Exemple #1
def compute_mass_matrix(dae, conf, f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3):
    take the dae that has x/z/u/p added to it already and return
    the states added to it and return mass matrix and rhs of the dae residual

    R_b2n = dae['R_n2b'].T
    r_n2b_n = C.veccat([dae['r_n2b_n_x'], dae['r_n2b_n_y'], dae['r_n2b_n_z']])
    r_b2bridle_b = C.veccat([0,0,conf['zt']])
    v_bn_n = C.veccat([dae['v_bn_n_x'],dae['v_bn_n_y'],dae['v_bn_n_z']])

    r_n2bridle_n = r_n2b_n + C.mul(R_b2n, r_b2bridle_b)

    mm00 = C.diag([1,1,1]) * (conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']/3.0)
    mm01 = C.SXMatrix(3,3)
    mm10 = mm01.T
    mm02 = r_n2bridle_n
    mm20 = mm02.T
    J = C.blockcat([[ conf['j1'],          0, conf['j31']],
                    [          0, conf['j2'],           0],
                    [conf['j31'],          0,  conf['j3']]])
    mm11 = J
    mm12 = C.cross(r_b2bridle_b, C.mul(dae['R_n2b'], r_n2b_n))
    mm21 = mm12.T
    mm22 = C.SXMatrix(1,1)

    mm = C.blockcat([[mm00,mm01,mm02],

    # right hand side
    rhs0 = C.veccat([f1,f2,f3 + conf['g']*(conf['mass'] + conf['tether_mass']*0.5)])
    rhs1 = C.veccat([t1,t2,t3]) - C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], C.mul(J, dae['w_bn_b']))

    # last element of RHS
    R_n2b = dae['R_n2b']
    w_bn_b = dae['w_bn_b']
    grad_r_cdot = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dae['w_bn_b'], r_b2bridle_b))
    tPR = - C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, r_n2b_n), C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)) - \
          C.cross(C.mul(R_n2b, v_bn_n), r_b2bridle_b)
    rhs2 = -C.mul(grad_r_cdot.T, v_bn_n) - C.mul(tPR.T, w_bn_b) + dae['dr']**2 + dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    rhs = C.veccat([rhs0,rhs1,rhs2])

    c = 0.5*(C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, r_n2bridle_n) - dae['r']**2)
    v_bridlen_n = v_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b))
    cdot = C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, v_bridlen_n) - dae['r']*dae['dr']

    a_bn_n = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['v_bn_n_x','v_bn_n_y','v_bn_n_z']])
    dw_bn_b = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']])
    a_bridlen_n = a_bn_n + C.mul(R_b2n, C.cross(dw_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b) + C.cross(w_bn_b, C.cross(w_bn_b, r_b2bridle_b)))
    cddot = C.mul(v_bridlen_n.T, v_bridlen_n) + C.mul(r_n2bridle_n.T, a_bridlen_n) - \
            dae['dr']**2 - dae['r']*dae['ddr']

    dae['c'] = c
    dae['cdot'] = cdot
    dae['cddot'] = cddot

    return (mm, rhs)
Exemple #2
    def U_upper_bound(self, robot):
        ones = c.DM.ones(robot.nu, self.T)
        ub = c.blockcat([[robot.vel_max * ones[0, :]],
                         [robot.ang_vel_max * ones[1, :]]])
        ub = c.reshape(ub, robot.nu * self.T, 1)

        return ub
    def kinematics(self, state, U, epsilon=0):

        f,_,_ = self.proc_model()

        w0 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[0,0]))
        w1 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[1,1]))

        w = c.DM([[w0],[w1]])

        #state_n =  state + self.dt*c.blockcat([[vx],[vy],[vtheta]])

        state_n = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]]]))

        # state_n = c.MX(self.nx,1)
        # state_n[0] = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]]]))[0]
        # state_n[1] = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]]]))[1]
        # state_n[2] = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]]]))[2]
        # state_n[3] = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]]]))[3]

        state_n[2] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[2]),c.cos(state_n[2]))
        state_n[4] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[4]),c.cos(state_n[4]))
        state_n[5] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[5]),c.cos(state_n[5]))

        return state_n
Exemple #4
    def U_lower_bound(self, robot):
        ones = c.DM.ones(self.N * self.T)
        lb = c.blockcat([[-robot.vel_max * ones], [-robot.vel_max * ones],
                         [-robot.ang_vel_max * ones]])
        lb = c.reshape(lb, robot.nu * self.N * self.T, 1)

        return lb
Exemple #5
def sqrt_correct(Rs, H, W):
    source: Fast Stable Kalman Filter Algorithms Utilising the Square Root, Steward 98
    Rs: sqrt(R)
    H: measurement matrix
    W: sqrt(P)

        Wp: sqrt(P+) = sqrt((I - KH)P)
        K: Kalman gain
        Ss: Innovation variance

    n_x = H.shape[1]
    n_y = H.shape[0]
    B = ca.sparsify(ca.blockcat(Rs, ca.mtimes(H, W), ca.SX.zeros(n_x, n_y), W))
    # qr  by default is upper triangular, so we transpose inputs and outputs
    B_Q, B_R = ca.qr(B.T)  # B_Q orthogonal, B_R, lower triangular
    B_Q = B_Q.T
    B_R = B_R.T
    Wp = B_R[n_y:, n_y:]
    Ss = B_R[:n_y, :n_y]
    P_HT_SsInv = B_R[n_y:, :n_y]
    K = ca.mtimes(P_HT_SsInv, ca.inv(Ss))
    return Wp, K, Ss
Exemple #6
    def state_contraints(self, robot, U):

        constraintVar = c.MX(
            2 * (robot.nx - 1) * self.N,
            self.T)  #skipping orientation. 2* to include min and max
        U = c.reshape(U, robot.nu * self.N, self.T)
        X = c.MX(robot.nx * self.N, self.T + 1)
        X[:, 0] = np.reshape(self.X0, (robot.nx * self.N, ))

        for i in range(self.T):
            for n in range(self.N):
                X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), i + 1] = robot.kinematics(
                    X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), i], U[robot.nu * n, i],
                    U[robot.nu * n + 1, i], U[robot.nu * n + 2, i])
                constraintVar[2 * (robot.nx - 1) * n:2 * (robot.nx - 1) *
                              (n + 1), i] = c.blockcat(
                                      self.Xmax - X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx *
                                                    (n + 1) - 1, i + 1]
                                       X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx *
                                         (n + 1) - 1, i + 1] - self.Xmin

        constraintVar = c.reshape(constraintVar, 1,
                                  2 * (robot.nx - 1) * self.N * self.T)

        return constraintVar
Exemple #7
    def U_upper_bound(self, robot):
        ones = c.DM.ones(robot.nu, self.T)
        ub = c.blockcat([[robot.thrust_max * ones[0, :]],
                         [robot.torque_max * ones[1, :]],
                         [robot.torque_max * ones[2, :]],
                         [robot.torque_max * ones[3, :]]])
        ub = c.reshape(ub, robot.nu * self.T, 1)

        return ub
def dynamics_rear(X_prev, S, v):
    dt = 0.1
    L = 2.33
    X_new = X_prev + dt*casadi.blockcat([[casadi.mtimes(v/2.0,casadi.cos(X_prev[2] - S - 8*m.pi/180)+casadi.cos(X_prev[2] + (S + 8*m.pi/180)))],
                [casadi.mtimes(v/2.0,casadi.sin(X_prev[2] - S - 8*m.pi/180) + casadi.sin(X_prev[2] + (S + 8*m.pi/180)))],
                [casadi.mtimes(v,casadi.sin(-S - 8*m.pi/180)*1/L)]])

    X_new[2] = casadi.atan2(casadi.sin(X_new[2]), casadi.cos(X_new[2]))
    return X_new
Exemple #9
    def U_lower_bound(self, robot):
        ones = c.DM.ones(robot.nu, self.T)
        lb = c.blockcat([[robot.thrust_min * ones[0, :]],
                         [-robot.torque_max * ones[1, :]],
                         [-robot.torque_max * ones[2, :]],
                         [-robot.torque_max * ones[3, :]]])
        lb = c.reshape(lb, robot.nu * self.T, 1)

        return lb
Exemple #10
def skew_mat(xyz):
    return the skew symmetrix matrix of a 3-vector
    x = xyz[0]
    y = xyz[1]
    z = xyz[2]
    return C.blockcat([[ 0, -z,  y],
                       [ z,  0, -x],
                       [-y,  x,  0]])
Exemple #11
    def state_contraints(self, robot, U):

        constraintVar = c.MX(
            2 * 2, self.T
        )  #skipping orientation & steer angle. 2* to include min and max
        U = c.reshape(U, robot.nu, self.T)
        X = c.MX(robot.nx, self.T + 1)
        X[:, 0] = self.X0

        for i in range(self.T):
            X[:, i + 1] = robot.kinematics(X[:, i], U[:, i])
            constraintVar[:, i] = c.blockcat([[self.Xmax - X[0:2, i + 1]],
                                              [X[0:2, i + 1] - self.Xmin]])

        constraintVar = c.reshape(constraintVar, 1, 2 * 2 * self.T)

        return constraintVar
        def kinematics(self, state, U, epsilon=0):

            f,_,_ = self.proc_model()

            w0 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[0,0]))
            w1 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[1,1]))
            w2 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[2,2]))
            w3 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[3,3]))

            w = c.DM([[w0],[w1],[w2],[w3]])

            state_n = f(state,c.blockcat([[U[0] + w[0]],[U[1] + w[1]],[U[2] + w[2]],[U[3] + w[3]]]))

            state_n[6] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[6]),c.cos(state_n[6]))
            state_n[7] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[7]),c.cos(state_n[7]))
            state_n[8] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[8]),c.cos(state_n[8]))

            return state_n
    def kinematics(self, state, vx, vy, vtheta, epsilon=0):

        f,_,_ = self.proc_model()

        #vx = vx + epsilon*self.vel_max*np.random.normal(0,1)
        #vy = vy + epsilon*self.vel_max*np.random.normal(0,1)
        #vtheta = vtheta + epsilon*self.ang_vel_max*np.random.normal(0,1)

        w0 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[0,0]))
        w1 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[1,1]))
        w2 = epsilon*np.random.normal(0,np.sqrt(self.Sigma_w[2,2]))

        w = c.DM([[w0],[w1],[w2]])

        #state_n =  state + self.dt*c.blockcat([[vx],[vy],[vtheta]])

        state_n = f(state,c.blockcat([[vx],[vy],[vtheta]])) + c.mtimes(self.G,w)

        state_n[2] = c.atan2(c.sin(state_n[2]),c.cos(state_n[2]))

        return state_n
def update(X, U):
    X contains  [x,y,theta] in a column
    U contains  [v,s] in a column
    x = X[0]
    y = X[1]
    theta = X[2]
    v = U[0]
    s = U[1]

    dt = 0.1  #update time
    L, _ = robot_params()
    x_new = x + v * casadi.cos(theta) * dt
    y_new = y + v * casadi.sin(theta) * dt
    theta_new = theta + ((v * casadi.tan(s)) / L) * dt

    #lets make it into a casadi thing
    X_new = casadi.blockcat([[x_new], [y_new], [theta_new]])
    return X_new
Exemple #15
def skew( w ):
    x = w[0]
    y = w[1]
    z = w[2]
    return C.blockcat([[0,-z,y],[z,0,-x],[-y,x,0]])
Exemple #16
custom_hess_u = W_u

