def Simulation(self,x0,u,params=None):
        A iterative application of the OneStepPrediction in order to perform a
        simulation for a whole input trajectory
        x0: Casadi MX, inital state a begin of simulation
        u: Casadi MX,  input trajectory
        params: A dictionary of opti variables, if the parameters of the model
                should be optimized, if None, then the current parameters of
                the model are used

        x = []
        y = []

        # initial states
        # Simulate Model
        for k in range(u.shape[0]):
            x_new,y_new = self.OneStepPrediction(x[k],u[[k],:],params)

        # Concatenate list to casadiMX
        y = cs.hcat(y).T    
        x = cs.hcat(x).T
        return y
    def Simulation(self,x0,u,params=None):
        Repeated call of self.OneStepPrediction() for a given input trajectory

        x0 : array-like with dimension [self.dim_out, 1]
            initial output
        u : array-like with dimension [N,self.dim_u]
            trajectory of input signal with length N
        params : dictionary, optional
            see self.OneStepPrediction()

        x : array-like with dimension [N+1,self.dim_out]
            trajectory of output signal with length N+1 
        x = []

        # initial states
        # Simulate Model
        for k in range(u.shape[0]):
        # Concatenate list to casadiMX
        x = cs.hcat(x).T 
        return x
Exemple #3
    def generate_model(self, configuration):
        """ Logic to construct a model, and smooth representation on BSpline basis """
        self.n = configuration['grid_size']
        self.K = configuration['basis_number']
        self.s = configuration['model_form']['state']
        n_ps = configuration['model_form']['parameters']

        # setup fine time grid
        self.ts = ca.MX.sym("t", self.n, 1)
        self.observation_times = np.linspace(*configuration['time_span'][:2],

        # determine knots and build basis functions
        if configuration['knot_function'] is None:
            knots = casbasis.choose_knots(self.observation_times, self.K - 2)
            knots = configuration['knot_function'](self.observation_times,
                                                   self.K - 2,
        self.basis_fns = casbasis.basis_functions(knots)
        self.basis = ca.vcat([b(self.ts) for b in self.basis_fns]).reshape(
            (self.n, self.K))

        self.tssx = ca.SX.sym("t", self.n, 1)

        # define basis matrix and gradient matrix
        phi = ca.Function('phi', [self.ts], [self.basis])
        self.phi = np.array(phi(self.observation_times))

        bjac = ca.vcat([
            ca.diag(ca.jacobian(self.basis[:, i], self.ts))
            for i in range(self.K)
        ]).reshape((self.n, self.K))
        self.basis_jacobian = np.array(
            ca.Function('bjac', [self.ts], [bjac])(self.observation_times))

        # create the objects that define the smooth, model parameters
        self.cs = [ca.SX.sym("c_" + str(i), self.K, 1) for i in range(self.s)]
        self.xs = [self.phi @ ci for ci in self.cs]
        self.xdash = self.basis_jacobian @ ca.hcat(self.cs) = [ca.SX.sym("p_" + str(i)) for i in range(n_ps)]

        # model function derived from input model function
        self.model = ca.Function(
            "model", [self.tssx, *self.cs, *],
            [ca.hcat(configuration['model'](self.tssx, self.xs,])
    def Simulation(self, c0, u, params=None):
        Repeated call of self.OneStepPrediction() for a given input trajectory

        c0 : array-like with dimension [self.dim_c, 1]
            initial cell-state
        u : array-like with dimension [N,self.dim_u]
            trajectory of input signal with length N
        params : dictionary, optional
            see self.OneStepPrediction()

        x : array-like with dimension [N+1,self.dim_x]
            trajectory of output signal with length N+1 

        # Is that necessary?
            'GRU Simulation ignores given initial state, initial state is set to zero!'

        c0 = np.zeros((self.dim_c, 1))

        c = []
        x = []

        # initial cell state

        # Simulate Model
        for k in range(u.shape[0]):
            c_new, x_new = self.OneStepPrediction(c[k], u[k, :], params)

