Exemple #1
def loss_quadratic(m, z, v=None, W=None):
    """ Quadratic cost function

    Simple quadratic loss with W as weight matrix, ignoring variance
    m : dx1 ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The mean of the input Gaussian
    v : dxd ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
    z: dx1 ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The target-state [optional]
    W: dxd ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The weighting matrix factor for the cost-function (scaling)

    L: float
        The quadratic loss

    D = np.shape(m)[0]

    if W is None:
        W = SX.eye(D)

    l_var = 0
    if not v is None:
        l_var = trace(mtimes(W, v))

    return mtimes((m - z).T, mtimes(W, m - z)) + l_var
Exemple #2
def matrix_norm_2_generalized(a, b_inv, x=None, n_iter=None):
    """ Get largest generalized eigenvalue of the pair inv_a^{-1},b

    get the largest eigenvalue of the generalized eigenvalue problem
        a x = \lambda b x
    <=> b x = (1/\lambda) a x

    Let \omega := 1/lambda

    We solve the problem
        b x = \omega a x
    using the inverse power iteration which converges to
    the smallest generalized eigenvalue \omega_\min

    Hence we can get  \lambda_\max = 1/\omega_\min,
        the largest eigenvalue of a x = \lambda b x

    n, _ = a.shape
    if x is None:
        x = np.eye(n, 1)
        x /= norm_2(x)

    if n_iter is None:
        n_iter = 2 * n**2

    y = mtimes(b_inv, mtimes(a, x))
    for i in range(n_iter):
        x = y / norm_2(y)
        y = mtimes(b_inv, mtimes(a, x))

    return mtimes(y.T, x)
Exemple #3
def compute_remainder_overapproximations(q, k_fb, l_mu, l_sigma):
    """ Compute symbolically the (hyper-)rectangle over-approximating the lagrangians of mu and sigma

    q: n_s x n_s ndarray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The shape matrix of the current state ellipsoid
    k_fb: n_u x n_s ndarray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The linear feedback term
    l_mu: n x 0 numpy 1darray[float]
        The lipschitz constants for the gradients of the predictive mean
    l_sigma n x 0 numpy 1darray[float]
        The lipschitz constans on the predictive variance

    u_mu: n_s x 0 numpy 1darray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The upper bound of the over-approximation of the mean lagrangian remainder
    u_sigma: n_s x 0 numpy 1darray[casadi.SX.sym]
        The upper bound of the over-approximation of the variance lagrangian remainder
    n_u, n_s = np.shape(k_fb)
    s = horzcat(np.eye(n_s), k_fb.T)
    b = mtimes(s, s.T)

    qb = mtimes(q, b)
    evals = matrix_norm_2_generalized(b, q)
    r_sqr = vec_max(evals)

    u_mu = l_mu * r_sqr
    u_sigma = l_sigma * sqrt(r_sqr)

    return u_mu, u_sigma
def lin_ellipsoid_safety_distance(p_center,
    """Compute symbolically the distance between eLlipsoid and polytope in casadi.

    Evaluate the distance of an  ellipsoid E(p_center,q_shape), to a polytopic set
    of the form:
        h_mat * x <= h_vec.

    p_center: n_s x 1 array
        The center of the state ellipsoid
    q_shape: n_s x n_s array
        The shape matrix of the state ellipsoid
    h_mat: m x n_s array:
        The shape matrix of the safe polytope (see above)
    h_vec: m x 1 array
        The additive vector of the safe polytope (see above)

    d_safety: 1darray of length m
        The distance of the ellipsoid to the polytope. If d < 0 (elementwise),
        the ellipsoid is inside the poltyope (safe), otherwise safety is not guaranteed.
    d_center = mtimes(h_mat, p_center)

    d_shape = c_safety * sqrt(sum1(mtimes(q_shape, h_mat.T) * h_mat.T)).T
    d_safety = d_center + d_shape - h_vec

    return d_safety
Exemple #5
def gp_pred(x,

    n_pred, _ = np.shape(x)

    if beta is None:
        pred_mu = SX.zeros(n_pred, 1)
        k_star = kern(x, y=x_train)
        pred_mu = mtimes(k_star, beta)

    if pred_var:
        pred_sigm = kern(x, diag_only=True)

        if not beta is None:
            pred_sigm = pred_sigm - sum2(
                mtimes(k_star, k_inv_training) * k_star)

        return pred_mu, pred_sigm

    return pred_mu
Exemple #6
    def _include_statistics_of_expression(self, expr, name, exp_phi, ls_factor,
                                          model, problem):
        if self.variable_type == 'algebraic':
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "stochastic variables as algebraic variables are not implemented"

        if self.variable_type == 'theta':
            var_vector = self._get_expression_in_each_scenario(expr, model)

            stochastic_var_mean = problem.create_optimization_theta(
                name + '_mean', 1)
            stochastic_var_var = problem.create_optimization_theta(
                name + '_var', 1)
            stochastic_var_par = problem.create_optimization_theta(
                name + '_par', self.n_pol_parameters)

            problem.include_time_equality(stochastic_var_par -
                                          mtimes(ls_factor, var_vector),
            problem.include_time_equality(stochastic_var_mean -
            problem.include_time_equality(stochastic_var_var - mtimes(
                (stochastic_var_par[1:]**2).T, exp_phi[1:]),

            return stochastic_var_mean, stochastic_var_var, stochastic_var_par
Exemple #7
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, Pose):
         return Pose(casadi.mtimes(self.R, other.R), casadi.mtimes(self.R, other.t) + self.t)
     elif isinstance(other, casadi.casadi.MX) and other.shape == (3, 1):
         return casadi.mtimes(self.R, other) + self.t
         raise NotImplementedError
Exemple #8
    def test_matrixexpressions(self):
        with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, 'MatrixExpressions.mo'), 'r') as f:
            txt = f.read()
        ast_tree = parser.parse(txt)
        casadi_model = gen_casadi.generate(ast_tree, 'MatrixExpressions')
        ref_model = Model()

        A = ca.MX.sym("A", 3, 3)
        b = ca.MX.sym("b", 3)
        c = ca.MX.sym("c", 3)
        d = ca.MX.sym("d", 3)
        C = ca.MX.sym("C", 2, 3)
        D = ca.MX.sym("D", 3, 2)
        E = ca.MX.sym("E", 2, 3)
        I = ca.MX.sym("I", 5, 5)
        F = ca.MX.sym("F", 3, 3)

        ref_model.alg_states = list(map(Variable, [A, b, c, d]))
        ref_model.constants = list(map(Variable, [C, D, E, I, F]))
        constant_values = [
            1.7 * ca.DM.ones(2, 3),
            ca.DM.zeros(3, 2),
            ca.DM.ones(2, 3),
            ca.DM.triplet([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], 3, 3)
        for const, val in zip(ref_model.constants, constant_values):
            const.value = val
        ref_model.equations = [
            ca.mtimes(A, b) - c,
            ca.mtimes(A.T, b) - d, F[1, 2]

        self.assert_model_equivalent_numeric(ref_model, casadi_model)
Exemple #9
    def _relax_algebraic_equations(self):
        # get the equations to relax
        alg_relax = self.model.alg[self.relax_algebraic_index]
        n_alg_relax = alg_relax.numel()

        self.n_relax += n_alg_relax

        # create a symbolic nu
        nu_alg = SX.sym('AL_nu_alg', n_alg_relax)
        self.nu_sym = vertcat(self.nu_sym, nu_alg)