J = horzcat(SX.eye(2), SX(2, 2))


# diagonal matrix with second order terms of outer loss function.
D = SX.sym('D', Sparsity.diag(2))
D[0, 0] = 1
[hess_tan, grad_tan] = hessian(tanh(theta)**2, theta)
D[1, 1] = if_else(theta == 0, hess_tan, grad_tan / theta)

custom_hess_x = J.T @ D @ J

zeros = SX(1, nx)
cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess = blockcat(custom_hess_u, zeros, zeros.T,
cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e = custom_hess_x

ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess = cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess
ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e = cost_expr_ext_cost_custom_hess_e

# set constraints
Fmax = 35
ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array([-Fmax])
ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array([+Fmax])
ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array([0])

x0 = np.array([0.0, np.pi, 0.0, 0.0])
xf = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
ocp.constraints.x0 = x0
# ocp.constraints.x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0])
Exemple #17
    dae['L_over_D'] = cL / cD
    cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
    dae['L_over_D_with_tether'] = cL / cD

    ######## moment coefficients #######
    # offset
    dae['momentCoeffs0'] = C.DMatrix([0, conf['cm0'], 0])

    # with roll rates
    # non-dimensionalized angular velocity
    w_bn_b_hat = C.veccat([conf['bref'], conf['cref'], conf['bref']
                           ]) * 0.5 / dae['airspeed'] * w_bn_b

    momentCoeffs_pqr = C.mul(
        C.blockcat([[conf['cl_p'], conf['cl_q'], conf['cl_r']],
                    [conf['cm_p'], conf['cm_q'], conf['cm_r']],
                    [conf['cn_p'], conf['cn_q'], conf['cn_r']]]), w_bn_b_hat)
    dae['momentCoeffs_pqr'] = momentCoeffs_pqr

    # with alpha beta
    momentCoeffs_AB = C.mul(
        C.blockcat([[0, conf['cl_B'], conf['cl_AB']], [conf['cm_A'], 0, 0],
                    [0, conf['cn_B'], conf['cn_AB']]]),
        C.vertcat([alpha, beta, alpha * beta]))
    dae['momentCoeffs_AB'] = momentCoeffs_AB

    # with control surfaces
    momentCoeffs_surf = C.SXMatrix(3, 1, 0)
    momentCoeffs_surf[0] += conf['cl_ail'] * dae['aileron']
    momentCoeffs_surf[1] += conf['cm_elev'] * dae['elevator']
    if 'flaps' in dae:
Exemple #18
    def compute_covariance_matrix(self):
        This function computes the covariance matrix of the estimated
        parameters from the inverse of the KKT matrix for the
        parameter estimation problem. This allows then for statements on the
        quality of the values of the estimated parameters.

        For efficiency, only the inverse of the relevant part of the matrix
        is computed using the Schur complement.

        A more detailed description of this function will follow in future



        print('\n' + 20 * '-' + \
            ' PECas covariance matrix computation ' + 21 * '-')

Computing the covariance matrix for the estimated parameters, 
this might take some time ...

        self.tstart_cov_computation = time.time()


            N1 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \

            N2 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \
                self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0])

            hess = ca.blockcat([
                [N2, N1],
                [N1.T, ca.diag(self.w)],

            # hess = hess + 1e-10 * ca.diag(self.Vars)

            # J2 can be re-used from parameter estimation, right?

            J2 = ca.jacobian(self.g, self.Vars)

            kkt = ca.blockcat( \

                [[hess, \
                    J2.T], \

                [J2, \
                    ca.MX(self.g.size1(), self.g.size1())]] \


            B1 = kkt[:self.pesetup.np, :self.pesetup.np]
            E = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, :self.pesetup.np]
            D = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, self.pesetup.np:]

            Dinv = ca.solve(D, E, "csparse")

            F11 = B1 - ca.mul([E.T, Dinv])

            self.fbeta = ca.MXFunction("fbeta", [self.Vars],
                [ca.mul([self.R.T, self.R]) / \
                (self.yN.size + self.g.size1() - self.Vars.size())])

            [self.beta] = self.fbeta([self.Varshat])

            self.fcovp = ca.MXFunction("fcovp", [self.Vars], \
                [self.beta * ca.solve(F11, ca.MX.eye(F11.size1()))])

            [self.Covp] = self.fcovp([self.Varshat])

            print( \
'''Covariance matrix computation finished, run show_results() to visualize.''')

        except AttributeError as err:

            errmsg = '''
You must execute run_parameter_estimation() first before the covariance
matrix for the estimated parameters can be computed.

            raise AttributeError(errmsg)


            self.tend_cov_computation = time.time()
            self.duration_cov_computation = self.tend_cov_computation - \
Exemple #19
def skew(a, b, c):
    " creates skew-symmetric matrix"
    d = ca.blockcat([[0., -c, b], [c, 0., -a], [-b, a, 0.]])
    return d
Exemple #20
def crosswind_model(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( ['r_n2b_n_x', 'r_n2b_n_y', 'r_n2b_n_z',
               'e11', 'e12', 'e13',
               'e21', 'e22', 'e23',
               'e31', 'e32', 'e33',
               'v_bn_n_x', 'v_bn_n_y', 'v_bn_n_z',
               'w_bn_b_x', 'w_bn_b_y', 'w_bn_b_z',
               'r', 'dr', 'ddr',
               'aileron', 'elevator', 'rudder', 'flaps'
    dae.addU( [ 'daileron'
              , 'delevator'
              , 'drudder'
              , 'dflaps'
              , 'dddr'
              ] )
    dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_x')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_y')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('v_bn_n_z')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in degrees for plotting
    dae['aileron_deg']     = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg']    = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['rudder_deg']      = dae['rudder']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s']  = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['drudder_deg_s']   = dae['drudder']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_n2b'] = C.blockcat([[dae['e11'], dae['e12'], dae['e13']],
                               [dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23']],
                               [dae['e31'], dae['e32'], dae['e33']]])

    # local wind
    dae['wind_at_altitude'] = get_wind(dae, conf)

    # wind velocity in NED
    dae['v_wn_n'] = C.veccat([dae['wind_at_altitude'], 0, 0])

    # body velocity in NED
    dae['v_bn_n'] = C.veccat( [ dae['v_bn_n_x'] , dae['v_bn_n_y'], dae['v_bn_n_z'] ] )

    # body velocity w.r.t. wind in NED
    v_bw_n =  dae['v_bn_n'] - dae['v_wn_n']

    # body velocity w.r.t. wind in body frame
    v_bw_b = C.mul( dae['R_n2b'], v_bw_n )

    # compute aerodynamic forces and moments
    (f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3) = \
        aeroForcesTorques(dae, conf, v_bw_n, v_bw_b,
                          (dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23']))

    # if we are running a homotopy,
    # add psudeo forces and moments as algebraic states
    if 'runHomotopy' in conf and conf['runHomotopy']:
        gamma_homotopy = dae.addP('gamma_homotopy')
        f1 = f1*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f1_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f2 = f2*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f2_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f3 = f3*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f3_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t1 = t1*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t1_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t2 = t2*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t2_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t3 = t3*gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t3_homotopy')*(1 - gamma_homotopy)

    # derivative of dcm
    dRexp = C.mul(skew_mat(dae['w_bn_b']).T, dae['R_n2b'])
    ddt_R_n2b = C.blockcat(\
        [[dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e11', 'e12', 'e13']],
         [dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e21', 'e22', 'e23']],
         [dae.ddt(name) for name in ['e31', 'e32', 'e33']]])

    # get mass matrix, rhs
    (mass_matrix, rhs) = compute_mass_matrix(dae, conf, f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3)

    # set up the residual
    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt('r_n2b_n_'+name) - dae['v_bn_n_'+name] for name in ['x','y','z']]),
        C.veccat([ddt_R_n2b - dRexp]),
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder'],
        dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']

    # acceleration for plotting
    ddx = dae['ddx']
    ddy = dae['ddy']
    ddz = dae['ddz']
    dae['accel_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz + 9.8)**2)/9.8
    dae['accel_without_gravity_g'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)/9.8
    dae['accel'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + (ddz+9.8)**2)
    dae['accel_without_gravity'] = C.sqrt(ddx**2 + ddy**2 + ddz**2)

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['r_n2b_n_x'] + dae['e32']*dae['r_n2b_n_y'] + dae['e33']*dae['r_n2b_n_z']) / \
       C.sqrt(dae['r_n2b_n_x']**2 + dae['r_n2b_n_y']**2 + dae['r_n2b_n_z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    # add local loyd's limit
    def addLoydsLimit():
        w = dae['wind_at_altitude']
        cL = dae['cL']
        cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
        rho = conf['rho']
        S = conf['sref']
        loyds = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*cL**3/cD**2
        loyds2 = 2/27.0*rho*S*w**3*(cL**2/cD**2 + 1)**(1.5)*cD
        dae["loyds_limit"] = loyds
        dae["loyds_limit_exact"] = loyds2
        dae['neg_electrical_winch_power'] = -dae['electrical_winch_power']
        dae['neg_mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['mechanical_winch_power']

    psuedo_zvec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in \
    alg = C.mul(mass_matrix, psuedo_zvec) - rhs
    dae.setResidual( [ode, alg] )

    return dae
    obj = [x_end - ydata[0, :].T]

    for k in range(int(N)):

        x_end = rk4(x0=x_end, p=ca.vertcat(udata[k], EPS_U[k], P))["xf"]
        obj.append(x_end - ydata_noise[k + 1, :].T)

    r = ca.vertcat(ca.vertcat(*obj), EPS_U)

    wv = (1.0 / sigma_y**2) * pl.ones(ydata.shape)
    weps_u = (1.0 / sigma_u**2) * pl.ones(udata.shape)

    Sigma_y_inv = ca.diag(ca.vec(wv))
    Sigma_u_inv = ca.diag(weps_u)

    Sigma = ca.blockcat(Sigma_y_inv, ca.DM(pl.zeros((Sigma_y_inv.shape[0], Sigma_u_inv.shape[1]))),\
        ca.DM(pl.zeros((Sigma_u_inv.shape[0], Sigma_y_inv.shape[1]))), Sigma_u_inv)

    nlp = {"x": V, "f": ca.mtimes([r.T, Sigma, r])}

    nlpsolver = ca.nlpsol("nlpsolver", "ipopt", nlp)

    V0 = ca.vertcat(

            pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0=V0)
Exemple #22
def setupModel(dae, conf):
    take the dae that has x/z/u/p added to it already and return
    the states added to it and return mass matrix and rhs of the dae residual

    mass matrix columns:
     ddt(ddelta dx dy dz w_bn_b_x w_bn_b_y w_bn_b_z) nu

      forces/torques acting on : ddt(ddelta dx dy dz w_bn_b_x w_bn_b_y w_bn_b_z) nu


    # Parameters
    m =  conf['mass']
    g = conf['g']

    j1 =  conf['j1']
    j31 = conf['j31']
    j2 =  conf['j2']
    j3 =  conf['j3']

    jCarousel = conf['jCarousel']
    cfric = conf['cfric']

    zt = conf['zt']
    rA = conf['rArm']

