Exemple #1
    def from_dcm(cls, R):
        assert R.shape == (3, 3)
        b1 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 + R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2])
        b2 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 + R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
        b3 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 - R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
        b4 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 - R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])

        q1 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q1[0] = b1
        q1[1] = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]) / (4 * b1)
        q1[2] = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) / (4 * b1)
        q1[3] = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]) / (4 * b1)

        q2 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q2[0] = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]) / (4 * b2)
        q2[1] = b2
        q2[2] = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0]) / (4 * b2)
        q2[3] = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0]) / (4 * b2)

        q3 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q3[0] = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) / (4 * b3)
        q3[1] = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0]) / (4 * b3)
        q3[2] = b3
        q3[3] = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1]) / (4 * b3)

        q4 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q4[0] = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[1] = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[2] = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[3] = b4

        q = ca.if_else(R[0, 0] > 0, ca.if_else(R[1, 1] > 0, q1, q2),
                       ca.if_else(R[1, 1] > R[2, 2], q3, q4))
        return q
Exemple #2
 def exp(cls, v):
     assert v.shape == (3, 1) or v.shape == (3, )
     angle = ca.norm_2(v)
     res = ca.SX(4, 1)
     res[:3] = ca.tan(angle / 4) * v / angle
     res[3] = 0
     return ca.if_else(angle > eps, res, ca.SX([0, 0, 0, 0]))
    def test_concatenations(self):
        y = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)[:, np.newaxis]
        a = pybamm.Vector(y)
        b = pybamm.Scalar(16)
        c = pybamm.Scalar(3)
        conc = pybamm.NumpyConcatenation(a, b, c)
            casadi.is_equal(conc.to_casadi(), casadi.SX(conc.evaluate())))

        # Domain concatenation
        mesh = get_mesh_for_testing()
        a_dom = ["negative electrode"]
        b_dom = ["positive electrode"]
        a = 2 * pybamm.Vector(np.ones_like(mesh[a_dom[0]][0].nodes),
        b = pybamm.Vector(np.ones_like(mesh[b_dom[0]][0].nodes), domain=b_dom)
        conc = pybamm.DomainConcatenation([b, a], mesh)
            casadi.is_equal(conc.to_casadi(), casadi.SX(conc.evaluate())))

        # 2d
        disc = get_1p1d_discretisation_for_testing()
        a = pybamm.Variable("a", domain=a_dom)
        b = pybamm.Variable("b", domain=b_dom)
        conc = pybamm.Concatenation(a, b)
        expr = disc.process_symbol(conc)
        y = casadi.SX.sym("y", expr.size)
        x = expr.to_casadi(None, y)
        f = casadi.Function("f", [x], [x])
        y_eval = np.linspace(0, 1, expr.size)
            casadi.is_equal(f(y_eval), casadi.SX(expr.evaluate(y=y_eval))))
Exemple #4
def create_LSpoly(d, x, y):
    "creates polynomial by least squares fitting of order d. Builds Vandermonde matrix manually"
    # x = np.append(x,0)              # add (0,0) as data point
    # y = np.append(y,0)

    a = d + 1  # number of parameters including a0
    M = ca.SX.sym('M', 2 * d + 1)  # all the exponents from 1 to 2k
    sizex = x.shape[0]  # number of data points x
    M[0] = sizex  # first entry in matrix

    for k in range(1, M.shape[0]):  # collect all matrix entries
        M[k] = sum([x[o]**k for o in range(0, sizex)])

    sumM = ca.SX(a, a)  # create actual matrix
    for j in range(0, a):
        for k in range(0, a):
            sumM[j, k] = M[k + j]

    B = ca.SX(a, 1)  # create B vector (sum of y)
    for k in range(0, a):
        B[k] = sum([y[o] * x[o]**k for o in range(0, sizex)])

