def do_RRLyrae(): dtype = np.dtype([("mjd", np.float), ("filt", np.str, 1), ("mag", np.float), ("dmag", np.float)]) data = np.loadtxt(data_dir + 'RRLyrae.txt', comments="#", dtype=dtype) # do g-band light curve gIdx = np.where(data["filt"] == "g")[0] jdate = data['mjd'][gIdx] gmag = data['mag'][gIdx] gerr = data['dmag'][gIdx] load_pickle = True if load_pickle: time = jdate - jdate.min() ysig = gerr carma_sample = cPickle.load(open(data_dir + 'RRLyrae.pickle', 'rb')) froot = base_dir + 'plots/' + 'RRLyrae_' ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] noise_level = 2.0 * np.median(dt) * np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.annotate("C", (1.0 / 0.5, 1e3)) ax.annotate("B", (1.0 / 1.3, 2.0)) ax.annotate("A", (1.0 / 2.49, 1.0)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [1 / day]') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [mag$^2$ day]') plt.title("RR Lyrae, g-band") plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' fig = carma_sample.assess_fit(doShow=False) ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax_again.set_title("RR Lyrae, g-band") ylims = ax_again.get_ylim() ax_again.set_ylim(ylims[1], ylims[0]) ax_again.set_ylabel('magnitude') ax_again.set_xlabel('Time [days]') ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) ax_again.set_xlabel('Time [days]') ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) ax_again.set_xlabel('Lag') ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) ax_again.set_xlabel('Lag') plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') else: carma_sample = make_sampler_plots(jdate - jdate.min(), gmag, gerr, 7, 'RRLyrae_', 'RR Lyrae, g-band', do_mags=True, njobs=1) pfile = open(data_dir + 'RRLyrae.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close()
def do_AGN_Xray(): sname = 'MCG-6-30-15, X-ray' data = np.genfromtxt(data_dir + 'mcg-6-30-15_rxte_xmm.txt') jdate = data[:, 0] flux = data[:, 1] * np.log(10.0) # convert to natural logarithm ferr = data[:, 2] * np.log(10.0) jdate = jdate - jdate.min() time = jdate * 86.4e3 # convert to seconds dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] rxte = np.where(dt > 50.0)[0] dt_rxte = np.median(dt[rxte]) xmm = np.where(dt < 50.0)[0] dt_xmm = 48.0 carma_sample = make_sampler_plots(time[rxte], flux[rxte], ferr[rxte] / 1e6, 7, 'mcg63015_rxte_', sname, njobs=4) measerr_scale = carma_sample.get_samples('measerr_scale') print "95% credibility interval on Kepler measurement error scale parameter:", np.percentile(measerr_scale, 2.5), \ np.percentile(measerr_scale, 97.5) pfile = open(data_dir + 'mcg63015.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) noise_level_rxte = 2.0 * dt_rxte * np.mean(ferr[rxte] ** 2) noise_level_xmm = 2.0 * dt_xmm * np.mean(ferr[xmm] ** 2) rxte_frange = np.array([1.0 / time[rxte].max(), 1.0 / dt_rxte]) xmm_frange = np.array([1.0 / (time[xmm].max() - time[xmm].min()), 1.0 / dt_xmm]) ax.loglog(rxte_frange, np.ones(2) * noise_level_rxte, color='grey', lw=2) ax.loglog(xmm_frange, np.ones(2) * noise_level_xmm, color='grey', lw=2) noise_level = np.min([noise_level_rxte, noise_level_xmm]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level, RXTE", (2.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level_rxte / 2.5)) ax.annotate("Noise Level, XMM", (xmm_frange[0], noise_level_xmm / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [fraction$^2$ / Hz]') plt.title(sname) plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/mcg63015_psd.eps')
def power_spectrum(self, fs, p): p = self.to_params(p) ar_roots = self.ar_roots(p) ma_roots = self.ma_roots(p) ar_coefs = np.real(np.poly(ar_roots)) ma_coefs = np.real(np.poly(ma_roots)) ma_coefs /= ma_coefs[-1] ma_coefs = ma_coefs[::-1] s = par.bounded_values(p['logit_sigma'], low=self.sigma_min, high=self.sigma_max) sigma = s / np.sqrt(cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs)) return cm.power_spectrum(fs, sigma, ar_coefs, ma_coefs)
def do_OGLE_LPV(): sname = 'LPV, RGB, i-band' data = np.genfromtxt(data_dir + 'OGLE-LMC-LPV-00007.dat') jdate = data[:, 0] imag = data[:, 1] ierr = data[:, 2] load_pickle = False if load_pickle: time = jdate ysig = ierr carma_sample = cPickle.load(open(data_dir + 'ogle_lpv_rgb.pickle', 'rb')) froot = base_dir + 'plots/' + 'ogle_lpv_rgb_' ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] noise_level = 2.0 * np.median(dt) * np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.annotate("A", (1.0 / 25.0, 2.5e-3)) ax.annotate("B", (1.0 / 16.0, 2.5e-3)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [1 / day]') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [mag$^2$ day]') plt.title(sname) plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') else: carma_sample = make_sampler_plots(jdate - jdate.min(), imag, ierr, 7, 'ogle_lpv_rgb_', sname, do_mags=True, njobs=1) pfile = open(data_dir + 'ogle_lpv_rgb.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close()
