Exemple #1
def minimize_jerk(u):
    xdd = u[0, :]
    ydd = u[1, :]
    xddd = casadi.diff(xdd)
    yddd = casadi.diff(ydd)
    xddd_squared = casadi.mtimes(xddd, casadi.transpose(xddd))
    yddd_squared = casadi.mtimes(yddd, casadi.transpose(yddd))
    return xddd_squared + yddd_squared
Exemple #2
def make_phase_interpolation_matrix(n_intervals, tau_evaluation_points):

    if isinstance(tau_evaluation_points, list):
        tau_evaluation_points = casadi.DM(tau_evaluation_points)
    assert isinstance(tau_evaluation_points, casadi.DM)
    assert tau_evaluation_points.numel() == tau_evaluation_points.size1()
    assert float(casadi.mmin(
        casadi.diff(tau_evaluation_points) > 0)) == 1.0  # Must be ascending
    assert float(casadi.mmin(tau_evaluation_points)) >= 0.0
    assert float(casadi.mmax(tau_evaluation_points)) <= 1.0

    tau_evaluation_points_scaled = [
        float(f) * n_intervals for f in casadi.vertsplit(tau_evaluation_points)
    interval_indices = [int(f) for f in tau_evaluation_points_scaled]
    interval_values = [f - int(f) for f in tau_evaluation_points_scaled]

    if interval_indices[-1] == n_intervals:
        interval_indices[-1] = n_intervals - 1
        interval_values[-1] = 1.0

    interval_interpolation_matrix = make_interval_interpolation_matrix(
    phase_interpolation_matrix = casadi.DM(tau_evaluation_points.numel(),
                                           (n_intervals *
                                            (collocation.n_nodes - 1) + 1))

    for i in range(len(interval_values)):
        column_idx = interval_indices[i] * (collocation.n_nodes - 1)
        phase_interpolation_matrix[i, (column_idx):(
            column_idx + collocation.n_nodes)] = casadi.DM(

    return phase_interpolation_matrix
Exemple #3
def diff(a, n=1, axis=-1):
    Calculate the n-th discrete difference along the given axis.

    See syntax here: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.diff.html
    if not is_casadi_type(a):
        return _onp.diff(a, n=n, axis=axis)

        if axis != -1:
            raise NotImplementedError("This could be implemented, but haven't had the need yet.")

        result = a
        for i in range(n):
            result = _cas.diff(a)
        return result
    * T is the local torque per unit length
    * G is the local shear modulus
    * J is the polar moment of inertia
    * ()' is a derivative w.r.t. x.

import numpy as np
import casadi as cas

opti = cas.Opti()  # Initialize a SAND environment

# Define Assumptions
L = 34.1376 / 2
n = 200
x = cas.linspace(0, L, n)
dx = cas.diff(x)
E = 228e9  # Pa, modulus of CF
G = E / 2 / (1 + 0.5)  # TODO fix this!!! CFRP is not isotropic!
max_allowable_stress = 570e6 / 1.75

log_nominal_diameter = opti.variable(n)
opti.set_initial(log_nominal_diameter, cas.log(200e-3))
nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

thickness = 0.14e-3 * 5
    nominal_diameter > thickness,

# Bending loads
Exemple #5
    thetadd = casadi.cos(x[0] - math.pi / 2) * G
    return casadi.vertcat(x[1], u + thetadd)

opti = casadi.Opti()  # optimizaiton problem

q_state = opti.variable(N_STATES, N + 1)  # state trajectory
pos = q_state[0, :]
speed = q_state[1, :]

u = opti.variable(U_STATES, N)  # control variable: acceleration
tf = opti.variable()  # final time

# opti.minimize(tf)  # Objective is to minimize the total time
# opti.minimize(casadi.mtimes(u, casadi.transpose(u)))  # Minimize acceleration
                            casadi.transpose(casadi.diff(u))))  # Minimize jerk
# opti.minimize(casadi.mtimes(casadi.diff(u), casadi.transpose(casadi.diff(u))) + tf/20)  # Minimize jerk and time

dt = tf / N  # Each control interval
for k in range(N):
    # RK4 method
    k1 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k], u[:, k])
    k2 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt / 2 * k1, u[:, k])
    k3 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt / 2 * k2, u[:, k])
    k4 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt * k3, u[:, k])
    x_next = q_state[:, k] + dt / 6.0 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
    opti.subject_to(q_state[:, k + 1] == x_next)  # reduce the defect!