    X = ca.solve(sumM, B)  # parameters order: low to high power
    xvar = ca.SX.sym('xvar')
    poly = X[0]
    for k in range(1, X.shape[0]):
        poly += X[k] * xvar**(k)  # create polynomial
    pfun = ca.Function('poly', [xvar], [poly])
    return pfun, X, poly
 def test_special_functions(self):
     a = pybamm.Array(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
     self.assertEqual(pybamm.max(a).to_casadi(), casadi.SX(5))
     self.assertEqual(pybamm.min(a).to_casadi(), casadi.SX(1))
     b = pybamm.Array(np.array([-2]))
     c = pybamm.Array(np.array([3]))
     self.assertEqual(pybamm.Function(np.abs, b).to_casadi(), casadi.SX(2))
     self.assertEqual(pybamm.Function(np.abs, c).to_casadi(), casadi.SX(3))
Exemple #6
 def log(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1) or q.shape == (4, )
     v = ca.SX(3, 1)
     norm_q = ca.norm_2(q)
     theta = 2 * ca.acos(q[0])
     c = ca.sin(theta / 2)
     v[0] = theta * q[1] / c
     v[1] = theta * q[2] / c
     v[2] = theta * q[3] / c
     return ca.if_else(ca.fabs(c) > eps, v, ca.SX([0, 0, 0]))
    def __init__(self, variable_indexes, value, state_index):
        construct limitations on the state variables caused by internal 
        circuit switching
        super(State_variable_constraint, self).__init__()

        self._indexes = cd.SX(variable_indexes)
        self._value = cd.SX(value)
        self._state_index = state_index
Exemple #8
 def exp(cls, v):
     assert v.shape == (3, 1) or q.shape == (3, )
     q = ca.SX(4, 1)
     theta = ca.norm_2(v)
     q[0] = ca.cos(theta / 2)
     c = ca.sin(theta / 2)
     n = ca.norm_2(v)
     q[1] = c * v[0] / n
     q[2] = c * v[1] / n
     q[3] = c * v[2] / n
     return ca.if_else(n > eps, q, ca.SX([1, 0, 0, 0]))
Exemple #9
    def parse_box_constraint(self, g):
        assert (g.numel() == 1)
        op = g.op()
        if (not g.is_symbolic()) and (not op
                                      in (casadi.OP_SUB, casadi.OP_NEG)):
            raise NotImplementedError  # All constraints are currently implemented as: g == lhs - rhs

        # Parse: g == lhs - rhs
        if op == casadi.OP_SUB:
            lhs = g.dep(0)
            rhs = g.dep(1)
        elif op == casadi.OP_NEG:
            lhs = casadi.SX(0.0)
            rhs = g.dep(0)
        elif g.is_symbolic():
            lhs = g
            rhs = casadi.SX(0.0)

        if not (lhs.is_leaf() and rhs.is_leaf()):
            return None  # Not a (simple) box constraint

        if lhs.is_constant():
            is_lhs_variable = False
            assert lhs.is_symbolic()
            is_lhs_variable = not lhs.name().startswith('P')

        if rhs.is_constant():
            is_rhs_variable = False
            assert rhs.is_symbolic()
            is_rhs_variable = not rhs.name().startswith('P')

        if is_lhs_variable and is_rhs_variable:
            return None  # Not a box constraint

        if (not is_lhs_variable) and (not is_rhs_variable):
            raise RuntimeError('A constraint without variables is non-sense')

        # g <= 0
        # lhs - rhs <= 0
        # lhs <= rhs

        # is_rhs_variable => lhs is lower bound
        # is_lhs_variable => rhs is upper bound

        BoxConstraint = collections.namedtuple(
            'BoxConstraint', ['variable', 'bound', 'is_upper_bound'])

        if is_lhs_variable:
            return BoxConstraint(variable=lhs, bound=rhs, is_upper_bound=True)
            return BoxConstraint(variable=rhs, bound=lhs, is_upper_bound=False)
Exemple #10
    def _initialize_polynomial_constraints(self):
        """ Add constraints to the model to account for system dynamics and
        continuity constraints """

        # All collocation time points
        T = np.zeros((self.nk, self.d+1), dtype=object)
        for k in range(self.nk):
            for j in range(self.d+1):
                T[k,j] = (self.var.h_sx[self._get_stage_index(k)] * 
                          (k + self.col_vars['tau_root'][j]))

        # For all finite elements
        for k in range(self.nk):

            # For all collocation points
            for j in range(1, self.d+1):

                # Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation
                # point
                xp_jk = 0
                for r in range(self.d+1):
                    xp_jk += self.col_vars['C'][r,j]*cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k,r])