        # save the relaxed algebraic equations for computing the update later
        self.relaxed_alg = vertcat(self.relaxed_alg, alg_relax)

        # include the penalization term in the objective
        self.problem.L += (mtimes(nu_alg.T, alg_relax) +
                           self.mu_sym / 2. * mtimes(alg_relax.T, alg_relax))

        # include the relaxed y_sym as controls
        u_guess = self.problem.y_guess[
            relax_algebraic_index] if self.problem.y_guess is not None else None

            self.model.y[self.relax_algebraic_var_index], alg_relax)
Exemple #10
    def generate_cost_function(self, p_0, u_0, p_all, q_all, mu_perf, sigma_perf,
                               k_ff_safe, k_fb_safe, sigma_safe, k_fb_perf=None,
                               k_ff_perf=None, gp_pred_sigma_perf=None,
                               custom_cost_func=None, eps_noise=0.0):
        # Generate cost function
        if custom_cost_func is None:
            cost = 0
            if self.n_perf > 1:

                n_cost_deviation = np.minimum(self.n_perf, self.n_safe)
                for i in range(1, n_cost_deviation):
                    cost += mtimes(mu_perf[i, :] - p_all[i, :],
                                   mtimes(.1 * self.wx_cost,
                                          (mu_perf[i, :] - p_all[i, :]).T))

                for i in range(self.n_perf):
                    cost -= sqrt(sum2(gp_pred_sigma_perf[i, :] + eps_noise))
                for i in range(self.n_safe):
                    cost -= sqrt(sum2(sigma_safe[i, :] + eps_noise))
            if self.n_perf > 1:
                cost = custom_cost_func(p_0, u_0, p_all, q_all, k_ff_safe, k_fb_safe,
                                        sigma_safe, mu_perf, sigma_perf,
                                        gp_pred_sigma_perf, k_fb_perf, k_ff_perf)
                cost = custom_cost_func(p_0, u_0, p_all, q_all, k_ff_safe, k_fb_safe,

        return cost
Exemple #11
    def get_gravity_rnea(self, root, tip, gravity):
        """Returns the gravitational term as a casadi function."""

        if self.robot_desc is None:
            raise ValueError('Robot description not loaded from urdf')

        n_joints = self.get_n_joints(root, tip)
        q = cs.SX.sym("q", n_joints)
        i_X_p, Si, Ic = self._model_calculation(root, tip, q)

        v = []
        a = []
        ag = cs.SX([0., 0., 0., gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]])
        f = []
        tau = cs.SX.zeros(n_joints)

        for i in range(0, n_joints):
            if i == 0:
                a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], -ag))
                a.append(cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i], a[i - 1]))
            f.append(cs.mtimes(Ic[i], a[i]))

        for i in range(n_joints - 1, -1, -1):
            tau[i] = cs.mtimes(Si[i].T, f[i])
            if i != 0:
                f[i - 1] = f[i - 1] + cs.mtimes(i_X_p[i].T, f[i])

        tau = cs.Function("C", [q], [tau], self.func_opts)
        return tau
Exemple #12
    def addResidualCost(self, measurement_model, X, t_array, y_array, R, params=None):
        N_measurements = t_array.shape[0]

        if y_array is not None:
            p = y_array.shape[0]
            p = params["p"]

        # Define Casadi function
        x = casadi.MX.sym('x', self.n)
        y = casadi.MX.sym('y', p)
        residual = casadi.Function('l', [x, y], [y - measurement_model(x, params)])

        # Measurment parameters
        Y = self.addParameter(N_measurements, p)

        # Define stage cost
        for (i, t) in enumerate(t_array):
            # Build the expression for x at time t based on
            phi_t = self.CPM.evaluateLagrangePolynomials(t)
            X_t = 0
            for j in range(self.N + 1):
                X_t += X[j]*phi_t[j]

            # Then add to the cost
            r_t = residual(X_t, Y[i])
            self.J += casadi.mtimes(r_t.T, casadi.mtimes(R, r_t))

        if y_array is not None:
            self.setMeasurement(Y, t_array, y_array)
        return Y
Exemple #13
def sqrt_correct(Rs, H, W):
    source: Fast Stable Kalman Filter Algorithms Utilising the Square Root, Steward 98
    Rs: sqrt(R)
    H: measurement matrix
    W: sqrt(P)

        Wp: sqrt(P+) = sqrt((I - KH)P)
        K: Kalman gain
        Ss: Innovation variance

    n_x = H.shape[1]
    n_y = H.shape[0]
    B = ca.sparsify(ca.blockcat(Rs, ca.mtimes(H, W), ca.SX.zeros(n_x, n_y), W))
    # qr  by default is upper triangular, so we transpose inputs and outputs
    B_Q, B_R = ca.qr(B.T)  # B_Q orthogonal, B_R, lower triangular
    B_Q = B_Q.T
    B_R = B_R.T
    Wp = B_R[n_y:, n_y:]
    Ss = B_R[:n_y, :n_y]
    P_HT_SsInv = B_R[n_y:, :n_y]
    K = ca.mtimes(P_HT_SsInv, ca.inv(Ss))
    return Wp, K, Ss
Exemple #14
	def eval_ws_eq(self, z, p):

		t_ws = p[0:2]
		R_ws = np.array( [ [ca.cos(p[2]), -ca.sin(p[2])],
							[ca.sin(p[2]), ca.cos(p[2])] ] )

		obca_d = []
		obca = []

		j = 0

		for i in range(self.n_obs):
			A = p[ self.n_x + j*self.d_ineq : self.n_x + (j+self.n_ineq[i])*self.d_ineq ].reshape( (self.n_ineq[i], self.d_ineq) )
			b = p[ self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j : self.n_x + self.N_ineq*self.d_ineq + j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			Lambda = z[ j : j + self.n_ineq[i] ]

			mu = z[ self.N_ineq + i*self.m_ineq : self.N_ineq + (i+1)*self.m_ineq ]

			d = z[ self.N_ineq + self.M_ineq + i ]

			obca_d.append( -ca.dot(self.g, mu) + ca.dot( ca.mtimes(A, t_ws)-b, Lambda ) - d)

			obca.append( ca.mtimes(self.G.T, mu) + ca.mtimes( ca.mtimes(A, R_ws).T, Lambda ) )

			j += self.n_ineq[i]

		ws_eq = ca.vcat( [ca.vcat(obca_d),
							ca.vcat(obca)] )

		return ws_eq
Exemple #15
def code_generation():
    x = ca.SX.sym('x', 14)
    x_gz = ca.SX.sym('x_gz', 14)
    p = ca.SX.sym('p', 16)
    u = ca.SX.sym('u', 4)
    t = ca.SX.sym('t')
    dt = ca.SX.sym('dt')
    gz_eqs = gazebo_equations()
    f_state = gz_eqs['state_from_gz']
    eqs = rocket_equations()
    C_FLT_FRB = gz_eqs['C_FLT_FRB']
    F_FRB, M_FRB = eqs['force_moment'](x, u, p)
    F_FLT = ca.mtimes(C_FLT_FRB, F_FRB)
    M_FLT = ca.mtimes(C_FLT_FRB, M_FRB)
    f_u_to_fin = ca.Function('rocket_u_to_fin', [u], [u_to_fin(u)], ['u'],
    f_force_moment = ca.Function('rocket_force_moment', [x, u, p],
                                 [F_FLT, M_FLT], ['x', 'u', 'p'],
                                 ['F_FLT', 'M_FLT'])
    u_control = eqs['control'](x, p, t, dt)
    f_control = ca.Function('rocket_control', [x, p, t, dt], [u_control],
                            ['x', 'p', 't', 'dt'], ['u'])
    gen = ca.CodeGenerator('casadi_gen.c', {
        'main': False,
        'mex': False,
        'with_header': True,
        'with_mem': True
Exemple #16
    def _relax_time_equalities(self):
        # get the equations to relax
        eq_relax = self.problem.g_eq[self.relax_time_equality_index]
        n_eq_relax = eq_relax.numel()

        self.n_relax += n_eq_relax

        # create a symbolic nu
        nu_alg = SX.sym('AL_nu_eq', n_eq_relax)
        self.nu_sym = vertcat(self.nu_sym, nu_alg)