def do_simulated_regular(): # first generate some data assuming a CAR(5) process on a uniform grid sigmay = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial qpo_width = np.array([1.0 / 100.0, 1.0 / 100.0, 1.0 / 500.0]) qpo_cent = np.array([1.0 / 5.0, 1.0 / 50.0]) ar_roots = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width, qpo_cent) ma_coefs = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs[2] = 1.25 sigsqr = sigmay**2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ny = 1028 time = np.arange(0.0, ny) y0 = cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ysig = np.ones(ny) * np.sqrt(1e-3 / 2.0) y = y0 + ysig * np.random.standard_normal(ny) data = (time, y, ysig) froot = base_dir + 'car5_regular_' plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(time, y0, 'k-') plt.plot(time, y, '.') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count() - 1) args = [] maxp = 8 for p in xrange(1, maxp + 1): for q in xrange(p): args.append(((p, q), data)) print "Running the CARMA MCMC samplers..." carma_run =, args) dic = [] pmodels = [] qmodels = [] for crun in carma_run: dic.append(crun.DIC()) pmodels.append(crun.p) qmodels.append(crun.q) pmodels = np.array(pmodels) qmodels = np.array(qmodels) dic = np.array(dic) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max() + 1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], dic[qmodels == i], label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('DIC') print "DIC", dic plt.savefig(froot + 'dic.eps') carma = carma_run[np.argmin(dic)] print "order of best model is", carma.p plt.subplot(111) pgram, freq = plt.psd(y) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma.plot_power_spectrum( percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue') ax.loglog(freq / 2.0, pgram, 'o', color='DarkOrange') psd = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd, 'k', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mid, '--b', lw=2) noise_level = np.mean(ysig**2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps')
def do_simulated_irregular(): # first generate some data assuming a CAR(5) process on a uniform grid sigmay = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial mu = 17.0 # mean of time series qpo_width = np.array([1.0 / 100.0, 1.0 / 300.0, 1.0 / 200.0]) qpo_cent = np.array([1.0 / 5.0, 1.0 / 25.0]) ar_roots = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width, qpo_cent) ma_coefs = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs[2] = 1.25 sigsqr = sigmay**2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ny = 270 time = np.empty(ny) dt = np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0, ny) time[0:90] = np.cumsum(dt[0:90]) time[90:2 * 90] = 180 + time[90 - 1] + np.cumsum(dt[90:2 * 90]) time[2 * 90:] = 180 + time[2 * 90 - 1] + np.cumsum(dt[2 * 90:]) y = mu + cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ysig = np.ones(ny) * y.std() / 5.0 ysig = np.ones(ny) * 1e-6 y0 = y.copy() y += ysig * np.random.standard_normal(ny) data = (time, y, ysig) # car5_model = cm.CarmaMCMC(time, y, ysig, 5, 5000, doZcarma=True, nburnin=1000) # zcar = car5_model.RunMCMC() froot = base_dir + 'car5_irregular_' plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(3): plt.plot(time[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], y0[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], y[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], 'bo') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count() - 1) args = [] maxp = 9 for p in xrange(1, maxp + 1): for q in xrange(p): args.append((p, q, data)) print "Running the CARMA MCMC samplers..." carma_run =, args) dic = [] pmodels = [] qmodels = [] for crun in carma_run: dic.append(crun.DIC()) pmodels.append(crun.p) qmodels.append(crun.q) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max() + 1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], dic[qmodels == i], label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('DIC') print "DIC", dic plt.savefig(froot + 'dic.eps') carma = carma_run[np.argmin(dic)] print "order of best model is", carma.p plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma.plot_power_spectrum( percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue') psd = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mid, '--b', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd, 'k', lw=2) noise_level = np.mean(ysig**2) * dt.min() ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') # compute the marginal mean and variance of the predicted values nplot = 1028 time_predict = np.linspace(time.min(), 1.25 * time.max(), nplot) time_predict = time_predict[1:] predicted_mean, predicted_var = carma.predict_lightcurve(time_predict, bestfit='map') predicted_low = predicted_mean - np.sqrt(predicted_var) predicted_high = predicted_mean + np.sqrt(predicted_var) # plot the time series and the marginal 1-sigma error bands plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) plt.fill_between(time_predict, predicted_low, predicted_high, color='cyan') plt.plot(time_predict, predicted_mean, '-b', label='Predicted') plt.plot(time[0:90], y0[0:90], 'k', lw=2, label='True') plt.plot(time[0:90], y[0:90], 'bo') for i in xrange(1, 3): plt.plot(time[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], y0[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], y[90 * i:90 * (i + 1)], 'bo') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.xlim(time_predict.min(), time_predict.max()) plt.legend() plt.savefig(froot + 'interp.eps')