                # Add collocation equations to the NLP.
                # Boundary fluxes are calculated by multiplying the EFM
                # coefficients in V by the efm matrix
                [fk] = self.dxdt.call(
                    [T[k,j], cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k,j]),
                     self._get_symbolic_flux(k, j)])

                    self.var.h_sx[self._get_stage_index(k)] * fk - xp_jk,
                    msg='DXDT collocation - FE {0}, degree {1}'.format(k,j))

            # Add continuity equation to NLP
            if k+1 != self.nk:
                # Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite
                # element
                xf_k = self.col_vars['D'].dot(cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k]))
                self.add_constraint(cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k+1,0]) - xf_k,
                                    msg='Continuity - FE {0}'.format(k))

        # Get an expression for the endpoint for objective purposes
        xf = self.col_vars['D'].dot(cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[-1]))
        self.xf = {met : x_sx for met, x_sx in zip(self.boundary_species, xf)}

        # Similarly, get an expression for the beginning point
        x0 = self.var.x_sx[0,0,:]
        self.x0 = {met : x_sx for met, x_sx in zip(self.boundary_species, x0)}
Exemple #11
def test_direct_product():
    G = DirectProduct([R3, R3])
    v1 = ca.SX([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    v2 = G.product(v1, v1)
    assert ca.norm_2(v2 - 2 * v1) < eps

    G = DirectProduct([Mrp, R3])
    a = ca.SX([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 5, 6, 7])
    b = ca.SX([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3])
    c = ca.SX([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 6, 8, 10])
    assert ca.norm_2(c - G.product(a, b)) < eps

    v = ca.SX([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 4, 5, 6])
    assert ca.norm_2(v - G.log(G.exp(v))) < eps
    def generate_cost_general_constraints(self, current_state, input, lambdas,
        Evaluate function cost of all general constraints for 1 step in the horizon
            L = lambda ci(x) + mu ci(x)^2

        current_state: state of this step in the horizon
        input: current input applied to the system
        lambdas: lambda's for this step of the horizon
        general_constraint_weights: mu's for this step of the horizon
        step_horizon: the index of the step in the horizon (the first step is index 0)
        number_of_general_constraints = length(obj.controller.general_constraints);
        offset_constraints = step_horizon * self._controller.number_of_general_constraints
        cost = cd.SX(1, 1)
        for i in range(0, self._controller.number_of_general_constraints):
            constraint_cost = self._controller.general_constraints[
                i].evaluate_cost(current_state, input)
            cost = cost - constraint_cost * lambdas[offset_constraints + i]
            cost = cost + (constraint_cost**2) * general_constraint_weights[
                offset_constraints + i]

        return cost
Exemple #13
    def _get_C(self, i_X_p, Si, Ic, q, q_dot, n_joints,
               gravity=None, f_ext=None):
        """Internal function for calculating the joint space bias matrix."""

        v = []
        a = []
        f = []
        C = cs.SX.zeros(n_joints)

        for i in range(0, n_joints):
            vJ = cs.mtimes(Si[i], q_dot[i])
            if i == 0:
                if gravity is not None:
                    ag = np.array([0., 0., 0., gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]])
                    a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], -ag))
                    a.append(cs.SX([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]))
                v.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], v[i-1]) + vJ)
                a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], a[i-1]) + cs.mtimes(plucker.motion_cross_product(v[i]),vJ))

            f.append(cs.mtimes(Ic[i], a[i]) + cs.mtimes(plucker.force_cross_product(v[i]), cs.mtimes(Ic[i], v[i])))

        if f_ext is not None:
            f = self._apply_external_forces(f_ext, f, i_X_0)

        for i in range(n_joints-1, -1, -1):
            C[i] = cs.mtimes(Si[i].T, f[i])
            if i != 0:
                f[i-1] = f[i-1] + cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i].T, f[i])

        return C
Exemple #14
    def get_gravity_rnea(self, root, tip, gravity):
        """Returns the gravitational term as a casadi function."""