        # save the relaxed algebraic equations for computing the update later
        self.relaxed_eq = vertcat(self.relaxed_eq, eq_relax)

        # include the penalization term in the objective
        self.problem.L = self.problem.L + (
            mtimes(nu_alg.T, eq_relax) +
            self.mu_sym / 2. * mtimes(eq_relax.T, eq_relax))

        # Remove equality
        self.problem.g_eq = remove_variables_from_vector_by_indices(
            self.relax_time_equality_index, self.problem.g_eq)

        for ind in sorted(self.relax_time_equality_index, reverse=True):
Exemple #17
def interpolate(ts, xs, t, equidistant, mode=0):
    if interp1d is not None:
        if mode == 0:
            mode_str = 'linear'
        elif mode == 1:
            mode_str = 'floor'
            mode_str = 'ceil'
        return interp1d(ts, xs, t, mode_str, equidistant)
        if mode == 1:
            xs = xs[:-1]  # block-forward
            xs = xs[1:]  # block-backward
        t = ca.MX(t)
        if t.size1() > 1:
            t_ = ca.MX.sym('t')
            xs_ = ca.MX.sym('xs', xs.size1())
            f = ca.Function('interpolant', [t_, xs_], [
                ca.mtimes(ca.transpose((t_ >= ts[:-1]) * (t_ < ts[1:])), xs_)
            f = f.map(t.size1(), 'serial')
            return ca.transpose(f(ca.transpose(t), ca.repmat(xs, 1,
            return ca.mtimes(ca.transpose((t >= ts[:-1]) * (t < ts[1:])), xs)
Exemple #18
    def _predict_sym(self, x_test, return_std=False, return_cov=False):
        Computes the GP posterior mean and covariance at a given a test sample using CasADi symbolics.
        :param x_test: vector of size mx1, where m is the number of features used for the GP prediction

        :return: the posterior mean (scalar) and covariance (scalar).

        k_s = self.kernel(self._x_train_cs, x_test.T)

        # Posterior mean value
        mu_s = cs.mtimes(k_s.T, self._K_inv_y_cs) + self.y_mean

        if not return_std and not return_cov:
            return {'mu': mu_s}

        k_ss = self.kernel(x_test, x_test) + 1e-8 * cs.MX.eye(x_test.shape[1])

        # Posterior covariance
        cov_s = k_ss - cs.mtimes(cs.mtimes(k_s.T, self._K_inv_cs), k_s)
        cov_s = cs.diag(cov_s)

        if return_std:
            return {'mu': mu_s, 'std': np.sqrt(cov_s)}

        return {'mu': mu_s, 'cov': cov_s}
Exemple #19
    def estimate(self, t_k, y_k, u_k):
        if not self._checked:
            self._checked = True
        if not self._types_fixed:
            self._types_fixed = True

        x_mean = self.x_mean
        x_cov = self.p_k

        (x_hat_k_minus, p_k_minus, y_hat_k_minus, p_yk_yk,
         k_gain) = self._priori_update(x_mean,

        x_hat_k = x_hat_k_minus + mtimes(k_gain, (y_k - y_hat_k_minus))
        p_k = p_k_minus - mtimes(k_gain, mtimes(p_yk_yk, k_gain.T))

        self.x_mean = x_hat_k
        self.p_k = p_k

        self.dataset.insert_data('x', t_k, self.x_mean)
        self.dataset.insert_data('P', t_k, vec(self.p_k))

        return x_hat_k, p_k
Exemple #20
    def diff(self, z, z_train):
        Computes the symbolic differentiation of the kernel function, evaluated at point z and using the training
        dataset z_train. This function implements equation (80) from overleaf document, without the c^{v_x} vector,
        and for all the partial derivatives possible (m), instead of just one.

        :param z: evaluation point. Symbolic vector of length m
        :param z_train: training dataset. Symbolic matrix of shape n x m

        :return: an m x n matrix, which is the derivative of the exponential kernel function evaluated at point z
        against the training dataset.

        if self.kernel_type != 'squared_exponential':
            raise NotImplementedError

        len_scale = self.params['l'] if len(
            self.params['l']) > 0 else self.params['l'] * cs.MX.ones(
        len_scale = np.atleast_2d(len_scale**2)

        # Broadcast z vector to have the shape of z_train (tile z to to the number of training points n)
        z_tile = cs.mtimes(cs.MX.ones(z_train.shape[0], 1), z.T)

        # Compute k_zZ. Broadcast it to shape of z_tile and z_train, i.e. by the number of variables in z.
        k_zZ = cs.mtimes(cs.MX.ones(z_train.shape[1], 1),
                         self.__call__(z_train, z.T).T)

        return -k_zZ * (z_tile - z_train).T / cs.mtimes(
            cs.MX.ones(z_train.shape[0], 1), len_scale).T
Exemple #21
    def solve_K(self, robot, X, U):

        K = c.DM.zeros(robot.nu * robot.nx, self.T + 1)

        _, A, B = robot.proc_model()

        for i in range(self.T, 0, -1):

            At = A(X[:, i], U[:, i - 1])
            Bt = B(X[:, i], U[:, i - 1])

            #print "At:", At
            #print "Bt:", Bt
            if i == self.T:
                P = self.Wxf


                P = c.mtimes(c.mtimes(At.T, P), At) - c.mtimes(
                    c.mtimes(c.mtimes(At.T, P), Bt), K_mat) + self.Wx

            K_mat = c.mtimes(c.inv(self.Wu + c.mtimes(c.mtimes(Bt.T, P), Bt)),
                             c.mtimes(c.mtimes(Bt.T, P), At))

            K[:, i] = c.reshape(K_mat, robot.nu * robot.nx, 1)

        return K
Exemple #22
    def Kalman_filter(self, robot, X_prev_est, X_prev_act, U, P_prev):

        X_prior = robot.kinematics(X_prev_est, U[0], U[1], U[2], 0)

        Sigma_w = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_w
        Sigma_nu = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_nu

        P_prior = c.mtimes(c.mtimes(robot.A, P_prev), robot.A.T) + c.mtimes(
            c.mtimes(robot.G, Sigma_w), robot.G.T)

        M = c.DM([[(X_prev_act[0] - 3)**2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

        S = P_prior + c.mtimes(c.mtimes(M, Sigma_nu), M.T)
        K_gain = c.mtimes(P_prior, c.inv(S))
        P_post = c.mtimes(c.DM.eye(robot.nx) - K_gain, P_prior)