    # Frames
    # ==========================================
    #   World frame  (n)  NED North-East-Down
    #   Wind carrying frame (w)
    #      - Translates along the world frame's x axis with the wind speed
    #   Carousel frame (c)
    #      - Origin coincides with the world origin
    #      - Makes and angle delta
    #   Carousel tip frame (a)
    #      - Origin sits at tip of arm
    #      - e_x extends radially outwards
    #      - e_z points downwards
    #   Body frame  (b)
    #      - attached to body of aircraft
    #      - e_x extends to the nose
    #      - e_z points downwards
    # Vector naming convention
    # =========================
    #   v_ab_c
    #      Velocity of point a, differentiated in frame b, expressed in frame c (Greg terminlogy)
    #      Velocity of point a w.r.t. frame b, expressed in frame c (Joris terminology)

    # States

    # Components that make up the rotation matrix from carousel frame to body frame   R_c2b  [-]
    # e11 e12 e13
    # e21 e22 e23
    # e31 e32 e33

    e11 = dae['e11']
    e12 = dae['e12']
    e13 = dae['e13']

    e21 = dae['e21']
    e22 = dae['e22']
    e23 = dae['e23']

    e31 = dae['e31']
    e32 = dae['e32']
    e33 = dae['e33']

    x =   dae['x'] # Aircraft position in carousel tip frame coordinates [m]
    y =   dae['y']
    z =   dae['z']

    dx  =  dae['dx'] # Time derivatives of x [m/s]
    dy  =  dae['dy']
    dz  =  dae['dz']

    w1 =  dae['w_bn_b_x'] # Body angular rate w.r.t world frame, expressed in body coordinates [rad/s^2]
    w2 =  dae['w_bn_b_y']
    w3 =  dae['w_bn_b_z']

    ddelta = dae['ddelta'] # Carousel turning speed  [rad/s]

    r = dae['r']
    dr = dae['dr']

    ddr = dae['ddr']

    tc = dae['motor_torque'] #Carousel motor torque
    if 'xt' in conf:
        t_xt = dae['tether_tension'] * conf['xt']
        t_xt = 0.0
    R_g2c = C.blockcat([[dae['cos_delta'], -dae['sin_delta'], 0.0],
                        [dae['sin_delta'],  dae['cos_delta'], 0.0],
                        [0.0,               0.0,              1.0]])

    # wind model
    def getWind():
        if 'wind_model' not in conf:
            return C.veccat([0, 0, 0])
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'wind_shear':
            # use a logarithmic wind shear model
            # wind(z) = w0 * log((altitude+zt)/zt) / log(z0/zt)
            # where w0 is wind at z0 altitude
            # zt is surface roughness characteristic length
            # altitude is -z - altitude0, where altitude0 is a user parameter
            z0 = conf['wind_model']['z0']
            zt_roughness = conf['wind_model']['zt_roughness']
            altitude = -z - conf['wind_model']['altitude0']
            wind = dae['w0']*C.log((altitude+zt_roughness)/zt_roughness)/C.log(z0/zt_roughness)
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = wind
            return C.mul([R_g2c, C.veccat([wind, 0, 0])])
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] in ['constant','hardcoded']:
            # constant wind
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = dae['w0']
            return C.mul([R_g2c, C.veccat([dae['w0'], 0, 0])])
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
            wind_x = dae.addX('wind_x')
            wind_y = dae.addX('wind_y')
            wind_z = dae.addX('wind_z')
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = wind_x
            return C.veccat([wind_x, wind_y, wind_z])
    wind = getWind()

    # Velocity of aircraft w.r.t wind carrying frame, expressed in carousel frame
    v_bw_c = C.veccat( [ dx - ddelta*y
                       , dy + ddelta*(rA + x)
                       , dz
                       ]) - wind
    # Velocity of aircraft w.r.t wind carrying frame, expressed in body frame
    # (needed to compute the aero forces and torques !)
    v_bw_b = C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], v_bw_c )

    (f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3) = aeroForcesTorques(dae, conf, v_bw_c, v_bw_b,
                                                 (dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23'])  # y-axis of body frame in carousel coordinates
    # f1..f3 expressed in carrousel coordinates
    # t1..t3 expressed in body coordinates

    # if we are running a homotopy, add psudeo forces and moments as algebraic states
    if 'runHomotopy' in conf and conf['runHomotopy']:
        gamma_homotopy = dae.addP('gamma_homotopy')
        f1 = f1 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f1_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f2 = f2 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f2_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f3 = f3 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f3_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t1 = t1 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t1_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t2 = t2 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t2_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t3 = t3 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t3_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                f1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f1_disturbance')

            if _which[ 1 ]:
                f2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f2_disturbance')

            if _which[ 2 ]:
                f3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f3_disturbance')

        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                f1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                f2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                f3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f3_disturbance')
        elif _type == 'online_data':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                f1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                f2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                f3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f3_disturbance')
            raise ValueError("WTF?")
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                t1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                t2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addX('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                t3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t3_disturbance')
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                t1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                t2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addX('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                t3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t3_disturbance')

        elif _type == 'online_data':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                t1 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addP('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                t2 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addP('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                t3 += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addP('t3_disturbance')
            raise ValueError("WTF?")

    # mass matrix
    mm = C.SX.zeros(8, 8)
    mm[0,0] = jCarousel + m*rA*rA + m*x*x + m*y*y + 2*m*rA*x
    mm[0,1] = -m*y
    mm[0,2] = m*(rA + x)
    mm[0,3] = 0
    mm[0,4] = 0
    mm[0,5] = 0
    mm[0,6] = 0
    mm[0,7] = 0

    mm[1,0] = -m*y
    mm[1,1] = m
    mm[1,2] = 0
    mm[1,3] = 0
    mm[1,4] = 0
    mm[1,5] = 0
    mm[1,6] = 0
    mm[1,7] = x + zt*e31

    mm[2,0] = m*(rA + x)
    mm[2,1] = 0
    mm[2,2] = m
    mm[2,3] = 0
    mm[2,4] = 0
    mm[2,5] = 0
    mm[2,6] = 0
    mm[2,7] = y + zt*e32

    mm[3,0] = 0
    mm[3,1] = 0
    mm[3,2] = 0
    mm[3,3] = m
    mm[3,4] = 0
    mm[3,5] = 0
    mm[3,6] = 0
    mm[3,7] = z + zt*e33

    mm[4,0] = 0
    mm[4,1] = 0
    mm[4,2] = 0
    mm[4,3] = 0
    mm[4,4] = j1
    mm[4,5] = 0
    mm[4,6] = j31
    mm[4,7] = -zt*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33)

    mm[5,0] = 0
    mm[5,1] = 0
    mm[5,2] = 0
    mm[5,3] = 0
    mm[5,4] = 0
    mm[5,5] = j2
    mm[5,6] = 0
    mm[5,7] = zt*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33)

    mm[6,0] = 0
    mm[6,1] = 0
    mm[6,2] = 0
    mm[6,3] = 0
    mm[6,4] = j31
    mm[6,5] = 0
    mm[6,6] = j3
    mm[6,7] = 0

    mm[7,0] = -zt*(e11*e23*x - e13*e21*x + e12*e23*y - e13*e22*y + zt*e11*e23*e31 - zt*e13*e21*e31 + zt*e12*e23*e32 - zt*e13*e22*e32)
    mm[7,1] = x + zt*e31
    mm[7,2] = y + zt*e32
    mm[7,3] = z + zt*e33
    mm[7,4] = -zt*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33)
    mm[7,5] = zt*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33)
    mm[7,6] = 0
    mm[7,7] = 0

    # right hand side
    zt2 = zt*zt
    rhs = C.veccat(
          [ tc - cfric*ddelta - f1*y + f2*(rA + x) + dy*m*(dx - 2*ddelta*y) - dx*m*(dy + 2*ddelta*rA + 2*ddelta*x)
          , f1 + ddelta*m*(dy + ddelta*rA + ddelta*x) + ddelta*dy*m
          , f2 - ddelta*m*(dx - ddelta*y) - ddelta*dx*m
          , f3 + g*m
          , t1 - w2*(j3*w3 + j31*w1) + j2*w2*w3
          , t2 + w1*(j3*w3 + j31*w1) - w3*(j1*w1 + j31*w3) + t_xt
          , t3 + w2*(j1*w1 + j31*w3) - j2*w1*w2
          , ddr*r-(zt*w1*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)+zt*w2*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33))*(w3-ddelta*e33)-dx*(dx-zt*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))-dy*(dy-zt*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))-dz*(dz-zt*e23*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e13*(w2-ddelta*e23))+dr*dr+(w1-ddelta*e13)*(e21*(zt*dx-zt2*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))+e22*(zt*dy-zt2*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))+zt*e23*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+zt*e33*(w1*z+zt*e33*w1+ddelta*e11*x+ddelta*e12*y+zt*ddelta*e11*e31+zt*ddelta*e12*e32)+zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w1-ddelta*e13))-(w2-ddelta*e23)*(e11*(zt*dx-zt2*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))+e12*(zt*dy-zt2*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))+zt*e13*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)-zt*e33*(w2*z+zt*e33*w2+ddelta*e21*x+ddelta*e22*y+zt*ddelta*e21*e31+zt*ddelta*e22*e32)-zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w2-ddelta*e23)-zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w2-ddelta*e23))
          ] )

    dRexp = C.SX.zeros(3,3)

    dRexp[0,0] = e21*(w3 - ddelta*e33) - e31*(w2 - ddelta*e23)
    dRexp[0,1] = e31*(w1 - ddelta*e13) - e11*(w3 - ddelta*e33)
    dRexp[0,2] = e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23) - e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13)

    dRexp[1,0] = e22*(w3 - ddelta*e33) - e32*(w2 - ddelta*e23)
    dRexp[1,1] = e32*(w1 - ddelta*e13) - e12*(w3 - ddelta*e33)
    dRexp[1,2] = e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23) - e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13)

    dRexp[2,0] = e23*w3 - e33*w2
    dRexp[2,1] = e33*w1 - e13*w3
    dRexp[2,2] = e13*w2 - e23*w1

    # The cable constraint
    c =(x + zt*e31)**2/2 + (y + zt*e32)**2/2 + (z + zt*e33)**2/2 - r**2/2

    cdot =dx*(x + zt*e31) + dy*(y + zt*e32) + dz*(z + zt*e33) + zt*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) - zt*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33) - r*dr

#    ddx = dae['ddx']
#    ddy = dae['ddy']
#    ddz = dae['ddz']
#    dw1 = dae['dw1']
#    dw2 = dae['dw2']
#    dddelta = dae['dddelta']
    ddx = dae.ddt('dx')
    ddy = dae.ddt('dy')
    ddz = dae.ddt('dz')
    dw1 = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dw2 = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dddelta = dae.ddt('ddelta')

    cddot = -(w1-ddelta*e13)*(zt*e23*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+zt*e33*(w1*z+zt*e33*w1+ddelta*e11*x+ddelta*e12*y+zt*ddelta*e11*e31+zt*ddelta*e12*e32)+zt*e21*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+zt*e22*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)+zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w1-ddelta*e13))+(w2-ddelta*e23)*(zt*e13*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)-zt*e33*(w2*z+zt*e33*w2+ddelta*e21*x+ddelta*e22*y+zt*ddelta*e21*e31+zt*ddelta*e22*e32)+zt*e11*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+zt*e12*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)-zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w2-ddelta*e23)-zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w2-ddelta*e23))-ddr*r+(zt*w1*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)+zt*w2*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33))*(w3-ddelta*e33)+dx*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+dy*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)+dz*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+ddx*(x+zt*e31)+ddy*(y+zt*e32)+ddz*(z+zt*e33)-dr*dr+zt*(dw2-dddelta*e23)*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)-zt*(dw1-dddelta*e13)*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33)-zt*dddelta*(e11*e23*x-e13*e21*x+e12*e23*y-e13*e22*y+zt*e11*e23*e31-zt*e13*e21*e31+zt*e12*e23*e32-zt*e13*e22*e32)