        if self.robot_desc is None:
            raise ValueError('Robot description not loaded from urdf')

        n_joints = self.get_n_joints(root, tip)
        q = cs.SX.sym("q", n_joints)
        i_X_p, Si, Ic = self._model_calculation(root, tip, q)

        v = []
        a = []
        ag = cs.SX([0., 0., 0., gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]])
        f = []
        tau = cs.SX.zeros(n_joints)

        for i in range(0, n_joints):
            if i == 0:
                a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], -ag))
                a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], a[i - 1]))
            f.append(cs.mtimes(Ic[i], a[i]))

        for i in range(n_joints - 1, -1, -1):
            tau[i] = cs.mtimes(Si[i].T, f[i])
            if i != 0:
                f[i - 1] = f[i - 1] + cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i].T, f[i])

        tau = cs.Function("C", [q], [tau], self.func_opts)
        return tau
Exemple #15
def test_sum2():
    # Check it returns the same results with casadi and numpy
    a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
    b = cas.SX(a)

    assert np.all(np.sum(a) == cas.DM(np.sum(b)))
    assert np.all(np.sum(a, axis=1) == cas.DM(np.sum(b, axis=1)))
Exemple #16
 def shadow(cls, r):
     assert r.shape == (4, 1) or r.shape == (4, )
     n_sq = ca.dot(r[:3], r[:3])
     res = ca.SX(4, 1)
     res[:3] = -r[:3] / n_sq
     res[3] = ca.logic_not(r[3])
     return res
Exemple #17
 def from_quat(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1)
     R = ca.SX(3, 3)
     a = q[0]
     b = q[1]
     c = q[2]
     d = q[3]
     aa = a * a
     ab = a * b
     ac = a * c
     ad = a * d
     bb = b * b
     bc = b * c
     bd = b * d
     cc = c * c
     cd = c * d
     dd = d * d
     R[0, 0] = aa + bb - cc - dd
     R[0, 1] = 2 * (bc - ad)
     R[0, 2] = 2 * (bd + ac)
     R[1, 0] = 2 * (bc + ad)
     R[1, 1] = aa + cc - bb - dd
     R[1, 2] = 2 * (cd - ab)
     R[2, 0] = 2 * (bd - ac)
     R[2, 1] = 2 * (cd + ab)
     R[2, 2] = aa + dd - bb - cc
     return R
Exemple #18
    def test_integrate(self):
        # Constant
        solver = pybamm.CasadiSolver(rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8, method="idas")

        y = casadi.SX.sym("y")
        constant_growth = casadi.SX(0.5)
        problem = {"x": y, "ode": constant_growth}

        y0 = np.array([0])
        t_eval = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        solution = solver.integrate_casadi(problem, y0, t_eval)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(solution.t, t_eval)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(0.5 * solution.t, solution.y[0])

        # Exponential decay
        solver = pybamm.CasadiSolver(rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8, method="cvodes")

        exponential_decay = -0.1 * y
        problem = {"x": y, "ode": exponential_decay}

        y0 = np.array([1])
        t_eval = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
        solution = solver.integrate_casadi(problem, y0, t_eval)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(solution.y[0], np.exp(-0.1 * solution.t))
        self.assertEqual(solution.termination, "final time")
Exemple #19
    def _initialize_continuity_constraints(self):
        # Constraint function for the NLP

        d = self.opts['degree']
        X = self._X
        P = self._P
        T = self.opts['T']

        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []

        # For all finite elements
        for k in range(self.opts['nk']):

            # For all collocation points
            for j in range(1, d + 1):

                # Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation
                # point
                xp_jk = 0
                for r in range(d + 1):
                    xp_jk += self.opts['C'][r, j] * cs.SX(X[k, r])

                # Add collocation equations to the NLP
                [fk] = self.model.call([T[k, j], cs.SX(X[k, j]), P])
                g.append(self.opts['h'] * fk - xp_jk)
                lbg.append(np.zeros(self.NEQ))  # equality constraints
                ubg.append(np.zeros(self.NEQ))  # equality constraints

            # Add continuity equation to NLP
            if k + 1 != self.opts['nk']:

                # Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite
                # element
                xf_k = 0
                for r in range(d + 1):
                    xf_k += self.opts['D'][r] * cs.SX(X[k, r])

                g.append(cs.SX(X[k + 1, 0]) - xf_k)