# Path Conditions
opti.subject_to(-1 <= u)
Exemple #6
    def setup(self,
        Sets up the problem. Run this last.
        :return: None (in-place)
        ### Discretize and assign loads

        # Discretize
        point_load_locations = [load["location"] for load in self.point_loads]
        point_load_locations.insert(0, 0)
        self.x = cas.vertcat(*[
                point_load_locations[i + 1],
            for i in range(len(point_load_locations) - 1)

        # Post-process the discretization
        self.n = self.x.shape[0]
        dx = cas.diff(self.x)

        # Add point forces
        self.point_forces = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n - 1)
        for i in range(len(self.point_loads)):
            load = self.point_loads[i]
            self.point_forces[self.points_per_point_load * (i + 1) - 1] = load["force"]

        # Add distributed loads
        self.force_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        self.moment_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        for load in self.distributed_loads:
            if load["type"] == "uniform":
                self.force_per_unit_length += load["force"] / self.length
            elif load["type"] == "elliptical":
                load_to_add = load["force"] / self.length * (
                        4 / cas.pi * cas.sqrt(1 - (self.x / self.length) ** 2)
                self.force_per_unit_length += load_to_add
                raise ValueError("Bad value of \"type\" for a load within beam.distributed_loads!")

        # Initialize optimization variables
        log_nominal_diameter = self.opti.variable(self.n)
        self.opti.set_initial(log_nominal_diameter, cas.log(self.diameter_guess))
        self.nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

            log_nominal_diameter > cas.log(self.thickness)

        def trapz(x):
            out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
            # out[0] += x[0] / 2
            # out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
            return out

        # Mass
        self.volume = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi / 4 * trapz(
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 2 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 2
            ) * dx
        self.mass = self.volume * self.density

        # Mass proxy
        self.volume_proxy = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi * trapz(
            ) * dx * self.thickness
        self.mass_proxy = self.volume_proxy * self.density

        # Find moments of inertia
        self.I = cas.pi / 64 * (  # bending
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 4 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 4
        self.J = cas.pi / 32 * (  # torsion
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 4 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 4

        if self.bending:
            # Set up derivatives
            self.u = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.du = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.ddu = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.dEIddu = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.u, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.du, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.ddu, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.dEIddu, 0)

            # Define derivatives
                cas.diff(self.u) == trapz(self.du) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.du) == trapz(self.ddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.E * self.I * self.ddu) == trapz(self.dEIddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.dEIddu) == trapz(self.force_per_unit_length) * dx + self.point_forces,

            # Add BCs
            if bending_BC_type == "cantilevered":
                    self.u[0] == 0,
                    self.du[0] == 0,
                    self.ddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip moment
                    self.dEIddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip higher order stuff
                raise ValueError("Bad value of bending_BC_type!")

            # Stress
            self.stress_axial = (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) / 2 * self.E * self.ddu

        if self.torsion:

            # Set up derivatives
            phi = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            dphi = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)

            # Add forcing term
            ddphi = -self.moment_per_unit_length / (self.G * self.J)

        self.stress = self.stress_axial
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress < 1,
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress > -1,
Exemple #7
        load_location < 60 / 2 - 2,
        load_location == 18,
    beam.add_point_load(load_location, -lift_force / 3)
    beam.add_uniform_load(force=lift_force / 2)

    # Tip deflection constraint
        # beam.u[-1] < 2,  # Source: http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/hpa/hpa_structure.pdf
        # beam.u[-1] > -2  # Source: http://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/hpa/hpa_structure.pdf
        beam.du * 180 / cas.pi < 10,
        beam.du * 180 / cas.pi > -10
        cas.diff(cas.diff(beam.nominal_diameter)) < 0.001,
        cas.diff(cas.diff(beam.nominal_diameter)) > -0.001,

    # opti.minimize(cas.sqrt(beam.mass))
    # opti.minimize(beam.mass ** 2)
    # opti.minimize(beam.mass_proxy)

    p_opts = {}
    s_opts = {}
    s_opts["max_iter"] = 1e6  # If you need to interrupt, just use ctrl+c
    # s_opts["bound_frac"] = 0.5
    # s_opts["bound_push"] = 0.5
    # s_opts["slack_bound_frac"] = 0.5
    # s_opts["slack_bound_push"] = 0.5
def falkner_skan(m, eta_edge=7, n_points=100, max_iter=100):
    Solves the Falkner-Skan equation for a given value of m.
    See Wikipedia for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falkner–Skan_boundary_layer

    :param m: power-law exponent of the edge velocity (i.e. u_e(x) = U_inf * x ^ m)
    :return: eta, f0, f1, and f2 as a tuple of 1-dimensional ndarrays.

