def register_connection(name, hosts=None, consistency=None, lazy_connect=False,
                        retry_connect=False, cluster_options=None, default=False,
    Add a connection to the connection registry. ``hosts`` and ``session`` are
    mutually exclusive, and ``consistency``, ``lazy_connect``,
    ``retry_connect``, and ``cluster_options`` only work with ``hosts``. Using
    ``hosts`` will create a new :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster` and

    :param list hosts: list of hosts, (``contact_points`` for :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster`).
    :param int consistency: The default :class:`~.ConsistencyLevel` for the
        registered connection's new session. Default is the same as
        :attr:`.Session.default_consistency_level`. For use with ``hosts`` only;
        will fail when used with ``session``.
    :param bool lazy_connect: True if should not connect until first use. For
        use with ``hosts`` only; will fail when used with ``session``.
    :param bool retry_connect: True if we should retry to connect even if there
        was a connection failure initially. For use with ``hosts`` only; will
        fail when used with ``session``.
    :param dict cluster_options: A dict of options to be used as keyword
        arguments to :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster`. For use with ``hosts``
        only; will fail when used with ``session``.
    :param bool default: If True, set the new connection as the cqlengine
    :param Session session: A :class:`cassandra.cluster.Session` to be used in
        the created connection.

    if name in _connections:
        log.warning("Registering connection '{0}' when it already exists.".format(name))

    if session is not None:
        invalid_config_args = (hosts is not None or
                               consistency is not None or
                               lazy_connect is not False or
                               retry_connect is not False or
                               cluster_options is not None)
        if invalid_config_args:
            raise CQLEngineException(
                "Session configuration arguments and 'session' argument are mutually exclusive"
        conn = Connection.from_session(name, session=session)
    else:  # use hosts argument
        if consistency is None:
            consistency = ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE
        conn = Connection(
            name, hosts=hosts,
            consistency=consistency, lazy_connect=lazy_connect,
            retry_connect=retry_connect, cluster_options=cluster_options

    _connections[name] = conn

    if default:

    return conn
Exemple #2
 def _inst_batch(self, batch):
     assert self._timeout is connection.NOT_SET, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported'
     if self._connection:
         raise CQLEngineException(
             "Cannot specify a connection on model in batch mode.")
     self._batch = batch
     return self
def set_session(s):
    Configures the default connection with a preexisting :class:`cassandra.cluster.Session`

    Note: the mapper presently requires a Session :attr:`~.row_factory` set to ``dict_factory``.
    This may be relaxed in the future

        conn = get_connection()
    except CQLEngineException:
        # no default connection set; initalize one
        register_connection('default', session=s, default=True)
        conn = get_connection()

    if conn.session:
        log.warning("configuring new default connection for cqlengine when one was already set")

    if s.row_factory is not dict_factory:
        raise CQLEngineException("Failed to initialize: 'Session.row_factory' must be 'dict_factory'.")
    conn.session = s
    conn.cluster = s.cluster

    # Set default keyspace from given session's keyspace
    if conn.session.keyspace:
        from cassandra.cqlengine import models
        models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = conn.session.keyspace


    log.debug("cqlengine default connection initialized with %s", s)
Exemple #4
 async def _async_execute(self, statement):
     connection = (self.instance._get_connection()
                   if self.instance else self.model._get_connection())
     if self._batch:
         if self._batch._connection:
             if (not self._batch._connection_explicit and connection
                     and connection != self._batch._connection):
                 raise CQLEngineException(
                     "BatchQuery queries must be executed "
                     "on the same connection")
             # set the BatchQuery connection from the model
             self._batch._connection = connection
         return self._batch.add_query(statement)
         results = await _execute_statement(
         if self._if_not_exists or self._if_exists or self._conditional:
         return results
    def setup(self):
        """Setup the connection"""
        global cluster, session

        if 'username' in self.cluster_options or 'password' in self.cluster_options:
            raise CQLEngineException("Username & Password are now handled by using the native driver's auth_provider")

        if self.lazy_connect:

        self.cluster = Cluster(self.hosts, **self.cluster_options)
            self.session = self.cluster.connect()
            log.debug(format_log_context("connection initialized with internally created session",
        except NoHostAvailable:
            if self.retry_connect:
                log.warning(format_log_context("connect failed, setting up for re-attempt on first use",
                self.lazy_connect = True

        if self.consistency is not None:
            self.session.default_consistency_level = self.consistency

        if DEFAULT_CONNECTION in _connections and _connections[DEFAULT_CONNECTION] == self:
            cluster = _connections[DEFAULT_CONNECTION].cluster
            session = _connections[DEFAULT_CONNECTION].session