def do_XRB(): sname = 'XTE 1550-564' data_file = data_dir + 'LC_B_3.35-12.99keV_1div128s_total.fits' data =[1].data tsecs = data['TIME'] flux = data['RATE'] dt = tsecs[1:] - tsecs[:-1] gap = np.where(dt > 1)[0] tsecs = tsecs[gap[0]+1:gap[1]][:40000] flux = flux[gap[0]+1:gap[1]][:40000] tsecs0 = tsecs.copy() flux0 = flux.copy() ndown_sample = 4000 idx = np.random.permutation(len(flux0))[:ndown_sample] idx.sort() tsecs = tsecs[idx] logflux = np.log(flux[idx]) ferr = np.sqrt(flux[idx]) logf_err = ferr / flux[idx] # # high-frequency sampling lightcurve # high_cutoff = 10000 # tsecs_high = tsecs[:high_cutoff] # logflux_high = np.log(flux[:high_cutoff]) # ferr_high = np.sqrt(flux[:high_cutoff]) # logferr_high = ferr_high / flux[:high_cutoff] # # ndown_sample_high = 1000 # idx_high = np.random.permutation(len(logflux_high))[:ndown_sample_high] # idx_high.sort() # # # middle-frequency sampling lightcurve # tsecs_mid = tsecs[high_cutoff:] # logflux_mid = np.log(flux[high_cutoff:]) # ferr_mid = np.sqrt(flux[high_cutoff:]) # logf_err_mid = ferr_mid / flux[high_cutoff:] # # logf_err = np.sqrt(0.00018002985939372774 / 2.0 / np.median(dt)) # eyeballed from periodogram # # logf_err = np.ones(len(tsecs)) * logf_err # # ndown_sample_mid = 4000 - ndown_sample_high # idx_mid = np.random.permutation(len(logflux_mid))[:ndown_sample_mid] # idx_mid.sort() # # tsecs = np.concatenate((tsecs_high[idx_high], tsecs_mid[idx_mid])) # logflux = np.concatenate((logflux_high[idx_high], logflux_mid[idx_mid])) # logf_err = np.concatenate((logferr_high[idx_high], logf_err_mid[idx_mid])) # idx = np.concatenate((idx_high, idx_mid)) plt.plot(tsecs0, np.log(flux0)) plt.errorbar(tsecs, logflux, yerr=logf_err) print 'Measurement errors are', np.mean(logf_err) / np.std(logflux) * 100, ' % of observed standard deviation.' print 'Mean time spacing:', np.mean(tsecs[1:] - tsecs[:-1]) # print 'Mean time spacing for high-frequency sampling:', np.mean(tsecs_high[idx_high[1:]]-tsecs_high[idx_high[:-1]]) # print 'Mean time spacing for low-frequency sampling:', np.mean(tsecs_mid[idx_mid[1:]]-tsecs_mid[idx_mid[:-1]]) plt.clf() plt.plot(tsecs, logflux) plt.hist(logflux, bins=100, normed=True) plt.xlabel('log Flux') print 'Standard deviation in lightcurve:', np.std(logflux) print 'Typical measurement error:', np.mean(logf_err) plt.clf() assert np.all(np.isfinite(tsecs)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(logflux)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(logf_err)) dt_idx = tsecs[1:] - tsecs[:-1] assert np.all(dt_idx > 0) load_pickle = True if load_pickle: carma_sample = cPickle.load(open(data_dir + 'xte1550_p5q4.pickle', 'rb')) else: carma_sample = make_sampler_plots(tsecs, logflux, logf_err, 7, 'xte1550_', sname, njobs=7) plt.subplot(111) pgram, freq = plt.psd(np.log(flux0), 512, 2.0 / np.median(dt), detrend=detrend_mean) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(freq / 2, pgram, 'o', color='DarkOrange') nyquist_freq = np.mean(0.5 / dt_idx) nyquist_idx = np.where(frequencies <= nyquist_freq)[0] ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) # noise_level = 2.0 * np.mean(dt_idx) * np.mean(logf_err ** 2) noise_level0 = 0.00018002985939372774 / 2.0 # scale the noise level seen in the PSD noise_level = noise_level0 * (0.5 / np.median(dt)) / nyquist_freq ax.loglog(frequencies[nyquist_idx], np.ones(len(nyquist_idx)) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) # ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(len(frequencies)) * noise_level0) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level0 / 10.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 1.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [fraction$^2$ Hz$^{-1}$]') plt.title(sname) plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/xte1550_psd.eps') # plot the standardized residuals and compare with the standard normal plt.clf() kfilter, mu = carma_sample.makeKalmanFilter('map') kfilter.Filter() kmean = np.asarray(kfilter.GetMean()) kvar = np.asarray(kfilter.GetVar()) standardized_residuals = (carma_sample.y - mu - kmean) / np.sqrt(kvar) plt.hist(standardized_residuals, bins=100, normed=True, color='SkyBlue', histtype='stepfilled') plt.xlabel('Standardized Residuals') plt.ylabel('Probability Distribution') xlim = plt.xlim() xvalues = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], num=100) expected_pdf = np.exp(-0.5 * xvalues ** 2) / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) plt.plot(xvalues, expected_pdf, 'k', lw=3) plt.title(sname) plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/xte1550_resid_dist.eps') # plot the autocorrelation function of the residuals and compare with the 95% confidence intervals for white # noise plt.clf() maxlag = 50 wnoise_upper = 1.96 / np.sqrt(carma_sample.time.size) wnoise_lower = -1.96 / np.sqrt(carma_sample.time.size) plt.fill_between([0, maxlag], wnoise_upper, wnoise_lower, facecolor='grey') lags, acf, not_needed1, not_needed2 = plt.acorr(standardized_residuals, maxlags=maxlag, lw=3) plt.xlim(0, maxlag) plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.2) plt.xlabel('Time Lag') plt.ylabel('ACF of Residuals') plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/xte1550_resid_acf.eps') # plot the autocorrelation function of the squared residuals and compare with the 95% confidence intervals for # white noise plt.clf() squared_residuals = standardized_residuals ** 2 wnoise_upper = 1.96 / np.sqrt(carma_sample.time.size) wnoise_lower = -1.96 / np.sqrt(carma_sample.time.size) plt.fill_between([0, maxlag], wnoise_upper, wnoise_lower, facecolor='grey') lags, acf, not_needed1, not_needed2 = plt.acorr(squared_residuals - squared_residuals.mean(), maxlags=maxlag, lw=3) plt.xlim(0, maxlag) plt.ylim(-0.2, 0.2) plt.xlabel('Time Lag') plt.ylabel('ACF of Sqrd. Resid.') plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/xte1550_sqrres_acf.eps') if not load_pickle: pfile = open(data_dir + 'xte1550_nonoise.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close()
def do_AGN_Kepler(): sname = 'Zw 229-15' data = + 'kepler_zw229_Q7.fits')[1].data jdate = data['time'] flux = np.array(data['SAP_FLUX'], dtype=float) ferr = np.array(data['SAP_FLUX_ERR'], dtype=float) keep = np.where(np.logical_and(np.isfinite(jdate), np.isfinite(flux)))[0] jdate = jdate[keep] jdate -= jdate.min() flux = flux[keep] ferr = ferr[keep] df = flux[1:] - flux[0:-1] # remove outliers keep = np.where(np.abs(df) < 56.0) jdate = jdate[keep] flux = flux[keep] ferr = ferr[keep] load_pickle = True if load_pickle: carma_sample = cPickle.load(open(data_dir + 'zw229.pickle', 'rb')) # rerun MLE # carma_model = cm.CarmaModel(jdate, flux, ferr, p=carma_sample.p, q=carma_sample.q) # mle = carma_model.get_map(carma_sample.p, carma_sample.q) # carma_sample.add_map(mle) else: carma_sample = make_sampler_plots(jdate, flux, ferr, 7, 'zw229_', sname, njobs=1) # transform the flux through end matching tflux = flux - flux[0] slope = (tflux[-1] - tflux[0]) / (jdate[-1] - jdate[0]) tflux -= slope * jdate plt.subplot(111) dt = jdate[1] - jdate[0] pgram, freq = plt.psd(tflux, 512, 2.0 / dt, detrend=detrend_mean) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(freq / 2.0, pgram, 'o', color='DarkOrange') psd_slope = 3.14 above_noise = np.where(freq / 2.0 < 1.0)[0] psd_norm = np.mean(np.log(pgram[above_noise[1:]]) + 3.14 * np.log(freq[above_noise[1:]] / 2.0)) psd_plaw = np.exp(psd_norm) / (freq[1:] / 2.0) ** psd_slope ax.loglog(freq[1:] / 2.0, psd_plaw, '-', lw=2, color='DarkOrange') ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mid, '--b', lw=2) noise_level = 2.0 * dt * np.mean(ferr ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [1 / day]') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [flux$^2$ day]') plt.title(sname) plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/zw229_psd.eps') plt.clf() carma_sample.plot_1dpdf('measerr_scale') plt.savefig(base_dir + 'plots/zw229_measerr_scale.eps') measerr_scale = carma_sample.get_samples('measerr_scale') print "95% credibility interval on Kepler measurement error scale parameter:", np.percentile(measerr_scale, 2.5), \ np.percentile(measerr_scale, 97.5) pfile = open(data_dir + 'zw229.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close()
def do_simulated_irregular_nonstationary(): # generate first half of lightcurve assuming a CARMA(5,3) process on a uniform grid sigmay1 = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial qpo_width1 = np.array([1.0/100.0, 1.0/300.0, 1.0/200.0]) qpo_cent1 = np.array([1.0/5.0, 1.0/25.0]) ar_roots1 = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width1, qpo_cent1) ma_coefs1 = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs1[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs1[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs1[2] = 1.25 sigsqr1 = sigmay1 ** 2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots1, ma_coefs=ma_coefs1) ny = 270 time = np.zeros(ny) dt = np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0, ny) time[0:90] = np.cumsum(dt[0:90]) time[90:2*90] = 180 + time[90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[90:2*90]) time[2*90:] = 180 + time[2*90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[2*90:]) y = cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr1, ar_roots1, ma_coefs=ma_coefs1) # first generate some