    Governing equation:
    f''' + f*f'' + beta*( 1 - (f')^2 ) = 0, where:
    beta = 2 * m / (m+1)
    f(0) = f'(0) = 0
    f'(inf) = 1

    f0 is f
    f1 is f'
    f2 is f''
    f3 is f'''


    # Assign beta
    beta = 2 * m / (m + 1)

    opti = cas.Opti()

    eta = cas.linspace(0, eta_edge, n_points)

    def trapz(x):
        out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
        # out[0] += x[0] / 2
        # out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
        return out

    # Vars
    f0 = opti.variable(n_points)
    f1 = opti.variable(n_points)
    f2 = opti.variable(n_points)

    # Guess (guess a quadratic velocity profile, integrate and differentiate accordingly)
    opti.set_initial(f0, -eta**2 * (eta - 3 * eta_edge) / (3 * eta_edge**2))
    opti.set_initial(f1, 1 - (1 - eta / eta_edge)**2)
    opti.set_initial(f2, 2 * (eta_edge - eta) / eta_edge**2)

    # BCs
    opti.subject_to([f0[0] == 0, f1[0] == 0, f1[-1] == 1])

    # ODE
    f3 = -f0 * f2 - beta * (1 - f1**2)

    # Derivative definitions (midpoint-method)
    df0 = cas.diff(f0)
    df1 = cas.diff(f1)
    df2 = cas.diff(f2)
    deta = cas.diff(eta)
        df0 == trapz(f1) * deta, df1 == trapz(f2) * deta,
        df2 == trapz(f3) * deta

    # Require unseparated solutions
    opti.subject_to([f2[0] > 0])

    p_opts = {}
    s_opts = {}
    s_opts["max_iter"] = max_iter  # If you need to interrupt, just use ctrl+c
    opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)

        sol = opti.solve()
        raise Exception("Solver failed for m = %f!" % m)

    return (sol.value(eta), sol.value(f0), sol.value(f1), sol.value(f2))
Exemple #9
    return casadi.vertcat(x[1], u)

opti = casadi.Opti()  # optimizaiton problem

q_state = opti.variable(2, N + 1)  # state trajectory
pos = q_state[0, :]
speed = q_state[1, :]

u = opti.variable(1, N)  # control variable: acceleration
tf = opti.variable()  # final time

# opti.minimize(tf)  # Objective is to minimize the total time
# opti.minimize(casadi.mtimes(u, casadi.transpose(u)))  # Minimize acceleration
# opti.minimize(casadi.mtimes(casadi.diff(u), casadi.transpose(casadi.diff(u))))  # Minimize jerk
opti.minimize(casadi.mtimes(casadi.diff(u), casadi.transpose(casadi.diff(u))) + tf/20)  # Minimize jerk and time
# Should result in bang bang control

dt = tf / N  # Each control interval
for k in range(N):
    # RK4 method
    k1 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k], u[:, k])
    k2 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt / 2 * k1, u[:, k])
    k3 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt / 2 * k2, u[:, k])
    k4 = system_dynamics(q_state[:, k] + dt * k3, u[:, k])
    x_next = q_state[:, k] + dt / 6.0 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
    opti.subject_to(q_state[:, k + 1] == x_next)  # reduce the defect!

# for k in range(N):
#     integrator = casadi.integrator('integrator', 'cvodes', dae, {'grid':ts, 'output_t0':True})
f1 = opti.variable(n_points)
f2 = opti.variable(n_points)

# Guess
opti.set_initial(f0, -eta**2 * (eta - 3 * eta_edge) / (3 * eta_edge**2))
opti.set_initial(f1, 1 - (1 - eta / eta_edge)**2)
opti.set_initial(f2, 2 * (eta_edge - eta) / eta_edge**2)

# BCs
opti.subject_to([f0[0] == 0, f1[0] == 0, f1[-1] == 1])

f3 = -f0 * f2 - beta * (1 - f1**2)

# Derivative definitions (midpoint-method)
df0 = cas.diff(f0)
df1 = cas.diff(f1)
df2 = cas.diff(f2)
deta = cas.diff(eta)
    df0 == trapz(f1) * deta, df1 == trapz(f2) * deta, df2 == trapz(f3) * deta

# Require barely-separating solution
opti.subject_to([f2[0] == 0])

p_opts = {}
s_opts = {}
s_opts["max_iter"] = max_iter  # If you need to interrupt, just use ctrl+c
opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, dae, t, order, method='legendre', 
        parallelization='serial', tdp_fun=None, expand=True, repeat_param=False, options={}):


        @param t time vector of length N+1 defining N collocation intervals
        @param order number of collocation points per interval
        @param method collocation method ('legendre', 'radau')
        @param dae DAE model
        @param parallelization parallelization of the outer map. Possible set of values is the same as for casadi.Function.map().