#    cddot = (zt*w1*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) + zt*w2*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33))*(w3 - ddelta*e33) + dx*(dx + zt*e11*w2 - zt*e21*w1 - zt*ddelta*e11*e23 + zt*ddelta*e13*e21) + dy*(dy + zt*e12*w2 - zt*e22*w1 - zt*ddelta*e12*e23 + zt*ddelta*e13*e22) + dz*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) + ddx*(x + zt*e31) + ddy*(y + zt*e32) + ddz*(z + zt*e33) - (w1 - ddelta*e13)*(e21*(zt*dx - zt**2*e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + e22*(zt*dy - zt**2*e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + zt*e33*(z*w1 + ddelta*e11*x + ddelta*e12*y + zt*e33*w1 + zt*ddelta*e11*e31 + zt*ddelta*e12*e32) + zt*e23*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) + zt*e31*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(x + zt*e31) + zt*e32*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(y + zt*e32)) + (w2 - ddelta*e23)*(e11*(zt*dx - zt**2*e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + e12*(zt*dy - zt**2*e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) - zt*e33*(z*w2 + ddelta*e21*x + ddelta*e22*y + zt*e33*w2 + zt*ddelta*e21*e31 + zt*ddelta*e22*e32) + zt*e13*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) - zt*e31*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(x + zt*e31) - zt*e32*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(y + zt*e32)) + zt*(dw2 - dddelta*e23)*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) - zt*(dw1 - dddelta*e13)*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33) - zt*dddelta*(e11*e23*x - e13*e21*x + e12*e23*y - e13*e22*y + zt*e11*e23*e31 - zt*e13*e21*e31 + zt*e12*e23*e32 - zt*e13*e22*e32)
#      where
#        dw1 = dw @> 0
#        dw2 = dw @> 1
#        {-
#        dw3 = dw @> 2
#        -}
#        ddx = ddX @> 0
#        ddy = ddX @> 1
#        ddz = ddX @> 2
#        dddelta = dddelta' @> 0

    dae['c'] =  c
    dae['cdot'] = cdot
    dae['cddot'] = cddot
    return (mm, rhs, dRexp)
Exemple #23
def blockcat(a, b, c, d):

    return ca.blockcat(a, b, c, d)
Exemple #24
def carouselModel(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w_bn_b_x"
              , "w_bn_b_y"
              , "w_bn_b_z"
              , "ddelta"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              , "motor_torque"
              , "ddr"
              ] )
    if 'cn_rudder' in conf:
    if 'cL_flaps' in conf:
    if conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'linear':
        dae['cos_delta'] = C.cos(dae['delta'])
        dae['sin_delta'] = C.sin(dae['delta'])
        dae_delta_residual = dae.ddt('delta') - dae['ddelta']

    elif conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'cos_sin':
        norm = dae['cos_delta']**2 + dae['sin_delta']**2

        if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
            pole_delta = 0.5    
            pole_delta = 0.0

        cos_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['cos_delta'] - dae['cos_delta'] / norm )
        sin_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['sin_delta'] - dae['sin_delta'] / norm )
        dae_delta_residual = C.veccat([dae.ddt('cos_delta') - (-dae['sin_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + cos_delta_dot_st),
                                       dae.ddt('sin_delta') - ( dae['cos_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + sin_delta_dot_st) ])
        raise ValueError('unrecognized delta_parameterization "'+conf['delta_parameterization']+'"')

    if "parametrizeInputsAsOnlineData" in conf and conf[ "parametrizeInputsAsOnlineData" ] is True:
        dae.addP( [ "daileron",
                    'dddr' ] )
        dae.addU( [ "daileron",
                    'dddr' ] )
    # add wind parameter if wind shear is in configuration
    if 'wind_model' in conf:
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'hardcoded':
            dae['w0'] = conf['wind_model']['hardcoded_value']
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] != 'random_walk':
            dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('dx')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('dy')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('dz')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in for plotting
    dae['carousel_RPM'] = dae['ddelta']*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['aileron_deg'] = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg'] = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s'] = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_c2b'] = C.blockcat([[dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']],
    dae["yaw"] = C.arctan2(dae["e12"], dae["e11"]) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["pitch"] = C.arcsin( -dae["e13"] ) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["roll"] = C.arctan2(dae["e23"], dae["e33"]) * 180.0 / C.pi

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        RotPole = 0.5
        RotPole = 0.0
    Rst = RotPole*C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], (C.inv(C.mul(dae['R_c2b'].T,dae['R_c2b'])) - numpy.eye(3)) )

    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - ( dRexp.T.reshape([9,1]) + Rst.reshape([9,1]) ),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
#        dae.ddt('ddelta') - dae['dddelta'],
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('motor_torque') - dae['dmotor_torque'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr']
    if 'rudder' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder']])
    if 'flaps' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']])
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t1_disturbance') - dae['dt1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t2_disturbance') - dae['dt2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t3_disturbance') - dae['dt3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t3_disturbance')])
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type is 'random_walk':

            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f1_disturbance') - dae['df1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f2_disturbance') - dae['df2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f3_disturbance') - dae['df3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f3_disturbance')])
    if 'wind_model' in conf and conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
        tau_wind = conf['wind_model']['tau_wind']
        ode = C.veccat([ode,
                        dae.ddt('wind_x') - (-dae['wind_x'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_x'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_y') - (-dae['wind_y'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_y'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_z') - (-dae['wind_z'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_z'])

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        cPole = 0.5
        cPole = 0.0
    rhs[-1] -= 2*cPole*dae['cdot'] + cPole*cPole*dae['c']

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['ddelta','dx','dy','dz','w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']]+[dae['nu']])
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs

    return dae
Exemple #25
    x_end = X0
    obj = [x_end - ydata_noise[0,:].T]

    for k in range(N):

        x_end = rk4(x0 = x_end, p = ca.vertcat(udata[k], EPS_U[k], P))["xf"]
        obj.append(x_end - ydata_noise[k+1, :].T)

    r = ca.vertcat(ca.vertcat(*obj), EPS_U)

    Sigma_y_inv = ca.diag(ca.vec(wv))
    Sigma_u_inv = ca.diag(weps_u)
    Z = ca.DM(pl.zeros((Sigma_y_inv.shape[0], Sigma_u_inv.shape[1])))

    Sigma = ca.blockcat(Sigma_y_inv, Z, Z.T, Sigma_u_inv)

    nlp = {"x": V, "f": 0.5 * ca.mtimes([r.T, Sigma, r])}

    nlpsolver = ca.nlpsol("nlpsolver", "ipopt", nlp)

    V0 = ca.vertcat(

            pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0 = V0)
Exemple #26
    dae['cD_tether'] = 0.25*dae['r']*0.001/sref
    dae['L_over_D'] = cL/cD
    cD = dae['cD'] + dae['cD_tether']
    dae['L_over_D_with_tether'] = cL/cD

    ######## moment coefficients #######
    # offset
    dae['momentCoeffs0'] = C.DMatrix([0, conf['cm0'], 0])

    # with roll rates
    # non-dimensionalized angular velocity
    w_bn_b_hat = C.veccat([conf['bref'],conf['cref'],conf['bref']])*0.5/dae['airspeed']*w_bn_b

    momentCoeffs_pqr = C.mul(C.blockcat([[conf['cl_p'], conf['cl_q'], conf['cl_r']],
                                         [conf['cm_p'], conf['cm_q'], conf['cm_r']],
                                         [conf['cn_p'], conf['cn_q'], conf['cn_r']]]),
    dae['momentCoeffs_pqr'] = momentCoeffs_pqr

    # with alpha beta
    momentCoeffs_AB = C.mul(C.blockcat([[           0, conf['cl_B'], conf['cl_AB']],
                                        [conf['cm_A'],            0,             0],
                                        [           0, conf['cn_B'], conf['cn_AB']]]),
                            C.vertcat([alpha, beta, alpha*beta]))
    dae['momentCoeffs_AB'] = momentCoeffs_AB

    # with control surfaces
    momentCoeffs_surf = C.SXMatrix(3, 1, 0)
    momentCoeffs_surf[0] += conf['cl_ail']*dae['aileron']
    momentCoeffs_surf[1] += conf['cm_elev']*dae['elevator']
    obj = [x_end - ydata[0,:].T]

    for k in range(int(N)):

        x_end = rk4(x0 = x_end, p = ca.vertcat([udata[k], EPS_U[k], P]))["xf"]
        obj.append(x_end - ydata_noise[k+1, :].T)

    r = ca.vertcat([ca.vertcat(obj), EPS_U])

    wv = (1.0 / sigma_y**2) * pl.ones(ydata.shape)
    weps_u = (1.0 / sigma_u**2) * pl.ones(udata.shape)

    Sigma_y_inv = ca.diag(ca.vec(wv))
    Sigma_u_inv = ca.diag(weps_u)

    Sigma = ca.blockcat(Sigma_y_inv, ca.DMatrix(pl.zeros((Sigma_y_inv.shape[0], Sigma_u_inv.shape[1]))),\
        ca.DMatrix(pl.zeros((Sigma_u_inv.shape[0], Sigma_y_inv.shape[1]))), Sigma_u_inv)

    nlp = ca.MXFunction("nlp", ca.nlpIn(x = V), ca.nlpOut(f = ca.mul([r.T, Sigma, r])))

    nlpsolver = ca.NlpSolver("nlpsolver", "ipopt", nlp)

    V0 = ca.vertcat([

            pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0 = V0)
Exemple #28
def setupModel(dae, conf):
    take the dae that has x/z/u/p added to it already and return
    the states added to it and return mass matrix and rhs of the dae residual

    mass matrix columns:
     ddt(ddelta dx dy dz w_bn_b_x w_bn_b_y w_bn_b_z) nu

      forces/torques acting on : ddt(ddelta dx dy dz w_bn_b_x w_bn_b_y w_bn_b_z) nu


    # Parameters
    m =  conf['mass']
    g = conf['g']

    j1 =  conf['j1']
    j31 = conf['j31']
    j2 =  conf['j2']
    j3 =  conf['j3']

    jCarousel = conf['jCarousel']
    cfric = conf['cfric']

    zt = conf['zt']
    rA = conf['rArm']

    # Frames
    # ==========================================
    #   World frame  (n)  NED North-East-Down
    #   Wind carrying frame (w)
    #      - Translates along the world frame's x axis with the wind speed
    #   Carousel frame (c)
    #      - Origin coincides with the world origin
    #      - Makes and angle delta
    #   Carousel tip frame (a)
    #      - Origin sits at tip of arm
    #      - e_x extends radially outwards
    #      - e_z points downwards
    #   Body frame  (b)
    #      - attached to body of aircraft
    #      - e_x extends to the nose
    #      - e_z points downwards
    # Vector naming convention
    # =========================
    #   v_ab_c
    #      Velocity of point a, differentiated in frame b, expressed in frame c (Greg terminlogy)
    #      Velocity of point a w.r.t. frame b, expressed in frame c (Joris terminology)

