(hands):
                threes[p] += hand[0]
            whosTurn = np.random.choice(cards.cardDictToList(threes))

        if playedCards is None:
            playedCards = [cards.noCards() for i in xrange(self.numPlayers)]

        self.initialState = state.State(playedCards, whosTurn, topCard,
                                        lastPlayed, finished)
Exemple #4
import copy

import cards, game
import humanAgent, maxN, dummyAgent

gm = game.Game([humanAgent.HumanAgent] + [maxN.MaxNAgent for i in xrange(3)])
origHands = [copy.deepcopy(agent.hand) for agent in gm.agents]
print 'Your hand:', map(lambda c: cards.cardRepr[c],
print gm.playGame(verbose=True)
print 'Original hands and strengths:'
for hand in origHands:
    print sum(k * v for k, v in hand.items()),
    print hand
import copy

import cards, game
import humanAgent, maxN, dummyAgent

gm = game.Game([humanAgent.HumanAgent] + [maxN.MaxNAgent for i in xrange(3)])
origHands = [copy.deepcopy(agent.hand) for agent in gm.agents]
print 'Your hand:', map(lambda c: cards.cardRepr[c],
print gm.playGame(verbose=True)
print 'Original hands and strengths:'
for hand in origHands:
    print sum(k*v for k, v in hand.items()),
    print hand