        # Concatenate constraints
        self._g = cs.vertcat(g)
        self.opts['lbg'] = np.concatenate(lbg)
        self.opts['ubg'] = np.concatenate(ubg)
Exemple #20
    def _get_symbolic_flux(self, finite_element, degree):
        """ Get a symbolic expression for the boundary fluxes at the given
        finite_element and polynomial degree """

        return cs.SX(self.efms_object.T.dot((
            np.asarray(self.var.a_sx[finite_element, degree-1], dtype=object) * 
Exemple #21
def wedge(v):
    X = ca.SX(3, 3)
    X[0, 1] = -v[2]
    X[0, 2] = v[1]
    X[1, 0] = v[2]
    X[1, 2] = -v[0]
    X[2, 0] = -v[1]
    X[2, 1] = v[0]
    return X
Exemple #22
 def inv(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1) or q.shape == (4, )
     qi = ca.SX(4, 1)
     n = ca.norm_2(q)
     qi[0] = q[0] / n
     qi[1] = -q[1] / n
     qi[2] = -q[2] / n
     qi[3] = -q[3] / n
     return qi
Exemple #23
def vee(X):
    v = ca.SX(6, 1)
    v[0, 0] = X[2, 1]
    v[1, 0] = X[0, 2]
    v[2, 0] = X[1, 0]
    v[3, 0] = X[3, 0]
    v[4, 0] = X[3, 1]
    v[5, 0] = X[3, 2]
    return v
    def test_convert_differentiated_function(self):
        a = pybamm.Scalar(0)
        b = pybamm.Scalar(1)

        # function
        def sin(x):
            return anp.sin(x)

        f = pybamm.Function(sin, b).diff(b)
        self.assertEqual(f.to_casadi(), casadi.SX(np.cos(1)))

        def myfunction(x, y):
            return x + y**3

        f = pybamm.Function(myfunction, a, b).diff(a)
        self.assertEqual(f.to_casadi(), casadi.SX(1))
        f = pybamm.Function(myfunction, a, b).diff(b)
        self.assertEqual(f.to_casadi(), casadi.SX(3))
Exemple #25
 def from_mrp(cls, r):
     assert r.shape == (4, 1) or r.shape == (4, )
     a = r[:3]
     q = ca.SX(4, 1)
     n_sq = ca.dot(a, a)
     den = 1 + n_sq
     q[0] = (1 - n_sq) / den
     for i in range(3):
         q[i + 1] = 2 * a[i] / den
     return ca.if_else(r[3], -q, q)
Exemple #26
 def from_quat(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1) or q.shape == (4, )
     x = ca.SX(4, 1)
     den = 1 + q[0]
     x[0] = q[1] / den
     x[1] = q[2] / den
     x[2] = q[3] / den
     x[3] = 0
     r = cls.shadow_if_necessary(x)
     r[3] = 0
     return r
Exemple #27
 def product(cls, a, b):
     assert a.shape == (4, 1) or a.shape == (4, )
     assert b.shape == (4, 1) or b.shape == (4, )
     r1 = a[0]
     v1 = a[1:]
     r2 = b[0]
     v2 = b[1:]
     res = ca.SX(4, 1)
     res[0] = r1 * r2 - ca.dot(v1, v2)
     res[1:] = r1 * v2 + r2 * v1 + ca.cross(v1, v2)
     return res
Exemple #28
 def from_quat(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1) or q.shape == (4, )
     e = ca.SX(3, 1)
     a = q[0]
     b = q[1]
     c = q[2]
     d = q[3]
     e[0] = ca.atan2(2 * (a * b + c * d), 1 - 2 * (b**2 + c**2))
     e[1] = ca.asin(2 * (a * c - d * b))
     e[2] = ca.atan2(2 * (a * d + b * c), 1 - 2 * (c**2 + d**2))
     return e
Exemple #29
 def vee(cls, X):
     This takes in an element of the SE3 Lie Group and returns the se3 Lie Algebra elements 
     v = ca.SX(6, 1)
     v[0, 0] = X[2, 1]
     v[1, 0] = X[0, 2]
     v[2, 0] = X[1, 0]
     v[3, 0] = X[0, 3]
     v[4, 0] = X[1, 3]
     v[5, 0] = X[2, 3]
     return v
Exemple #30
 def set_derivative(self, x, dxdt_fn):
     if isinstance(dxdt_fn, float): dxdt_fn = casadi.SX(dxdt_fn)
     assert isinstance(x, casadi.SX)
     assert isinstance(dxdt_fn, casadi.SX)
     assert x.is_leaf()
     assert x.numel() == 1
     assert dxdt_fn.numel() == 1
     var_name = parse_variable_name(x.name())
     assert var_name.flag == 'T'
     assert self.phases[var_name.phase].trajectories[
         var_name.name].derivative is None
         var_name.name].derivative = dxdt_fn