    # States

    # Components that make up the rotation matrix from carousel frame to body frame   R_c2b  [-]
    # e11 e12 e13
    # e21 e22 e23
    # e31 e32 e33

    e11 = dae['e11']
    e12 = dae['e12']
    e13 = dae['e13']

    e21 = dae['e21']
    e22 = dae['e22']
    e23 = dae['e23']

    e31 = dae['e31']
    e32 = dae['e32']
    e33 = dae['e33']

    x =   dae['x'] # Aircraft position in carousel tip frame coordinates [m]
    y =   dae['y']
    z =   dae['z']

    dx  =  dae['dx'] # Time derivatives of x [m/s]
    dy  =  dae['dy']
    dz  =  dae['dz']

    w1 =  dae['w_bn_b_x'] # Body angular rate w.r.t world frame, expressed in body coordinates [rad/s^2]
    w2 =  dae['w_bn_b_y']
    w3 =  dae['w_bn_b_z']

    ddelta = dae['ddelta'] # Carousel turning speed  [rad/s]

    r = dae['r']
    dr = dae['dr']

    ddr = dae['ddr']

    tc = dae['motor_torque'] #Carousel motor torque
    if 'xt' in conf:
        t_xt = dae['tether_tension'] * conf['xt']
        t_xt = 0.0
    R_g2c = C.blockcat([[dae['cos_delta'], -dae['sin_delta'], 0.0],
                        [dae['sin_delta'],  dae['cos_delta'], 0.0],
                        [0.0,               0.0,              1.0]])

    # wind model
    def getWind():
        if 'wind_model' not in conf:
            return C.veccat([0, 0, 0])
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'wind_shear':
            # use a logarithmic wind shear model
            # wind(z) = w0 * log((altitude+zt)/zt) / log(z0/zt)
            # where w0 is wind at z0 altitude
            # zt is surface roughness characteristic length
            # altitude is -z - altitude0, where altitude0 is a user parameter
            z0 = conf['wind_model']['z0']
            zt_roughness = conf['wind_model']['zt_roughness']
            altitude = -z - conf['wind_model']['altitude0']
            wind = dae['w0']*C.log((altitude+zt_roughness)/zt_roughness)/C.log(z0/zt_roughness)
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = wind
            return C.mul([R_g2c, C.veccat([wind, 0, 0])])
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] in ['constant','hardcoded']:
            # constant wind
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = dae['w0']
            return C.mul([R_g2c, C.veccat([dae['w0'], 0, 0])])
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
            wind_x = dae.addX('wind_x')
            wind_y = dae.addX('wind_y')
            wind_z = dae.addX('wind_z')
            dae['wind_at_altitude'] = wind_x
            return C.veccat([wind_x, wind_y, wind_z])
    wind = getWind()

    # Velocity of aircraft w.r.t wind carrying frame, expressed in carousel frame
    v_bw_c = C.veccat( [ dx - ddelta*y
                       , dy + ddelta*(rA + x)
                       , dz
                       ]) - wind
    # Velocity of aircraft w.r.t wind carrying frame, expressed in body frame
    # (needed to compute the aero forces and torques !)
    v_bw_b = C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], v_bw_c )

    (f1, f2, f3, t1, t2, t3) = aeroForcesTorques(dae, conf, v_bw_c, v_bw_b,
                                                 (dae['e21'], dae['e22'], dae['e23'])  # y-axis of body frame in carousel coordinates
    # f1..f3 expressed in carrousel coordinates
    # t1..t3 expressed in body coordinates

    # if we are running a homotopy, add psudeo forces and moments as algebraic states
    if 'runHomotopy' in conf and conf['runHomotopy']:
        gamma_homotopy = dae.addP('gamma_homotopy')
        f1 = f1 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f1_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f2 = f2 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f2_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        f3 = f3 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('f3_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t1 = t1 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t1_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t2 = t2 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t2_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
        t3 = t3 * gamma_homotopy + dae.addZ('t3_homotopy') * (1 - gamma_homotopy)
    fx_dist = 0
    fy_dist = 0
    fz_dist = 0
    mx_dist = 0
    my_dist = 0
    mz_dist = 0
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                fx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f1_disturbance')

            if _which[ 1 ]:
                fy_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f2_disturbance')

            if _which[ 2 ]:
                fz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f3_disturbance')

        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                fx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                fy_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                fz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addX('f3_disturbance')
        elif _type == 'online_data':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                fx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                fy_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                fz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * dae.addP('f3_disturbance')
            raise ValueError("WTF?")
    f1 += fx_dist
    f2 += fy_dist
    f3 += fz_dist
    dae["aero_fx_dist"] = fx_dist
    dae["aero_fy_dist"] = fy_dist
    dae["aero_fz_dist"] = fz_dist
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                mx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                my_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addX('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                mz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t3_disturbance')
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                mx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                my_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addX('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                mz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addX('t3_disturbance')

        elif _type == 'online_data':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                mx_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addP('t1_disturbance')
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                my_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['cref'] * dae.addP('t2_disturbance')
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                mz_dist += dae['rho_sref_v2'] * conf['bref'] * dae.addP('t3_disturbance')
            raise ValueError("WTF?")
    t1 += mx_dist
    t2 += my_dist
    t3 += mz_dist
    dae["aero_mx_dist"] = mx_dist
    dae["aero_my_dist"] = my_dist
    dae["aero_mz_dist"] = mz_dist

    # mass matrix
    mm = C.SXMatrix(8, 8)
    mm[0,0] = jCarousel + m*rA*rA + m*x*x + m*y*y + 2*m*rA*x
    mm[0,1] = -m*y
    mm[0,2] = m*(rA + x)
    mm[0,3] = 0
    mm[0,4] = 0
    mm[0,5] = 0
    mm[0,6] = 0
    mm[0,7] = 0

    mm[1,0] = -m*y
    mm[1,1] = m
    mm[1,2] = 0
    mm[1,3] = 0
    mm[1,4] = 0
    mm[1,5] = 0
    mm[1,6] = 0
    mm[1,7] = x + zt*e31

    mm[2,0] = m*(rA + x)
    mm[2,1] = 0
    mm[2,2] = m
    mm[2,3] = 0
    mm[2,4] = 0
    mm[2,5] = 0
    mm[2,6] = 0
    mm[2,7] = y + zt*e32

    mm[3,0] = 0
    mm[3,1] = 0
    mm[3,2] = 0
    mm[3,3] = m
    mm[3,4] = 0
    mm[3,5] = 0
    mm[3,6] = 0
    mm[3,7] = z + zt*e33

    mm[4,0] = 0
    mm[4,1] = 0
    mm[4,2] = 0
    mm[4,3] = 0
    mm[4,4] = j1
    mm[4,5] = 0
    mm[4,6] = j31
    mm[4,7] = -zt*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33)

    mm[5,0] = 0
    mm[5,1] = 0
    mm[5,2] = 0
    mm[5,3] = 0
    mm[5,4] = 0
    mm[5,5] = j2
    mm[5,6] = 0
    mm[5,7] = zt*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33)

    mm[6,0] = 0
    mm[6,1] = 0
    mm[6,2] = 0
    mm[6,3] = 0
    mm[6,4] = j31
    mm[6,5] = 0
    mm[6,6] = j3
    mm[6,7] = 0

    mm[7,0] = -zt*(e11*e23*x - e13*e21*x + e12*e23*y - e13*e22*y + zt*e11*e23*e31 - zt*e13*e21*e31 + zt*e12*e23*e32 - zt*e13*e22*e32)
    mm[7,1] = x + zt*e31
    mm[7,2] = y + zt*e32
    mm[7,3] = z + zt*e33
    mm[7,4] = -zt*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33)
    mm[7,5] = zt*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33)
    mm[7,6] = 0
    mm[7,7] = 0

    # right hand side
    zt2 = zt*zt
    rhs = C.veccat(
          [ tc - cfric*ddelta - f1*y + f2*(rA + x) + dy*m*(dx - 2*ddelta*y) - dx*m*(dy + 2*ddelta*rA + 2*ddelta*x)
          , f1 + ddelta*m*(dy + ddelta*rA + ddelta*x) + ddelta*dy*m
          , f2 - ddelta*m*(dx - ddelta*y) - ddelta*dx*m
          , f3 + g*m
          , t1 - w2*(j3*w3 + j31*w1) + j2*w2*w3
          , t2 + w1*(j3*w3 + j31*w1) - w3*(j1*w1 + j31*w3) + t_xt
          , t3 + w2*(j1*w1 + j31*w3) - j2*w1*w2
          , ddr*r-(zt*w1*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)+zt*w2*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33))*(w3-ddelta*e33)-dx*(dx-zt*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))-dy*(dy-zt*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))-dz*(dz-zt*e23*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e13*(w2-ddelta*e23))+dr*dr+(w1-ddelta*e13)*(e21*(zt*dx-zt2*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))+e22*(zt*dy-zt2*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))+zt*e23*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+zt*e33*(w1*z+zt*e33*w1+ddelta*e11*x+ddelta*e12*y+zt*ddelta*e11*e31+zt*ddelta*e12*e32)+zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w1-ddelta*e13))-(w2-ddelta*e23)*(e11*(zt*dx-zt2*e21*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e11*(w2-ddelta*e23))+e12*(zt*dy-zt2*e22*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt2*e12*(w2-ddelta*e23))+zt*e13*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)-zt*e33*(w2*z+zt*e33*w2+ddelta*e21*x+ddelta*e22*y+zt*ddelta*e21*e31+zt*ddelta*e22*e32)-zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w2-ddelta*e23)-zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w2-ddelta*e23))
          ] )

    dRexp = C.SXMatrix(3,3)

    dRexp[0,0] = e21*(w3 - ddelta*e33) - e31*(w2 - ddelta*e23)
    dRexp[0,1] = e31*(w1 - ddelta*e13) - e11*(w3 - ddelta*e33)
    dRexp[0,2] = e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23) - e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13)

    dRexp[1,0] = e22*(w3 - ddelta*e33) - e32*(w2 - ddelta*e23)
    dRexp[1,1] = e32*(w1 - ddelta*e13) - e12*(w3 - ddelta*e33)
    dRexp[1,2] = e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23) - e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13)

    dRexp[2,0] = e23*w3 - e33*w2
    dRexp[2,1] = e33*w1 - e13*w3
    dRexp[2,2] = e13*w2 - e23*w1

    # The cable constraint
    c =(x + zt*e31)**2/2 + (y + zt*e32)**2/2 + (z + zt*e33)**2/2 - r**2/2

    cdot =dx*(x + zt*e31) + dy*(y + zt*e32) + dz*(z + zt*e33) + zt*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) - zt*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33) - r*dr