        X_act = robot.kinematics(X_prev_act, U[0], U[1], U[2], self.epsilon)
        X_act = np.reshape(X_act, (robot.nx, ))  #to suit the receiving array

        nu0 = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(Sigma_nu[0, 0]))
        nu1 = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(Sigma_nu[1, 1]))
        nu2 = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(Sigma_nu[2, 2]))

        nu = c.DM([[nu0], [nu1], [nu2]])

        Y = X_act + c.mtimes(M, nu)

        X_est = X_prior + c.mtimes(K_gain, Y - X_prior)
        X_est = np.reshape(X_est, (robot.nx, ))

        return X_est, X_act, P_post
Exemple #23
def stage_cost(_x, _u, _x_ref=None, _u_ref=None):
    if _x_ref is None:
        _x_ref = cs.DM.zeros(_x.shape)
    if _u_ref is None:
        _u_ref = cs.DM.zeros(_u.shape)
    dx = _x - _x_ref
    du = _u - _u_ref
    return cs.mtimes([dx.T, Q, dx]) + cs.mtimes([du.T, R, du])
Exemple #24
def minimize_jerk(u):
    xdd = u[0, :]
    ydd = u[1, :]
    xddd = casadi.diff(xdd)
    yddd = casadi.diff(ydd)
    xddd_squared = casadi.mtimes(xddd, casadi.transpose(xddd))
    yddd_squared = casadi.mtimes(yddd, casadi.transpose(yddd))
    return xddd_squared + yddd_squared
Exemple #25
 def get_regularised_cost_expr(self):
     slack_var = self.skill_spec.slack_var
     if slack_var is not None:
         slack_H = cs.diag(self.weight_shifter + self.slack_var_weights)
         slack_cost = cs.mtimes(cs.mtimes(slack_var.T, slack_H), slack_var)
         slack_cost = 0.0
     return self.weight_shifter * self.cost_expression + slack_cost
Exemple #26
    def get_cost_integrand_function(self):
        """Returns a casadi function for the discretized integrand of
        the cost expression integrated one timestep. For the rectangle
        method, this just amounts to timing by the timestep.

        As with the other controllers, the cost is affected by the
        weight shifter, giving a regularised cost with the slack
        # Setup new symbols needed
        dt = self.timestep
        # Setup skill_spec symbols
        time_var = self.skill_spec.time_var
        robot_var = self.skill_spec.robot_var
        list_vars = [time_var, robot_var]
        list_names = ["time_var", "robot_var"]
        robot_vel_var = self.skill_spec.robot_vel_var
        cntrl_vars = [robot_vel_var]
        cntrl_names = ["robot_vel_var"]
        virtual_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_var
        if virtual_var is not None:
            list_vars += [virtual_var]
            list_names += ["virtual_var"]
            virtual_vel_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_vel_var
            cntrl_vars += [virtual_vel_var]
            cntrl_names += ["virtual_vel_var"]
        slack_var = self.skill_spec.slack_var
        if slack_var is not None:
            list_vars += [slack_var]
            list_names += ["slack_var"]
        # Full symbol list same way as in other controllers
        list_vars += cntrl_vars
        list_names += cntrl_names

        # Expression for the cost with regularisation:
        if slack_var is not None:
            slack_H = cs.diag(self.weight_shifter + self.slack_var_weights)
            slack_cost = cs.mtimes(cs.mtimes(slack_var.T, slack_H), slack_var)
            regularised_cost = self.weight_shifter*self.cost_expression
            regularised_cost += slack_cost
            regularised_cost = self.cost_expression
        # Choose integration method
        if self.options["cost_integration_method"].lower() == "rectangle":
            cost_integrand = regularised_cost*dt
        elif self.options["cost_integration_method"].lower() == "trapezoidal":
            # Trapezoidal rule
            raise NotImplementedError("Trapezoidal rule integration not"
                                      + " implemented.")
        elif self.options["cost_integration_method"].lower() == "simpson":
            # Simpson rule
            raise NotImplementedError("Simpson rule integration not"
                                      + " implemented.")
            raise NotImplementedError(self.options["cost_integration_method"]
                                      + " is not a known integration method.")
        return cs.Function("fc_k", list_vars, [cost_integrand],
                           list_names, ["cost_integrand"])
Exemple #27
    def get_constraints_expr(self):
        """Returns a casadi expression describing all the constraints, and
        expressions for their upper and lower bounds.

            tuple: (A, Blb,Bub) for Blb<=A*x<Bub, where A*x, Blb and Bub are
            casadi expressions.
        cnstr_expr_list = []
        lb_cnstr_expr_list = []  # lower bound
        ub_cnstr_expr_list = []  # upper bound
        time_var = self.skill_spec.time_var
        robot_var = self.skill_spec.robot_var
        virtual_var = self.skill_spec.virtual_var
        n_slack = self.skill_spec.n_slack_var
        slack_ind = 0
        for cnstr in self.skill_spec.constraints:
            expr_size = cnstr.expression.size()
            # What's A*opt_var?
            cnstr_expr = cnstr.jacobian(robot_var)
            if virtual_var is not None:
                cnstr_expr = cs.horzcat(cnstr_expr,
            # Everyone wants a feedforward
            lb_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var)
            ub_cnstr_expr = -cnstr.jacobian(time_var)
            # Setup bounds
            if isinstance(cnstr, EqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += -cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain, cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, SetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_min - cnstr.expression)
                ub_cnstr_expr += cs.mtimes(cnstr.gain,
                                           cnstr.set_max - cnstr.expression)
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocityEqualityConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cnstr.target
                ub_cnstr_expr += cnstr.target
            elif isinstance(cnstr, VelocitySetConstraint):
                lb_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_min
                ub_cnstr_expr += cnstr.set_max
            # Soft constraints have slack
            if n_slack > 0:
                slack_mat = cs.DM.zeros((expr_size[0], n_slack))
                if cnstr.constraint_type == "soft":
                    slack_mat[:, slack_ind:slack_ind +
                              expr_size[0]] = -cs.DM.eye(expr_size[0])
                    slack_ind += expr_size[0]
                cnstr_expr = cs.horzcat(cnstr_expr, slack_mat)
            # Add to lists
            cnstr_expr_list += [cnstr_expr]
            lb_cnstr_expr_list += [lb_cnstr_expr]
            ub_cnstr_expr_list += [ub_cnstr_expr]
        cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*cnstr_expr_list)
        lb_cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*lb_cnstr_expr_list)
        ub_cnstr_expr_full = cs.vertcat(*ub_cnstr_expr_list)
        return cnstr_expr_full, lb_cnstr_expr_full, ub_cnstr_expr_full
    def buildDynamicalSystem(self):
        # q1 is first link q2 is second link
        q1 = ca.MX.sym('q1')
        dq1 = ca.MX.sym('dq1')
        q2 = ca.MX.sym('q2')
        dq2 = ca.MX.sym('dq2')
        u = ca.MX.sym('u')

        theta = ca.MX.sym("theta", 7, 1)

        if self.trainMotor:
            Rm = ca.MX.sym("Rm")
            km = ca.MX.sym("km")
            params = ca.vertcat(ca.MX.sym("params", 7, 1), Rm, km)
            Rm = self.Rm
            km = self.km
            params = theta

        states = ca.vertcat(q1, q2, dq1, dq2)
        controls = u  # km * (u - km * dq1) / Rm;

        if self.hackOn:
            # convert actions which are given as torques to voltage to be consistent with the controller inputs of Lukas
            u = u * Rm / km

