Exemple #1
def get(token, api_url, organization):
    Retrieve a list of users from the given GitHub organization as described in
    :param token: The Github API token as string.
    :param api_url: The Github v4 API endpoint as string.
    :param organization: The name of the target Github organization as string.
    :return: A 2-tuple containing 1. a list of dicts representing users - see tests.data.github.users.GITHUB_USER_DATA
    for shape, and 2. data on the owning GitHub organization - see tests.data.github.users.GITHUB_ORG_DATA for shape.
    users, org = fetch_all(token, api_url, organization, GITHUB_ORG_USERS_PAGINATED_GRAPHQL, 'membersWithRole', 'edges')
    return users, org
Exemple #2
def get(token, api_url, organization):
    Retrieve a list of repos from a Github organization as described in
    :param token: The Github API token as string.
    :param api_url: The Github v4 API endpoint as string.
    :param organization: The name of the target Github organization as string.
    :return: A list of dicts representing repos. See tests.data.github.repos for data shape.
    # TODO: link the Github organization to the repositories
    repos, _ = fetch_all(token, api_url, organization, GITHUB_ORG_REPOS_PAGINATED_GRAPHQL, 'repositories', 'nodes')
    return repos