        # Concatenate list to casadiMX
        c = cs.hcat(c).T
        x = cs.hcat(x).T

        return x[-1]
Exemple #5
    def get_link_relative_transform_casadi(self, qi):
        """ Link transform according to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention.
        Casadi compatible function.
        if self.joint_type == JointType.revolute:
            a, alpha, d, theta = self.dh.a, self.dh.alpha, self.dh.d, qi
        elif self.joint_type == JointType.prismatic:
            a, alpha, d, theta = self.dh.a, self.dh.alpha, qi, self.dh.theta

        c_t, s_t = ca.cos(theta), ca.sin(theta)
        c_a, s_a = ca.cos(alpha), ca.sin(alpha)

        row1 = ca.hcat([c_t, -s_t * c_a, s_t * s_a, a * c_t])
        row2 = ca.hcat([s_t, c_t * c_a, -c_t * s_a, a * s_t])
        row3 = ca.hcat([0, s_a, c_a, d])
        row4 = ca.hcat([0, 0, 0, 1])

        return ca.vcat([row1, row2, row3, row4])
Exemple #6
    def collocation_coeff(tau):
        [C, D] = collocation_interpolators(tau)
        d = len(tau)
        tau = [0] + tau
        F = [None] * (d + 1)
        # Construct polynomial basis
        for j in range(d + 1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
            p = np.poly1d([1])
            for r in range(d + 1):
                if r != j:
                    p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r])

            # Evaluate the integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
            pint = np.polyint(p)
            F[j] = pint(1.0)

        return (hcat(C[1:]), vcat(D), hcat(F[1:]))
Exemple #7
    def discrete_system(self, stage):
        f = stage._ode()

        # Coefficient matrix from RK4 to reconstruct 4th order polynomial (k1,k2,k3,k4)
        # nstates x (4 * M)
        poly_coeffs = []

        t0 = MX.sym('t0')
        T = MX.sym('T')
        DT = T / self.M

        # Size of integrator interval
        X0 = f.mx_in("x")            # Initial state
        U = f.mx_in("u")             # Control
        P = f.mx_in("p")
        Z = f.mx_in("z")

        X = [X0]
        if hasattr(self, 'intg_'+ self.intg):
            intg = getattr(self, "intg_" + self.intg)(f, X0, U, P, Z)
            intg = self.intg_builtin(f, X0, U, P, Z)
        assert not intg.has_free()

        # Compute local start time
        t0_local = t0
        quad = 0
        for j in range(self.M):
            intg_res = intg(x0=X[-1], u=U, t0=t0_local, DT=DT, p=P)
            quad = quad + intg_res["qf"]
            t0_local += DT

        ret = Function('F', [X0, U, T, t0, P], [X[-1], hcat(X), hcat(poly_coeffs), quad],
                       ['x0', 'u', 'T', 't0', 'p'], ['xf', 'Xi', 'poly_coeff', 'qf'])
        assert not ret.has_free()
        return ret
Exemple #8
 def _grid_integrator_roots(self, stage, expr, grid):
     """Evaluate expression at integrator roots."""
     sub_expr = []
     tr = []
     for k in range(stage._method.N):
         for l in range(stage._method.M):
             for j in range(stage._method.xr[k][l].shape[1]):
                         stage, expr, k, l, j))
     res = [self.sol.value(elem) for elem in sub_expr]
     time = self.sol.value(hcat(tr))
     return time, np.array(res)
Exemple #9
    def cost_cas(self, goal=None, weights=None, var=True, state_cost_start=0):
        Creates a casadi cost function
        :param goal: The goal. If none, the environment's default goal will be used
        :param weights: The weights for the state and action dimensions.
                        If none, the environment's default goal will be used
        :param var: Whether the input of the casadi function receives the variances
        :param state_cost_start: The time step when the state cost is considered fist
        if weights is None:
            weights = self.task_cost_weights

        if goal is None:
            goal = self.task_goal

        assert(weights.size == self.x_dim)
        assert(goal.size == self.o_dim)

        nones = np.argwhere(np.isnan(goal.ravel()))
        goal.ravel()[nones] = 0
        weights[nones] = 0

        goal = np.reshape(goal, (1, -1))
        xi = cas.MX.sym("xi", 1, self.o_dim)
        ui = cas.MX.sym("ui", 1, self.a_dim)
        fun_in = [xi, ui]
        if var:
            vxi = cas.MX.sym("vxi", 1, 1)
            fun_in += [vxi]

        dist_goal = xi - goal

        vals = cas.hcat((dist_goal, ui))

        if state_cost_start is None or state_cost_start == 0:
            state_cost_start = 0
        elif state_cost_start < 0:
            state_cost_start = self.task_t - state_cost_start