Exemple #6
    def iff(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Adds IF statements to queryset"""
        if len([x for x in kwargs.values() if x is None]):
            raise CQLEngineException("None values on iff are not allowed")

        clone = copy.deepcopy(self)
        for operator in args:
            if not isinstance(operator, ConditionalClause):
                raise QueryException('{0} is not a valid query operator'.format(operator))

        for arg, val in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance(val, Token):
                raise QueryException("Token() values are not valid in conditionals")

            col_name, col_op = self._parse_filter_arg(arg)
                column = self.model._get_column(col_name)
            except KeyError:
                raise QueryException("Can't resolve column name: '{0}'".format(col_name))

            if isinstance(val, BaseQueryFunction):
                query_val = val
                query_val = column.to_database(val)

            operator_class = BaseWhereOperator.get_operator(col_op or 'EQ')
            operator = operator_class()
            clone._conditional.append(WhereClause(column.db_field_name, operator, query_val))

        return clone
def get_cluster():
    if not cluster:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "%s.cluster is not configured. Call one of the setup or default functions first."
            % __name__)
    return cluster
def execute(query, params=None, consistency_level=None, timeout=NOT_SET):


    if not session:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "It is required to setup() cqlengine before executing queries")

    if isinstance(query, Statement):

    elif isinstance(query, BaseCQLStatement):
        params = query.get_context()
        query = str(query)
        query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level)

    elif isinstance(query, six.string_types):
        query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level)


    params = params or {}
    result = session.execute(query, params, timeout=timeout)

    return result
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self,
     :param batch_type: (optional) One of batch type values available through BatchType enum
     :type batch_type: str or None
     :param timestamp: (optional) A datetime or timedelta object with desired timestamp to be applied
         to the batch transaction.
     :type timestamp: datetime or timedelta or None
     :param consistency: (optional) One of consistency values ("ANY", "ONE", "QUORUM" etc)
     :type consistency: The :class:`.ConsistencyLevel` to be used for the batch query, or None.
     :param execute_on_exception: (Defaults to False) Indicates that when the BatchQuery instance is used
         as a context manager the queries accumulated within the context must be executed despite
         encountering an error within the context. By default, any exception raised from within
         the context scope will cause the batched queries not to be executed.
     :type execute_on_exception: bool
     :param timeout: (optional) Timeout for the entire batch (in seconds), if not specified fallback
         to default session timeout
     :type timeout: float or None
     self.queries = []
     self.batch_type = batch_type
     if timestamp is not None and not isinstance(timestamp,
                                                 (datetime, timedelta)):
         raise CQLEngineException(
             'timestamp object must be an instance of datetime')
     self.timestamp = timestamp
     self._consistency = consistency
     self._execute_on_exception = execute_on_exception
     self._timeout = timeout
     self._callbacks = []
def set_session(s):
    Configures the global mapper connection with a preexisting :class:`cassandra.cluster.Session`

    Note: the mapper presently requires a Session :attr:`~.row_factory` set to ``dict_factory``.
    This may be relaxed in the future
    global cluster, session

    if session:
            "configuring new connection for cqlengine when one was already set"

    if s.row_factory is not dict_factory:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "Failed to initialize: 'Session.row_factory' must be 'dict_factory'."
    session = s
    cluster = s.cluster

    # Set default keyspace from given session's keyspace if not already set
    from cassandra.cqlengine import models
    if not models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE and session.keyspace:
        models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = session.keyspace


    log.debug("cqlengine connection initialized with %s", s)
Exemple #11
    def test_connection_register_called_second_time(
            self, connection_mock):
        settings = self.cassandra_connection.settings_dict
        CassandraConnection('default', **settings)
        connection_mock.get_connection.side_effect = CQLEngineException()