data assuming a CARMA(5,3) process on a uniform grid sigmay2 = 4.5 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial qpo_width2 = np.array([1.0/100.0, 1.0/100.0, 1.0/500.0]) qpo_cent2 = np.array([1.0/5.0, 1.0/50.0]) ar_roots2 = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width2, qpo_cent2) ma_coefs2 = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs2[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs2[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs2[2] = 1.25 sigsqr2 = sigmay2 ** 2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots2, ma_coefs=ma_coefs2) ny = 270 time2 = np.zeros(ny) dt = np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0, ny) time2[0:90] = np.cumsum(dt[0:90]) time2[90:2*90] = 180 + time2[90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[90:2*90]) time2[2*90:] = 180 + time2[2*90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[2*90:]) time = np.append(time, time.max() + 180 + time2) y2 = cm.carma_process(time2, sigsqr2, ar_roots2, ma_coefs=ma_coefs2) y = np.append(y, y2) ysig = np.ones(len(y)) * y.std() / 8.0 # ysig = np.ones(ny) * 1e-6 y0 = y.copy() y += ysig * np.random.standard_normal(len(y)) froot = base_dir + 'plots/car5_nonstationary_' plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(6): plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y0[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'bo') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Non-Stationary Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef1 = np.poly(ar_roots1) ar_coef2 = np.poly(ar_roots2) print 'Getting maximum-likelihood estimates...' carma_model = cm.CarmaModel(time, y, ysig) pmax = 7 MAP, pqlist, AIC_list = carma_model.choose_order(pmax, njobs=1) # convert lists to a numpy arrays, easier to manipulate pqarray = np.array(pqlist) pmodels = pqarray[:, 0] qmodels = pqarray[:, 1] AICc = np.array(AIC_list) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max()+1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], AICc[qmodels == i], 's-', label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('AICc(p,q)') plt.xlim(0, pmodels.max() + 1) plt.savefig(froot + 'aic.eps') plt.close() nsamples = 50000 carma_sample = carma_model.run_mcmc(nsamples) carma_sample.add_mle(MAP) cPickle.dump(carma_sample, open(data_dir + 'nonstationary.pickle', 'wb')) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) psd1 = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr1), ar_coef1, ma_coefs=ma_coefs1) psd2 = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr2), ar_coef2, ma_coefs=ma_coefs2) # ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd1, 'k', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd2, '--k', lw=2) dt = np.median(time[1:] - time[0:-1]) noise_level = 2.0 * dt * np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma_sample.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') # compute the marginal mean and variance of the predicted values nplot = 1028 time_predict = np.linspace(time.min(), 1.25 * time.max(), nplot) time_predict = time_predict[1:] predicted_mean, predicted_var = carma_sample.predict(time_predict, bestfit='map') predicted_low = predicted_mean - np.sqrt(predicted_var) predicted_high = predicted_mean + np.sqrt(predicted_var) # plot the time series and the marginal 1-sigma error bands plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) plt.fill_between(time_predict, predicted_low, predicted_high, color='cyan') plt.plot(time_predict, predicted_mean, '-b', label='Predicted') plt.plot(time[0:90], y0[0:90], 'k', lw=2, label='True') plt.plot(time[0:90], y[0:90], 'bo') for i in xrange(1, 3): plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y0[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'bo') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CARMA(5,3) Process') plt.xlim(time_predict.min(), time_predict.max()) plt.legend() plt.savefig(froot + 'interp.eps')
def make_sampler_plots(time, y, ysig, pmax, file_root, title, do_mags=False, njobs=-1): froot = base_dir + 'plots/' + file_root # clean data dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] if np.sum(dt <= 0) > 0: time = time[dt > 0] y = y[dt > 0] ysig = ysig[dt > 0] good = np.where(np.isfinite(time))[0] time = time[good] y = y[good] ysig = ysig[good] good = np.where(np.isfinite(y))[0] time = time[good] y = y[good] ysig = ysig[good] good = np.where(np.isfinite(ysig))[0] time = time[good] y = y[good] ysig = ysig[good] print 'Getting maximum-likelihood estimates...' carma_model = cm.CarmaModel(time, y, ysig) MAP, pqlist, AIC_list = carma_model.choose_order(pmax, njobs=njobs) # convert lists to a numpy arrays, easier to manipulate pqarray = np.array(pqlist) pmodels = pqarray[:, 0] qmodels = pqarray[:, 1] AICc = np.array(AIC_list) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max()+1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], AICc[qmodels == i], 