#    ddx = dae['ddx']
#    ddy = dae['ddy']
#    ddz = dae['ddz']
#    dw1 = dae['dw1']
#    dw2 = dae['dw2']
#    dddelta = dae['dddelta']
    ddx = dae.ddt('dx')
    ddy = dae.ddt('dy')
    ddz = dae.ddt('dz')
    dw1 = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dw2 = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dddelta = dae.ddt('ddelta')

    cddot = -(w1-ddelta*e13)*(zt*e23*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+zt*e33*(w1*z+zt*e33*w1+ddelta*e11*x+ddelta*e12*y+zt*ddelta*e11*e31+zt*ddelta*e12*e32)+zt*e21*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+zt*e22*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)+zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w1-ddelta*e13)+zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w1-ddelta*e13))+(w2-ddelta*e23)*(zt*e13*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)-zt*e33*(w2*z+zt*e33*w2+ddelta*e21*x+ddelta*e22*y+zt*ddelta*e21*e31+zt*ddelta*e22*e32)+zt*e11*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+zt*e12*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)-zt*e31*(x+zt*e31)*(w2-ddelta*e23)-zt*e32*(y+zt*e32)*(w2-ddelta*e23))-ddr*r+(zt*w1*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)+zt*w2*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33))*(w3-ddelta*e33)+dx*(dx+zt*e11*w2-zt*e21*w1-zt*ddelta*e11*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e21)+dy*(dy+zt*e12*w2-zt*e22*w1-zt*ddelta*e12*e23+zt*ddelta*e13*e22)+dz*(dz+zt*e13*w2-zt*e23*w1)+ddx*(x+zt*e31)+ddy*(y+zt*e32)+ddz*(z+zt*e33)-dr*dr+zt*(dw2-dddelta*e23)*(e11*x+e12*y+e13*z+zt*e11*e31+zt*e12*e32+zt*e13*e33)-zt*(dw1-dddelta*e13)*(e21*x+e22*y+e23*z+zt*e21*e31+zt*e22*e32+zt*e23*e33)-zt*dddelta*(e11*e23*x-e13*e21*x+e12*e23*y-e13*e22*y+zt*e11*e23*e31-zt*e13*e21*e31+zt*e12*e23*e32-zt*e13*e22*e32)

#    cddot = (zt*w1*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) + zt*w2*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33))*(w3 - ddelta*e33) + dx*(dx + zt*e11*w2 - zt*e21*w1 - zt*ddelta*e11*e23 + zt*ddelta*e13*e21) + dy*(dy + zt*e12*w2 - zt*e22*w1 - zt*ddelta*e12*e23 + zt*ddelta*e13*e22) + dz*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) + ddx*(x + zt*e31) + ddy*(y + zt*e32) + ddz*(z + zt*e33) - (w1 - ddelta*e13)*(e21*(zt*dx - zt**2*e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + e22*(zt*dy - zt**2*e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + zt*e33*(z*w1 + ddelta*e11*x + ddelta*e12*y + zt*e33*w1 + zt*ddelta*e11*e31 + zt*ddelta*e12*e32) + zt*e23*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) + zt*e31*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(x + zt*e31) + zt*e32*(w1 - ddelta*e13)*(y + zt*e32)) + (w2 - ddelta*e23)*(e11*(zt*dx - zt**2*e21*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e11*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) + e12*(zt*dy - zt**2*e22*(w1 - ddelta*e13) + zt**2*e12*(w2 - ddelta*e23)) - zt*e33*(z*w2 + ddelta*e21*x + ddelta*e22*y + zt*e33*w2 + zt*ddelta*e21*e31 + zt*ddelta*e22*e32) + zt*e13*(dz + zt*e13*w2 - zt*e23*w1) - zt*e31*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(x + zt*e31) - zt*e32*(w2 - ddelta*e23)*(y + zt*e32)) + zt*(dw2 - dddelta*e23)*(e11*x + e12*y + e13*z + zt*e11*e31 + zt*e12*e32 + zt*e13*e33) - zt*(dw1 - dddelta*e13)*(e21*x + e22*y + e23*z + zt*e21*e31 + zt*e22*e32 + zt*e23*e33) - zt*dddelta*(e11*e23*x - e13*e21*x + e12*e23*y - e13*e22*y + zt*e11*e23*e31 - zt*e13*e21*e31 + zt*e12*e23*e32 - zt*e13*e22*e32)
#      where
#        dw1 = dw @> 0
#        dw2 = dw @> 1
#        {-
#        dw3 = dw @> 2
#        -}
#        ddx = ddX @> 0
#        ddy = ddX @> 1
#        ddz = ddX @> 2
#        dddelta = dddelta' @> 0

    dae['c'] =  c
    dae['cdot'] = cdot
    dae['cddot'] = cddot
    return (mm, rhs, dRexp)
Exemple #29
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initialize and build the MPC solver

        # Arguments:
            horizon: Prediction horizon with control inputs
            model: System model

        # Optional Argumants:
            gp: GP model
            Q: State penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
            P: Termial penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)
                if feedback is True, then P is the solution of the DARE,
                discarding this option.
            R: Input penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.01
            S: Input rate of change penalty matrix, default=diag(1,...,1)*0.1
            lam: Slack variable penalty for constraints, defalt=1000
            lam_state: Slack variable penalty for violation of upper/lower
                        state boundy, defalt=None
            ulb: Lower boundry input
            uub: Upper boundry input
            xlb: Lower boundry state
            xub: Upper boundry state
            terminal_constraint: Terminal condition on the state
                    * if None: No terminal constraint is used
                    * if zero: Terminal state is equal to zero
                    * if nonzero: Terminal state is bounded within +/- the constraint
                    * if not None and feedback is True, then the expected value of
                        the Lyapunov function E{x^TPx} < terminal_constraint
                        is used as a terminal constraint.
            feedback: If true, use an LQR feedback function u= Kx + v
            percentile: Measure how far from the contrain that is allowed,
                        P(X in constrained set) > percentile,
                        percentile= 1 - probability of violation,
            gp_method: Method of propagating the uncertainty
                    Possible options:
                        'TA': Second order Taylor approximation
                        'ME': Mean equivalent approximation

            costFunc: Cost function to use in the objective
                    'quad': Expected valaue of Quadratic Cost
                    'sat':  Expected value of Saturating cost
            solver_opts: Additional options to pass to the NLP solver
                    e.g.: solver_opts['print_time'] = False
                          solver_opts['ipopt.tol'] = 1e-8
            discrete_method: 'gp' -  Gaussian process model
                             'rk4' - Runga-Kutta 4 Integrator
                             'exact' - CVODES or IDEAS (for ODEs or DEAs)
                             'hybrid' - GP model for dynamic equations, and RK4
                                        for kinematic equations
                             'd_hybrid' - Same as above, without uncertainty
                             'f_hybrid' - GP estimating modelling errors, with
                                          RK4 computing the the actual model
            num_con_par: Number of parameters to pass to the inequality function
            inequality_constraints: Additional inequality constraints
                    Use a function with inputs (x, covar, u, eps) and
                    that returns a dictionary with inequality constraints and limits.
                        e.g. cons = dict(con_ineq=con_ineq_array,

        # NOTES:
            * Differentiation of Sundails integrators is not supported with SX graph,
                meaning that the solver option 'extend_graph' must be set to False
                to use MX graph instead when using the 'exact' discrete method.
            * At the moment the f_hybrid option is not finished implemented...

        build_solver_time = -time.time()
        dt = model.sampling_time()
        Ny, Nu, Np = model.size()
        Nx = Nu + Ny
        Nt = int(horizon / dt)

        self.__dt = dt
        self.__Nt = Nt
        self.__Ny = Ny
        self.__Nx = Nx
        self.__Nu = Nu
        self.__num_con_par = num_con_par
        self.__model = model
        self.__hybrid = hybrid
        self.__gp = gp
        self.__feedback = feedback
        self.__discrete_method = discrete_method
        """ Default penalty values """
        if P is None:
            P = np.eye(Ny)
        if Q is None:
            Q = np.eye(Ny)
        if R is None:
            R = np.eye(Nu) * 0.01
        if S is None:
            S = np.eye(Nu) * 0.1
        if lam is None:
            lam = 1000

        self.__Q = Q
        self.__P = P
        self.__R = R
        self.__S = S
        self.__Bd = Bd
        self.__Bf = Bf

        if xub is None:
            xub = np.full((Ny), np.inf)
        if xlb is None:
            xlb = np.full((Ny), -np.inf)
        if uub is None:
            uub = np.full((Nu), np.inf)
        if ulb is None:
            ulb = np.full((Nu), -np.inf)
        """ Default percentile probability """
        if percentile is None:
            percentile = 0.95
        quantile_x = np.ones(Ny) * norm.ppf(percentile)
        quantile_u = np.ones(Nu) * norm.ppf(percentile)
        Hx = ca.MX.eye(Ny)
        Hu = ca.MX.eye(Nu)
        """ Create parameter symbols """
        mean_0_s = ca.MX.sym('mean_0', Ny)
        mean_ref_s = ca.MX.sym('mean_ref', Ny)
        u_0_s = ca.MX.sym('u_0', Nu)
        covariance_0_s = ca.MX.sym('covariance_0', Ny * Ny)
        K_s = ca.MX.sym('K', Nu * Ny)
        P_s = ca.MX.sym('P', Ny * Ny)
        con_par = ca.MX.sym('con_par', num_con_par)
        param_s = ca.vertcat(mean_0_s, mean_ref_s, covariance_0_s, u_0_s, K_s,
                             P_s, con_par)
        """ Select wich GP function to use """
        if discrete_method is 'gp':
        if solver_opts['expand'] is not False and discrete_method is 'exact':
            raise TypeError(
                "Can't use exact discrete system with expanded graph")
        """ Initialize state variance with the GP noise variance """
        if gp is not None:
            #TODO: Cannot use gp variance with hybrid model
            self.__variance_0 = np.full((Ny), 1e-10)  #gp.noise_variance()
            self.__variance_0 = np.full((Ny), 1e-10)
        """ Define which cost function to use """
        self.__set_cost_function(costFunc, mean_ref_s, P_s.reshape((Ny, Ny)))
        """ Feedback function """
        mean_s = ca.MX.sym('mean', Ny)
        v_s = ca.MX.sym('v', Nu)
        if feedback:
            u_func = ca.Function(
                'u', [mean_s, mean_ref_s, v_s, K_s],
                [v_s + ca.mtimes(K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)), mean_s - mean_ref_s)])
            u_func = ca.Function('u', [mean_s, mean_ref_s, v_s, K_s], [v_s])
        self.__u_func = u_func
        """ Create variables struct """
        var = ctools.struct_symMX([(
            ctools.entry('mean', shape=(Ny, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
                         shape=(int((Ny**2 - Ny) / 2 + Ny), ),
                         repeat=Nt + 1),
            ctools.entry('v', shape=(Nu, ), repeat=Nt),
            ctools.entry('eps', shape=(3, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
            ctools.entry('eps_state', shape=(Ny, ), repeat=Nt + 1),
        num_slack = 3  #TODO: Make this a little more dynamic...
        num_state_slack = Ny
        self.__var = var
        self.__num_var = var.size