Exemple #12
def get_cluster(connection=None):
    conn = get_connection(connection)
    if not conn.cluster:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "%s.cluster is not configured. Call one of the setup or default functions first."
            % __name__)
    return conn.cluster
Exemple #13
def execute(query,

    conn = get_connection(connection)

    if not conn.session:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "It is required to setup() cqlengine before executing queries")

    if isinstance(query, SimpleStatement):
        pass  #
    elif isinstance(query, BaseCQLStatement):
        params = query.get_context()
        query = SimpleStatement(str(query),
    elif isinstance(query, six.string_types):
        query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level)

    log.debug(format_log_context(query.query_string, connection=connection))

    result = conn.session.execute(query, params, timeout=timeout)

    return result
Exemple #14
    def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Adds WHERE arguments to the queryset, returning a new queryset

        See :ref:`retrieving-objects-with-filters`

        Returns a QuerySet filtered on the keyword arguments
        # add arguments to the where clause filters
        if len([x for x in kwargs.values() if x is None]):
            raise CQLEngineException("None values on filter are not allowed")

        clone = copy.deepcopy(self)
        for operator in args:
            if not isinstance(operator, WhereClause):
                raise QueryException('{0} is not a valid query operator'.format(operator))

        for arg, val in kwargs.items():
            col_name, col_op = self._parse_filter_arg(arg)
            quote_field = True
            # resolve column and operator
                column = self.model._get_column(col_name)
            except KeyError:
                if col_name == 'pk__token':
                    if not isinstance(val, Token):
                        raise QueryException("Virtual column 'pk__token' may only be compared to Token() values")
                    column = columns._PartitionKeysToken(self.model)
                    quote_field = False
                    raise QueryException("Can't resolve column name: '{0}'".format(col_name))

            if isinstance(val, Token):
                if col_name != 'pk__token':
                    raise QueryException("Token() values may only be compared to the 'pk__token' virtual column")
                partition_columns = column.partition_columns
                if len(partition_columns) != len(val.value):
                    raise QueryException(
                        'Token() received {0} arguments but model has {1} partition keys'.format(
                            len(val.value), len(partition_columns)))

            # get query operator, or use equals if not supplied
            operator_class = BaseWhereOperator.get_operator(col_op or 'EQ')
            operator = operator_class()

            if isinstance(operator, InOperator):
                if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
                    raise QueryException('IN queries must use a list/tuple value')
                query_val = [column.to_database(v) for v in val]
            elif isinstance(val, BaseQueryFunction):
                query_val = val
                query_val = column.to_database(val)

            clone._where.append(WhereClause(column.db_field_name, operator, query_val, quote_field=quote_field))

        return clone
Exemple #15
 def _execute_query(self):
     if self._batch:
         raise CQLEngineException(
             "Only inserts, updates, and deletes are available in batch mode"
     if self._result_cache is None:
         self._result_cache = list(self._execute(self._select_query()))
         self._construct_result = self._get_result_constructor()
Exemple #16
def setup(hosts,
    Setup a the driver connection used by the mapper

    :param list hosts: list of hosts, (``contact_points`` for :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster`)
    :param str default_keyspace: The default keyspace to use
    :param int consistency: The global default :class:`~.ConsistencyLevel`
    :param bool lazy_connect: True if should not connect until first use
    :param bool retry_connect: True if we should retry to connect even if there was a connection failure initially
    :param \*\*kwargs: Pass-through keyword arguments for :class:`cassandra.cluster.Cluster`
    global cluster, session, default_consistency_level, lazy_connect_args

    if 'username' in kwargs or 'password' in kwargs:
        raise CQLEngineException(
            "Username & Password are now handled by using the native driver's auth_provider"

    if not default_keyspace:
        raise UndefinedKeyspaceException()

    from cassandra.cqlengine import models
    models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = default_keyspace

    default_consistency_level = consistency
    if lazy_connect:
        kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace
        kwargs['consistency'] = consistency
        kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False
        kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect
        lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs)

    cluster = Cluster(hosts, **kwargs)
        session = cluster.connect()
            "cqlengine connection initialized with internally created session")
    except NoHostAvailable:
        if retry_connect:
                "connect failed, setting up for re-attempt on first use")
            kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace
            kwargs['consistency'] = consistency
            kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False
            kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect
            lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs)
    session.row_factory = dict_factory