        @return Returns a dictionary with the following keys:
        'X' -- state at collocation points
        'Z' -- alg. state at collocation points
        'x0' -- initial state
        'eq' -- the expression eq == 0 defines the collocation equation. eq depends on X, Z, x0, p.
        'Q' -- quadrature values at collocation points depending on x0, X, Z, p.

        # Convert whatever DAE to implicit DAE
        dae = dae.makeImplicit()

        M = order
        N = len(t) - 1

        # Define variables and functions corresponfing to all control intervals

        K = cs.MX.sym('K', dae.nx, N * M)   # State derivatives at collocation points
        Z = cs.MX.sym('Z', dae.nz, N * M)   # Alg state at collocation points
        x = cs.MX.sym('x', dae.nx, N + 1)   # State at the ends of collocation intervals (t)

        u = cs.MX.sym('u', dae.nu, N)    # Input on collocation intervals
        U = cs.horzcat(*[cs.repmat(u[:, n], 1, M) for n in range(N)]) # Input at collocation points

        # Butcher tableau for the selected method
        butcher = butcherTableuForCollocationMethod(order, method)

        # Interval lengths
        h = np.diff(t)

        # Integrated state at collocation points
        Mx = cs.kron(cs.DM.eye(N), cs.DM.ones(1, M))
        MK = cs.kron(cs.diagcat(*h), butcher.A.T)    # integration matrix
        X = cs.mtimes(x[:, : -1], Mx) + cs.mtimes(K, MK)

        # Integrated state at the ends of collocation intervals
        xf = x[:, : -1] + cs.mtimes(K, cs.kron(cs.diagcat(*h), butcher.b))
        # Points in time at which the collocation equations are calculated
        # TODO: this possibly can be sped up a little bit.
        tc = np.hstack([t[n] + h[n] * butcher.c for n in range(N)])
        # Values of the time-dependent parameter
        if tdp_fun is not None:
            tdp_val = cs.horzcat(*[tdp_fun(t) for t in tc])
            assert dae.ntdp == 0
            tdp_val = np.zeros((0, tc.size))

        # DAE function
        dae_fun = dae.createFunction('dae', ['xdot', 'x', 'z', 'u', 'p', 't', 'tdp'], ['dae', 'quad'])
        if expand:
            dae_fun = dae_fun.expand()  # expand() for speed

        if repeat_param:
            reduce_in = []
            p = cs.MX.sym('P', dae.np, N * M)
            reduce_in = [4]
            p = cs.MX.sym('P', dae.np)

        dae_map = dae_fun.map('dae_map', parallelization, N * M, reduce_in, [], options)
        dae_out = dae_map(xdot=K, x=X, z=Z, u=U, p=p, t=tc, tdp=tdp_val)

        eqc = ce.struct_MX([
            ce.entry('collocation', expr=dae_out['dae']),
            ce.entry('continuity', expr=xf - x[:, 1 :]),
            ce.entry('param', expr=cs.diff(p, 1, 1))

        # Integrate the quadrature state
        quad = dae_out['quad']

        #t0 = time.time()
        q = [cs.MX.zeros(dae.nq)]  # Integrated quadrature at interval ends
        # TODO: speed up the calculation of q.
        for n in range(N):
            q.append(q[-1] + h[n] * cs.mtimes(quad[:, n * M : (n + 1) * M], butcher.b))

        q = cs.horzcat(*q)

        Q = cs.mtimes(q[:, : -1], Mx) + cs.mtimes(quad, MK)  # Integrated quadrature at collocation points
        #print('Creating Q took {0:.3f} s.'.format(time.time() - t0))

        self._N = N
        self._M = M

        self._eq = eqc
        self._x = x
        self._X = X
        self._K = K
        self._Z = Z
        self._U = U
        self._u = u
        self._quad = quad
        self._Q = Q
        self._q = q
        self._p = p
        self._tc = tc
        self._butcher = butcher
        self._tdp = tdp_val
        self._t = t