's-', label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('AICc(p,q)') plt.xlim(0, pmodels.max() + 1) plt.title(title) plt.savefig(froot + 'aic.eps') plt.close() # make sure to change these back!!!! # carma_model.p = 7 # carma_model.q = 3 nsamples = 50000 carma_sample = carma_model.run_mcmc(nsamples) carma_sample.add_mle(MAP) ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] noise_level = 2.0 * np.median(dt) * np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) do_s82 = True if do_s82: ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0e-2, 1e-2)) else: ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [1 / day]') if do_mags: ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [mag$^2$ day]') else: ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [flux$^2$ day]') plt.title(title) plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' fig = carma_sample.assess_fit(doShow=False) ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax_again.set_title(title) if do_mags: ylims = ax_again.get_ylim() ax_again.set_ylim(ylims[1], ylims[0]) ax_again.set_ylabel('magnitude') else: ax_again.set_ylabel('ln Flux') plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') return carma_sample
def do_simulated_regular(): # first generate some data assuming a CARMA(5,3) process on a uniform grid sigmay = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial qpo_width = np.array([1.0/100.0, 1.0/100.0, 1.0/500.0]) qpo_cent = np.array([1.0/5.0, 1.0/50.0]) ar_roots = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width, qpo_cent) ma_coefs = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs[2] = 1.25 sigsqr = sigmay ** 2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ny = 1028 time = np.arange(0.0, ny) y0 = cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ysig = np.ones(ny) * np.sqrt(1e-2) # ysig = np.ones(ny) * np.sqrt(1e-6) y = y0 + ysig * np.random.standard_normal(ny) froot = base_dir + 'plots/car5_regular_' plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(time, y0, 'k-') plt.plot(time, y, '.') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CARMA(5,3) Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) print 'Getting maximum-likelihood estimates...' carma_model = cm.CarmaModel(time, y, ysig) pmax = 7 MAP, pqlist, AIC_list = carma_model.choose_order(pmax, njobs=-1) # convert lists to a numpy arrays, easier to manipulate pqarray = np.array(pqlist) pmodels = pqarray[:, 0] qmodels = pqarray[:, 1] AICc = np.array(AIC_list) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max()+1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], AICc[qmodels == i], 's-', label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('AICc(p,q)') plt.xlim(0, pmodels.max() + 1) plt.savefig(froot + 'aic.eps') plt.close() nsamples = 50000 carma_sample = carma_model.run_mcmc(nsamples) carma_sample.add_mle(MAP) plt.subplot(111) pgram, freq = plt.psd(y) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d(carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) ax.loglog(freq / 2.0, pgram, 'o', color='DarkOrange') psd = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd, 'k', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) noise_level = 2.0 * np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma_sample.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') pfile = open(data_dir + froot + '.pickle', 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close()
data = np.genfromtxt(data_dir + 'zcarma5_test.dat') Zcarma = carmcmc.ZCarmaSample(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], filename=fname) Zcarma.assess_fit() print "True value of log10(kappa) is: ", np.log10(kappa) plt.hist(Zcarma.get_samples('kappa'), bins=100) Zcarma.plot_parameter('kappa', doShow=True) psd_low, psd_high, psd_mid, freq = Zcarma.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, nsamples=10000, doShow=False) ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) true_psd = carmcmc.power_spectrum(freq, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) plt.loglog(freq, true_psd, 'r', lw=2) plt.xlabel('Frequency') plt.ylabel('PSD, ZCARMA(5)') fname = data_dir + 'carma_mcmc.dat' Carma = carmcmc.CarmaSample(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], filename=fname, q=p-1) Carma.assess_fit() print "True values of MA coefs are:", ma_coefs Carma.plot_1dpdf('ma_coefs', doShow=True) Carma.posterior_summaries('ma_coefs') print '' print "True values of log_widths are", np.log(qpo_width) Carma.posterior_summaries('log_width')
