def transform_path(self, path):
        def path_interpolation(path, n_steps):
            path_verts, path_codes =  zip(*list(path.iter_segments(curves=False)))
            path_verts = np.array(path_verts)
            path_codes = np.array(path_codes)
            verts_split_inds = np.where(path_codes == Path.MOVETO)[0]
            verts_split = np.split(path_verts, verts_split_inds, 0)
            codes_split = np.split(path_codes, verts_split_inds, 0)
            v_collection = []
            c_collection = []
            for path_verts, path_codes in zip(verts_split, codes_split):
                if len(path_verts) == 0:
                import matplotlib.cbook
#                print path_verts.shape
                verts = matplotlib.cbook.simple_linear_interpolation(path_verts, n_steps)
#                print verts.shape
                codes = np.ones(verts.shape[0]) * Path.LINETO
                codes[0] = Path.MOVETO
            return Path(np.concatenate(v_collection), np.concatenate(c_collection))
#        print 'transform path:', path
#        print 'p shape: ', path.vertices, path.vertices.shape
        if path.vertices.shape == (1, 2):
            return Path(self.transform_no_mod(path.vertices))
#        print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (point, code) for point, code in path.iter_segments()])
#        p2 = polygon.Polygon(((-180, -90), (180, -90), (180, 90), (-180, 90)))
        p2 = self.projection.edge
        p2 = path_interpolation(p2, 30)
        p2 = shape_convert.path_to_geos(p2)
        p2 = p2[0]
        paths = []
        for shp in shape_convert.path_to_geos(path):
            shps = []
            for lon in range(-360, 720, 360):
#            for lon in range(0, 360, 360):
                if isinstance(shp, polygon.Polygon):
                    c_shp = polygon.Polygon(np.array(shp.exterior) - [lon, 0], 
                                            [np.array(ring) - [lon, 0] for ring in shp.interiors])
                elif isinstance(shp, linestring.LineString):
                    c_shp = linestring.LineString(np.array(shp) - [lon, 0])
                elif isinstance(shp, MultiLineString):
                    c_shp = MultiLineString([linestring.LineString(np.array(s) - [lon, 0]) for s in shp.geoms])
                    raise ValueError('Unknown shapely object (%s).' % (type(shp)))
            # Turn the list of shapes into a Geos type    
            if isinstance(shp, polygon.Polygon):
                shps = MultiPolygon(shps)
            elif isinstance(shp, linestring.LineString):
                shps = MultiLineString(shps)
                ValueError('Unknown shape type')
            # join the shapes back together again if they have wrapped the entire 360 range.
            shps = cascaded_union(shps)        
            # Do one more intersection of the overall union (this seems to be necessary)
            intersection_shp = shps.intersection(p2)
            pths = shape_convert.geos_to_path(intersection_shp)

#            pths = shape_convert.geos_to_path(shps)
            # Now interpolate the paths 
            interp_resolution = 15
#            interp_resolution = 5
#            for pth in pths:
#                p9 = path_interpolation(pth, 9)
##                print '\n------' * 30
##                print 'interp 9:', p9
##                print '\n------' * 5
##                print 'interp 5:', path_interpolation(pth, 5)
##                print '\n------' * 30
#                paths.append(path_interpolation(pth, 9))
            paths.extend([path_interpolation(pth, interp_resolution) for pth in pths])
        if len(paths) == 1:
            path = paths[0]
        elif len(paths) == 0:
            return Path(np.empty([0,2]))
            points = []
            codes = []
            for path in paths:
                path_points, path_codes = zip(*(path.iter_segments(curves=False, simplify=False)))

            points = [np.array(pts) for pts in points]
            path = Path(np.concatenate(points, 0), np.concatenate(codes))
#        print '------------'
#        print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (point, code) for point, code in path.iter_segments()])
#        print 'll post: ', path.vertices
#        print
#        path = path.interpolated(40)
#        path = path.interpolated(4)
#        print path.vertices
        path.vertices = self.transform_no_mod(path.vertices)