Exemple #17
 def _get_partition_keys(self):
         table_meta = get_cluster(self._get_connection()).metadata.keyspaces[self.keyspace].tables[]
         self.__partition_keys = OrderedDict(
             (, Column(primary_key=True, partition_key=True, for pk in
     except Exception as e:
         raise CQLEngineException("Failed inspecting partition keys for {0}."
                                  "Ensure cqlengine is connected before attempting this with NamedTable.".format(
Exemple #18
def set_default_connection(name):
    global cluster, session

    if name not in _connections:
        raise CQLEngineException("Connection '{0}' doesn't exist.".format(name))

    log.debug("Connection '{0}' has been set as default.".format(name))
    _connections[DEFAULT_CONNECTION] = _connections[name]
    cluster = _connections[name].cluster
    session = _connections[name].session
Exemple #19
    def batch(self, batch_obj):
        Set a batch object to run the query on.

        Note: running a select query with a batch object will raise an exception
        if batch_obj is not None and not isinstance(batch_obj, BatchQuery):
            raise CQLEngineException('batch_obj must be a BatchQuery instance or None')
        clone = copy.deepcopy(self)
        clone._batch = batch_obj
        return clone
Exemple #20
    def delete(self):
        """ Deletes one instance """
        if self.instance is None:
            raise CQLEngineException("DML Query instance attribute is None")

        ds = DeleteStatement(self.column_family_name, timestamp=self._timestamp, conditionals=self._conditional, if_exists=self._if_exists)
        for name, col in self.model._primary_keys.items():
            val = getattr(self.instance, name)
            if val is None and not col.partition_key:
            ds.add_where(col, EqualsOperator(), val)
Exemple #21
    def _execute_query(self):
        if self._batch:
            raise CQLEngineException("Only inserts, updates, and deletes are available in batch mode")
        if self._result_cache is None:
            self._result_generator = (i for i in self._execute(self._select_query()))
            self._result_cache = []
            self._construct_result = self._maybe_inject_deferred(self._get_result_constructor())

            # "DISTINCT COUNT()" is not supported in C* < 2.2, so we need to materialize all results to get
            # len() and count() working with DISTINCT queries
            if self._materialize_results or self._distinct_fields:
Exemple #22
def get_connection(name=None):

    if not name:

    if name not in _connections:
        raise CQLEngineException("Connection name '{0}' doesn't exist in the registry.".format(name))

    conn = _connections[name]

    return conn
Exemple #23
    async def async_save(self):
        Creates / updates a row.
        This is a blind insert call.
        All validation and cleaning needs to happen
        prior to calling this.
        if self.instance is None:
            raise CQLEngineException("DML Query intance attribute is None")
        assert type(self.instance) == self.model

        nulled_fields = set()
        if self.instance._has_counter or self.instance._can_update():
            if self.instance._has_counter:
                warn("'create' and 'save' actions on Counters are deprecated. "
                     "A future version will disallow this. Use the 'update' "
                     "mechanism instead.")
            return await self.async_update()
            insert = InsertStatement(
            static_save_only = (False if len(self.instance._clustering_keys)
                                == 0 else True)
            for name, col in self.instance._clustering_keys.items():
                static_save_only = static_save_only and col._val_is_null(
                    getattr(self.instance, name, None))
            for name, col in self.instance._columns.items():
                if (static_save_only and not col.static
                        and not col.partition_key):
                val = getattr(self.instance, name, None)
                if col._val_is_null(val):
                    if self.instance._values[name].changed:
                if col.has_default and not self.instance._values[name].changed:
                    # Ensure default columns included in a save()
                    # are marked as explicit, to get them *persisted* properly
                    self.instance._values[name].explicit = True
                insert.add_assignment(col, getattr(self.instance, name, None))

        # skip query execution if it's empty
        # caused by pointless update queries
        if not insert.is_empty:
            await self._async_execute(insert)
        # delete any nulled columns
        if not static_save_only:
Exemple #24
    def column_family_name(cls, include_keyspace=True):
        Returns the column family name if it's been defined
        otherwise, it creates it from the module and class name
        cf_name = protect_name(cls._raw_column_family_name())
        if include_keyspace:
            keyspace = cls._get_keyspace()
            if not keyspace:
                raise CQLEngineException("Model keyspace is not set and no default is available. Set model keyspace or setup connection before attempting to generate a query.")
            return '{0}.{1}'.format(protect_name(keyspace), cf_name)