def do_simulated_regular(): # first generate some data assuming a CAR(5) process on a uniform grid sigmay = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial qpo_width = np.array([1.0/100.0, 1.0/100.0, 1.0/500.0]) qpo_cent = np.array([1.0/5.0, 1.0/50.0]) ar_roots = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width, qpo_cent) ma_coefs = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs[2] = 1.25 sigsqr = sigmay ** 2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ny = 1028 time = np.arange(0.0, ny) y0 = cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ysig = np.ones(ny) * np.sqrt(1e-3 / 2.0) y = y0 + ysig * np.random.standard_normal(ny) data = (time, y, ysig) froot = base_dir + 'car5_regular_' plt.subplot(111) plt.plot(time, y0, 'k-') plt.plot(time, y, '.') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()-1) args = [] maxp = 8 for p in xrange(1, maxp + 1): for q in xrange(p): args.append(((p, q), data)) print "Running the CARMA MCMC samplers..." carma_run =, args) dic = [] pmodels = [] qmodels = [] for crun in carma_run: dic.append(crun.DIC()) pmodels.append(crun.p) qmodels.append(crun.q) pmodels = np.array(pmodels) qmodels = np.array(qmodels) dic = np.array(dic) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max()+1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], dic[qmodels == i], label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('DIC') print "DIC", dic plt.savefig(froot + 'dic.eps') carma = carma_run[np.argmin(dic)] print "order of best model is", carma.p plt.subplot(111) pgram, freq = plt.psd(y) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue') ax.loglog(freq / 2.0, pgram, 'o', color='DarkOrange') psd = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd, 'k', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mid, '--b', lw=2) noise_level = np.mean(ysig ** 2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps')
def do_simulated_irregular(): # first generate some data assuming a CAR(5) process on a uniform grid sigmay = 2.3 # dispersion in lightcurve p = 5 # order of AR polynomial mu = 17.0 # mean of time series qpo_width = np.array([1.0/100.0, 1.0/300.0, 1.0/200.0]) qpo_cent = np.array([1.0/5.0, 1.0/25.0]) ar_roots = cm.get_ar_roots(qpo_width, qpo_cent) ma_coefs = np.zeros(p) ma_coefs[0] = 1.0 ma_coefs[1] = 4.5 ma_coefs[2] = 1.25 sigsqr = sigmay ** 2 / cm.carma_variance(1.0, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ny = 270 time = np.empty(ny) dt = np.random.uniform(1.0, 3.0, ny) time[0:90] = np.cumsum(dt[0:90]) time[90:2*90] = 180 + time[90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[90:2*90]) time[2*90:] = 180 + time[2*90-1] + np.cumsum(dt[2*90:]) y = mu + cm.carma_process(time, sigsqr, ar_roots, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ysig = np.ones(ny) * y.std() / 5.0 ysig = np.ones(ny) * 1e-6 y0 = y.copy() y += ysig * np.random.standard_normal(ny) data = (time, y, ysig) # car5_model = cm.CarmaMCMC(time, y, ysig, 5, 5000, doZcarma=True, nburnin=1000) # zcar = car5_model.RunMCMC() froot = base_dir + 'car5_irregular_' plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(3): plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y0[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'bo') plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max()) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.savefig(froot + 'tseries.eps') ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()-1) args = [] maxp = 9 for p in xrange(1, maxp + 1): for q in xrange(p): args.append((p, q, data)) print "Running the CARMA MCMC samplers..." carma_run =, args) dic = [] pmodels = [] qmodels = [] for crun in carma_run: dic.append(crun.DIC()) pmodels.append(crun.p) qmodels.append(crun.q) plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) for i in xrange(qmodels.max()+1): plt.plot(pmodels[qmodels == i], dic[qmodels == i], label='q=' + str(i), lw=2) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('p') plt.ylabel('DIC') print "DIC", dic plt.savefig(froot + 'dic.eps') carma = carma_run[np.argmin(dic)] print "order of best model is", carma.p plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue') psd = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mid, '--b', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, psd, 'k', lw=2) noise_level = np.mean(ysig ** 2) * dt.min() ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency') ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density') plt.savefig(froot + 'psd.eps') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' carma.assess_fit(doShow=False) plt.savefig(froot + 'fit_quality.eps') # compute the marginal mean and variance of the predicted values nplot = 1028 time_predict = np.linspace(time.min(), 1.25 * time.max(), nplot) time_predict = time_predict[1:] predicted_mean, predicted_var = carma.predict_lightcurve(time_predict, bestfit='map') predicted_low = predicted_mean - np.sqrt(predicted_var) predicted_high = predicted_mean + np.sqrt(predicted_var) # plot the time series and the marginal 1-sigma error bands plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) plt.fill_between(time_predict, predicted_low, predicted_high, color='cyan') plt.plot(time_predict, predicted_mean, '-b', label='Predicted') plt.plot(time[0:90], y0[0:90], 'k', lw=2, label='True') plt.plot(time[0:90], y[0:90], 'bo') for i in xrange(1, 3): plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y0[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'k', lw=2) plt.plot(time[90*i:90*(i+1)], y[90*i:90*(i+1)], 'bo') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('CAR(5) Process') plt.xlim(time_predict.min(), time_predict.max()) plt.legend() plt.savefig(froot + 'interp.eps')