        controls_torque = km * (u - km * dq1) / Rm

        # build matrix for mass matrix
        phi_1_1 = ca.MX(2, 7)
        phi_1_1[0, 0] = ca.MX.ones(1)
        phi_1_1[0, 1] = ca.sin(q2) * ca.sin(q2)
        phi_1_1[1, 2] = ca.cos(q2)
        phi_1_2 = ca.MX(2, 7)
        phi_1_2[0, 2] = -ca.cos(q2)
        phi_1_2[1, 3] = ca.MX.ones(1)
        mass_matrix = ca.horzcat(ca.mtimes(phi_1_1, params),
                                 ca.mtimes(phi_1_2, params))

        phi_2 = ca.MX(2, 7)
        phi_2[0, 1] = ca.sin(2 * q2) * dq1 * dq2
        phi_2[0, 2] = ca.sin(q2) * dq2 * dq2
        phi_2[0, 5] = dq1
        phi_2[1, 1] = -1 / 2 * ca.sin(2 * q2) * dq1 * dq1
        phi_2[1, 4] = self.g * ca.sin(q2)
        phi_2[1, 6] = dq2

        forces = ca.mtimes(phi_2, params)

        actions = ca.vertcat(controls_torque, ca.MX.zeros(1))

        b = actions - forces
        states_dd = ca.solve(mass_matrix, b)

        states_d = ca.vertcat(dq1, dq2, states_dd[0], states_dd[1])

        return states, states_d, controls, params
Exemple #29
 def kinematics(cls, r, w):
     assert r.shape == (4, 1) or r.shape == (4, )
     assert w.shape == (3, 1) or w.shape == (3, )
     a = r[:3]
     n_sq = ca.dot(a, a)
     X = wedge(a)
     B = 0.25 * ((1 - n_sq) * ca.SX.eye(3) + 2 * X +
                 2 * ca.mtimes(a, ca.transpose(a)))
     return ca.vertcat(ca.mtimes(B, w), 0)
def dynamics_rear(X_prev, S, v):
    dt = 0.1
    L = 2.33
    X_new = X_prev + dt*casadi.blockcat([[casadi.mtimes(v/2.0,casadi.cos(X_prev[2] - S - 8*m.pi/180)+casadi.cos(X_prev[2] + (S + 8*m.pi/180)))],
                [casadi.mtimes(v/2.0,casadi.sin(X_prev[2] - S - 8*m.pi/180) + casadi.sin(X_prev[2] + (S + 8*m.pi/180)))],
                [casadi.mtimes(v,casadi.sin(-S - 8*m.pi/180)*1/L)]])

    X_new[2] = casadi.atan2(casadi.sin(X_new[2]), casadi.cos(X_new[2]))
    return X_new
Exemple #31
 def construct_upd_x(self, problem=None):
     # construct optifather & give reference to problem
     self.father_updx = OptiFather(self.group.values())
     self.problem.father = self.father_updx
     # define parameters
     z_i = self.define_parameter('z_i', self.q_i_struct.shape[0])
     z_ji = self.define_parameter('z_ji', self.q_ji_struct.shape[0])
     l_i = self.define_parameter('l_i', self.q_i_struct.shape[0])
     l_ji = self.define_parameter('l_ji', self.q_ji_struct.shape[0])
     rho = self.define_parameter('rho')
     if problem is None:
         # put z and l variables in the struct format
         z_i = self.q_i_struct(z_i)
         z_ji = self.q_ji_struct(z_ji)
         l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
         l_ji = self.q_ji_struct(l_ji)
         # get time info
         t = self.define_symbol('t')
         T = self.define_symbol('T')
         t0 = t/T
         # get (part of) variables
         x_i = self._get_x_variables(symbolic=True)
         # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
         tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
         self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
         self._transform_spline([z_ji, l_ji], tf, self.q_ji)
         # construct objective
         obj = 0.
         for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
             for name in q_i.keys():
                 x = x_i[child.label][name]
                 z = z_i[child.label, name]
                 l = l_i[child.label, name]
                 obj += mtimes(l.T, x-z)
                 if not self.options['AMA']:
                     obj += 0.5*rho*mtimes((x-z).T, (x-z))
                 for nghb in self.q_ji.keys():
                     z = z_ji[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                     l = l_ji[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                     obj += mtimes(l.T, x-z)
                     if not self.options['AMA']:
                         obj += 0.5*rho*mtimes((x-z).T, (x-z))
         # construct problem
         prob, buildtime = self.father_updx.construct_problem(
             self.options, str(self._index))
         prob, buildtime = self.father_updx.construct_problem(self.options, str(self._index), problem)
     self.problem_upd_x = prob
     return buildtime
Exemple #32
 def construct_upd_z(self, problem=None, lineq_updz=True):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_z = problem
         self._lineq_updz = lineq_updz
         return 0.
     # check if we have linear equality constraints
     self._lineq_updz, A, b = self._check_for_lineq()
     if not self._lineq_updz:
         raise ValueError('For now, only equality constrained QP ' +
                          'z-updates are allowed!')
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     l_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     l_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     par = struct_symMX(self.par_global_struct)
     inp = [x_i.cat, l_i.cat, l_ij.cat, x_j.cat, t, T, rho, par.cat]
     t0 = t/T
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     l_i = self.q_i_struct(l_i)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, l_i], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
     # fill in parameters
     A = A(par.cat)
     b = b(par.cat)
     # build KKT system and solve it via schur complement method
     l, x = vertcat(l_i.cat, l_ij.cat), vertcat(x_i.cat, x_j.cat)
     f = -(l + rho*x)
     G = -(1/rho)*mtimes(A, A.T)
     h = b + (1/rho)*mtimes(A, f)
     mu = solve(G, h)
     z = -(1/rho)*(mtimes(A.T, mu)+f)
     l_qi = self.q_i_struct.shape[0]
     l_qij = self.q_ij_struct.shape[0]
     z_i_new = self.q_i_struct(z[:l_qi])
     z_ij_new = self.q_ij_struct(z[l_qi:l_qi+l_qij])
     # transform back
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline(z_i_new, tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline(z_ij_new, tf, self.q_ij)
     out = [z_i_new.cat, z_ij_new.cat]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_z_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_z = prob
     return buildtime
Exemple #33
def evalspline(s, x):
    # Evaluate spline with symbolic variable
    # This is possible not the best way to implement this. The conditional node
    # from casadi should be considered
    Bl = s.basis
    coeffs = s.coeffs
    k = Bl.knots
    basis = [[]]
    for i in range(len(k) - 1):
        if i < Bl.degree + 1 and Bl.knots[0] == Bl.knots[i]:
            basis[-1].append((x >= Bl.knots[i])*(x <= Bl.knots[i + 1]))
            basis[-1].append((x > Bl.knots[i])*(x <= Bl.knots[i + 1]))
    for d in range(1, Bl.degree + 1):
        for i in range(len(k) - d - 1):
            b = 0 * x
            bottom = k[i + d] - k[i]
            if bottom != 0:
                b = (x - k[i]) * basis[d - 1][i] / bottom
            bottom = k[i + d + 1] - k[i + 1]
            if bottom != 0:
                b += (k[i + d + 1] - x) * basis[d - 1][i + 1] / bottom
    result = 0.
    for l in range(len(Bl)):
        result += mtimes(coeffs[l], basis[-1][l])
    return result
    def _get_symbolic_flux(self, finite_element, degree):
        """ Get a symbolic expression for the boundary fluxes at the given
        finite_element and polynomial degree """

        return cs.mtimes(cs.DM(self.efms_object.T.values), 
                         self.var.a_sx[finite_element, degree-1] * 
Exemple #35
def crop_spline(spline, min_value, max_value):
    T, knots2 = get_interval_T(spline.basis, min_value, max_value)
    if isinstance(spline.coeffs, (SX, MX)):
        coeffs2 = mtimes(T, spline.coeffs)
        coeffs2 = T.dot(spline.coeffs)
    basis2 = BSplineBasis(knots2, spline.basis.degree)
    return BSpline(basis2, coeffs2)
Exemple #36
    def get_derivative(self, s):