        # make return time dependent cost function
        def o(t):
            if t < state_cost_start - 1:
                return cas.Function("reward", fun_in, [cas.mtimes(vals, weights * vals.T)])

        #  o = lambda _: cas.Function("reward", fun_in, [cas.mtimes(vals, weights * vals.T)])

        return o
Exemple #10
    def _grid_intg_fine(self, stage, expr, grid, refine):
        """Evaluate expression at extra fine integrator discretization points."""
        if stage._method.poly_coeff is None:
            msg = "No polynomal coefficients for the {} integration method".format(
            raise Exception(msg)
        N, M, T = stage._method.N, stage._method.M, stage._method.T

        expr_f = Function('expr', [stage.x, stage.z, stage.u], [expr])

        sub_expr = []

        time = self.sol.value(stage._method.control_grid)
        total_time = []
        for k in range(N):
            t0 = time[k]
            dt = (time[k + 1] - time[k]) / M
            tlocal = np.linspace(0, dt, refine + 1)
            ts = DM(tlocal[:-1]).T
            for l in range(M):
                total_time.append(t0 + tlocal[:-1])
                coeff = stage._method.poly_coeff[k * M + l]
                tpower = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff.shape[1])])
                if stage._method.poly_coeff_z:
                    coeff_z = stage._method.poly_coeff_z[k * M + l]
                    tpower_z = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff_z.shape[1])])
                    z = coeff_z @ tpower_z
                    z = nan
                sub_expr.append(expr_f(coeff @ tpower, z, stage._method.U[k]))
                t0 += dt

        ts = tlocal[-1]
        total_time.append(time[k + 1])
        tpower = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff.shape[1])])
        if stage._method.poly_coeff_z:
            tpower_z = vcat([ts**i for i in range(coeff_z.shape[1])])
            z = coeff_z @ tpower_z
            z = nan
            expr_f(stage._method.poly_coeff[-1] @ tpower, z,

        res = self.sol.value(hcat(sub_expr))

        time = np.hstack(total_time)
        return time, res
Exemple #11
    def intg_rk(self, f, X, U, P, Z):
        assert Z.is_empty()
        DT = MX.sym("DT")
        t0 = MX.sym("t0")
        # A single Runge-Kutta 4 step
        k1 = f(x=X, u=U, p=P, t=t0, z=Z)
        k2 = f(x=X + DT / 2 * k1["ode"], u=U, p=P, t=t0+DT/2, z=Z)
        k3 = f(x=X + DT / 2 * k2["ode"], u=U, p=P, t=t0+DT/2)
        k4 = f(x=X + DT * k3["ode"], u=U, p=P, t=t0+DT)

        f0 = k1["ode"]
        f1 = 2/DT*(k2["ode"]-k1["ode"])/2
        f2 = 4/DT**2*(k3["ode"]-k2["ode"])/6
        f3 = 4*(k4["ode"]-2*k3["ode"]+k1["ode"])/DT**3/24
        poly_coeff = hcat([X, f0, f1, f2, f3])
        return Function('F', [X, U, t0, DT, P], [X + DT / 6 * (k1["ode"] + 2 * k2["ode"] + 2 * k3["ode"] + k4["ode"]), poly_coeff, DT / 6 * (k1["quad"] + 2 * k2["quad"] + 2 * k3["quad"] + k4["quad"])], ['x0', 'u', 't0', 'DT', 'p'], ['xf', 'poly_coeff', 'qf'])
    varguess["x", 0, :] = x[t, :]
    args = dict(x0=varguess,