        # Decision variable boundries
        self.__varlb = var(-np.inf)
        self.__varub = var(np.inf)
        """ Adjust hard boundries """
        for t in range(Nt + 1):
            j = Ny
            k = 0
            for i in range(Ny):
                # Lower boundry of diagonal
                self.__varlb['L', t, k] = 0
                k += j
                j -= 1
            self.__varlb['eps', t] = 0
            self.__varlb['eps_state', t] = 0
            if xub is not None:
                self.__varub['mean', t] = xub
            if xlb is not None:
                self.__varlb['mean', t] = xlb
            if lam_state is None:
                self.__varub['eps_state'] = 0
        """ Input covariance matrix """
        if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function(
                [covar_d_sx, K_sx],
                #                                       [K_sx @ covar_d_sx @ K_sx.T])
                [ca.SX(Nu, Nu)])
            covar_s = ca.SX(Nz_gp, Nz_gp)
            covar_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_d_sx], [covar_s])
        elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
            #TODO: Fix this...
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            #            covar_x_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_x', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function(
                [covar_d_sx, K_sx],
                #                                       [K_sx @ covar_d_sx @ K_sx.T])
                [ca.SX(Nu, Nu)])
            #            cov_xu_func = ca.Function('cov_xu', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
            #                                      [covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            #            cov_xu = cov_xu_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            #            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            covar_s = ca.SX(Nz_gp, Nz_gp)
            covar_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_d_sx], [covar_s])
            covar_x_s = ca.MX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_x', Ny, Ny)
            K_sx = ca.SX.sym('K', Nu, Ny)
            covar_u_func = ca.Function('cov_u', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
                                       [K_sx @ covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            cov_xu_func = ca.Function('cov_xu', [covar_x_sx, K_sx],
                                      [covar_x_sx @ K_sx.T])
            cov_xu = cov_xu_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_s, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            covar_s = ca.blockcat(covar_x_s, cov_xu, cov_xu.T, cov_u)
            covar_func = ca.Function('covar', [covar_x_s], [covar_s])
        """ Hybrid output covariance matrix """
        if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            u_s = ca.SX.sym('u', Nu)

            cov_x_next_s = ca.SX(Ny, Ny)
            cov_x_next_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #TODO: Missing kinematic states
            covar_x_next_func = ca.Function(
                #[mean_s, u_s, covar_d_sx, covar_x_sx],
            """ f_hybrid output covariance matrix """
        elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
            N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
            #            Nz_gp = Ny_gp + Nu_gp
            covar_d_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_d', Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', Ny, Ny)
            #            L_x       = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny))
            #            L_d       = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(3))
            mean_s = ca.SX.sym('mean', Ny)
            u_s = ca.SX.sym('u', Nu)

            #            A_f     = hybrid.rk4_jacobian_x(mean_s[Ny_gp:], mean_s[:Ny_gp])
            #            B_f     = hybrid.rk4_jacobian_u(mean_s[Ny_gp:], mean_s[:Ny_gp])
            #            C       = ca.horzcat(A_f, B_f)
            #            cov = ca.blocksplit(covar_x_s, Ny_gp, Ny_gp)
            #            cov[-1][-1] = covar_d_sx
            #            cov_i = ca.blockcat(cov)
            #            cov_f   =  C @ cov_i @ C.T
            #            cov[0][0] = cov_f

            cov_x_next_s = ca.SX(Ny, Ny)
            cov_x_next_s[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp] = covar_d_sx
            #            cov_x_next_s[Ny_gp:, Ny_gp:] =
            #TODO: Pre-solve the GP jacobian using the initial condition in the solve iteration
            #            jac_mean  = ca.SX(Ny_gp, Ny)
            #            jac_mean = self.__gp.jacobian(mean_s[:Ny_gp], u_s, 0)
            #            A = ca.horzcat(jac_f, Bd)
            #            jac = Bf @ jac_f @ Bf.T + Bd @ jac_mean @ Bd.T

            #            temp = jac_mean @ covar_x_s
            #            temp = jac_mean @ L_s
            #            cov_i = ca.SX(Ny + 3, Ny + 3)
            #            cov_i[:Ny,:Ny] = covar_x_s
            #            cov_i[Ny:, Ny:] = covar_d_s
            #            cov_i[Ny:, :Ny] = temp
            #            cov_i[:Ny, Ny:] = temp.T
            #TODO: This is just a new TA implementation... CLEAN UP...
            covar_x_next_func = ca.Function(
                [mean_s, u_s, covar_d_sx, covar_x_sx],
                #TODO: Clean up
                #                                            [A @ cov_i @ A.T])
                #                                            [Bd @ covar_d_s @ Bd.T + jac @ covar_x_s @ jac.T])
                #                                             [ca.blockcat(cov)])
            # Cholesky factorization of covariance function

    #            S_x_next_func = ca.Function( 'S_x', [mean_s, u_s, covar_d_s, covar_x_s],
    #                                            [Bd @ covar_d_s + jac @ covar_x_s])

        L_s = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny))
        L_to_cov_func = ca.Function('cov', [L_s], [L_s @ L_s.T])
        covar_x_sx = ca.SX.sym('cov_x', Ny, Ny)
        cholesky = ca.Function('cholesky', [covar_x_sx],
        """ Set initial values """
        obj = ca.MX(0)
        con_eq = []
        con_ineq = []
        con_ineq_lb = []
        con_ineq_ub = []
        con_eq.append(var['mean', 0] - mean_0_s)
        L_0_s = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', 0])
        L_init = cholesky(covariance_0_s.reshape((Ny, Ny)))
        con_eq.append(L_0_s.nz[:] - L_init.nz[:])
        u_past = u_0_s
        """ Build constraints """
        for t in range(Nt):
            # Input to GP
            mean_t = var['mean', t]
            u_t = u_func(mean_t, mean_ref_s, var['v', t], K_s)
            L_x = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', t])
            covar_x_t = L_to_cov_func(L_x)

            if discrete_method is 'hybrid':
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                covar_t = covar_func(covar_x_t[:Ny_gp, :Ny_gp])
            elif discrete_method is 'd_hybrid':
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                covar_t = ca.MX(Ny_gp + Nu_gp, Ny_gp + Nu_gp)
            elif discrete_method is 'gp':
                covar_t = covar_func(covar_x_t)
                covar_t = ca.MX(Nx, Nx)
            """ Select the chosen integrator """
            if discrete_method is 'rk4':
                mean_next_pred = model.rk4(mean_t, u_t, [])
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'exact':
                mean_next_pred = model.Integrator(x0=mean_t, p=u_t)['xf']
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'd_hybrid':
                # Deterministic hybrid GP model
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                covar_x_next_pred = ca.MX(Ny, Ny)
            elif discrete_method is 'hybrid':
                # Hybrid GP model
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                #covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(mean_t, u_t, covar_d,
                #                                        covar_x_t)
                covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(covar_d)
            elif discrete_method is 'f_hybrid':
                #TODO: Hybrid GP model estimating model error
                N_gp, Ny_gp, Nu_gp = self.__gp.get_size()
                mean_d, covar_d = self.__gp.predict(mean_t[:Ny_gp], u_t,
                mean_next_pred = ca.vertcat(
                    mean_d, hybrid.rk4(mean_t[Ny_gp:], mean_t[:Ny_gp], []))
                covar_x_next_pred = covar_x_next_func(mean_t, u_t, covar_d,
            else:  # Use GP as default
                mean_next_pred, covar_x_next_pred = self.__gp.predict(
                    mean_t, u_t, covar_t)
            """ Continuity constraints """
            mean_next = var['mean', t + 1]
            con_eq.append(mean_next_pred - mean_next)

            L_x_next = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', t + 1])
            covar_x_next = L_to_cov_func(L_x_next).reshape((Ny * Ny, 1))
            L_x_next_pred = cholesky(covar_x_next_pred)
            con_eq.append(L_x_next_pred.nz[:] - L_x_next.nz[:])
            """ Chance state constraints """
            cons = self.__constraint(mean_next, L_x_next, Hx, quantile_x, xub,
                                     xlb, var['eps_state', t])
            """ Input constraints """
            #            cov_u = covar_u_func(covar_x_t, K_s.reshape((Nu, Ny)))
            cov_u = ca.MX(Nu, Nu)
            #            cons = self.__constraint(u_t, cov_u, Hu, quantile_u, uub, ulb)
            #            con_ineq.extend(cons['con'])
            #            con_ineq_lb.extend(cons['con_lb'])
            #            con_ineq_ub.extend(cons['con_ub'])
            if uub is not None:
                con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((Nu, ), -ca.inf))
            if ulb is not None:
                con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((Nu, ), ca.inf))
            """ Add extra constraints """
            if inequality_constraints is not None:
                cons = inequality_constraints(var['mean', t + 1], covar_x_next,
                                              u_t, var['eps', t], con_par)
            """ Objective function """
            u_delta = u_t - u_past
            obj += self.__l_func(var['mean', t], covar_x_t, u_t, cov_u, u_delta) \
                    + np.full((1, num_slack),lam) @ var['eps', t]
            if lam_state is not None:
                obj += np.full(
                    (1, num_state_slack), lam_state) @ var['eps_state', t]
            u_t = u_past
        L_x = ca.MX(ca.Sparsity.lower(Ny), var['L', Nt])
        covar_x_t = L_to_cov_func(L_x)
        obj += self.__lf_func(var['mean', Nt], covar_x_t, P_s.reshape((Ny, Ny))) \
            + np.full((1, num_slack),lam) @ var['eps', Nt]
        if lam_state is not None:
            obj += np.full(
                (1, num_state_slack), lam_state) @ var['eps_state', Nt]

        num_eq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq).size1()
        num_ineq_con = ca.vertcat(*con_ineq).size1()
        con_eq_lb = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))
        con_eq_ub = np.zeros((num_eq_con, ))
        """ Terminal contraint """
        if terminal_constraint is not None and not feedback:
            con_ineq.append(var['mean', Nt] - mean_ref_s)
            num_ineq_con += Ny
            con_ineq_lb.append(np.full((Ny, ), -terminal_constraint))
            con_ineq_ub.append(np.full((Ny, ), terminal_constraint))
        elif terminal_constraint is not None and feedback:
                self.__lf_func(var['mean', Nt], covar_x_t, P_s.reshape(
                    (Ny, Ny))))
            num_ineq_con += 1
        con = ca.vertcat(*con_eq, *con_ineq)
        self.__conlb = ca.vertcat(con_eq_lb, *con_ineq_lb)
        self.__conub = ca.vertcat(con_eq_ub, *con_ineq_ub)
        """ Build solver object """
        nlp = dict(x=var, f=obj, g=con, p=param_s)
        options = {
            'ipopt.print_level': 0,
            'ipopt.mu_init': 0.01,
            'ipopt.tol': 1e-8,
            'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes',
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_frac': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-9,
            'ipopt.mu_strategy': 'adaptive',
            'print_time': False,
            'verbose': False,
            'expand': True
        if solver_opts is not None:
        self.__solver = ca.nlpsol('mpc_solver', 'ipopt', nlp, options)

        # First prediction used in the NLP, used in plot later
        self.__var_prediction = np.zeros((Nt + 1, Ny))
        self.__mean_prediction = np.zeros((Nt + 1, Ny))
        self.__mean = None

        build_solver_time += time.time()
        print('# Time to build mpc solver: %f sec' % build_solver_time)
        print('# Number of variables: %d' % self.__num_var)
        print('# Number of equality constraints: %d' % num_eq_con)
        print('# Number of inequality constraints: %d' % num_ineq_con)
Exemple #30
    cD = dae["cD"] + dae["cD_tether"]
    dae["L_over_D_with_tether"] = cL / cD

    ######## moment coefficients #######
    # offset
    dae["momentCoeffs0"] = C.DMatrix([0, conf["cm0"], 0])

    # with roll rates
    # non-dimensionalized angular velocity
    w_bn_b_hat = C.veccat([conf["bref"], conf["cref"], conf["bref"]]) * 0.5 / dae["airspeed"] * w_bn_b

    momentCoeffs_pqr = C.mul(
                [conf["cl_p"], conf["cl_q"], conf["cl_r"]],
                [conf["cm_p"], conf["cm_q"], conf["cm_r"]],
                [conf["cn_p"], conf["cn_q"], conf["cn_r"]],
    dae["momentCoeffs_pqr"] = momentCoeffs_pqr