        # Case 1: s is a constant, e.g. MX(5)
        if ca.MX(s).is_constant():
            return 0

        # Case 2: s is a symbol, e.g. MX(x)
        elif s.is_symbolic():
            if s.name() not in self.derivative:
                if len(self.for_loops) > 0 and s in self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols:
                    # Create a new indexed symbol, referencing to the for loop index inside the vector derivative symbol.
                    for_loop_symbol = self.for_loops[-1].indexed_symbols[s]
                    s_without_index = self.get_mx(ast.ComponentRef(name=for_loop_symbol.tree.name))
                    der_s_without_index = self.get_derivative(s_without_index)
                    if ca.MX(der_s_without_index).is_symbolic():
                        return self.get_indexed_symbol(ast.ComponentRef(name=der_s_without_index.name(), indices=for_loop_symbol.tree.indices), der_s_without_index)
                        return 0
                    der_s = _new_mx("der({})".format(s.name()), s.size())
                    # If the derivative contains an expression (e.g. der(x + y)) this method is
                    # called with MX variables that are the result of a ca.symvar call. This
                    # ca.symvar call strips the _modelica_shape field from the MX variable,
                    # therefore we need to find the original MX to get the modelica shape.
                    der_s._modelica_shape = \
                    self.derivative[s.name()] = der_s
                    self.nodes[self.current_class][der_s.name()] = der_s
                    return der_s
                return self.derivative[s.name()]

        # Case 3: s is an already indexed symbol, e.g. MX(x[1])
        elif s.is_op(ca.OP_GETNONZEROS) and s.dep().is_symbolic():
            slice_info = s.info()['slice']
            dep = s.dep()
            if dep.name() not in self.derivative:
                der_dep = _new_mx("der({})".format(dep.name()), dep.size())
                der_dep._modelica_shape = \
                self.derivative[dep.name()] = der_dep
                self.nodes[self.current_class][der_dep.name()] = der_dep
                return der_dep[slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]
                return self.derivative[dep.name()][slice_info['start']:slice_info['stop']:slice_info['step']]

        # Case 4: s is an expression that requires differentiation, e.g. MX(x2 * x2)
        # Need to do this sort of expansion: der(x1 * x2) = der(x1) * x2 + x1 * der(x2)
            # Differentiate expression using CasADi
            orig_deps = ca.symvar(s)
            deps = ca.vertcat(*orig_deps)
            J = ca.Function('J', [deps], [ca.jacobian(s, deps)])
            J_sparsity = J.sparsity_out(0)
            der_deps = [self.get_derivative(dep) if J_sparsity.has_nz(0, j) else ca.DM.zeros(dep.size()) for j, dep in enumerate(orig_deps)]
            return ca.mtimes(J(deps), ca.vertcat(*der_deps))
Exemple #37
def shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t_shift):
    if isinstance(cfs, (SX, MX)):
        cfs_sym = MX.sym('cfs', cfs.shape)
        t_shift_sym = MX.sym('t_shift')
        T = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift_sym)
        cfs2_sym = mtimes(T, cfs_sym)
        fun = Function('fun', [cfs_sym, t_shift_sym], [cfs2_sym]).expand()
        return fun(cfs, t_shift)
        T = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift)
        return T.dot(cfs)
Exemple #38
def shift_knot1_bwd(cfs, basis, t_shift):
    if isinstance(cfs, (SX, MX)):
        cfs_sym = SX.sym('cfs', cfs.shape)
        t_shift_sym = SX.sym('t_shift')
        _, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift_sym, inverse=True)
        cfs2_sym = mtimes(Tinv, cfs_sym)
        fun = Function('fun', [cfs_sym, t_shift_sym], [cfs2_sym]).expand()
        return fun(cfs, t_shift)
        _, Tinv = shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift, inverse=True)
        return Tinv.dot(cfs)
Exemple #39
 def construct_upd_res(self, problem=None):
     if problem is not None:
         self.problem_upd_res = problem
         return 0.
     # create parameters
     x_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_i_p = struct_symMX(self.q_i_struct)
     z_ij = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     z_ij_p = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     x_j = struct_symMX(self.q_ij_struct)
     t = MX.sym('t')
     T = MX.sym('T')
     t0 = t/T
     rho = MX.sym('rho')
     inp = [x_i, z_i, z_i_p, z_ij, z_ij_p, x_j, t, T, rho]
     # put symbols in MX structs (necessary for transformation)
     x_i = self.q_i_struct(x_i)
     z_i = self.q_i_struct(z_i)
     z_i_p = self.q_i_struct(z_i_p)
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij)
     z_ij_p = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij_p)
     x_j = self.q_ij_struct(x_j)
     # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
     tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
     self._transform_spline([x_i, z_i, z_i_p], tf, self.q_i)
     self._transform_spline([x_j, z_ij, z_ij_p], tf, self.q_ij)
     # compute residuals
     pr = mtimes((x_i.cat-z_i.cat).T, (x_i.cat-z_i.cat))
     pr += mtimes((x_j.cat-z_ij.cat).T, (x_j.cat-z_ij.cat))
     dr = rho*mtimes((z_i.cat-z_i_p.cat).T, (z_i.cat-z_i_p.cat))
     dr += rho*mtimes((z_ij.cat-z_ij_p.cat).T, (z_ij.cat-z_ij_p.cat))
     cr = rho*pr + dr
     out = [pr, dr, cr]
     # create problem
     prob, buildtime = create_function('upd_res_'+str(self._index), inp, out, self.options)
     self.problem_upd_res = prob
     return buildtime
    def _initialize_polynomial_constraints(self):
        """ Add constraints to the model to account for system dynamics and
        continuity constraints """

        # All collocation time points
        T = np.zeros((self.nk, self.d+1), dtype=object)
        for k in range(self.nk):
            for j in range(self.d+1):
                T[k,j] = (self.var.h_sx[self._get_stage_index(k)] * 
                          (k + self.col_vars['tau_root'][j]))

        # For all finite elements
        for k in range(self.nk):

            # For all collocation points
            for j in range(1, self.d+1):

                # Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation
                # point
                xp_jk = cs.mtimes(cs.DM(self.col_vars['C'][:,j]).T, self.var.x_sx[k]).T

                # Add collocation equations to the NLP.
                # Boundary fluxes are calculated by multiplying the EFM
                # coefficients in V by the efm matrix
                [fk] = self.dxdt.call(
                    [T[k,j], cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k,j]),
                     self._get_symbolic_flux(k, j)])

                    self.var.h_sx[self._get_stage_index(k)] * fk - xp_jk,
                    msg='DXDT collocation - FE {0}, degree {1}'.format(k,j))

            # Add continuity equation to NLP
            if k+1 != self.nk:
                # Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite
                # element
                    cs.SX(self.var.x_sx[k+1,0]) -
                                    msg='Continuity - FE {0}'.format(k))