    # Solve nlp.
    sol = solver(**args)
    status = "a"  # solver.stats()["return_status"]
    optvar = var(sol["x"])

    outMap = jacMap(casadi.hcat(optvar['x', :-1]), casadi.hcat(optvar['u']))
    # _Ac = casadi.blocksplit(outMap[0],Nx,Nx)[0]
    # _Bc = casadi.blocksplit(outMap[1],Nx,Nu)[0]
    # _fc = casadi.blocksplit(outMap[2],Nx,1)[0]

    if t == 0:
        parguess["Ad", :], parguess["Bd", :], parguess["fd", :] = zip(*map(
                casadi.blocksplit(outMap[0], Nx, Nx)[0],
                casadi.blocksplit(outMap[1], Nx, Nu)[0],
                casadi.blocksplit(outMap[2], Nx, 1)[0],
                [Delta for _k in xrange(Nt)])))
        parguess["Ad", 0:-1] = parguess["Ad", 1:]
        parguess["Bd", 0:-1] = parguess["Bd", 1:]
Exemple #13
    def add_constraints(self, stage, opti):
        # Obtain the discretised system
        f = stage._ode()

        if stage.is_free_time():
            opti.subject_to(self.T >= 0)

        ps = []
        tau_root = [0] + self.tau
        # Construct polynomial basis
        for j in range( + 1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
            p = np.poly1d([1])
            for r in range( + 1):
                if r != j:
                    p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau_root[r]
                                    ]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])
        poly = vcat(ps)
        ps_z = []
        # Construct polynomial basis for z cfr "2.5 Continuous Output for Optimal Control" from Rien's thesis
        for j in range(1, + 1):
            # Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
            p_z = np.poly1d([1])
            for r in range(1, + 1):
                if r != j:
                    p_z *= np.poly1d([1, -tau_root[r]
                                      ]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])
        poly_z = vcat(ps_z)
        self.q = 0

        # Make time-grid for roots
        for k in range(self.N):
            dt = (self.control_grid[k + 1] - self.control_grid[k]) / self.M
            tr = []
            for i in range(self.M):
                    self.integrator_grid[k][i] + dt * self.tau[j]
                    for j in range(

        for k in range(self.N):
            dt = (self.control_grid[k + 1] - self.control_grid[k]) / self.M
            S = 1 / repmat(hcat([dt**i for i in range( + 1)]),
                  + 1, 1)
            S_z = 1 / repmat(hcat([dt**i for i in range(]),
                   , 1)
            self.Z.append(self.Zc[k][0] @ poly_z[:, 0])
            for i in range(self.M):
                self.xk.append(self.Xc[k][i][:, 0])
                self.poly_coeff.append(self.Xc[k][i] @ (poly * S))
                self.poly_coeff_z.append(self.Zc[k][i] @ (poly_z * S_z))
                self.zk.append(self.Zc[k][i] @ poly_z[:, 0])
                for j in range(
                    Pidot_j = self.Xc[k][i] @ self.C[:, j] / dt
                    res = f(x=self.Xc[k][i][:, j + 1],
                            z=self.Zc[k][i][:, j],
                    # Collocation constraints
                    opti.subject_to(Pidot_j == res["ode"])
                    self.q = self.q + res["quad"] * dt * self.B[j]
                        opti.subject_to(0 == res["alg"])
                    for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints["integrator_roots"]:
                            stage, c, k, i, j),

                # Continuity constraints
                x_next = self.X[k + 1] if i == self.M - 1 else self.Xc[k][i +
                opti.subject_to(self.Xc[k][i] @ self.D == x_next)

                for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints["integrator"]:
                    opti.subject_to(self.eval_at_integrator(stage, c, k, i),

                for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints["inf"]:
                    self.add_inf_constraints(stage, opti, c, k, i, meta)

            for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints[
                    "control"]:  # for each constraint expression
                # Add it to the optimizer, but first make x,u concrete.
                opti.subject_to(self.eval_at_control(stage, c, k), meta=meta)

        self.Z.append(self.Zc[-1][-1] @ sum2(poly_z))

        for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints["control"] + stage._constraints[
                "integrator"]:  # for each constraint expression
            # Add it to the optimizer, but first make x,u concrete.
            opti.subject_to(self.eval_at_control(stage, c, -1), meta=meta)

        for c, meta, _ in stage._constraints[
                "point"]:  # Append boundary conditions to the end
            opti.subject_to(self.eval(stage, c), meta=meta)