Exemple #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(TestQuerySetCountSelectionAndIteration, cls).setUpClass()

        from tests.integration.cqlengine.query.test_queryset import TestModel

        ks, tn = TestModel.column_family_name().split('.')
        cls.keyspace = NamedKeyspace(ks)
        cls.table = cls.keyspace.table(tn)
Exemple #2
 def setUpClass(cls):
     super(TestQuerySetOperation, cls).setUpClass()
     cls.keyspace = NamedKeyspace('cqlengine_test')
     cls.table = cls.keyspace.table('test_model')
Exemple #3
    def test_named_table_with_mv(self):
        Test NamedTable access to materialized views

        Creates some materialized views using Traditional CQL. Then ensures we can access those materialized view using
        the NamedKeyspace, and NamedTable interfaces. Tests basic filtering as well.

        @since 3.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-406
        @expected_result Named Tables should have access to materialized views

        @test_category materialized_view
        ks = models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE
        self.session.execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {0}.alltimehigh".format(ks))
        self.session.execute("DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS {0}.monthlyhigh".format(ks))
        self.session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0}.scores".format(ks))
        create_table = """CREATE TABLE {0}.scores(
                        user TEXT,
                        game TEXT,
                        year INT,
                        month INT,
                        day INT,
                        score INT,
                        PRIMARY KEY (user, game, year, month, day)

        create_mv = """CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {0}.monthlyhigh AS
                        SELECT game, year, month, score, user, day FROM {0}.scores
                        WHERE game IS NOT NULL AND year IS NOT NULL AND month IS NOT NULL AND score IS NOT NULL AND user IS NOT NULL AND day IS NOT NULL
                        PRIMARY KEY ((game, year, month), score, user, day)
                        WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (score DESC, user ASC, day ASC)""".format(ks)


        create_mv_alltime = """CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {0}.alltimehigh AS
                        SELECT * FROM {0}.scores
                        WHERE game IS NOT NULL AND score IS NOT NULL AND user IS NOT NULL AND year IS NOT NULL AND month IS NOT NULL AND day IS NOT NULL
                        PRIMARY KEY (game, score, user, year, month, day)
                        WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (score DESC)""".format(ks)


        # Populate the base table with data
        prepared_insert = self.session.prepare("""INSERT INTO {0}.scores (user, game, year, month, day, score) VALUES  (?, ?, ? ,? ,?, ?)""".format(ks))
        parameters = (('pcmanus', 'Coup', 2015, 5, 1, 4000),
                      ('jbellis', 'Coup', 2015, 5, 3, 1750),
                      ('yukim', 'Coup', 2015, 5, 3, 2250),
                      ('tjake', 'Coup', 2015, 5, 3, 500),
                      ('iamaleksey', 'Coup', 2015, 6, 1, 2500),
                      ('tjake', 'Coup', 2015, 6, 2, 1000),
                      ('pcmanus', 'Coup', 2015, 6, 2, 2000),
                      ('jmckenzie', 'Coup', 2015, 6, 9, 2700),
                      ('jbellis', 'Coup', 2015, 6, 20, 3500),
                      ('jbellis', 'Checkers', 2015, 6, 20, 1200),
                      ('jbellis', 'Chess', 2015, 6, 21, 3500),
                      ('pcmanus', 'Chess', 2015, 1, 25, 3200))
        prepared_insert.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ALL
        execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, prepared_insert, parameters)

        # Attempt to query the data using Named Table interface
        # Also test filtering on mv's
        key_space = NamedKeyspace(ks)
        mv_monthly = key_space.table("monthlyhigh")
        mv_all_time = key_space.table("alltimehigh")
        self.assertTrue(self.check_table_size("scores", key_space, len(parameters)))
        self.assertTrue(self.check_table_size("monthlyhigh", key_space, len(parameters)))
        self.assertTrue(self.check_table_size("alltimehigh", key_space, len(parameters)))

        filtered_mv_monthly_objects = mv_monthly.objects.filter(game='Chess', year=2015, month=6)
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_mv_monthly_objects), 1)
        self.assertEqual(filtered_mv_monthly_objects[0]['score'], 3500)
        self.assertEqual(filtered_mv_monthly_objects[0]['user'], 'jbellis')
        filtered_mv_alltime_objects = mv_all_time.objects.filter(game='Chess')
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_mv_alltime_objects), 2)
        self.assertEqual(filtered_mv_alltime_objects[0]['score'], 3500)