        # Get an expression for the endpoint for objective purposes
        xf = self._get_endpoint_expr(self.var.x_sx[-1])
        self.xf = {met : x_sx for met, x_sx in zip(self.boundary_species, xf)}

        # Similarly, get an expression for the beginning point
        x0 = self.var.x_sx[0,0,:]
        self.x0 = {met : x_sx for met, x_sx in zip(self.boundary_species, x0)}
Exemple #41
 def dot(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, (cas.MX, cas.SX)):
         # compatible with casadi 3.0 -- added by ruben
         return cas.mtimes(cas.DM(csr_matrix(self)), other)
         # return cas.DMatrix(csr_matrix(self)).mul(other)
     elif get_module(other) in ['cvxpy', 'cvxopt']:
         return cvxopt.sparse(cvxopt.matrix(self.toarray())) * other
         # A = self.tocoo()
         # B = cvxopt.spmatrix(
         #     A.data, A.row.tolist(), A.col.tolist(), A.shape
         #     )
         # return B * other
         try:  # Scipy sparse matrix
             return super(csr_matrix_alt, self).dot(other)
         except:  # Regular numpy matrix
             return np.dot(self.toarray(), other)
Exemple #42
def shiftfirstknot_T(basis, t_shift, inverse=False):
    # Create transformation matrix that shifts the first (degree+1) knots over
    # t_shift. With inverse = True, the inverse transformation is also
    # computed.
    knots, deg = basis.knots, basis.degree
    N = len(basis)
    if isinstance(t_shift, SX):
        typ, sym = SX, True
    elif isinstance(t_shift, MX):
        typ, sym = MX, True
        typ, sym = np, False
    _T = typ.eye(deg+1)
    for k in range(deg+1):
        _t = typ.zeros((deg+1+k+1, deg+1+k))
        for j in range(deg+1+k+1):
            if j >= deg+1:
                _t[j, j-1] = 1.
            elif j <= k:
                _t[j, j] = 1.
                _t[j, j-1] = (knots[j+deg-k]-t_shift)/(knots[j+deg-k]-knots[j])
                _t[j, j] = (t_shift-knots[j])/(knots[j+deg-k]-knots[j])
        _T = mtimes(_t, _T) if sym else _t.dot(_T)
    T = typ.eye(N)
    T[:deg+1, :deg+1] = _T[deg+1:, :]
    if inverse:  # T is upper triangular: easy inverse
        Tinv = typ.eye(len(basis))
        for i in range(deg, -1, -1):
            Tinv[i, i] = 1./T[i, i]
            for j in range(deg, i, -1):
                Tinv[i, j] = (-1./T[i, i])*sum([T[i, k]*Tinv[k, j]
                                                for k in range(i+1, deg+2)])
        return T, Tinv
        return T
 def _get_endpoint_expr(self, state_sx):
     """Use the variables in self.col_vars['D'] for find an expression for
     the end of the finite element """
     return cs.mtimes(cs.DM(self.col_vars['D']).T, state_sx).T
Exemple #44
    def  __init__(self,objective,*args):
        if len(args)>=1:
            constraints = args[0]
            constraints = []
        options = dict()
        if len(args)>=2:
            options = args[1]
        if not isinstance(constraints,list):
            raise Exception("Constraints must be given as list: [x>=0,y<=0]")

        [ gl_pure, gl_equality] = sort_constraints( constraints )
        symbols = OptimizationObject.get_primitives([objective]+gl_pure)

        # helper functions for 'x'
        X = C.veccat(*symbols["x"])
        helper = C.Function('helper',[X],symbols["x"])

        helper_inv = C.Function('helper_inv',symbols["x"],[X])

        # helper functions for 'p' if applicable
        if 'p' in symbols:
          P = C.veccat(*symbols["p"])

          self.Phelper_inv = C.Function('Phelper_inv',symbols["p"],[P])
          P = C.MX.sym('p',0,1)

        if len(gl_pure)>0:
            g_helpers = [];
            for p in gl_pure:
            G_helpers = C.veccat(*g_helpers)

            self.Ghelper = C.Function('Ghelper',[G_helpers],g_helpers)

            self.Ghelper_inv = C.Function('Ghelper_inv',g_helpers,[G_helpers])
        codegen = False;
        if 'codegen' in options:
            codegen = options["codegen"]
            del options["codegen"]
        opt = {}
        if codegen:
            options["jit"] = True
            opt["jit"] = True
        gl_pure_v = C.MX()
        if len(gl_pure)>0:
           gl_pure_v = C.veccat(*gl_pure)

        if objective.is_vector() and objective.numel()>1:
            F = C.vec(objective)
            objective = 0.5*C.dot(F,F)
            FF = C.Function('nlp',[X,P], [F])
            JF = FF.jacobian()
            J_out = JF.call([X,P])
            J = J_out[0].T;
            H = C.mtimes(J,J.T)
            sigma = C.MX.sym('sigma')
            Hf = C.Function('H',dict(x=X,p=P,lam_f=sigma,hess_gamma_x_x=sigma*C.triu(H)),['x', 'p', 'lam_f', 'lam_g'],['hess_gamma_x_x'],opt)
            if "expand" in options and options["expand"]:
               Hf = Hf.expand()
            options["hess_lag"] = Hf
        nlp = {"x":X,"p":P,"f":objective,"g":gl_pure_v}

        self.solver = C.nlpsol('solver','ipopt', nlp, options)

        # Save to class properties
        self.symbols      = symbols
        self.helper       = helper
        self.helper_inv   = helper_inv
        self.gl_equality  = gl_equality
    def __init__(self, inertial_frame_id='world'):
        Vehicle.__init__(self, inertial_frame_id)
        # Declaring state variables
        ## Generalized position vector
        self.eta = casadi.SX.sym('eta', 6)
        ## Generalized velocity vector
        self.nu = casadi.SX.sym('nu', 6)

        # Build the Coriolis matrix
        self.CMatrix = casadi.SX.zeros(6, 6)

        S_12 = - cross_product_operator(
            casadi.mtimes(self._Mtotal[0:3, 0:3], self.nu[0:3]) +
            casadi.mtimes(self._Mtotal[0:3, 3:6], self.nu[3:6]))
        S_22 = - cross_product_operator(
            casadi.mtimes(self._Mtotal[3:6, 0:3], self.nu[0:3]) +
            casadi.mtimes(self._Mtotal[3:6, 3:6], self.nu[3:6]))

        self.CMatrix[0:3, 3:6] = S_12
        self.CMatrix[3:6, 0:3] = S_12
        self.CMatrix[3:6, 3:6] = S_22

        # Build the damping matrix (linear and nonlinear elements)
        self.DMatrix = - casadi.diag(self._linear_damping)        
        self.DMatrix -= casadi.diag(self._linear_damping_forward_speed)
        self.DMatrix -= casadi.diag(self._quad_damping * self.nu)      

        # Build the restoring forces vectors wrt the BODY frame
        Rx = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
                       [0, casadi.cos(self.eta[3]), -1 * casadi.sin(self.eta[3])],
                       [0, casadi.sin(self.eta[3]), casadi.cos(self.eta[3])]])
        Ry = np.array([[casadi.cos(self.eta[4]), 0, casadi.sin(self.eta[4])],
                       [0, 1, 0],
                       [-1 * casadi.sin(self.eta[4]), 0, casadi.cos(self.eta[4])]])
        Rz = np.array([[casadi.cos(self.eta[5]), -1 * casadi.sin(self.eta[5]), 0],
                       [casadi.sin(self.eta[5]), casadi.cos(self.eta[5]), 0],
                       [0, 0, 1]])