Zcarma.assess_fit() print "True value of log10(kappa) is: ", np.log10(kappa) plt.hist(Zcarma.get_samples('kappa'), bins=100) Zcarma.plot_parameter('kappa', doShow=True) psd_low, psd_high, psd_mid, freq = Zcarma.plot_power_spectrum(percentile=95.0, nsamples=10000, doShow=False) ar_coef = np.poly(ar_roots) true_psd = carmcmc.power_spectrum(freq, np.sqrt(sigsqr), ar_coef, ma_coefs=ma_coefs) plt.loglog(freq, true_psd, 'r', lw=2) plt.xlabel('Frequency') plt.ylabel('PSD, ZCARMA(5)') fname = data_dir + 'carma_mcmc.dat' Carma = carmcmc.CarmaSample(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], filename=fname, q=p - 1) Carma.assess_fit() print "True values of MA coefs are:", ma_coefs
def run_CARMA(time, y, ysig, maxp, nsamples, aic_file, carma_sample_file, psd_file, psd_plot, fit_quality_plot, pl_plot, do_mags=True): #to calculate the order p and q of the CARMA(p,q) process, then run CARMA for values of p and q already calculated #function to calculate the order p and q of the CARMA(p,q) process # maxp: Maximum value allowed for p, maximun value for q is by default p-1 time = time - time[0] model = cm.CarmaModel(time, y, ysig) MAP, pqlist, AIC_list = model.choose_order(maxp, njobs=1) # convert lists to a numpy arrays, easier to manipulate #the results of the AIC test are stored for future references. pqarray = np.array(pqlist) pmodels = pqarray[:, 0] qmodels = pqarray[:, 1] AICc = np.array(AIC_list) np.savetxt(aic_file, np.transpose([pmodels, qmodels, AICc]), header='p q AICc') p = model.p q = model.q #running the sampler carma_model = cm.CarmaModel(time, y, ysig, p=p, q=q) carma_sample = carma_model.run_mcmc(nsamples) carma_sample.add_mle(MAP) #getting the PSD ax = plt.subplot(111) print 'Getting bounds on PSD...' psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, frequencies = carma_sample.plot_power_spectrum( percentile=95.0, sp=ax, doShow=False, color='SkyBlue', nsamples=5000) psd_mle = cm.power_spectrum(frequencies, carma_sample.mle['sigma'], carma_sample.mle['ar_coefs'], ma_coefs=np.atleast_1d( carma_sample.mle['ma_coefs'])) #saving the psd np.savetxt(psd_file, np.transpose([frequencies, psd_low, psd_hi, psd_mid, psd_mle]), header='frequencies psd_low psd_hi psd_mid psd_mle') ax.loglog(frequencies, psd_mle, '--b', lw=2) dt = time[1:] - time[0:-1] noise_level = 2.0 * np.median(dt) * np.mean(ysig**2) mean_noise_level = noise_level median_noise_level = 2.0 * np.median(dt) * np.median(ysig**2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * noise_level, color='grey', lw=2) ax.loglog(frequencies, np.ones(frequencies.size) * median_noise_level, color='green', lw=2) ax.set_ylim(bottom=noise_level / 100.0) ax.annotate("Measurement Noise Level", (3.0 * ax.get_xlim()[0], noise_level / 2.5)) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [1 / day]') if do_mags: ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [mag$^2$ day]') else: ax.set_ylabel('Power Spectral Density [flux$^2$ day]') #plt.title(title) plt.savefig(psd_plot) plt.close('all') print 'Assessing the fit quality...' fig = carma_sample.assess_fit(doShow=False) ax_again = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) #ax_again.set_title(title) if do_mags: ylims = ax_again.get_ylim() ax_again.set_ylim(ylims[1], ylims[0]) ax_again.set_ylabel('magnitude') else: ax_again.set_ylabel('ln Flux') plt.savefig(fit_quality_plot) pfile = open(carma_sample_file, 'wb') cPickle.dump(carma_sample, pfile) pfile.close() params = { param: carma_sample.get_samples(param) for param in carma_sample.parameters } params['p'] = model.p params['q'] = model.q print "fitting bending power-law" nf = np.where(psd_mid >= median_noise_level) psdfreq = frequencies[nf] psd_low = psd_low[nf] psd_hi = psd_hi[nf] psd_mid = psd_mid[nf] A, v_bend, a_low, a_high, blpfit = fit_BendingPL(psdfreq, psd_mid) pl_init = models.BrokenPowerLaw1D(amplitude=2, x_break=0.002, alpha_1=1, alpha_2=2) fit = LevMarLSQFitter() pl = fit(pl_init, psdfreq, psd_mid) amplitude = pl.amplitude.value x_break = pl.x_break.value alpha_1 = pl.alpha_1.value alpha_2 = pl.alpha_2.value print amplitude, x_break, alpha_1, alpha_2 print "BendingPL fit parameters = ", A, v_bend, a_low, a_high print "BrokenPL fit parameters = ", amplitude, x_break, alpha_1, alpha_2 plt.clf() plt.subplot(111) plt.loglog(psdfreq, psd_mid, color='green') plt.fill_between(psdfreq, psd_low, psd_hi, facecolor='green', alpha=0.3) plt.plot(psdfreq, blpfit, 'r--', lw=2) plt.plot(psdfreq, pl(psdfreq), 'k--', lw=2) plt.savefig(pl_plot) plt.close('all') return (params, mean_noise_level, median_noise_level, A, v_bend, a_low, a_high, amplitude, x_break, alpha_1, alpha_2)