        return cf_name
    def test_register_connection_called_first_time_with_proper_options(
            self, connection_mock):

        settings = self.cassandra_connection.settings_dict
        connection = CassandraConnection('default', **settings)
        connection_mock.get_connection.side_effect = CQLEngineException()
def _validate_pk(model, table_meta):
    model_partition = [c.db_field_name for c in model._partition_keys.values()]
    meta_partition = [ for c in table_meta.partition_key]
    model_clustering = [c.db_field_name for c in model._clustering_keys.values()]
    meta_clustering = [ for c in table_meta.clustering_key]

    if model_partition != meta_partition or model_clustering != meta_clustering:
        def _pk_string(partition, clustering):
            return "PRIMARY KEY (({0}){1})".format(', '.join(partition), ', ' + ', '.join(clustering) if clustering else '')
        raise CQLEngineException("Model {0} PRIMARY KEY composition does not match existing table {1}. "
                                 "Model: {2}; Table: {3}. "
                                 "Update model or drop the table.".format(model, model.column_family_name(),
                                                                          _pk_string(model_partition, model_clustering),
                                                                          _pk_string(meta_partition, meta_clustering)))
Exemple #27
    def count(self):
        Returns the number of rows matched by this query
        if self._batch:
            raise CQLEngineException("Only inserts, updates, and deletes are available in batch mode")

        if self._result_cache is None:
            query = self._select_query()
            query.count = True
            result = self._execute(query)
            return result[0]['count']
            return len(self._result_cache)
Exemple #28
    def update(self):
        updates a row.
        This is a blind update call.
        All validation and cleaning needs to happen
        prior to calling this.
        if self.instance is None:
            raise CQLEngineException("DML Query intance attribute is None")
        assert type(self.instance) == self.model
        null_clustering_key = False if len(self.instance._clustering_keys) == 0 else True
        static_changed_only = True
        statement = UpdateStatement(self.column_family_name, ttl=self._ttl, timestamp=self._timestamp,
                                    conditionals=self._conditional, if_exists=self._if_exists)
        for name, col in self.instance._clustering_keys.items():
            null_clustering_key = null_clustering_key and col._val_is_null(getattr(self.instance, name, None))

        updated_columns = set()
        # get defined fields and their column names
        for name, col in self.model._columns.items():
            # if clustering key is null, don't include non static columns
            if null_clustering_key and not col.static and not col.partition_key:
            if not col.is_primary_key:
                val = getattr(self.instance, name, None)
                val_mgr = self.instance._values[name]

                if val is None:

                if not val_mgr.changed and not isinstance(col, columns.Counter):

                static_changed_only = static_changed_only and col.static
                statement.add_update(col, val, previous=val_mgr.previous_value)

        if statement.assignments:
            for name, col in self.model._primary_keys.items():
                # only include clustering key if clustering key is not null, and non static columns are changed to avoid cql error
                if (null_clustering_key or static_changed_only) and (not col.partition_key):
                statement.add_where(col, EqualsOperator(), getattr(self.instance, name))

        if not null_clustering_key:
            # remove conditions on fields that have been updated
            delete_conditionals = [condition for condition in self._conditional
                                   if condition.field not in updated_columns] if self._conditional else None
Exemple #29
    def __init__(self, model, keyspace=None):
        :param model: A model. This should be a class type, not an instance.
        :param keyspace: (optional) A keyspace name
        from cassandra.cqlengine import models

        if not issubclass(model, models.Model):
            raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")

        ks = keyspace if keyspace else model.__keyspace__
        new_type = type(model.__name__, (model,), {'__keyspace__': ks})

        self.model = new_type
Exemple #30
    def __get__(self, obj, model):
        """ :rtype: ModelQuerySet """
        if model.__abstract__:
            raise CQLEngineException('cannot execute queries against abstract models')
        queryset = model.__queryset__(model)

        # if this is a concrete polymorphic model, and the discriminator
        # key is an indexed column, add a filter clause to only return
        # logical rows of the proper type
        if model._is_polymorphic and not model._is_polymorphic_base:
            name, column = model._discriminator_column_name, model._discriminator_column
            if column.partition_key or column.index:
                # look for existing poly types
                return queryset.filter(**{name: model.__discriminator_value__})

        return queryset