        R_n_to_b = casadi.transpose(casadi.mtimes(Rz, casadi.mtimes(Ry, Rx)))

        if inertial_frame_id == 'world_ned':
            Fg = casadi.SX([0, 0, -self.mass * self.gravity])
            Fb = casadi.SX([0, 0, self.volume * self.gravity * self.density])
            Fg = casadi.SX([0, 0, self.mass * self.gravity])
            Fb = casadi.SX([0, 0, -self.volume * self.gravity * self.density])

        self.gVec = casadi.SX.zeros(6)

        self.gVec[0:3] = -1 * casadi.mtimes(R_n_to_b, Fg + Fb)  
        self.gVec[3:6] = -1 * casadi.mtimes(
            R_n_to_b, casadi.cross(self._cog, Fg) + casadi.cross(self._cob, Fb))
        # Build Jacobian
        T = 1 / casadi.cos(self.eta[4]) * np.array(
            [[0, casadi.sin(self.eta[3]) * casadi.sin(self.eta[4]), casadi.cos(self.eta[3]) * casadi.sin(self.eta[4])],
             [0, casadi.cos(self.eta[3]) * casadi.cos(self.eta[4]), -casadi.cos(self.eta[4]) * casadi.sin(self.eta[3])],
             [0, casadi.sin(self.eta[3]), casadi.cos(self.eta[3])]])

        self.eta_dot = casadi.vertcat(
            casadi.mtimes(casadi.transpose(R_n_to_b), self.nu[0:3]),
            casadi.mtimes(T, self.nu[3::]))

        self.u = casadi.SX.sym('u', 6)
        self.nu_dot = casadi.solve(
            self.u - casadi.mtimes(self.CMatrix, self.nu) - casadi.mtimes(self.DMatrix, self.nu) - self.gVec)

Exemple #46
    def exitExpression(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef):
            op = tree.operator.name
            op = tree.operator

        if op == '*':
            op = 'mtimes'  # .* differs from *
        if op.startswith('.'):
            op = op[1:]


        n_operands = len(tree.operands)
        if op == 'der':
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = self.get_derivative(v)
        elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1:
            src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
        elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1:
            src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True)
        elif op == 'mtimes':
            assert n_operands >= 2
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            for i in tree.operands[1:]:
                src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i))
        elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T
        elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1:
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.sum1(v)
        elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3:
            a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1:
            n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.eye(n)
        elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1:
            diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n = len(diag)
            indices = list(range(n))
            src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n)
        elif op == 'cat':
            axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported"

            entries = []
            for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]:
                if isinstance(sym, list):
                    for e in sym:
            src = ca.vertcat(*entries)
        elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2:
            expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])

            src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter), *expr.size())
            self.delay_counter += 1

            for f in self.for_loops:
                syms = set(ca.symvar(expr))
                if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols):
                    f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True, tree.operands[0], f.index_variable)


            delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp1d' and n_operands >= 3 and n_operands <= 4:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value)
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value)
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            arg = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            if n_operands == 4:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[3], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[3].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp], yp)
            src = func(arg)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp2d' and n_operands >= 5 and n_operands <= 6:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value)
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value)
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[2], ast.ComponentRef):
                zp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[2].name].value)
                zp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            arg_1 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[3])
            arg_2 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[4])
            if n_operands == 6:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[5], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[5].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp, yp], np.array(zp).ravel(order='F'))
            src = func(ca.vertcat(arg_1, arg_2))
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op()
            src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            # Check for built-in operations, such as the
            # elementary functions, first.
            if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2:
                if n_operands == 1:
                    src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    src = getattr(src, op)()
                    lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
                    lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op)
                    src = lhs_op(rhs)
                func = self.get_function(op)
                src = ca.vertcat(*func.call([self.get_mx(operand) for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode))

        self.src[tree] = src
 def construct_upd_xz(self, problem=None):
     # construct optifather & give reference to problem
     self.father_updx = OptiFather(self.group.values())
     self.problem.father = self.father_updx
     # define z_ij variables
     init = self.q_ij_struct(0)
     for nghb, q_ij in self.q_ij.items():
         for child, q_j in q_ij.items():
             for name, ind in q_j.items():
                 var = np.array(child._values[name])
                 v = var.T.flatten()[ind]
                 init[nghb.label, child.label, name, ind] = v
     z_ij = self.define_variable(
         'z_ij', self.q_ij_struct.shape[0], value=np.array(init.cat))
     # define parameters
     l_ij = self.define_parameter('l_ij', self.q_ij_struct.shape[0])
     l_ji = self.define_parameter('l_ji', self.q_ji_struct.shape[0])
     # put them in the struct format
     z_ij = self.q_ij_struct(z_ij)
     l_ij = self.q_ij_struct(l_ij)
     l_ji = self.q_ji_struct(l_ji)
     # get (part of) variables
     x_i = self._get_x_variables(symbolic=True)
     # construct local copies of parameters
     par = {}
     for name, s in self.par_global.items():
         par[name] = self.define_parameter(name, s.shape[0], s.shape[1])
     if problem is None:
         # get time info
         t = self.define_symbol('t')
         T = self.define_symbol('T')
         t0 = t/T
         # transform spline variables: only consider future piece of spline
         tf = lambda cfs, basis: shift_knot1_fwd(cfs, basis, t0)
         self._transform_spline(x_i, tf, self.q_i)
         self._transform_spline([z_ij, l_ij], tf, self.q_ij)
         self._transform_spline(l_ji, tf, self.q_ji)
         # construct objective
         obj = 0.
         for child, q_i in self.q_i.items():
             for name in q_i.keys():
                 x = x_i[child.label][name]
                 for nghb in self.q_ji.keys():
                     l = l_ji[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                     obj += mtimes(l.T, x)
         for nghb, q_j in self.q_ij.items():
             for child in q_j.keys():
                 for name in q_j[child].keys():
                     z = z_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                     l = l_ij[str(nghb), child.label, name]
                     obj -= mtimes(l.T, z)
     # construct constraints
     for con in self.global_constraints:
         c = con[0]
         for sym in symvar(c):
             for label, child in self.group.items():
                 if sym.name() in child.symbol_dict:
                     name = child.symbol_dict[sym.name()][1]
                     v = x_i[label][name]
                     ind = self.q_i[child][name]
                     sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size())
                     sym2[ind] = v
                     sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape)
                     c = substitute(c, sym, sym2)
             for nghb in self.q_ij.keys():
                 for label, child in nghb.group.items():
                     if sym.name() in child.symbol_dict:
                         name = child.symbol_dict[sym.name()][1]
                         v = z_ij[nghb.label, label, name]
                         ind = self.q_ij[nghb][child][name]
                         sym2 = MX.zeros(sym.size())
                         sym2[ind] = v
                         sym2 = reshape(sym2, sym.shape)
                         c = substitute(c, sym, sym2)
             for name, s in self.par_global.items():
                 if s.name() == sym.name():
                     c = substitute(c, sym, par[name])
         lb, ub = con[1], con[2]
         self.define_constraint(c, lb, ub)
     # construct problem
     prob, buildtime = self.father_updx.construct_problem(
         self.options, str(self._index), problem)
     self.problem_upd_xz = prob
     return buildtime