        return path
    def transform_path(self, path):
        def path_interpolation(path, n_steps):
            path_verts, path_codes =  zip(*list(path.iter_segments(curves=False)))
            path_verts = np.array(path_verts)
            path_codes = np.array(path_codes)
            verts_split_inds = np.where(path_codes == Path.MOVETO)[0]
            verts_split = np.split(path_verts, verts_split_inds, 0)
            codes_split = np.split(path_codes, verts_split_inds, 0)
            v_collection = []
            c_collection = []
            for path_verts, path_codes in zip(verts_split, codes_split):
                if len(path_verts) == 0:
                import matplotlib.cbook
#                print path_verts.shape
                verts = matplotlib.cbook.simple_linear_interpolation(path_verts, n_steps)
#                print verts.shape
                codes = np.ones(verts.shape[0]) * Path.LINETO
                codes[0] = Path.MOVETO
            return Path(np.concatenate(v_collection), np.concatenate(c_collection))
#        print 'transform path:', path
#        print 'p shape: ', path.vertices, path.vertices.shape
        if path.vertices.shape == (1, 2):
            return Path(self.transform_no_mod(path.vertices))
#        print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (point, code) for point, code in path.iter_segments()])
        p2 = polygon.Polygon(((-180, -90), (180, -90), (180, 90), (-180, 90)))
        paths = []
        shps = []
        for shp in shape_convert.path_to_geos(path):
            shps = []
            for lon in range(-360, 720, 360):
#            for lon in range(0, 360, 360):
                if isinstance(shp, polygon.Polygon):
                    c_shp = polygon.Polygon(np.array(shp.exterior) - [lon, 0], 
                                            [np.array(ring) - [lon, 0] for ring in shp.interiors])
                elif isinstance(shp, linestring.LineString):
                    c_shp = linestring.LineString(np.array(shp) - [lon, 0])
                elif isinstance(shp, MultiLineString):
                    c_shp = MultiLineString([linestring.LineString(np.array(s) - [lon, 0]) for s in shp.geoms])
                    raise ValueError('Unknown shapely object (%s).' % (type(shp)))
            if isinstance(shp, polygon.Polygon):
                shps = MultiPolygon(shps)
            elif isinstance(shp, linestring.LineString):
                shps = MultiLineString(shps)
                ValueError('Unknown shape type')
            # join the shapes back together again if they have wrapped the entire 360 range.
            from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
            shps = cascaded_union(shps)        
            interp_resolution = 40
#            try:
            intersection_shp = shps.intersection(p2)
            pths = shape_convert.geos_to_path(intersection_shp)
#            print pths
            paths.extend([path_interpolation(pth, interp_resolution) for pth in pths])
#            print paths
#            except shapely.geos.TopologicalError:
#                print 'failed with: ', shps
#                print 'orig path: ', path
#                print 'path: ', shape_convert.geos_to_path(shps)
#                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#                from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
#                import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
#                import
#                plt.close()
#                pth = shape_convert.geos_to_path(shps)[0]
#                poly = mpatches.PathPatch(pth)
#                collection = PatchCollection([poly],, alpha=0.4)
#                plt.gca().add_collection(collection)
        if len(paths) == 1:
            path = paths[0]
        elif len(paths) == 0:
            return Path(np.empty([0,2]))
            points = []
            codes = []
            for path in paths:
                path_points, path_codes = zip(*(path.iter_segments()))

            points = [np.array(pts) for pts in points]
            path = Path(np.concatenate(points, 0), np.concatenate(codes))
#        print '------------'
#        print '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (point, code) for point, code in path.iter_segments()])
#        print 'll post: ', path.vertices
#        print
#        path = path.interpolated(40)
#        path = path.interpolated(4)
#        print path.vertices
#        print ']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]'
        path.vertices = self.transform_no_mod(path.vertices)

        return path