    # with alpha beta
    momentCoeffs_AB = C.mul(
        C.blockcat([[0, conf["cl_B"], conf["cl_AB"]], [conf["cm_A"], 0, 0], [0, conf["cn_B"], conf["cn_AB"]]]),
        C.vertcat([alpha, beta, alpha * beta]),
    dae["momentCoeffs_AB"] = momentCoeffs_AB

    # with control surfaces
    x_end = X0
    obj = [x_end - ydata_noise[0,:].T]

    for k in range(N):

        x_end = rk4(x0 = x_end, p = ca.vertcat([udata[k], EPS_U[k], P]))["xf"]
        obj.append(x_end - ydata_noise[k+1, :].T)

    r = ca.vertcat([ca.vertcat(obj), EPS_U])

    Sigma_y_inv = ca.diag(ca.vec(wv))
    Sigma_u_inv = ca.diag(weps_u)
    Z = ca.DMatrix(pl.zeros((Sigma_y_inv.shape[0], Sigma_u_inv.shape[1])))

    Sigma = ca.blockcat(Sigma_y_inv, Z, Z.T, Sigma_u_inv)

    nlp = ca.MXFunction("nlp", ca.nlpIn(x = V), \
        ca.nlpOut(f = 0.5 * ca.mul([r.T, Sigma, r])))

    nlpsolver = ca.NlpSolver("nlpsolver", "ipopt", nlp)

    V0 = ca.vertcat([

            pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0 = V0)
def blockcat(a, b, c, d):

    return ca.blockcat(a, b, c, d)
Exemple #33
    def compute_covariance_matrix(self):

        This function computes the covariance matrix of the estimated
        parameters from the inverse of the KKT matrix for the
        parameter estimation problem. This allows then for statements on the
        quality of the values of the estimated parameters.

        For efficiency, only the inverse of the relevant part of the matrix
        is computed using the Schur complement.

        A more detailed description of this function will follow in future


        print('\n' + 20 * '-' + \
            ' PECas covariance matrix computation ' + 21 * '-')

Computing the covariance matrix for the estimated parameters, 
this might take some time ...

        self.tstart_cov_computation = time.time()


            N1 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \

            N2 = ca.MX(self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0], \
                self.Vars.shape[0] - self.w.shape[0])

            hess = ca.blockcat([[N2, N1], [N1.T, ca.diag(self.w)],])

            # hess = hess + 1e-10 * ca.diag(self.Vars)
            # J2 can be re-used from parameter estimation, right?

            J2 = ca.jacobian(self.g, self.Vars)

            kkt = ca.blockcat( \

                [[hess, \
                    J2.T], \

                [J2, \
                    ca.MX(self.g.size1(), self.g.size1())]] \


            B1 = kkt[:self.pesetup.np, :self.pesetup.np]
            E = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, :self.pesetup.np]
            D = kkt[self.pesetup.np:, self.pesetup.np:]

            Dinv = ca.solve(D, E, "csparse")

            F11 = B1 - ca.mul([E.T, Dinv])

            self.fbeta = ca.MXFunction("fbeta", [self.Vars], 
                [ca.mul([self.R.T, self.R]) / \
                (self.yN.size + self.g.size1() - self.Vars.size())])

            [self.beta] = self.fbeta([self.Varshat])

            self.fcovp = ca.MXFunction("fcovp", [self.Vars], \
                [self.beta * ca.solve(F11, ca.MX.eye(F11.size1()))])

            [self.Covp] = self.fcovp([self.Varshat])

            print( \
'''Covariance matrix computation finished, run show_results() to visualize.''')

        except AttributeError as err:

            errmsg = '''
You must execute run_parameter_estimation() first before the covariance
matrix for the estimated parameters can be computed.

            raise AttributeError(errmsg)


            self.tend_cov_computation = time.time()
            self.duration_cov_computation = self.tend_cov_computation - \
Exemple #34
def carouselModel(conf):
    pass this a conf, and it'll return you a dae
    # empty Dae
    dae = Dae()

    # add some differential states/algebraic vars/controls/params
    dae.addX( [ "x"
              , "y"
              , "z"
              , "e11"
              , "e12"
              , "e13"
              , "e21"
              , "e22"
              , "e23"
              , "e31"
              , "e32"
              , "e33"
              , "dx"
              , "dy"
              , "dz"
              , "w_bn_b_x"
              , "w_bn_b_y"
              , "w_bn_b_z"
              , "ddelta"
              , "r"
              , "dr"
              , "aileron"
              , "elevator"
              , "motor_torque"
              , "ddr"
              ] )
    if 'cn_rudder' in conf:
    if 'cL_flaps' in conf:
    if conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'linear':
        dae['cos_delta'] = C.cos(dae['delta'])
        dae['sin_delta'] = C.sin(dae['delta'])
        dae_delta_residual = dae.ddt('delta') - dae['ddelta']

    elif conf['delta_parameterization'] == 'cos_sin':
        norm = dae['cos_delta']**2 + dae['sin_delta']**2

        if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
            pole_delta = 0.5    
            pole_delta = 0.0

        cos_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['cos_delta'] - dae['cos_delta'] / norm )
        sin_delta_dot_st = -pole_delta/2.* ( dae['sin_delta'] - dae['sin_delta'] / norm )
        dae_delta_residual = C.veccat([dae.ddt('cos_delta') - (-dae['sin_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + cos_delta_dot_st),
                                       dae.ddt('sin_delta') - ( dae['cos_delta']*dae['ddelta'] + sin_delta_dot_st) ])
        raise ValueError('unrecognized delta_parameterization "'+conf['delta_parameterization']+'"')

    dae.addU( [ "daileron"
              , "delevator"
              , "dmotor_torque"
              , 'dddr'
              ] )
    # add wind parameter if wind shear is in configuration
    if 'wind_model' in conf:
        if conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'hardcoded':
            dae['w0'] = conf['wind_model']['hardcoded_value']
        elif conf['wind_model']['name'] != 'random_walk':
            dae.addP( ['w0'] )

    # set some state derivatives as outputs
    dae['ddx'] = dae.ddt('dx')
    dae['ddy'] = dae.ddt('dy')
    dae['ddz'] = dae.ddt('dz')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_x'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_x')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_y'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_y')
    dae['ddt_w_bn_b_z'] = dae.ddt('w_bn_b_z')
    dae['w_bn_b'] = C.veccat([dae['w_bn_b_x'], dae['w_bn_b_y'], dae['w_bn_b_z']])

    # some outputs in for plotting
    dae['carousel_RPM'] = dae['ddelta']*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['aileron_deg'] = dae['aileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['elevator_deg'] = dae['elevator']*180/C.pi
    dae['daileron_deg_s'] = dae['daileron']*180/C.pi
    dae['delevator_deg_s'] = dae['delevator']*180/C.pi

    # tether tension == radius*nu where nu is alg. var associated with x^2+y^2+z^2-r^2==0
    dae['tether_tension'] = dae['r']*dae['nu']

    # theoretical mechanical power
    dae['mechanical_winch_power'] = -dae['tether_tension']*dae['dr']

    # carousel2 motor model from thesis data
    dae['rpm'] = -dae['dr']/0.1*60/(2*C.pi)
    dae['torque'] = dae['tether_tension']*0.1
    dae['electrical_winch_power'] =  293.5816373499238 + \
                                     0.0003931623408*dae['rpm']*dae['rpm'] + \
                                     0.0665919381751*dae['torque']*dae['torque'] + \

    dae['R_c2b'] = C.blockcat([[dae['e11'],dae['e12'],dae['e13']],
    dae["yaw"] = C.arctan2(dae["e12"], dae["e11"]) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["pitch"] = C.arcsin( -dae["e13"] ) * 180.0 / C.pi
    dae["roll"] = C.arctan2(dae["e23"], dae["e33"]) * 180.0 / C.pi

    # line angle
    dae['cos_line_angle'] = \
      -(dae['e31']*dae['x'] + dae['e32']*dae['y'] + dae['e33']*dae['z']) / C.sqrt(dae['x']**2 + dae['y']**2 + dae['z']**2)
    dae['line_angle_deg'] = C.arccos(dae['cos_line_angle'])*180.0/C.pi

    (massMatrix, rhs, dRexp) = setupModel(dae, conf)

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        RotPole = 0.5
        RotPole = 0.0
    Rst = RotPole*C.mul( dae['R_c2b'], (C.inv(C.mul(dae['R_c2b'].T,dae['R_c2b'])) - numpy.eye(3)) )

    ode = C.veccat([
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['x','y','z']]) - C.veccat([dae['dx'],dae['dy'],dae['dz']]),
        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ["e11","e12","e13",
                                             "e31","e32","e33"]]) - ( dRexp.T.reshape([9,1]) + Rst.reshape([9,1]) ),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['dx','dy','dz']]) - C.veccat([dae['ddx'],dae['ddy'],dae['ddz']]),
#        C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['w1','w2','w3']]) - C.veccat([dae['dw1'],dae['dw2'],dae['dw3']]),
#        dae.ddt('ddelta') - dae['dddelta'],
        dae.ddt('r') - dae['dr'],
        dae.ddt('dr') - dae['ddr'],
        dae.ddt('aileron') - dae['daileron'],
        dae.ddt('elevator') - dae['delevator'],
        dae.ddt('motor_torque') - dae['dmotor_torque'],
        dae.ddt('ddr') - dae['dddr']
    if 'rudder' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('rudder') - dae['drudder']])
    if 'flaps' in dae:
        ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('flaps') - dae['dflaps']])
    if 'useVirtualTorques' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type == 'random_walk':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t1_disturbance') - dae['dt1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t2_disturbance') - dae['dt2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('t3_disturbance') - dae['dt3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('t3_disturbance')])
    if 'useVirtualForces' in conf:
        _v = conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ]
        if isinstance(_v, str):
            _type = _v
            _which = True, True, True
            assert isinstance(_v, dict)
            _type = _v["type"]
            _which = _v["which"]
        if _type is 'random_walk':

            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f1_disturbance') - dae['df1_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f2_disturbance') - dae['df2_disturbance']])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode,
                                dae.ddt('f3_disturbance') - dae['df3_disturbance']])
        elif _type == 'parameter':
            if _which[ 0 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f1_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 1 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f2_disturbance')])
            if _which[ 2 ]:
                ode = C.veccat([ode, dae.ddt('f3_disturbance')])
    if 'wind_model' in conf and conf['wind_model']['name'] == 'random_walk':
        tau_wind = conf['wind_model']['tau_wind']
        ode = C.veccat([ode,
                        dae.ddt('wind_x') - (-dae['wind_x'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_x'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_y') - (-dae['wind_y'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_y'])
                        , dae.ddt('wind_z') - (-dae['wind_z'] / tau_wind + dae['delta_wind_z'])

    if 'stabilize_invariants' in conf and conf['stabilize_invariants'] == True:
        cPole = 0.5
        cPole = 0.0
    rhs[-1] -= 2*cPole*dae['cdot'] + cPole*cPole*dae['c']

    psuedoZVec = C.veccat([dae.ddt(name) for name in ['ddelta','dx','dy','dz','w_bn_b_x','w_bn_b_y','w_bn_b_z']]+[dae['nu']])
    alg = C.mul(massMatrix, psuedoZVec) - rhs

    return dae
Exemple #35
def tr(x, y, z):
    return c.blockcat([[1, 0, 0, x], [0, 1, 0, y], [0, 0, 1, z], [0, 0, 0, 1]])